nursery rhymes

Chapter 13 The Singing Lily

Chapter 13 The Singing Lily
Zhuge Yang sat on the swivel chair next to Gibbon, with the back of his head resting on the backrest, and his breathing relaxed at some point.

Gibbon's delighted exclamation was almost synchronized with Yin Zihe's rushing in like a cannonball from the door.

"It's done." "Team Yang."

Zhuge Yang sat up with his body bounced, and it took a while for his eyes to focus.

It was the first time that Yin Zihe was assigned a task by Zhuge Yang, the new captain, and he successfully completed it. He excitedly squeezed out of Gibbon's chair and took the lead in talking. "Captain Yang, what do you think I found?"

Zhuge Yang calmed down, pinched his forehead and temples, and said in a low voice: "Fu Mingyang domestically abused He Ya. He Zhi filmed the video without telling He Ya, and then posted the video online."

Yin Zihe's little tiger teeth that ran out of the corner of his mouth due to excitement slowly retracted, and he sat down at the table dejectedly. "Captain Yang, if I don't take you like this, you have already said everything. What else can I say? I have no sense of accomplishment at all."

Gibbon took advantage of the opportunity to push the man with his butt half-crotched away from the table, muttering not to touch his mouse and keyboard.Then he took advantage of the situation and showed Zhuge Yang the data of Feng Yaozhong's video account that he had recovered.

In Feng Yaozhong’s video account, almost all the people who add friends and chat are women.In his transaction records, there are dozens of records of rewarding female anchors.Among the more than 400 videos in the collection, all are of beautiful anchors dancing.

Zhuge Yang looked around and couldn't find the name 'Hard-working Sunflower'.

Yin Zihe smacked his lips and said, "Feng Yaozhong has such good taste."

"Stop, click on this recently contacted chat history." Zhuge Yang's index finger clicked on the avatar of a catwoman named 'Singing Lily' on the screen.

The last sentence in the chat record is: See you or see you.

Looking through the records further, I found out that it was this 'Singing Lily' who asked Feng Yaozhong to come to Beidaihe to meet.

The content of the agreement reads: 3:31 pm on March 11, under the sycamore tree on West Beach Road.You brought red roses, I brought some soju, and we talked on the bench.The accompanying picture shows an ambiguous and shy expression.

Zhuge Yang printed out the chat history between the two, called up the account of 'Singing Lily', and looked through the other party's past short videos.

What Yin Zihe wanted to complain about but didn't finish, Zhuge Yang now wanted to complete it.

In the video, the person swaying and dancing in a tight dress has makeup on her face that can only be described as horrifying.Snow-white face, bright red lips, and eyelashes that look extremely thick.The bridge of the nose is even more deeply shaded, making it look slender and tall.

Zhuge Yang threw down his phone with a headache, and the exciting dance music in the short video was still playing.He dared to say that even if the blogger's biological mother saw her, she would not recognize her.

"Captain Yang, can I tell you the results of the investigation now?" Yin Zihe was still excited, and dragged his chair to lean against Zhuge Yang's station.

The way he looks now is exactly the same as when Zhuge Yang wanted to ask for a compliment from his master.

Zhuge Yang nodded, picked up the phone on the table, and pressed the off button.

Yin Zihe first talked about how he tried so hard to persuade Hezhi, and then said that Hezhi was moved by his sincerity and dedicated image and even cried.Only when Zhuge Yang frowned impatiently did Yin Zihe get to the point.

"While Hezhi was living in Heya's house, Fu Mingyang domestically abused Heya and aborted her. After that, Heya was incontinent for a long time. Hezhi secretly recorded the video and saved it, trying to persuade her to Heya called the police as evidence of domestic violence."

"Heya had a free love marriage with Fu Mingyang, but her parents did not agree. Heya married Fu Mingyang only after she and her family were about to break up. Heya has a stubborn temper. Not only did Heya not agree to call the police, she would not divorce, and she was not allowed to get married. Zhi told the family the news." "So, the sisters have quarreled many times because of this."

Zhuge Yang tapped his fingertips on the table, integrating the information he heard in his mind.

He Ya had suffered a miscarriage and incontinence due to domestic violence, the blood splattered all over Fu Mingyang's neck at the scene of his murder, and the phrase "rain pouring all over the floor" in the nursery rhyme all corresponded to it.

From the nursery rhyme with Xiaohu's name chosen at the scene of Feng Yaozhong's child abuse and murder, to the allusive nursery rhyme at the scene of Fu Mingyang's domestic violence and the murder of his wife, we can see that the murderer planned and designed very cleverly.

Was the other party telling them in this cryptic way that the two victims deserved to die?
Gibbon exported the records of Fu Mingyang's short video account, and Yin Zihe also asked He Zhi for his friend list.

"Singing Lily" also appeared in Fu Mingyang's short video account. Different from Feng Yaozhong's chat history, "Singing Lily" sent Fu Mingyang a photo of him kissing someone.She also threatened to publish the photos to Fu Mingyang's school if she did not come to Beidaihe to see her.

Zhuge Yang invited He Zhi to the meeting room and explained the connection with her clearly.

"We found this person called 'Hardworking Sunflower' in your short video account. She took the initiative to add you as a friend and asked you about the affairs between He Ya and Fu Mingyang. This photo of Fu Mingyang kissing someone else, It was also what you sent to the other party."

Hezhi opened his mouth to say something, but Zhuge Yang raised his hand to interrupt.

"Listen to me first and see if what I say is right. You saw Heya being domestically abused but you insisted on enduring it. You couldn't get angry, so you posted the video online. You were afraid of bringing trouble to Heya, so you deliberately put the two of them together. His face was mosaiced. Later, this guy named 'Hard-working Sunflower' added you as a friend to find out more about the situation. You were filled with indignation and said everything. Not only did you say that Fu Mingyang was not only a domestic violence but also cheating, he was not worthy of being a teacher. You also said that Fu Mingyang was not worthy of being a teacher. Fu Mingyang is competing for the director at school. Have you ever had any doubts after Fu Mingyang's accident? "

Hezhi bit his lip and lowered his head.

"But you kept hiding anything and refused to say anything. How big of a detour did you make us take? Hezhi, do you feel that the murderer is doing justice for God and that Fu Mingyang deserves his death?"

He Zhi suddenly raised his head this time, his eyes slightly red. "Isn't it true? Fu Mingyang beat my sister half to death, and he was also killing someone. Isn't the child my sister aborted also a life?"

Zhuge Yang asked her an irrelevant question: "How old are you this year?"

"21, what's wrong?" Hezhi wiped his eyes angrily.

"Understand the law. Do you know why the law is made, why there are police and courts?"

He Zhi didn't speak, but his tears couldn't be wiped clean.

Zhuge Yang took the tissue box on the conference table and pushed it over, his tone softened. "Fortunately, you were just complaining passionately about Fu Mingyang's various mistakes in your account, and didn't realize the other party's real purpose of obtaining information. Otherwise, you would be charged with abetting murder, do you understand?"

"At any time, trust the police, you shouldn't hide it from us."

Hezhi was almost crying, the more he cried, the louder the movement.

Zhuge Yang temporarily exited the conference room and closed the glass door.

(End of this chapter)

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