Chapter 102 The Apostle of Flowers

"Oh, my dear little one, take it easy."

Grodan opened his arms, signaling to Wilsey not to be so vigilant towards him, as he was not hostile.

"You and I were betrayed by the same person, Miss Wilsey, don't you desire revenge?"

The evil spirits lure them steadily.

Ever since he was beheaded by Liao Yu, Gu Luodan immediately understood that Wang Na's determination to destroy him, especially on his body, "just happened" to carry the piece that was taken from the human emissary. , a savior relic from the Magi of the Empire.

Now he can't tell even if he quibbles.

So without any hesitation, the demon immediately dragged its seriously injured real body and ran out of the chaotic rift.

As for the evil demon clan, it doesn't matter, as long as he can live.

As long as he, Ancient Lordan, is here, it will be easy to transform as many demons as he wants from other races.

Because the "projection" was beheaded by the holy sword, although the current Gu Luodan still has his life, he can't even use [-]% of his usual strength. He fled in a hurry, and he didn't care about bringing some other props. caught.

It's not that Glordan didn't want to, but those items, because they have been with him for too long, have been tainted with a strong apostolic atmosphere, and this is simply the best coordinate for the king and other apostles.

That's why Old Luodan didn't bring anything with him, and he didn't dare to use a trace of magic power, for fear that his apostle breath would leak out, which made him hide until now.

According to common sense, he should try his best to escape, but Gu Luodan did the opposite. He was gambling on the chance of being dark under the lamp.

The evil spirits have been lurking in the king's city all the time, but they were not discovered by the king and other apostles who were chasing after them.

But hiding forever like this is not an option. Grodan knew that if he wanted to escape, he had to find another bait to replace him and attract the attention of the king and the other apostles.

That is.
Let others share the apostolic breath on him.

Become a fake "sixth apostle" to cover him.

This "substitute" is not so easy to find.

It doesn't mean that it is enough to just pull a human from the street. Even if he is willing to bear the pain and give half of his "Apostle Core" to the other party as bait, the other party must be able to withstand the powerful power of the "Core". OK.

With today's weak human beings, it is simply impossible.

But maybe it's the path of the sky without magic.

In the royal city, there really was one, for Gu Luodan, who was an extremely perfect substitute, allowing him to complete the plan of "Golden Cicada's Escape".

That's right.

It was the elf princess in front of her, who was teased by the king and then abandoned.

"Poor little guy, it seems you still have illusions about that person. Let me reveal all the truth to you."

Gu Luodan originally thought that after he proposed revenge, coupled with the bewitching of his demonic voice, the elves should fall soon, but seeing Versie's appearance, he did not waver in the slightest, on the contrary, he became even more hostile to him.

The evil spirit was a little annoyed, but fortunately, he also had a backup plan.

Gu Luodan hooked his hands towards another shadowy corner, and a human girl walked out slowly. When Vercy saw her appearance, her expression changed immediately.

"Miss Heila!?"

Wilhelm recognized the girl.

It is the eldest daughter of Professor Yeno.

Now Hela lowered her head and said to Velxi in a voice of hatred:

"It's Liao Yu, everything is Professor Liao Yu, his father, he was forced! It was all forced by that person! Professor Liao Yu killed our whole family, brainwashed my father, my mother, and my sister, all of them. Woohoo" At the end, Hela broke down in tears.

Infecting the opposite elf with strong emotions.

At this time, Gu Luodan cooperated and continued: "Little guy, don't you understand now, from the beginning to the end, you have always been just the king's toy, and everything about you is designed by the king." , to the king, you are like a mouse under the cat's claws, and the king is enjoying the feeling of hunting."

"Child, look at this picture again, the elves above should be your compatriots, right?"

Grodan waved his palm, and with the faint green magic power, he outlined several pictures on the ground.

The ones above are the corpses of the elves who were tortured and destroyed by Ariel.

Some of their teeth were pulled out, some of their skin was burned, and they all suffered unsightly abuse. Versie suddenly became short of breath. She stared at the compatriots in the picture, and of course she recognized it. Those who were supposed to come to Wangcheng to meet her but lost contact.

"It's too miserable." The demon tsk tsk.

"I feel sad for them. The king tortured them for three days and three nights. They still kept the secret for you and never revealed it. The king behind him used evil magic to spare their souls. After extracting them, they got Got all the information.”

"This is also why the king was able to find you and why he was able to find your elves."

Grodan's mouth curled into a smile.

Once talking about the elves, sure enough, the emotions on the opposite side of Versie began to get out of control, and began to hover on the verge of collapse.

"That's right, child, your elves are gone too. That night, the king led five apostles to surround you in the suburbs, all your compatriots, even those young elves, Even a baby who is only a few years old, the king did not let go."

"They were all slaughtered mercilessly. The great elder you respected was forcibly abused by the king, and became a toy for the demons' wanton carnival, a meat pet."

The words of the demons already had the characteristics of brainwashing. When Versey began to empathize and follow the words of Old Luodan, recalling the tragic history of the elves and the hatred of the elves against the demons, this Exactly what the demon wanted.

Grodan was happy.

But on the bright side, he still has to continue. He knows that he is about to succeed, and this stupid elf princess who is as white as a sheet of paper is about to fall and be brainwashed by him.

"Come on, child, come to my side, I can hear the unwilling cries in your heart, and I can see the burning flames of revenge in your eyes, I can give you strength, give you the strength to fight for your compatriots, but... "

"I just need you to pay a small price."

Grodan stretched out his hand towards his heart, and the demon ruthlessly took out a mysterious object from his chest, which was similar to a jet-black chess piece. There was a layer of miserable green light flowing in the black.

That was his apostolic core.

"Yes, boy, come here, come closer, come closer."

As if being dominated, Versie let go of her vigilance against the demon, and the elf princess, like a marionette, was following the instructions of Old Luodan step by step, approaching the demon.

The expression on Glordan's face became more and more excited, and he gave the final order.

"Absorb it, child, this is power, this is the power of vengeance, with it, the bloody vengeance of the elves can be paid in blood in your hands."

After Welsh successfully absorbed the core of the apostle, he can immediately activate the spell to seize the house.

At that time, this elf princess will become his new body puppet, helping him to attract the king's attention and escape in the opposite direction.


There was also hatred in Glordan's eyes. After he successfully ran to the empire, he would make the king, that false demon king pay the price, for sure!Everything went smoothly according to the demon's plan.

I saw that when Vercy was less than half a meter away from him, the apostle's core, the figure of the elf suddenly accelerated, and the previous appearance of a puppet that had been bewitched and completely sunk was gone.

what! ?

Gu Luodan was shocked.

Wei Erxi raised her head again, her eyes were still clear, and she couldn't see her face at all. She looked hypnotized and brainwashed just now, or rather, the front was all pretended by elves.

This trick of hers was also used against Liao Yu.

The emerald green dagger was now tightly held by Vercy, and after pretending to approach the demon, the elf who rose up violently stabbed the dagger in her hand at the dark green chess piece that the demon actively exposed. .

"You! Stop!"

Grodan's expression changed drastically.

He was even so frightened that he screamed to stop the elf.

It's a pity that he is dragging a seriously injured body now, and Gruodan never thought about it, the elves were actually pretending, everything was too sudden, and it was over by the time Gruden realized it.

The emerald green dagger stabbed fiercely at the demon's apostle core.

And this time the dagger was no longer a phantom.

It's real, the treasure of the elves, the dagger of the first elf queen, the emerald blade actually successfully damaged the core, and it can be seen that a crack appeared on the dark green chess piece immediately.

Although the gap pierced by the dagger was not that big, it was very small, but it was enough to make Gu Luodan feel like a thousand arrows piercing through his heart, and his whole body felt like a tearing pain.

The demon took a few steps back, and the blood spurted wildly, which made the already seriously injured body of Gu Luodan even worse.

Normally, giving Wilsy [-] chances would not have hurt the devil even a little bit.

But exposing the core now is equivalent to putting the heart in front of the elves. This move by Welsh will definitely injure Glordan deeply again.


Gu Luodan wished he could kill this elf with a thousand cuts.

He didn't understand why, and when did Vercy wake up.

Only then did Glordan understand from the firm face of the elf on the opposite side that perhaps the elf had never been deceived by him from the very beginning, and the one who maintained the elf's firm heart was, unexpectedly,
Yes, Grodan could see that it was because of this abandoned elf, this bereaved dog, who was still yearning for the king and still believing in the king, so he resisted his bewitching and isolated him from the heart. Those disinformation.

At this moment, Grodan suddenly felt.

The devil is not good at brainwashing.

Wang is the one who can really brainwash.

No matter how much Gruodan wanted to cut this elf who had been "brainwashed" by the king into pieces, his rationality still pulled Gruudan back and ran away. He had to leave now.

You can't get too entangled with this elf, you have to go back and hide quickly, and you have to repair your apostle core properly.
An angry Gu Luodan was about to put away the "cracked" apostle core.

Results the next moment.

A long whip of thorns roared towards him, sweeping away the core in his hand.

The frosty succubus Elena, holding the stolen sixth apostle core, landed on the opposite side of the demon.

Before Gu Luodan could react, a series of thin threads like spider silk bound his whole body, making him unable to move. On the opposite side of the gossamer was Leon, the wise demon who slowly walked out from another direction.

Next, amidst the screams of the demon, the sharp blade's light cut off his legs, causing Gu Luodan to kneel down at once, and Arpad, the apostle of the sword demon, swung the blood on the blade .

After waiting for a long time, the body of the great demon Hercule came to the still struggling Grodan, and slapped the demon's head on the ground, making it unable to lift its head.

The rotting demon Alice also wanted to "show" something.

But it was stopped by Liao Yu.

I had no choice but to obediently follow Liao Yu from left to right, like a sickly little sister, like Hill.

Wilhelm looked around.

The Sword Demon, the Great Demon, the Succubus, the Wisdom Demon, the Rot Demon, the Shadow Demon, and the six demon king's apostles were present at the same time. There had never been such a big battle in any elves.

Of course.

and also

Wilsey cast her eyes on that professor who was surrounded by all the apostles, who was both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

And I saw Liao Yu, who was next, walked up to Elena, and took the core of the "sixth apostle" belonging to Gu Luodan, belonging to the demon, and belonging to the demon clan from the hands of the succubus.

Next, under the silent gaze of all the apostles, and under the complex eyes of Versey, Liao Yu came to the elf.

To the elves.
outstretched hand.

(End of this chapter)

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