Chapter 95 So, the Demon King Pulled Out the Holy Sword
King's Tower.

The tallest building in the entire royal city.

Looking down, you can see most of the royal palace.

Located on the top floor of this tower, Constance held up his magic staff, and the sacred breath washed the ghost, summoned by him, the holy sword suspended in front of him, shining with light, making his worn cloak and cloak, It all seems great at this moment.


Under the command of General Anna, the ninth group of the Human Alliance Army, the third magister brigade, the captain of the fifth column, and the seventh-order grand magister.

The above titles and honors are all in the past.

Now, even if he can regain his former glory and activate seventh-level spells, the cost is that his life, which is like a candle in the wind, is quickly disappearing.

However, compared to his own insignificant life, Constant smiled bitterly.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid I'm going to break my promise."

The voice of this "ghost" from thousands of years ago was full of bitterness. From the moment he opened the enchantment, it was equivalent to setting up a large radar in the entire palace.

Because of this, Constant could instantly see the situation in the palace.

In his current enchantment, one after another, the scarlet light clusters are flashing one after another.

Holy Sword Barrier.

The ability of a brave man thousands of years ago was later transformed by a "traitor". With this low-profile version of the simple enchantment, it still has strong lethality and pertinence against the demons.

As soon as the enchantment is unfolded, the reconnaissance ability is first given, and each demon will be marked with a red dot on the enchantment array map. The deeper the red, the larger the light spot, indicating the stronger the strength of the demon.

Reddish, orange-red, crimson, scarlet and finally dark red.

What to say.

Maybe he should be happy, at least there are only seven scarlet light spots here, and there is no final...most advanced dark red?

Constance shook his head.

The eldest princess on the other side was not alarmed at all, although from Constant's expression, you could probably tell how bad the situation was. Yuffie asked calmly: "Did the demons intervene?"

"Your Highness, you shouldn't interfere. To be precise, it's more like they are out in force."

If an apostle appeared, Constance would be tense and urgent.

If the two apostles appeared, Constant would consider running away directly.

But if it was a three-headed, four-headed, or seven-headed apostle, Constant was very relaxed now, and even in the mood to make a not-so-funny joke with the princess next to him.

Yuffie: "I remember you last night. You swore that the demons would not look down on a small place like Illinois. If you want to take action, you will be the tallest man in the empire."

"Oh yes, my Highness, so if it weren't for the Holy Sword not reacting to you, I would even suspect that you are the destined daughter of this generation."

"Daughter of Destiny?"

"Yes. Thousands of years ago, we called such people brave. Your Highness can understand that they are the natural enemies of the demons and the ones they want to get rid of most at all costs."

Yuffie understood the meaning of Constan's words. She frowned and asked, "So how many demons are there now?"



Seeing that the eldest princess had a strange expression, as if she didn't quite understand the number, Constance immediately explained:

"It's really not many. Each one can destroy about a dozen countries like Illinois."

After a pause, Constance added another sentence: "It's not because they can only destroy a dozen or so, but because, after destroying a dozen or so, they probably get tired of it."

"How did you defeat such a demon a thousand years ago?" Yuffie couldn't help asking.

"Because the former brave man wiped out and sealed seven of them, including the other two, and the demon king." Constance stared at the brilliance of the holy sword, and in his cloudy eyes, he seemed to be recalling the past that made him proud .

Constant also added this time: "Only a brave man."

Princess Yuffie nodded, she almost understood.

Such a brave man, if she were the Demon King, would definitely go out in force and nip it in the bud.

Afterwards, Yuffie walked up to Constance's holy sword, and the eldest princess put her hand on the hilt of the holy sword, but before she got close, a strong repulsive force came, almost knocking Yuffie out.

"Your Highness, I advise you not to do this. If this is a genuine holy sword, the repulsion alone can crush you."

"Is it possible that I haven't awakened the power of destiny, so I can't draw the holy sword?" Otherwise, Yuffie couldn't figure out what the demons were going to do in such a battle.

"If this is your highness's joke to ease the atmosphere, it is indeed very successful. I know that your highness has a lot of questions, and so do I. Why don't we ask him directly."

Constant shook his head. He saw that on the barrier display, there was already a scarlet light group, located in the King's Tower where they were, almost overlapping them.

"Your Highness the Princess and this old friend from the past are indeed outstanding in their abilities. I am impressed by their ability to be unafraid in the face of danger and still able to talk and laugh happily."

The figure of Zhimo slowly emerged from the stairs of the tower.

Leon was wearing a very formal attire, looking very refined, and even wore glasses. Zhimo applauded the two humans, as if full of admiration.

"Your Highness, don't be nervous, your plan is perfect, and we have already perfected some imperfections for you. All the nobles in the hall will be wiped out, and the Five Flowers Alliance will no longer exist. As long as Your Highness Yu Fei thinks, Tonight you can become the Queen of Illinois and serve our Demon Race."

"As for this old friend from thousands of years ago, if you are willing to sit down and share information with us, our Demon Race has always been tolerant, and you can also become our close partner."

"The above is the greatest sincerity I can give to the two as an apostle, and it is also the best ending I think for each other. I believe and hope that the two can make the right choice and don't make us unhappy with each other. "

After listening to Zhimo's "persuasion" words, Constant laughed, he was more curious than fear of the apostle.

"Demon Race? Tolerance? Are you referring to us who turned back and were brainwashed by you? To be honest, Leon, I originally thought that all six of you apostles were dispatched for some grander and far-reaching goal, but I didn't expect .just an Illinois?"

"Has the Demon Race after a thousand years been reduced to this point?"

Faced with Constance's cynicism, Leon was not angry, but nodded modestly: "It is undeniable that we were too arrogant a thousand years ago, so under the leadership of the new king a thousand years later, we will not make the same mistake .”

"In addition, you don't need to worry. At least for now, the new king has no plans to use the power of demons. If you sincerely cooperate with the demons, the king will give you the independence you deserve."

"Tsk, you can deceive the princess next to me with these words, but for me, although the memory from thousands of years ago has been blurred, my unforgettable instinct is still there. For you demons, I really like the courage of the original warrior. In a word, kill without mercy."

Seeing that Constant was unwilling to give in, Leon sighed.

Surely not.

He finally tried: "You should know that the holy sword barrier of your technique is fake. What's more, you can't even pick up the fake holy sword, right? Such a barrier is very important to me. , without the slightest threat, your resistance is in vain."

"I'll tell you the same words as the Son of Destiny. How will you know if you don't try?"

It can be seen that Konstant really remembers the brave man and the child of destiny, even if a thousand years have passed, he has never forgotten it.

It would be better to say which human alliance army back then, even the lowest-ranking soldiers, would remember the brave, and every word of the brave was even integrated into the quotations of the brave in the army, the driving force for everyone to move forward, and the symbol of courage. hymn.


How will you know if you don't try.

Thousands of years ago, when human beings were most desperate, the brave man awakened countless kings and people with these words, and rekindled the fighting spirit of resistance. Now, even if he dies, he must inherit the will of the brave man!Don't let them, who were victors thousands of years ago, be discredited by themselves!

With such determination, Constance stopped talking and concentrated all his energy on manipulating the holy sword barrier.

And it seemed that the enchantment was also moved by his determination and will.

Enchantment turned out
Suddenly, the countless sacred spells in the barrier seemed to be agitated collectively. They began to flow at a high speed, exuding stronger brilliance, and instantly made the entire barrier shine brightly.

This is not over yet.

What surprised Constant the most was that, as the barrier formation eye, the holy sword inserted into the ground was now buzzing, and the sword began to shake, as if it was about to come out of the cracks in the ground.

This, what is this?

Is the holy sword trembling?

As a spellcaster, Constant could perceive the emotion from the holy sword, which was a kind of excitement, a feeling of excitement that seemed to finally return to its original owner.

Could it be that Lord Brave's spirit in the sky really responded to him! ?
Excited, Constance reached out to hold the holy sword.

As a result, a burst of light erupted from the holy sword, directly flying him away.

The vibration frequency of the holy sword body is getting higher and higher, as if it is cheering, trying to welcome someone's arrival by shaking itself, let the other party notice it as soon as possible, and pull it up as soon as possible.

Could it be that this princess is really the daughter of destiny! ?

Inspired by your own brave quotes, awakened before the battle?
Constance really couldn't figure it out, where is there a third human being present?

I don't know when.

A figure also appeared on the top floor of the tower.


It should be said that it was precisely because of the appearance of this figure that the changes in the holy sword and the barrier occurred.

That's why, now Leon wanted to attack Constance immediately and interrupt the strange holy sword barrier, but after he saw clearly the appearance of that figure, Zhimo stopped all over and abruptly stopped down.

that's it.

Liao Yu had an unimpeded journey and came to the Holy Sword.

Although it's not the [+20] true holy sword that he spent countless "strengthening stones" to forge.

But anyway.
Liao Yu reached out and grasped the hilt of the "Sword of Dawn".

Its implication is that it symbolizes the end of the night and the arrival of dawn. It may not be the strongest among his "sacred swords", but it is definitely the most meaningful one.

With little effort.

Liao Yu lifted it slightly.

Under the night, the tower of the king, the top of the tower, shone with a bright light of dawn. At this moment, the sacred light illuminated the entire royal city of Illinois.

(End of this chapter)

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