Chapter 98

It is different from elves struggling in pain and confusion.

Chu Sheng can clearly distinguish the imperial envoys.

The target of the "Idol"-like holy sword sword spirit on the King's Tower was the one who "meeted" with him a few minutes ago.

Although the imperial envoy didn't recognize the demon Grodan.

But the status and status of the person who can make a deal with Lord "Sage" can be imagined, and it is enough to see his unfathomable strength since Gu Luodan saved him from the big devil before.

As a result, even such a "big man" could not escape death. Now Chu Sheng has finally figured out that he was probably betrayed by the "sage" and used him as a pawn to get involved in an incident that was far beyond his level. In the vortex.

Run away from this ghost place!
He regrets it very much now, why didn't he listen to the housekeeper's suggestion and bring more guards, even if he brought a few "hunters", now he would not be so embarrassed and dangerous.

But this time, it seems that the goddess of luck favored him.

Chu Sheng took advantage of the darkness and just ran for a short distance, when he found several familiar figures in front of him, who seemed to be waiting there for a long time, just to meet him.

Let the emissary take a closer look, isn't it his housekeeper and a group of guards?

Very good!
Chu Sheng, who thought he had escaped from birth, was overjoyed, but he didn't notice that his guards and housekeepers all looked dull, a little out of their minds, staggered when they walked, and seemed to be unsteady. If it was daytime, they might still be able to see See, the tiny bugs crawling on these people.

But the dark night covered up a lot of details, when Chu Sheng galloped into the carriage, just about to order the butler to drive quickly and leave Illinois quickly.
As soon as Chu Sheng opened the car curtain, he was almost shocked because he saw someone else in the car.

The little girl he didn't know?
"Brother, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Alice, who was holding a doll in the carriage, said aggrievedly.

"You, who are you!"

"If my brother asks someone's name, then I will. Play with Alice hee hee"

Chu Sheng really likes little girls.

After all, as an envoy, he usually plays with mature women such as princesses, queens, noble ladies, etc., and plays too much.

Seeing Alice's fair skin and cute face, coupled with her weak and morbid appearance, she really poked Chu Sheng.

Ling Shi suppressed the anxiety in his heart. His intuition told him that the little girl in front of him was very dangerous, so Chu Sheng tried his best to put a smile on his face and said in a gentle big brother's voice like coaxing a child:

"Small, kid, come down first, brother is in a hurry, and I'll play with you later, okay?"

"No, if I let you go, big brother, the king will be unhappy. Alice doesn't want to be disliked by the king, so big brother should come and play with Alice."

Until here, Chu Sheng couldn't see Alice's problem anymore, so he didn't act according to orders.

The frightened Chu Sheng turned around and was about to run away, but unexpectedly, the housekeepers and guards staggered around and surrounded the carriage.

"You you!"

Under the moonlight, Chu Sheng realized at this time that the eyeballs of his servants were all white, and mud was constantly spitting out from their grinning mouths. The filthy smell made him dizzy, and he even saw some insects. Following his skirt, began to crawl on him.


"Get out of here!"

This strange scene drove Chu Sheng almost crazy, but soon he didn't have to worry so much anymore.

In Lingshi's eyes, the sick little girl's body is rapidly expanding, and large pieces of rotten flesh have begun to fill Alice's stomach. Her cute face is distorted into pus, full of scars and patchwork Traces of the butcher.

And the doll that he was holding had now turned into a centipede, its wriggling legs wrapped around him, and its bloody mouth was full of mucus, as if it was going to swallow him in one bite.

"Ugly. Ugly!! Get out, get out! Monster. Monster, help, help!"


Alice ignored Chu Sheng who was screaming and struggling. Her seemingly ferocious face was actually a little aggrieved. She patted her pet centipede with the butcher knife in her hand, indicating that it could not be eaten, not yet.

After that, she used her arms, one big and one small, to tear open her belly and put the order in like an object. When she took it out again, it seemed that it had been processed and turned into an extremely miserable human chrysalis. .

Chu Sheng was inside the carrion chrysalis, wrapped and restrained so that she couldn't even move her fingers, and could only stare wide-eyed in horror.

After doing all this, Alice's body shrank rapidly, and the bloated rotten flesh shrank like a sponge. In the blink of an eye, she turned into the sickly and cute little girl she was at the beginning.

Of course, there were still expressions of grievance and frustration on his face.

"Why call Alice ugly."

"Alice is not ugly. The king clearly said that Alice is the cutest."

Ignore the Chu Sheng inside the meat pupa.

Alice is like a little girl returning from picking mushrooms, bouncing around and going back to Elena to join everyone.

Meanwhile on the other side.

King's Tower.

A song ends.

In Constance's eyes, Liao Yu and the overlapping backs of the Son of Destiny also gradually separated with the disappearance of the holy sword, the fading of the enchantment, and the dimming of the brilliance.

The miracle he expected did not happen.

Without the halo of the holy sword, the young man who fell from a high altitude in front of him no longer has anything in common with the "Master Brave" back then.

It has nothing to do with their appearance. After all, they have been cursed, not only for the indescribable "traitor", but also for the appearance of the Destiny's Child, which has been eroded and blurred.

But the "traitor" can erase their memories, but not their perceptions.

If it was really the Brave Lord he was familiar with thousands of years ago, Constance believed that he would never forget the aura that belonged to the Destiny Son in another 1 years.

But now the young man on the opposite side brought him only a sense of strangeness.

It wasn't the impossible miracle he was familiar with, the one he expected.


Constance shook his head.

He, a "ghost" from thousands of years ago, should have understood long ago that the glory of the past was ultimately just a flash in the pan.

It's like an old friend who has passed away and will not come back.

The top floor of the King's Tower was shrouded in darkness again. To Constant, it seemed to imply that the night was still very long, and the real "dawn" he expected was still very far away.

but no matter.

Constant's depressed mood revived again, and a new flame ignited in his dim eyes.

after all.

A new hero is born!
(End of this chapter)

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