Chapter 103 The Apostle of Flowers

Liao Yu never spoke. Any words would be a burden in such an occasion, and silent communication was enough.

The core of the apostle, exuding rich magic power, rotated in the palm of Liao Yu's palm. On the dark green chess piece, you could still see an emerald green crack, which was exactly where Wilsey had attacked him.

The core of the apostle cannot be exposed for too long.

Especially if it is damaged.

Urgent need, return to the master's body.

Neither the old owner.

Still new owner.

How could Welsh who came here didn't understand what Liao Yu meant.

The elf's amber eyes stared intently at her professor.

And from Liao Yu's eyes, Wilsey could see that Liao Yu's words were the biggest promise the professor had ever given her.

will be with her.
Fight against the demons.

Will help her complete her revenge against the demons.

Now, the opportunity is in front of you.

The elf finally looked away.

He set his sights on the apostle core in Liao Yu's hand.

In fact, Velxi agreed in her heart with what Gu Luodan said before, that strength requires a price.

It might be time for her to move on and grow too.

She didn't want to be powerless again and again, and send out powerless pain in her heart.

Even if
Become what she hates and hates.


Wilhelm firmly believes that there is no right or wrong, good or evil in power, some
Just a user of power.

If this is the "graduation exam" given to her by the professor.

Welch doesn't want to be an errand student anymore.

This time her.

Want to be a top student.

Then, Wilsey stretched out her hand.

The elf picked up the apostle core.

The moment she touched this dark green chess piece, the will from the demon began to erode her crazily, screaming and roaring in her mind, making crazy whispers, distorting her soul, as if wanting to To assimilate her and make her follow the tradition of the Xu Demon Clan, even if she becomes a new apostle, she must be "Evil Velxi".

Do not!
In the sea of ​​evil will, Wilsey tried her best and gritted her teeth to resist. She knew very well that once she really gave up and allowed the core to merge with herself, the dark evil would completely engulf her soul.

However, for a new-generation elf like Wilhelm, trying to compete with the inheritance of the demon race is simply like a fly shaking a tree.

She is like a boat that is in danger and will be overturned by the will of the demon at any time. She is on the verge of disintegration and falling. Once she falls into the ocean of the will of the demon, even if she fuses the core, it is the core that controls her, not She controls the core.

Demons will still have a demon.

It's just that the name was changed from "Guluodan" to "Velxi".

In fact, this is also the acquiescence of the other apostles around. No one thought that this elf princess could resist the will of the demon inheritance, and being assimilated was the destined end of Wilhelm.

An invisible thin line connected Versy with another existence when she was about to collapse and the elf boat was about to be swallowed by the sea of ​​evil.

Another existence that can calm the turbulent sea of ​​demons in an instant, and can make the restless, vain attempt to reform Vercy's demon heritage, suddenly mute the existence.

Among the demons, there is only one who has such a strong oppressive power and unquestionable dominance.


The thin thread was drawn to Versy's wrist, and the other end was connected to Liao Yu.

Thin threads turned into vines, wicker weaved into Velxi's new boat, clusters of flowers bloomed at the feet of the elf, and the rich power of nature began to fight back against the sea of ​​demons.

After waking up, Wei Erxi stared blankly at the thin thread that saved her.

That is
Princess Connect!

It was she who gave Liao Yu a once-in-a-lifetime connection with her as a princess in order to "save" Professor Liao Yu.

Who would have thought.

At the beginning, she never thought that this connection would be of great help to her at this time.


Liao Yu obtained the natural destiny of the elves by relying on "Princess Link".

And why didn't Vercy rely on the current connection with him as the "devil king" to resist the core of the apostles, and truly use her own will to write a new chapter for the inheritance of the demon race.

Under the double blessing of "Natural" destiny and "Devil King", more and more flowers bloom in the sea of ​​Versy's consciousness, and the filthy sea belonging to the will of demons began to retreat steadily at this time, and began to turn back. Come here, to be devoured by Vercy.


Bloom to your heart's content.

The sea of ​​flowers that belonged to Wilhelm, belonged to elves, and belonged to nature bloomed in the spiritual world, constantly filling the core of the apostles.


The outer one was dark green, symbolizing the core chess piece of the demon, and now it is also beginning to change, becoming crystal clear, changing in shape, and finally condensed into a brand new blooming flower belonging to Vercy.

This appearance surprised even the rest of the apostles, it was an ending they had never expected.

In the next moment, the flower-shaped apostle core was completely absorbed by Velxi. After integrating into the elf's body, she closed her eyes tightly, and a majestic and powerful aura began to rise steadily on the elf's body.

Tier [-], Tier [-], Tier [-], Tier [-], Tier [-], Tier [-], Tier [-] Peak!

On Liao Yu's panel, Wilsey finally stopped at "level 89" before finally ending her rapid growth in strength.

And the portrait of the elves
It is also the current appearance of Welsh, which also changed after she absorbed the core.

The blond hair and blue eyes that once belonged to the elves are gone.


It was the long silver waterfall hair like a silver moon.

He inherited the demon clan, but his eyes were not scarlet, but more like rose-red amber.

It is the "adult girl" Welsh who has faded away from her childishness, as if she has truly transformed from a princess to a queen, and has become more resolute and courageous.

The elf after everything is over, no, it's not over yet, there is still one last step left.

When Vercy opened her eyes again, she flipped her wrist, and a magic sword of flowers emerged in her hand, her bare feet stepped on the ground, and the wreathed anklet swayed step by step with the elf.

Facing Gu Luodan, who had been bound by the other apostles, unable to resist and unable to move, under Velxi's ruthless red eyes, the demon was filled with unwillingness. He looked at the elf who had inherited his position and held up the flower. The demonic sword struck at his head.

With the beheading of Glordan, the complete end of the demons also means the birth of the new sixth apostle.

At this moment, every tree in the Imperial City of Illinois seemed to be swaying its branches and leaves to express celebration.

Every flower is in full bloom, offering blessings for the birth of the Queen.

In the forest on the outskirts, hundreds of birds took off, hovering high above the Royal City, causing countless citizens of the Imperial City of Illinois to look up into the sky and marvel at this strange sight.

Similarly, the magician who built the "Demon King's Tower" for Liao Yu and the demons was not on the spot. He was also the magician who served as the "historian" of the demons. Dadaya also felt it.

Jumo temporarily put down what he was doing.

He opened a book in his arms.

That is the book of sorcerers.

As a scholar, he is only qualified to appear on and record the important events of the demon clan.

Dadaya is holding a quill.

After a little thought for a while.

The words "evil" as the sixth apostle were erased from the original demon history book.

Then he wrote down, very gentlemanly, a new name that was more elegant and poetic.

The sixth apostle - the apostle of flowers

(End of this chapter)

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