Chapter 100
Yuffie will now popularize science for herself, which has proved one thing.

Even people who have never been to school in such a famous area as Syndicate will know about it, just like everyone knows about the empire.

The eldest princess obviously thinks that she is from the "outside" and doesn't understand their world, that's why she opened her mouth like this.

In other words it is.
"Professor Liao Yu appeared in the most appropriate place at the most appropriate time. Apart from you being a demon, I can't think of another possibility."

"But I killed a demon." Liao Yu asked with interest.

Yuffie shook her head: "In order to become the queen of Illinois, all the royal families tonight, including my father, have become my victims. In comparison, I think Professor Liao Yu is already very merciful."

After saying this, the eldest princess sighed, shook her head with some regret, and said to herself: "I forgot to ask Constance at the beginning. If the child of destiny is a demon, what should I do?"

It seemed to prove Yuffie's guess.

In the night sky above the King's Tower, terrifying figures began to emerge one after another. They were the apostles who rushed over after the holy sword was extinguished and the ghost disappeared.

Yuffie glanced around, and behind Liao Yu, there were blade-pointed monsters with all limbs full of blades, a demon with blood-red hands and giant claws, the snake-eyed wise demon who seemed to be beaten and seriously injured and escaped from before, and some Hill, who slowly emerged from Liao Yu's shadow, was hiding in the shadows.

Of course, there are also female demons with cold eyes and antelope horns on their heads, and there is also a little girl dragging something like a "human chrysalis" behind her.

The eldest princess took a few more glances, and the person who was restrained in the pupa could only roll his eyes in horror, wasn't he the imperial envoy.

This is.
"So Professor Liao Yu, what do you hope little Illinois can do for the demons?"

Yuffie, who had no choice, asked proactively.

In fact, for her, there was no difference, it was just a change from being dominated by the empire to being dominated by the demons.

But what Liao Yu said next made the eldest princess stunned for the first time.

"I just want Illinois to accomplish three things."



"Still fair."

Yuffie was dumbfounded, and even doubted her own ears. She thought that Liao Yu's first emphasis must be to make Illinois hemorrhage, supply all the supplies to the demons, or use her as a puppet to win power etc.

But how could I have imagined that what the professor in front of me said was just

Youfei was puzzled and surprised. Also incomprehensible were the apostles behind Liao Yu.

Hercule couldn't hold back at first. The big demon quietly poked the wise demon next to him, as if to say, please explain to me, I didn't understand what the king meant.

The other apostles also set their sights on Leon the Wisdom Demon. After all, Leon here is recognized as the one who can "understand" the king best.

Zhimo shook his head.

It's not that he didn't understand, of course he understood the king immediately, Leon was just worrying about the stupidity of the other apostles.

"For human beings, class conflicts are greater than racial conflicts. What's more, after a thousand years, the image of the demon race has long been forgotten and downplayed. The king's recruiting can easily win the loyalty of countless humans to us. The king wants to make the demon clan the people’s heart and the people’s hope.”

Zhimo lamented again, compared to the brainwashing of demons, Wang is also turning enemies into friends, but the way he does it is so elegant, so comfortable for the demons, this is wisdom, not simple and rude brainwashing.

The other apostles suddenly realized that although they did not fully understand, they had a general idea. The meaning was that the king not only wanted to enslave humans, but also wanted humans to be enslaved willingly.

As expected of a king.

Vicious, so vicious.

But on the other side, Succubus Elena curled her lips. She seemed a little dissatisfied with Leon's stealing the limelight. As the king's woman, how could she lose to Zhimo.

"Alice, don't listen to him. In fact, the real meaning of the king is that under the demon clan, all living beings are equal."

"All beings. What does equality mean? Alice doesn't understand."

"You can eat Seafood Nurgle Soup, and other people can eat it too." Succubus simply explained.

"Wow Alice. Love this world. Let's all have seafood soup and share the food hee hee"

How to deal with Illinois is actually a trivial matter for the demons.

Right now, there is still a major matter waiting to be resolved within their own interior.

After sending the demon servant to take Yuffie down, only the demon king and the apostles were left. Regarding the matter of Liao Yu killing the demon, Elena stood up first.

"Wang, I just found this from the body of Glordan."

A haloed booklet was suspended in Eileen's hands.

The power and mysterious atmosphere contained in it can only be possessed by one kind of prop in this world.

Salvation relic.

That's right, Liao Yu had actually sensed it a long time ago, and it was one of the reasons why he could kill the demon without hesitation.

Then the next question becomes, why is there this world-salvation relic on the demon's body.

"Alice has. Discovered!"

The rotting demon released the Imperial Envoy from the human chrysalis. At this time, Chu Sheng, with all the villains, no, all the devils, how could he dare to hide half of it, and all he knew, such as the great sage and The devil's deal was revealed.

The great sages are the minions of the empire, similar to the national teachers, and there are five in total.

Unfortunately, Chu Sheng also knew nothing about which of the five "great sages" contacted the evil spirits. It was obvious that he was just a pawn and had no more information at all.

But no matter what, the fact that the demons have been secretly connecting with humans and the empire behind their backs has been proven.

"King, the evil demon clan has been completely controlled, but"

Zhimo is half kneeling on the ground now, and Leon is full of remorse for his dereliction of duty.

As a wise demon, a traitor within the demon clan, he has never found out, and instead asked the king to clean it up, which is simply the greatest shame.

"Glordan ran away from the chaotic rift, right?"

"Yes, but the king has already eliminated his projection. Grodan has suffered heavy injuries, and it is difficult to use magic power. It is absolutely impossible to run away. Wang, I implore you to entrust the task of catching the demon to me."

Wisdom Demon took the initiative to invite Ying. Yes, with the sophistication and cowardice of the demon, it must be a projection when it descends, so what Liao Yu killed was also a projection, not the real body.

The real evil apostle, Gu Luodan, although the most powerful among the apostles, is not something that Liao Yu can kill alone now.

But don't worry.

When he first arrived, Liao Yu had no prestige, so he postponed it, but now, no matter which apostle it is, he has no objection to his determination to get rid of the demon.

As long as he wanted, Gu Luodan could die now. There was no way he could escape the pursuit of the six apostles, not to mention that he was an evil demon whose projection was destroyed, his vitality was severely damaged, and he fell into a state of "magic silence".

But Liao Yu still shook his head.

Signaling to Leon not to worry.

What they knew, and Grodan must also know better, he himself must die, but with the character of a demon, he must still want to struggle, wanting to find a chance of life that might hold him back.

As for this "bait", Liao Yu has already cast it on purpose.

It just depends on whether Gu Luodan can bite the hook.

Under the hostile forces that are known to have darkness, the power of the demons is even more indispensable.

Since one apostle has been reduced, the vacant "sixth apostle" fate position
Naturally, let newcomers fill in.

(End of this chapter)

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