Chapter 106 Demon King?Elf King!

Enthusiastic elves clustered around Liao Yu.

Look at that, it seems that the devil has to be left behind no matter what he says today, and the devil is abducted back to the elves, and the two patrolling elves are left to hold Liao Yu's leg.

On the other hand, the elf princess who should have won "Welcome Home" or "Reunion after a long time", but now Versy is left aside in the cold, which seems a bit redundant.

Of course, it was because of the change in appearance of Vercy since she became an apostle.

But in the final analysis, the attention of the elves was too focused on Liao Yu. There was no other way. The great elder also gave them a death order. When they saw the devil, they had to hold him back no matter how shameless they were.

Every elf remembers Naxi's teaching.

This is indeed the worst era for elves, but it is also the best era.

Liao Yu: "."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, we are here to find Elder Naxi this time, by the way, the one next to me"

Liao Yu was a little embarrassed, and first expressed his intention to save the elves from being so excited.

Afterwards, I just wanted the elves to notice that Versy next to me was the protagonist this time, but unexpectedly, Versy put on the hood directly to hide her face.

Ben was not very conspicuous because she was beside her, the devil king, but now that she put on the cloak again, Versie felt less of a presence.

The two patrolling elves just glanced at Versie again, and didn't recognize her anymore. They just thought that they were some kind of guards around the Demon King.


Seeing Wei Erxi like this, Liao Yu didn't want to reveal the identity of the elf.

In fact, Liao Yu can also understand it when he is brought to the next Welsh.

As an elf princess, she worked hard outside, struggled with pain in her heart, and participated in various time vortexes. In the end, she came back with great difficulty and found that the people of the tribe were quiet in the years, and even turned her one step ahead. The Mozu "mingled together".

Versie was indeed a little emotional in her heart.

Although she has defeated the will of the demon, it will still be affected to a certain extent, and her character is no longer so infinitely "tolerant" and "forgiving" others.

But soon.

As they truly entered the fourth floor of the Magic Tower, as the entire "Emerald Forest" began to follow them as they entered, and when it was revealed bit by bit in front of Wilsey, she suddenly began to understand why her family This is what people will become.

The first thing that surprised Wilsey was that before she had walked a few steps, she saw another group of patrolling guards in the forest.

But these are not elves anymore.

but a head

Summoning Treant is a three-stage natural spell, and she can do it before. If she uses all her strength, she can probably summon six or seven heads, which lasts for about half an hour.

But the treant in front of him is not only taller and stronger, but also has a high level of intelligence. After seeing them, he came forward on his own initiative. Immediately afterwards, with the conversation between the two tribesmen and Liao Yu, Wilsey knew .
"Master Demon King, this is Kaisha's treant! Kaisha just learned it from the ancient tree of knowledge yesterday!"

One of the elf rangers, like a student who handed in his homework, proudly introduced to Liao Yu, and his eyes were full of certain expectations for Liao Yu.

Naturally, Liao Yu would not be disappointed. He stretched out his hand to touch the young elf lady, and said with a smile: "Well, Kaisha, you did a good job. I am very relieved to have you guarding the fourth floor of the magic tower."

As he wished, he was praised by the Demon King, and even got extra rewards. Liao Yu patted his head, and the elf named "Kaisha" flushed with excitement as if he had eaten a honeypot.

At this time, another elf ranger, a young young lady, seemed a little jealous, and he immediately said to Liao Yu: "Master Demon King, Jeremy also learned a new ability [activation] from the ancient tree of knowledge! Now Jeremy can cast fourth-level spells!"

[Activation] can give the elves extra magic value and spell perception, and realize the ability to cast spells "across levels" in a short time.

Seeing that this little elf lady wanted to demonstrate the [activation] ability on the spot and cast a fourth-order spell, Liao Yu stopped him and praised him accordingly: "You are also very good, Jeremy , I believe that with your efforts, the future of the fourth floor of the magic tower must have infinite possibilities and a bright future."

After complimenting Jeremy, Liao Yu treated the little Zhengtai equally, and touched the head of the young lady. Now the two elf rangers were satisfied, and they were inspired to become elves, for the demons, and even more for Liao Yu. Yu, became the backbone of the fourth floor.

Under this scene, the inner emotions of Versie next to her were beyond words.

The fact that the clan members are so close to Liao Yu is secondary.

She, did she hear correctly?
The Treant was actually summoned by Kaisha! ?
There are not many elves in the first place, so Vercy fully recognizes these two, so she knows very well that the previous Kesha was an apprentice magician, an apprentice.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, a tree man comparable to the princess she was before was summoned! ?
And Jeremy, this elf who Wilsey remembered was only at level two, could now even cast level four spells! ?
Even learned [Activation]! ?

The ancient and powerful natural spells like [Activation], [Wild Growth], [Nourishment], etc., with "Leaping Explosive Seeds", have all been lost, even her princess can't, he...they Where did you learn it?

I should have only left the group for less than a month, right?Not one year, not ten years, not even 100 years.

and many more.

Did they mention a word in their words before?

Ancient tree of knowledge! ?
This is a very classic heritage building of the elves, but the question is, without the world tree and the "elf", how can they have the ability to build ancient wisdom?
Wilhelm's messy heart is not over yet. As they left the periphery of the Emerald Forest and officially entered the elf camp area, the former elf princess beside Liao Yu now has wide-eyed eyes and a small ruddy mouth. Zhang became an O shape.

First up is the Moonwell.

Rows of moon wells.

The Well of the Moon is an important basic building in the elves. Every evening, it can absorb the surrounding magic and condense spring water rich in natural magic. These springs are of great benefit to the elves, who want to practice magic and improve their strength. , an indispensable resource for daily life.

In the past, Wilsey clearly remembered that the entire clan only had three Moon Wells. Every allocation had to be carefully calculated, and each clan member could only be allocated a small well water for cultivation.

Even for her, a princess, the amount of spring water from the "Moon Well" for a week was only one bowl. Many times, she felt very guilty and felt sorry for other tribesmen for taking up so much spring water by herself.

But now.
Wilhelm rubbed his eyes.

Looking at the current camp in disbelief, her tribesmen, holding water baskets made of flowers and ivy, began to draw water from the well one basket after another. Yes, they were not scooping carefully, but drawing water. water.

Moreover, after the people of the tribe pumped out the spring water from the Moon Well, it was not for cultivation or drinking, but for washing, washing! ?
Versie watched helplessly as a clansman washed every drop of the Moonwell spring water, which in her opinion was extremely precious, on his face, and let the spring water fall to the ground after washing.

This was just the beginning. Wilsey turned her head and looked to the other side.

There, there were dozens of elves sitting under an ancient tree. The ancient tree turned orange-red like autumn maple leaves, like an old man in late autumn, erudite and knowledgeable.

The elves under the tree all had their eyes closed, and their bodies exuded fluctuations in spells, as if they were immersed in the world of this ancient tree, quickly absorbing all kinds of knowledge passed on by the ancient tree.

Can't go wrong.

This, this is the ancient tree of knowledge!
It is even the highest-level ancient tree of knowledge! ?

Wilsey remembered that throughout the history of the elves, including before they were destroyed by the demons, there had never been more than ten ancient trees of knowledge with the color of "maple leaves".

Ordinary ancient trees of knowledge should be emerald green. Only after a long period of accumulation and precipitation, and after careful cultivation by their elves, can they mature and become the color of maple leaves like the autumn harvest.

This is not over yet, it should be because of the sensing of two strange visitors, Liao Yu and Welsh.

Suddenly there was movement from the small hills in the woods on both sides, and when Val wanted to go over, I saw that "hill" rose up from the ground, standing up like a "person".

Watching tree.

Although they are called trees, this is a customary name. In fact, they are composed of sand, boulders, and trees. These giant guards emit powerful fluctuations of seven levels. In the history of the elves, they are all It is a defensive building regarded as a "door god". Only the royal family area of ​​​​the high elves is equipped with such a one or two.

And it was these door gods who were now facing Liao Yu's position, and after slowly saluting with their huge bodies, they moved again, returned to their previous positions, sat down again amidst the sound of "rumbling", and changed back to That "hill" look.

Wilsey: "."

She now fully understands why the clansmen are so close to the professor, the Demon King.

might as well say
I saw that the movement caused by the watchman's tree naturally attracted the attention of nearby elves. More and more clansmen discovered Liao Yu, and began to swarm quickly, like little sparrows, and began to twitter and rush to think about it. Talk to Liao Yu.

Looking at that posture, it seems that the professor is not the devil at all.

More like another noun.

King of elves.

(End of this chapter)

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