Chapter 101 Fairness
"Hey, have you heard that something big happened in the palace last night!"

"I have a gossip. It is said that a group of thugs from the "Syndicate" attacked the palace and snapped the visiting imperial emissary."

"Hey! More than that, my uncle is from the Knights. Let me tell you, the palace last night was tragic. What are the imperial envoys? We in Illinois are almost up and down. All the nobles and royal families present were all killed. Those gangsters were slaughtered! Even the old king died! That day, tsk, tsk, according to my uncle, there was a river of blood!"

"You put it this way, when I woke up in the middle of the night last night, I seemed to really see the direction of the King's Tower, as if there was some light in the sky, I, I thought it was because I was sleepy and hallucinating."

"Then, what should we do? Is our Illinois doomed? The syndicate's thugs are going to kill us next." A resident who seemed to come from another place trembled when he heard it.

And the previous messager shook his head at this time, but continued with a little excitement:
"You are overthinking this. It is said that the gang of robbers from the Syndicate specializes in killing nobles and big landowners. Not only will they not harm us commoners, but they will also make profits for us!"

"Huh? Seeking profit?"

More and more people gathered in the early morning. In fact, everyone didn't care much about the upheaval in the palace, because they were too far away, and the bloody night, under the dual control of Liao Yu and the eldest princess, was only limited to the palace. spread anywhere else.

For the public in the royal city, if the eldest princess hadn't released the news on purpose, even the common people at the bottom would not be aware of it at all, and would be ignorant of the changes.

Of course it's different now.

Everyone was concerned about the "profit-seeking" method, but the first sentence of the "news teller" disappointed many people.

"The gang of thugs from the Syndicate said that there will be no more nobles in Illinois in the future! They will kill every one of them!"

It can be seen that this "news pass" is a civilian intellectual, so he spoke very excitedly. He has long hated such an aristocratic system that has been branded in his life since birth, and now he announces this to everyone with great enthusiasm. good news.

However, when it comes to the ears of the public...
"So, there will be no nobles in the future? Then who will give us jobs and who will give us fields? What good is there, we will all be unable to afford food, damn it! These hateful syndicates!"

"That's right. I still owe the noble master several months of house payment. Now that the master is gone, who should I pay my money to now? Will they treat me as a gangster and throw me into prison?"

"It's over! My youngest daughter managed to get into the mansion of a noble lord with great difficulty. She hasn't been a servant for a day, and she is coming back now. What can I do? Without a noble lord, who will take care of her?" her!"

Seeing that most commoners don't seem to understand it, it's no wonder they are, the aristocratic system has lasted for hundreds of years, and under such a system, there are very few people who can go to school and acquire knowledge.

So "News" hastened to add an explanation:
"Everyone, don't worry, the gangsters of the Syndicate also said that the property and fields of the nobles should be distributed fairly to everyone! According to the number of heads in each household, everyone has a share!"

"And you, yes, you don't have to pay back the house payment just now! You can apply to the new official, and the house will be yours directly!"

"You, you, yes, that is to say, the one you can't afford to support your daughter. Now that the eldest princess of Illinois is in power, she will send us money soon, and will provide a lot of jobs. By then, your daughter will not need you. She can support herself!"

Many people still don't believe it.

Changing perceptions is not that simple.

Everyone even longed for the nobles to come back and "rescue" them again.

It was not until the next few days that the favor was truly delivered to them. To put it simply, gold bars were really distributed in the village.

At this time, everyone came back to their senses a little bit.

Beginning to realize that nobles are not the lords who save them.

Instead, they have been squeezing and depriving the vampires of their labor.

Seventy percent of Illinois' wealth was concentrated among the nobility and royalty.

According to Liao Yu's word "fairness", the eldest princess began to return a large amount of these resources and money back to the society and hand them down to the people at the bottom, including fields, houses, food and clothing, education, medical care, etc.

Of course, Yuffie also has his own changes and policies. Whether it is fields or houses, they are not given away, but rented to civilians at very low prices.

The difference between this and giving away is that these resources are still controlled by Yuffie's unified regime, which is equivalent to forever being controlled by the royal power to regulate this "fair" social distribution, preventing another form of "nobles" from appearing.

But the drawbacks of this policy are also obvious. Once the ministers and officials under the eldest princess become corrupt and have evil thoughts, the entire system will quickly collapse.

Unless there is someone extremely powerful who can keep an eye on the officials all the time.

The residence of a certain minister.

It didn't take long. On the third day, someone had already had a wrong idea. The minister was nominally enforcing the fair distribution of the eldest princess, but in fact, the civilians who were now assigned were all forced by him in the name of "kickbacks" , deducted the money and put it into his own pocket.

Of course, he didn't dare to be too greedy. Each civilian only deducted [-]%, and the remaining [-]% continued to be distributed to them. No one would notice such a small trick.


In the mansion in the middle of the night, a group of mercenary adventurers came up. Luna, who was full of disgust on her face, hanged the maggot minister with a spell, and followed Captain Haihu to the next official position.

Under the minister's dead body, a shadow flickered, and the shadow demon slowly left, going to monitor the next high-level human being.

Liao Yu controlled Illinois, of course not based on a single word.

Liao Yu also had to choose and use the operations that the demon clan should have back then, such as using the shadow demon clan to become the eyes of the demon clan among humans.

Except for Yuffie, no one knows the existence of the Demon Race, and the fear comes from the unknown. When officials with eccentric thoughts die one after another, no matter how greedy a person is, he can distinguish between life and money.

Even later, countless ministers and officials spontaneously asked Yuffie, the new queen of Illinois, for charitable donations. They wanted to donate all their wealth, respond to Yuffie's policies, and contribute to society.

It is not ruled out that there are really good-hearted people among them, but more because they want to sleep more peacefully than donating money, and no one wants to be branded as noble by the "thugs" of the syndicate the next day. And the name of the landlord, his head has moved after waking up.

A few days later, when Wilsey, wearing a cloak, walked onto the street again, the streets of the royal city were now much busier than before.

More and more people have money in their hands, new jobs, and smiles called "happiness" and "joy" on their faces.

This is not a city ruled by demons in her memory.

The place invaded by the demons should be in a mess, full of suffering, and only destruction.

Not so in Illinois.

Unknowingly, Wilsey returned to the Royal Academy, the starting point of all her "dreams". This was the first time she came into contact with human society, and it was also the place where she met Professor Liao Yu for the first time.

As intellectuals in Wangcheng, the Royal Academy is all elites. The professors are actually very against the princess, and think that distributing wealth and resources to the ignorant bottom people is wasteful and wasteful.

A large-scale currency dump will cause serious damage to the Illinois economic system and cause inflation.

Until the Great Empress promulgated a new policy called "Compulsory Education", from then on, all citizens of Illinois, regardless of region and household registration, will be able to enjoy education, and everyone is eligible to learn magic arts.

Some simple spells are actually not complicated, but they can greatly help productivity. For example, the zero-level water dew technique is used for farming and watering, and the fire cluster technique is used for smelting and forging.

Hitting local tyrants to divide the land is just a temporary carnival. What can really make the commoners of Illinois live a good life and make Illinois a strong country is not the bottomless distribution of money, but also the improvement of productivity, or the need for a magic revolution.

In fact, many countries know this, why they still don't use it, because it violates the "Spell Non-proliferation" treaty issued by the empire.

Empress Yuffie made it clear that Illinois also wanted to follow in the footsteps of the Empire.

However, the villains and robbers of the Syndicate are too rampant and terrifying.

Not only did they murder the imperial emissary, but they also massacred all the nobles and royal families of Illinois. Illinois, whose vitality was severely damaged, had no choice but to use this method to restore its vitality. Everything was just self-defense.

No one has any doubts about this.

The notorious Syndicate, the desert basin full of wars and chaos, if we say that the people in the world who fear the empire the least, are probably these desperadoes.

But this set of external rhetoric can deceive others, and Versie knows it well.

There are no syndicate villains.

They are clearly demons.

Therefore, it is Professor Liao Yu who is supporting Yuffie, the eldest princess, and even said that Wilsey has a very strong intuition that the new policies of Illinois are not solely relying on Yuffie, and Liao Yu is behind it. The shadow of the professor is here.

Is it
Could it be that I was the one at fault?

Wilhelm recalled that when she was at the venue, she still tried to protect those nobles and royal families, but now it seems that these people really died, which is the best help for Illinois.

Do not.
In any case, lives should not be taken away so easily, they should be handed over to a fair trial.

Now Vercy came to a dark alley.

Not far in front of her, a mother and daughter are now stepping back in fear, surrounded by a group of civilians. Judging from the appearance of the mother, although the clothes have become rudimentary, the tender skin can be seen It used to be a wealthy family with noble maintenance.

"It's them! The relatives of Earl William! They exploited us so much back then!"

"What about the earl, the nobles are long gone, hmph, that bastard William died well, it's a pity to lose such a beautiful wife and daughter."

"How can it be called a pity, isn't it because of us, ma'am, you can pay off the debt for your noble husband!"

The few grinning civilians who were talking were about to swarm up and bully this mother and daughter who had lost their husbands, plummeted overnight, and lost all their wealth.

They were startled when the emerald green magic arrows shot at them. Seeing that Vercy was a magician who knew spells, they cursed and ran away quickly.

"Thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you, thank you."

The mother and daughter, who thanked Wilhelm repeatedly, finally left in a state of confusion and helplessness while weeping tremblingly at each other.

And Welsh could only clenched her fists on the spot, unable to do anything.

If she had been able to help Professor Liao Yu more in this regard, and successfully persuaded the professor to use a more gentle method, perhaps more people could get a relatively good ending.

Wilsey has already seen that maybe Professor Liao Yu is leading the demons to another road, but this road is too different from the previous demons, and Wilsey can fully imagine the obstacles Liao Yu will encounter in the future .

Want to help the professor!

The hatred between the elves and the demons does not necessarily mean fighting. If the demons can be transformed and educated, why not another greater victory for the elves?

Looking forward to that kind of future, Vercy finally lowered her head in disappointment, like an abandoned puppy, wrapping it up tightly, the collar of the former owner - the only thing Liao Yu gave to Vercy, that cloak.

She without strength, everything is nonsense.

She could only look at Professor Liao Yu, who was getting closer and closer to her.
At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley in front of Vercy.

"Dear Miss Welsh, I am impressed by your noble sense of justice as an elf. I think we all need each other now. If that's the case, why not let us."

"How about a collaboration?"

The deep voice, the miserable green eyes, and the skinny and bandaged hands stretched out towards her.

Welch's pupils constricted immediately, and her whole body tensed up.

How could the elves fail to recognize this figure with such an iconic feature.

The sixth apostle of the demon clan.

Fiend, Grodan.

(End of this chapter)

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