Chapter 97 Brilliant Sword Spirit, Holy Sword Slays Evil
"Come out."

Liao Yu's plain voice echoed on the top floor of the King's Tower.

Because after Liao Yu pulled out the holy sword, Constance lost all the control rights including the enchantment, so he was also a little strange, and he didn't understand until the later Glordan appeared from the shadows.

The expression on Constance's face quickly transformed into incomparable hatred and anger.

In front of him, he might be able to have a few words with the wise demon.

This is considered to be between enemies. Although they are opposed, they also have a little respect for each other.

But for this demon.
for evil spirits
Constant's current hatred is not inferior to his hatred for the "traitor".

Thousands of years ago, he was under the command of Anna.

After the defeat of General Anna, it was Growlodan, and the demons did not spare her corpse, refining her into a human puppet, and constantly using this fake General Anna to deceive other human troops and spoil the corpse of Lord Anna .

The deceased could not rest in peace, and even General Anna was so humiliated. Countless human generals at that time wished they could exterminate the demon and skin it, but this apostle was the one who surrendered the most after seeing that the situation was wrong. The quick ones were the first to use the retracted projection to lead the demon clan to take the initiative to hide in the Chaos Rift.

It is completely different from the succubus who fought the last group back then.

So the succubus apostles also hated among humans back then, but at least they all killed each other, so that the hatred would be repaid, but for the demons
This hatred continues to this day.

So now.
Grodan reappeared again. The blood feud back then made Constance short of breath, his eyes were red, and he clenched his fists deeply. If he hadn't become the body of a "ghost" and lost his former strength, he would have given up his life , must also give this demon a severe blow, a super-level spell.


Constance shifted his eager eyes to Liao Yu, and pinned all his hopes, past shame and hatred on this "new" Son of Destiny.

Liao Yu still looked at Guluodan calmly.

Although the demon was a little embarrassed, Grodan didn't think it was wrong.

After all, the light of the holy sword is so obvious, and it is the power of the brave. Thousands of years ago, he was the mortal enemy of the demons. Although he was not allowed to come by the king, his situation is critical now. He is worried about the king and is extremely worried, so he came without authorization. In order to come It’s not unreasonable to support the king, right?

Gu Luodan had already found an excuse for himself.

Although he was very strange, he would definitely investigate immediately afterwards, why Liao Yu was able to lift the holy sword, and Gu Luodan cared more about this than Zhimo, especially, it seemed to prove a certain guess in his heart.

But now, Grodan knew that he had to endure, and he had to hide his thoughts well.

He has to cooperate with the king.

Just like the Wisdom Demon before.


When Gu Luodan saw Liao Yu now, he also pointed the holy sword at him. There was not much reason for panic and fear, just because of the example of the wise demon Leon.

The evil spirit also quickly understood that Liao Yu was just acting with himself, trying to win the trust of the thousand-year-old human who had hidden secrets.

no problem.

Gu Luodan thinks that his understanding is also very strong.

So he quietly gave Liao Yu a "king, I understand" look.

The next demon remained unchanged, and as Leon had before, he also summoned the apostle armor, using it as a weapon in his hand, and took out the demon's head. On this skull, there was an evil green fluorescent light
of course.

The appearance of the demon now ready to go is all fake, even in order to please Liao Yu, don't let the king suspect, so he is different from Leon, he didn't show any real power at all, but still deliberately relaxed his defense.

The purpose is to cooperate with Wang's acting in order to make himself appear to be defeated by Wang even more tragically, so as to highlight Wang's might and strength.

Liao Yu didn't point out the demons.

No need.

Gu Luodan looked a little amused by Liao Yu.

Liao Yu closed his eyes.

The sword power accumulated in each previous battle with Leon began to transform, began to re-condensate in Liao Yu's body, and began to change sharply, turning into a truly substantial sword power.

For the next blow, the smaller the noise, the better, so that Gu Luodan would not be able to discover in advance that he was not acting, but was having real fun.

Liao Yu still chose to make noise, not only that, but also to maximize the noise.

Because this blow was not only for him, to eradicate the inner ghost.

It is even more for the human army who were tortured and humiliated by demons thousands of years ago.

Also for.
He is still in the royal city and has not left, but is hiding, probably lost and crying in a corner, his female student, that silly elf.

When Liao Yu opened his eyes again.

The majestic sword intent accumulated behind him began to swell suddenly, three meters, five meters and ten meters continued to enlarge, and finally turned into a body, suspended high on the top of the King's Tower, a body full of holy light, sprinkled by the power of brilliance Full, made up of pure sword intent, materialized, brilliant golden sword spirit.

Under this scene, Grodan was a little confused.

Isn't that right?

The brilliant sword spirit tens of meters high behind Liao Yu almost became the meaning of the holy sword on the background board of the night sky. Just looking at it, Gu Luodan felt tingling all over his body, as if being torn apart by thousands of swords.

If that kind of sword intent really strikes him,

will die!

The instinct of the demon is giving a strong warning.

"wait wait wait!"

Only then did Grodan realize something was wrong.

Is it
Wang, are you not acting with him at all?

for real?
The king is for real! ? ?
By the time the demon was terrified and wanted to shout at Liao Yu, it was already too late.

Liao Yu, who was below, slashed at the demon's position with his sword.

And behind him, as the spirit of the Holy Sword behind him, the huge sword spirit that filled the night sky like a divine power also made the same move as Liao Yu. The huge Holy Sword of Dawn, like a punishment from heaven, came towards him. Compared with the bottom, the extremely small demon
Grodan didn't even make a scream.

The body of the demon was instantly annihilated under the ocean of holy light.

Every inch of his skin was cut and strangled by the meaning of the holy sword.

The brilliant golden light of the holy sword devoured the demon.

This scene was witnessed by the excited ghost Constant.

The rest of the apostles in Wangcheng also saw it.

Leon also saw the woods on the outskirts in the distance.

Welsh also saw the elf princess curled up next to the garbage dump at the corner of the alley with her arms folded.

She looked dazed.

Tears that hadn't faded could be seen on the crying face.

But now Wilsey can't care about so much.

She stumbled to her feet from the ground.

She stared at the brilliant sword spirit in the sky that day, the spirit behind the tens of meters high divine power.

In Wei Erxi's mind, she subconsciously recalled the first encounter between her and Professor Liao Yu.

That's in the classroom.

Professor Liao Yu, who is funny and humorous, is popularizing the powerful high-level spells for them. In class, Professor Liao Yu once mentioned that there is such a spell that, through continuous superimposition, can finally call out a powerful soul behind it. , to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.


"It's the professor! There's no mistake. The professor! That's the professor!"

Versy could see the spirit of the holy sword, so she could naturally sense the falling waves emitted by one of the apostles being strangled.

So prof.
Raised the holy sword! ?

Kill, kill a demon apostle?
The excited Vercy seemed to see the dawn, but in the next moment, reason pulled the elf back, and the cruel memory poured cold water on the elf.

No no no.
The real identity of the professor is obviously.
Everything about Professor Mingming is just a disguise, he is deceiving her and using her
But this is what it is.

Which side of the professor is the real Liao Yu, the real professor.

And she
What should she do.

Versie removed a necklace from her neck, a symbol of her status as an elf princess and a relic of her mother.

Clutching the necklace tightly, as if it was her only sustenance, Versie leaned her back against the wall, her body slid weakly, her confused and painful sobs echoed in the alley.

"Mother, I, I can't tell the difference, I really can't tell the difference."

 I have a little something to do tomorrow, the update will be later in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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