Chapter 99 The Ghost's Will

Undoubtedly, it was the Demon Race who made a comeback and forcibly turned the "stuck" gear of fate.

Although Constant didn't want to say that, he felt ashamed of him thousands of years ago and the countless human soldiers who fought.

But at this moment, he is really very grateful to the Demon Race.

It is the demons who have brought a turning point to the human beings who have been dominated by that "traitor", and brought hope to this world that is being "alienated" by the traitor!

So, with the last bit of his life force.

Constant left guidance from his "predecessors" to Liao Yu, the "new" brave man.

"Son, remember the demons are not your enemy, at least for now."

Among the thousands of words he wanted to say, Constance put this sentence first.

What he is most afraid of is that Liao Yu, a new generation of brave man, will foolishly continue to go after the demons in accordance with his destiny, which will make the new brave man irreparable.

For today's human beings and today's world, demons are no longer the biggest threat.

On the contrary, it is still a force that can be used to "check and balance".

What's more, the savior thousands of years ago has already proved with bloody examples that blind dedication and dedication will not bring you peace and victory, but backstabbing and stealing by the cunning.


"Go there to gather loyal followers. They will...become your forces"

A brave man must have his own power.

A huge organization, a powerful intelligence network, and a war machine that can deter other snoopers at any time.

Instead, there were only 42 partners back then.

This is what Constant also concluded from the lessons of thousands of years ago.

Also, these "ghosts" have been working silently.

Pointed out the general direction for Liao Yu.

He also gave Liao Yu the location of the "ghosts" like him, so that Liao Yu could grow rapidly.

At last.

It should be said that it is also the most difficult, but this is the only way to successfully avenge that "traitor".

"Be sure to collect all the relics of salvation"

After three sentences, Constance seemed to have completely lost his worries. In fact, the "Holy Sword Barrier" Liao Yu used before was actually using his magic power all the time, it was the power of "fire" that was supporting and maintaining it.

The current fire has been burned out, or in other words, it seems that the fire has been successfully handed over to a new torchbearer.

Constance's mission was accomplished.

In order to live until now, he has been tortured, and the broken body that he endured and dragged day and night can finally usher in peace. For him, death is no longer a cruel thing, but more like a relief.

His body dissipated in front of Liao Yu, turned into purple soul phantom butterflies, and flew towards the full moon in the night sky. Liao Yu had already recognized the fire in front of him, which was the ability of the "fire spirit", and now The Soul Phantom Butterfly, also has the ability of "Ghost" among the 42 partners. The former maintains the physical body, and the latter puts together the soul.

The ghost from the old days, before Constance completely disappeared, he moved his lips to Liao Yu.

Although Liao Yu couldn't hear what Constance was saying, he could probably tell from the shape of his mouth that it was a name.

In the game, it appears frequently and many times.

It can almost be regarded as the official "heroine" of the game - the Holy Maiden of Radiance

From the appearance of Constance as a ghost, it can be concluded that Liao Yu had already guessed and concluded that the ending thousands of years ago was not happy, and a traitor appeared among them.

Constance meant that she was the betrayer?

Liao Yu didn't forget that among the three options at the end of the first episode, the last one was to fill in the word "very simple" for the glorious saint. According to the law, the opponent's strength will be greatly strengthened.

With the absolute trust of the "brave" who is second only to him, providing easy conditions for backstabbing, and powerful enough to put down the rebels, it seems that no matter how you look at it, all the clues of the "betrayer" point to St. female.

But the more obvious it is, Liao Yu's intuition told him that it would not be so simple.

There are too many doubts in this.

Why did Constance put such important information at the end? He didn't even make a sound, but just expressed a name with his mouth.

Don't forget that from Constance's perspective, he should still be a "new" brave man, which means that Constance believes that he will not know the "meaning" of that name, and he doesn't even know who the object is. Just a simple name.

And if this name is taboo, it will be perceived when you say it. There was a similar setting in the game, but it is not for people, but for "he".

The super-level magic corresponding to each "fate track" must call the name of "him", such as the natural fate of elves, who is the mother goddess of the earth, so as to obtain the blessing and power of "him".

But in this way, Constance has no reason to tell himself this name. How can the other party be sure that he will not read it out of curiosity or subconsciously?

Therefore, what Constance most likely wants to pass on is that time is limited, and it is too late to explain the backside of this name to him, a new brave man, so he can only use this method to make himself curious about this name in the future and generate additional information. s concern.

In any case, if he wants to get closer to the answer, his next destination is already very clear.


"Syndicate is located in the north of Illinois. If you march quickly and travel day and night, it will take about a week."

It was as if he had guessed what Liao Yu was thinking.

A female voice came from behind.

The eldest princess Yuffie continued to popularize science with Liao Yu: "Syndicate is originally a desert on the world map, but because of its special geographical location, it happens to be located at the junction of the Glorious Theocracy, the Inquisition and the Sorcerous Kingdom. A large number of refugees from three countries, refugees and criminals."

"Over time, these people established their own tribes and city-states in the desert, and the Syndicate was born from this. The mixed people from all sides made the Syndicate's power complicated, so the Syndicate was also called the chaotic river basin. It was in chaos and war all the year round. Official organizations are also one of the few independent regions that even the empire cannot intervene and are unwilling to intervene in."

"Thank you, Your Highness Yuffie, these are very helpful."

Liao Yu turned to express his gratitude to this eldest princess who looked similar to Sophia, with red hair, but not a long dress, but a refined armor and a royal rapier around her waist.

Afterwards, he quickly said again: "And. As expected of your Highness, you really can't hide it from the eyes of the eldest princess."

(End of this chapter)

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