Chapter 96 Brilliant Sword Spirit, Holy Sword Slays Evil
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【You have obtained the sole right to use "Sword of Dawn (False)".】

【You have obtained the sole control right of "Holy Sword Barrier".】

[Your noble morality has been recognized by the Holy Sword, and your compatibility with the Holy Sword has been increased to 100% (Max)]

[You have obtained the following temporary new skills:
Power of the Brave (Passive)——When the enemy unit is "Demon Race", get a full base attribute boost, and the boost value is 211 (depending on the basic attribute of the Holy Sword) * 5.0 (depending on the compatibility, the upper limit coefficient is 5)

Demon-Breaking Sword (Passive)——When the enemy unit is "Demon Race", your attack penetration rate will increase to 100%, and you will ignore the opponent's damage-reduction defensive ability. Your critical strike rate per attack Increased by 50%, critical strike damage increased by 100%
Old buddy (passive) - We used to fight side by side. Although you are strangers now, this does not prevent you from understanding each other tacitly. The levels of all holy sword skills have been increased to LV10 (Max)

Ghost Watch (Passive)——The companions in the dark are blessing you, and the fetters that have not been broken by time become your strongest backing. 90% of the damage you suffer will be transferred. When your HP When it is lower than 30%, restore all HP immediately and purify all current negative effects (no CD)

When Liao Yu pulled out the holy sword from the center of the enchantment, a beep sounded crazily in his mind.

At the same time, a warm current from the holy sword rushed into his body crazily, making Liao Yu feel the swelling power jumping up and down his body, rising continuously.

This should be the passive "brave power".

Just like in the game, the holy sword is different from ordinary weapons. It is more like a "plot prop" in the game, specially prepared for "plot killing".

In a normal battle, the Holy Sword's advantage is actually not that big, it is barely an epic weapon, and it cannot be compared with a legendary weapon, but once the target is a demon, it is simply an official cheat.

Liao Yu looked at his panel at this time. Under the blessing of "The Power of the Brave", he had upgraded to level 29 with only a few dozen points of the basic panel, but now he directly leapt to the full attribute +1055, which is equivalent to just being a passive player. , which increased his attribute value by thousands.

what level is this.

For comparison, a level 90 demon apostle has an attribute value in the range of 700-1000.

Although the current bonus of the Holy Sword is still not as good as the "Malicious Bloom" domain of the Great Demon Hercule back then, at that time, all his attributes were rushing to 3000.

However, if he who is holding the holy sword now were to fight him who was under the blessing of "Blooming Malice" at that time, Liao Yu believed that he would be more powerful now.

the reason is simple.

Although the great demon has a lot of domain bonuses, they are all pure attributes, which are very dry. They are equivalent to a blank slate. The enemy can use some damage reduction and other passives. In fact, the three thousand attributes are just like that, but now I don't Same.

The Demon-Breaking Sword allows him to deal real damage every time he attacks the demons. The damage figure of each jump is the most noble white crit in the game.

The effect of "old buddy" is reflected in the subsequent weapon skills.

The Sword of Dawn is his first holy sword. Compared with the holy swords that came out later, the weapon skills are actually very simple and not complicated. There are only four moves in total.

[Twilight LV10——Cause a certain amount of damage to a single enemy, accumulating a layer of "Sword Power"]

[Ye Ji LV10—Enter a defensive stance, gain damage reduction, and make the next skill gain two additional layers of "sword power"]

[Dawn LV10——Cause a lot of damage to a single enemy, accumulating five layers of "Sword Power"]

[Sword of Dawn (Nirvana) - Convert all accumulated "Sword Poses" into "Sword Intent", each layer of Sword Poses provides an additional 15% attack power, and Sword Poses can stack up to 20 layers. After releasing an attack disappear】

The light of pulling out the holy sword gradually subsided, but on the top floor of the tower, the figure of Liao Yu holding the holy sword was still shrouded in the light. Even in the middle of the night, Princess Yuffie could still see Liao Yu's appearance clearly.

It's him?
That Wilshere professor?

In fact, Yuffie had known for a long time that Wilsy was unusual. Liao Yu, who could naturally become the opponent's professor, must be hiding something, but the eldest princess actually didn't care, because in her opinion, she had "ghost" as her final trump card, and these variables were all is irrelevant.

"Constance, you said earlier that the only one who can respond to the Holy Sword is the Man of Destiny?"


This ghost from thousands of years ago now has a crazy expression, staring at the young figure holding the holy sword with a burning gaze.

"Is it possible, is there another way? For example, what kind of ancient knowledge is used?" Yuffie asked again.

But this time Constant's reaction was huge.

Like being humiliated.

"Impossible! Even if you can forcibly pick up the holy sword, like that "traitor", the holy sword will not respond to it, it is just an ordinary weapon, my lord, don't you see the shining brilliance? It is the power of the real brave, the power that those damn demons fear most!"

The more Constant talked, the more excited he became. In fact, his current emotions were not just for Liao Yu, but more like those things that had been lost and forgotten thousands of years ago, gradually awakening and returning, allowing him to find a new understanding of this strange and cold world. It felt a little more familiar.

"So, I can take it as, are we safe?"

Princess Euphie finally asked, but this time Constant did not answer, but turned his attention away. He believed that next, the new Son of Destiny who drew the holy sword would give the princess the best answer.

That's right.

If the holy sword is drawn out, the demons will surely fall.

This is the eternal law of destiny thousands of years ago.

Liao Yu was prepared for this from the moment he chose to draw his sword.

Now he raised the holy sword, and the bright sword tip exuded a rich halo. At this moment, he saw the "only" demon present, the wise demon apostle, Leon.

From the previous conversation, it is not difficult to see that Leon has long discovered that the ghost behind Yuffie is at least aware of the power hidden thousands of years ago.

But Zhimo did not report it to him, but chose to conceal it.

Liao Yu had no expression on his face, and he waved the holy sword directly and struck out "Twilight" to kill Leon.

Leon was also extremely serious. The apostle armor emerged from his body, and layers of snake scales climbed onto Leon's skin. He no longer disguised himself, revealing his true demon form.

To be precise, the wise demon is a combination of a snake and a spider.

In addition to the snake-scale armor, several silk threads appeared between Leon's ten fingers, each thread was very thin, but their flexibility was enough to form a net defense, directly blocking Liao Yu's blow .

The next moment, Leon did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to shoot hairsprings at Liao Yu. The thin threads became the sharpest blades, trying to wrap around Liao Yu, cut Liao Yu into pieces with silk threads.

But Liao Yu raised the holy sword in front of him with his backhand, and the huge sword split into countless miniature flying swords. Each flying sword accurately slashed at the gossamer that Leon had attacked.

The wise demon shot out hundreds of hairsprings, and the holy sword in front of Liao Yu divided into hundreds of flying swords. They circled around Liao Yu, forming the most airtight sword array defense. No hairspring could successfully break through the sword body. Touching Liao Yu, let alone cutting flesh and blood.

After blocking Leon's blow, the holy sword returned to its place, and all the miniature flying holy swords turned into streamers of light again, gathered in front of Liao Yu, and turned into the original form. The complete holy light sword was captured Liao Yu lifted it up again.

Next, Liao Yu stepped hard, and his figure leaped into the air, and Leon, the apostle of wisdom and magic, seemed to know that long-distance was useless, so he also chose to arrange the gossamer in the air, jumped up, and started a fierce battle with Liao Yu in the air.

Their figures flickered at high speed, and Yuffie below. No, let alone the eldest princess, even Constance, who was once a seventh-level magister, couldn't see their movements clearly.

All we can see is that the holy light is constantly colliding with the wisdom magic hairspring, bursting out bursts of powerful magic power fluctuations, but the overall situation can still be seen.

There are fewer and fewer gossamer spider webs in the sky, and they are retreating steadily. On the other hand, looking at the glory of the holy sword, it becomes more and more courageous as it fights, pressing harder and harder. At the end, the holy sword seems to be as powerful as a broken bamboo, cutting off Leon one by one. The thread in front of him was used as a defense, and the final blow directly slashed at Zhimo with dazzling brilliance.

Victory and defeat.

In Constant's eyes, the powerful Wisdom Demon Apostle was now thrown out of the sky like a kite with its string broken. His whole body was covered with traces of injuries from the Holy Sword, especially his abdomen, where there was a terrifying large hole and blood flowing from it. Not only that, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured. It is falling hard into the night in the distance, and it seems that you have no fighting ability anymore.

And the figure holding the holy sword, as the victor, still stands in the air, shining brightly.


The defeated Leon was "flyed" several kilometers away and landed on the outskirts of the royal city.

But before he landed, all the scars on Leon's body disappeared, and the "big gash" on his stomach healed quickly. He reversed lightly and landed smoothly.

There, several other high-level intelligent demons who had already received the news and were responding quickly swarmed over.

"Lord Leleon, are you okay?"

Leon waved his hand, but turned his head quickly, still looking at the King's Tower in the distance.

Some wise demons who couldn't hold back immediately asked: "Master Leon, king, what is this king. Why did the king raise the holy sword, and why did the king still hurt you! You are so loyal."


Before the Zhimo under his command finished speaking, he was scolded by Leon angrily.

"You haven't seen the king's intention until now!"


Wang's intention?

The high-level Zhimo was confused and couldn't figure it out. Didn't the king stand on the side of the human beings and attacked their Lord Leon instead, and even beat Lord Leon hard. Huh?etc.

What about the wound on Lord Leon's body?

Even if the holy sword is fake, it still has the power of a brave man. For the demons, being injured by the holy sword is more difficult to recover than other injuries, and it takes a long time to recuperate. But now
Leon ignored his wise demons.

He shook his head and looked at the figure of Liao Yu in the sky, as if expressing emotion: "The king's move is really powerful. In this way, the human being thousands of years ago may be full of trust in the king, and he is willing to tell the king everything. secret."

"For the king, there is indeed no need for evil spirits. Any secret is with the king. As long as the king wants to, the other party can always reveal it voluntarily, but I..."

Leon sighed deeply. He also tried to persuade Constan to surrender, but he saw the result.

Rather, for humans thousands of years ago, confiding one's heart to the demons was a false proposition and impossible.

But Wang did it.

It wasn't until here that some high-ranking demons around Leon seemed to realize that it turned out that the big commotion between Wang and Lord Leon just now was all fake!
They are all acting for those humans!

In order to win the trust of that ancient human being thousands of years ago!
That's it!

No wonder Lord Leon recovered from his injuries so quickly, because the king didn't really attack at all, and Lord Leon is also very powerful. Although he didn't communicate much with each other, he could immediately understand the king's intentions and cooperated exquisitely king. this the bond between the apostle and the king!
The high-level smart demons felt ashamed, and even more so because they had doubted and questioned the king before, and were moved and ashamed. No wonder Lord Leon wanted to call them fools, they were indeed.

You must learn from Lord Leon in the future.

Only by deepening our understanding of Wang and catching up with Wang’s thoughts and footsteps!
Now Mr. Leon, the "behind the scenes" has been repelled, but the king in the distance, why didn't he put away the holy sword?Why does it seem like it is still in a state of combat, even .
Not only the high-ranking demons have this feeling, but Leon is even more so. In the "pretend" confrontation with Wang, Wang gave Leon the feeling that besides acting, it was more like being.
Warming him up.


Just warm up.

The current king did not put away the holy sword, which proved Leon's conjecture, but the next thing is strange, what is the purpose of Wang warming up, or
In Wang's opinion, there is another one who is different from him, one.
real enemy?Zhimo kept speculating about Liao Yu's intentions.

In fact, he guessed right.

Liao Yu was just warming up. To be precise, he was using Leon's accumulated "sword power" layers.

I have the power of a brave man, but because my foundation is too poor, I want to kill with one strike, so that the apostle can be killed before he has time to react, but it is not enough.

So we have to save.

Stack all the sword potentials on the 20th floor.

When the holy sword is drawn out, the demons will surely fall. Liao Yu did not want to break this "brave saying" that he once said.

So tonight, with the holy sword in his hand, he really wanted to attack a demon.

Certainly not Leon.

Liao Yu looked at the other scarlet light group that was actually approaching during the reconnaissance of the enchantment, but never showed up, trying to hide and observe.

No need to guess, Liao Yu also knows who this is.

It should be said that it was discovered from the enchantment that when there were "seven" apostles in the palace, the other party had already been exposed.

There are nine apostles, except for Ulala and Dadaya, it is self-evident who the extra one should be in the chaotic rift.

Fiend, Grodan.

(End of this chapter)

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