The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 105 The Purgatory Training Ground, The Magic Hall

Chapter 105 The Purgatory Training Ground, The Magic Hall


The second floor of the Magic Tower was just like its name, filled with hot lava, hot volcanic rocks, and even the air seemed gray with dust and powder.

Here, many high-level demons have been waiting for a long time. They separated on both sides and respectfully greeted Liao Yu, the demon king, and the apostles behind him.

The demons on the second floor are mainly big demons and sword demons.

These two most powerful units of the Demon Race will serve as instructors to train the elite Demon Race that was promoted from the first layer of Demon Cultivation Nest.

By the way, the demon race does not only have nine major races, but these nine races are the most outstanding, so they are apostolic races.

In fact, there are many more among the demons.

For example, the Balrog, the Blood Demon, the Dog Demon, the Eagle-Faced Demon, etc., there are too many.

Because the upper limit of these demons is not high, or powerful individuals have never been born, they are basically reduced to the ranks of the "demon army". They are only used for war and do not participate in the internal affairs of the demons.

In the purgatory on the second floor, the objects of their battles changed from fighting each other to fighting against the great demon and the sword demon, the two noble apostle races.

What is used here is sparring, not fighting, because of their blood, they are low-level demons, even against the weakest big demons and sword demons, they have almost no chance of winning, it is completely unilateral slaughter.

Of course, even though it was a duel, if the strength was too poor, those who really couldn't keep up with it would still be ruthlessly eliminated. In fact, the casualty rate on the second floor was still in a very high range.

But what to say.

It's like an excellent weapon needs to be tempered, quenched and forged.

It is not difficult to see from the front that Liao Yu actually imitated the plan for the second floor of the magic tower, which was built in the original "Chaos Rift" environment, and it was even worse.

And in such a difficult "purgatory" environment, there are two instructors with the highest difficulty, the Great Demon and the Sword Demon, who are so polished and can still survive. The demons who successfully "graduated" are not soldiers, but real soldiers. the backbone of the.

For these elite demons, Liao Yu doesn't need them to hone and test too much.

Generally, the level of the demons at this time will be around 40-50.

During the battle, he is basically the leader of each demon army.

When there is no war on weekdays, they will be assigned to other floors as patrollers and guards of the magic tower to protect the safety of the magic tower and eliminate all intruders.

Keep going up.

There are seven floors in the magic tower. When you reach the third floor, the oppressive feeling of being in purgatory before, the gray scorching world disappears.

Instead, it looks like a huge library.

There are rows of bookshelves that need to be looked up, and there may be several floors of bookshelves, and each bookshelf is full of various classics.

Some of these books record the history of the demons, the worlds conquered by the demons along the way, the spells, knowledge, structures, etc. of those races.

There are also books in human society, covering a wide range of fields, involving all walks of life, even poetry, fairy tales and so on.

Different from the simple, rough and full of violence on the first two floors of the magic tower, here is a kind of knowledge and learning atmosphere, which makes people seem to be able to calm down and immerse themselves in the study of knowledge.

That's right.

Such an atmosphere, such an environment, no introduction is needed, Wei Erxi also knows who the managers of this level are.

"The third floor of the magic tower, the magic hall."

"I am very grateful for the gift of the king. I am willing to set up a separate floor for the demons. I have collected a large number of human books and books from Illinois to fill the library. I will devote myself to making this place a museum for the demons. To record the brilliance of the demons, and store all the props and equipment that are helpful to ours"

"Of course, the magic clan will not disappoint the king's expectations. For the king and for the entire demon clan, we will try our best to research more spells, and provide the best spell suppression for potential enemies in the future."

Under the words of Dadaya, the manager and class BOSS, many magicians in this huge library stopped what they were doing and saluted in the direction of Liao Yu to show their gratitude and loyalty.

You can't fight foolishly.

Prop scrolls are very important for war.

As an oriental tradition, Liao Yu also inherited the "phobia of insufficient firepower", so to put it bluntly, the reason why he gave Shu Mo so much power and place was to vigorously engage in scientific research.

In order to achieve props, their demons can also be self-sufficient.

Today's magicians have KPIs set by Liao Yu every day. They have to draw a certain amount of magic scrolls and prepare potions and props with different effects. As a reserve, they can immediately take out the corresponding props when facing various environments. Just fine.

But the magicians have no complaints about this, not only because Liao Yu is the devil king, but also because such a "library" is simply heaven to them!Heaven!

No demon king has ever treated them like this and given them such a quiet and independent space, so that they can avoid being disturbed by other rude demons and immerse themselves in their own research.

Drawing scrolls and making props are their responsibilities and research directions.

Now all the magicians think about is to work harder, strive to complete Liao Yu's Kpi (mission target), cherish such a hard-won good devil, cherish this, it is simply the best magic for magicians. Tribal era!

In the magic tower, it is not just magicians who hold such ideas of "the best of times".

When you continue to go up and reach the fourth floor, the first thing that catches your eye is the vast expanse of green woods, lush vegetation, criss-crossing, moist soil, blooming flowers, and the nature that blows in your face. The smell gave Wilsey the illusion that she had returned home all of a sudden.

Do not.
This seems to be her home, a new home?

In fact, Wilsey, who was learning about the "Magic Tower" earlier, almost had a premonition.

But now, after arriving at the fourth floor of the magic tower, she completely understood what Liao Yu told her earlier about those ethnic groups that had "lived in" long ago.

That's right.

The fourth floor of the magic tower is also a large floor taken out by Liao Yu alone - the Emerald Forest.

On the first three floors, the apostles who had been with Liao Yu all returned to their positions one by one, and did not continue to go up.

So now on the fourth floor, the only apostles around Liao Yu are Alice, Hill, Elena and Leon.

The fifth floor further up is the Garden of Wisdom and Demons.

Simply put, it is the administrative management.

Major decisions of the demons, or regular meetings, etc., are held in the "Grand Auditorium" on the fifth floor. Now Leon took the initiative to stand up and "discuss" the first three floors he just inspected. What can be improved? For reasons of place, the other three apostles around Liao Yu were taken away and entered the next floor.

Only Liao Yu and Welsh were left.

Leon is indeed the one who knows Liao Yu best.

Wisdom Demon also knows that the current Demon King needs to get in touch with the new apostle, so he is very good at observing the situation, and leaves the next time to the Demon King and Wilhelm, especially with the elves.

Liao Yu didn't say anything about it.

Leon did do him a favor, and now he has fulfilled his promise to this silly elf princess. Liao Yu took the initiative to lead the way and brought Versy to see the brand-new elves.

Liao Yu's original intention was to reflect the progress of the elves, and told Wilsey, look, I didn't lie to you, if you say let the elves rise, they will rise.

Just after walking a few steps into the forest, Liao Yu stopped in Bengbu.

Because there are two patrolling elves there.

After discovering Liao Yu, they didn't even notice, or completely ignored, the "silver-haired" girl next to Liao Yu, these two elves, their eyes lit up instantly, and they rushed over in a flash.

One of them said excitedly and happily:

"Master Demon King! You have come!"

"Great Elder Naxi has been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't come again, Great Elder, she will come to see you in person tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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