Chapter 107 Granddaughter is promising!
Sun disc.

Also known as - High Elf Chamber
The majestic round sun hangs high, and a solemn and heavy atmosphere blows towards your face. It is said that it was designed by an elf king in the first generation who regarded the "sun" as a sacred object. It is full of a sense of sacred ritual.

In such a delicate and symbolic meeting hall, naturally only some important matters related to the "Elves" are worthy of discussion here.

I saw that, headed by the great elder Naxi, and six other newly promoted elf elders were sitting around the round table.

"What's going on outside?" Every elder here is a respected elder, one of them frowned, and seemed dissatisfied with the sudden noise outside.

Another elder was more easy-going. She shook her head and said, "There must be some young man who has cultivated advanced natural spells from the ancient tree of knowledge."

Riots like this from time to time outside have actually been happening in the past few days.

After all, their elves are rising rapidly at an incredible speed, making the race that was originally a stagnant water boiling and full of vitality.


Under the disc of the sun, Grand Elder Naxi said, how can such a high-level conference hall be a place for chatting.

She drew the attention of the elders back to the issue just discussed.

"For the sake of our compatriots, but also for the development of our clan, and even more for the safety of our clan, we must find a way to continue to obtain more resources from the Demon King."

These buildings in the home were not created for no reason, they were all built by Liao Yu's consumption of "starlight".

However, due to the "hundred times reward" demon king mechanism, Liao Yu's speed is [-] points faster, so in the eyes of the elves, especially the elders, Liao Yu definitely still has stock.

The elves, who have been in drought for a long time, are like chicks who can't get enough to feed. They have to find the devil's father, not enough!More, more!

Of course, as noble elves, this kind of thing is certainly not called begging, it is a noble strategy.

"Second, the atrocities committed by the demons back then destroyed our civilization, and now it's just the atonement that the demon king should have!"

"Second, we are not submitting to the devil, we just want to improve our compatriots."

"Secondly, we must have the awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace. No one can guarantee that one day the devil will change his temperament drastically and attack us again."

Elder Naxi strongly agreed with the last one's statement. Today's "Magic Tower" has seven floors, and other apostle races may not be able to occupy one floor alone. As a result, their elves are now the sole owners of the fourth floor, for the time being.

There are some things that once you get them, you don't want to lose them again. Naqian will hold on to this treasure and make the fourth floor of the magic tower belong to the elves forever.

But the problem is
Although the elves are thin-skinned and can talk about spiritual victory, they are not stupid. If they want to continue to ask for things from the devil, they must correspond accordingly and make contributions to the devil.

In particular, the reason why the other apostle races are called the "apostle" race is that each head is covered by an apostle.

But their elves had nothing.

Maybe one day, they will be squeezed out and squeezed by other demon races, and they won't even have a chance to speak out.

This is what Elder Naxi is worried about.

No one is up there.

Therefore, to be straightforward, the topic being discussed in the "Sun Disk" now is how to please the devil.

"The food of the demons has always been a problem. With the assistance of our elves on the fourth floor, their food pressure can be greatly relieved." A great elder said along the way.

The elves who love nature, in terms of crop farming, they say that they are second, and no one dares to say that they are first.


Naxi nodded, it was a good proposal.

But not enough.

It is enough to make the demons feel the importance of "their elves must be".

But the problem is
What can their elves do now?what else?
The answer is obvious.

Back then, the demons of the Black Beast Legion had already proved that there was indeed one thing that "must be elves".

After all, I have never seen that the demons have been so white and muddy to other conquered worlds, such as orcs and zerg.

This is enough to see their status as elves.

"Great Elder, let me go. If it is for the whole group, I am willing to marry the Demon King, even if it is to serve him."

One of the elf elders spoke.

It was the one in front who thought that Liao Yu should give more to the elves for granted, and that the demons were the elves who "redeemed" for their atrocities.

As a result, such a tragic speech immediately aroused the unbearable anger of the other female elders.


The top elves are all women, and it is a structure similar to a matriarchal society.

Because female elves are more pure and innocent than males, they are naturally closer to the "natural" destiny they believe in, the mother goddess of the earth, so most of the strong elves are women.

Other female elders spoke one after another:
"No, Mana, you are the disciplinary officer of our clan. Your chastity is more important than anything else. If no one can let you, let me do it."

"No no no, Anya Belle, you underestimated the Demon King too much. You, who are only at the fifth level, can't grasp the strength of the Demon King. Let me go. I have just been promoted to the sixth level. In terms of physical fitness, I am better than everyone else." All good."

"Fiona, you are too naive. Strength and physical fitness are not the key points in this regard. You are all inexperienced, and you can't bear it at all. Let me do it."

A widowed woman elder, killed the game.

Her face was full of perseverance and dedication, and she seemed to have already prepared to go to hell.

Such a radiant character, in a ceremonial auditorium like the Sun Disk, further demonstrates the pride and nobility of their elves.

"All right!"

Elder Naxi, who was still the leader, interrupted the people below.

Nancy shook her head.

"You guys are still young and have a future, things like that...Let me go."

"Great Elder." All the female elders spoke one after another, trying to dissuade them.

But Na Qian raised her hand.

"This matter does not need to be discussed again. From the moment I surrendered to the Demon King and asked the elves to surrender to the demons, I have been a sinner for the ages. In this case, let me continue to bear everything."


The only person that Grand Elder Naxi still misses in her heart is Velxi, the most proud princess of the elves, and the student she regards as her granddaughter.

In the future, after she surrendered to the Demon King, she would look so ugly that she would not be able to face Welch again.

In the past, they still wanted to be patient and wait for the cooperation with Val Xili to defeat the demons.

But now, after deeply understanding the horror and strength of the demon race, and with such a rapidly developing inheritance, what Naxi expects is for Wilhelm to come back.

With Wei Erxi's talent and the inheritance here, maybe the elves can really produce another ninth-level powerful being who can rival the first-generation queen.

Other elves might succumb.

But Elder Naxi was very sure that Versy would never, and her student's resolute quality, seemingly weak but strong heart, would never be shaken by anything.

She grew up watching Vercy, no elf understands Vercy better than her.

"After dedicating myself to the devil, I will win from the devil to give our elves a chance to go out. At that time, you must hurry up and find Versie. That child is too stupid and stubborn. With her character , even if the Demon King wants to capture her, she will definitely rather die than surrender, so we must be the first to find Velxi."

"Only in this way, we can persuade Versie first, so that the child can accept all of this. At that time, we will quietly transfer Versie in. We must hide her princess status and must not be caught by the devil. I realize that any one of us can be defiled, but not that child. We must protect her! We must never let her fall into the hands of the devil!"

As Naqi knew, the demons were particularly interested in elves like the queen and princess.

It is their instinct to plunder the high-ranking people.

That's why Naxi had to sacrifice her life. As the Great Elder, she was nominally the supreme leader of the elves. She could satisfy the Demon King, and she could also serve as a cover for Wilhelm.

at last.
"These things can only be handled by you. I am no longer worthy of being Versy's elder. If Versy asks, you can push everything on me. The sin of the traitor is for me alone. bear."

Hearing this, a certain figure outside the sun disc finally couldn't help it.

Wilsey rushed into the meeting room, and saw Elder Naxi who was the most familiar and closest to her on the main seat, who loved her as much as her grandmother, and her grandma who was still thinking about her at this time, Wilsey He plunged into Naxi's arms.

"You are Welsh!?"

At the beginning, Naxi didn't react and was stunned for a while, but unlike other elves, even if Versey didn't take off the hood of her cloak, just seeing the eyes of the elf, even if the color changed, Naxi still froze. recognized.

"Wilsh, why are you here? Wait! Your hair!?"

If the red eyes in front were not obvious, then, as Velhi's hood fell off, revealing the waterfall-like silver hair, Naqi and the other elders were shocked.

Silver. Silver hair?

The purer the bloodline of an elf, the more golden it should be. As a princess, Velxi should be even more so, but now...
"Demon King! You, what did you do to Wilsey!!"

Naxi, who loved her granddaughter eagerly, became angry immediately, and of course she saw it from the corner of her eye. Liao Yu who walked in behind Vercy, the thing she was most afraid of happened. The devil really attacked Vercy.

"No, Great Elder, this is not the professor's fault, this is my own choice." Seeing Naqi's grandmother caring about her so much, Wilsey was even more moved, and she quickly shook her head.


Does it mean the Demon King?
Looking at the appearance of Welsh, and then at Liao Yu, at this moment, the Elder Elder seemed to finally understand something.

The devil must have used evil spirits to brainwash Wilsey.

Already completed the transformation of Wilhelm.

No matter how humiliated Naxi was, what could she do now? She could only endure all this, with tears of apology in her eyes, and hugged Welsh tightly.

"It's good to be back. It's good to be back. At least you're safe. It's good to be safe."

At this moment, Naqian seemed to have aged many years.

"Grandma Naxi, you misunderstood, it's not like that, in fact, I, I"

Wilhelm gritted her teeth.

What to face is still to be faced.

It would be better to say that hearing the discussions of the great elders in front of her made Versie feel more relaxed, and she was able to pluck up the courage to say the next sentence.

"Great Elder, I am now the apostle of the demon clan."

Naxi: "."

! ? ?

"Well, grandma, everyone in the elves, you don't have to sacrifice anything anymore. I will take over the burden of grandma and support the entire clan."

"As the Sixth Demon King's Apostle"

"I swear my identity as the Apostle of Flowers!"

I don't know if it's an illusion of Welsh.

After her words, apart from the initial shock, Grandma Naxi on the opposite side seemed to be radiant all of a sudden, as if she was so happy that she was many years younger after "the granddaughter is promising".

(End of this chapter)

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