Chapter 109 Chimera Beast, Elf Stormtrooper

The budding lilies are elegant in appearance and green and graceful in leaves, which are pleasing to the eye and can be seen from a distance but not played with.

In the dead of night, under the bright moonlight, the lily blooms quietly, revealing its tender white leaves. The flesh is sweet and delicious, and the faint fragrance of the flower is even more intoxicating.

After a night of violent storms, although the rain and dew wet the petals, they also nourish the flowers, making them more supple and full of aura.

Like a lily that still blooms in the rain.

This night, in the history of the entire elves, may have great significance.

Because their great princess has accomplished something that many ancestors could not do. It seems to tell all the elves that no matter how powerful the demons are, there will always be a day when they are ridden by their elves. .

[Partner "Wilsey" favorability is 100%]

[The home system is updated, you have unlocked more special buildings for partner races that can be placed: Elven Pool, Moon Altar, Hurricane Ancient Tree, Hunter Hall, Chimera Roost]

[After judging, your partner meets 100% favorability, your "Picture Book System" has been updated, and all neutral/friendly/monster unit information of the new race "Elf" is unlocked]

On the second day, after waking up, Liao Yu checked the update of the home system. It was expected. This is also in the game. It is a "milestone" commemoration, which means that the player and this race have been united in spirit, flesh and soul. one.

On the contrary, the "Illustrated Book" system accidentally seized from Gu Luodan actually had special reminders, which surprised Liao Yu.

After Liao Yu opened the illustrated book, there was now a technology tree added from the column of the elves that was blank at first, and each column of the tree map corresponds to the elves or monsters.

Lv1: Elven Archer (Level 10-20) - Needs to build the Hall of Hunters, Lv1 World Tree, Bow and Arrow Specialization (Technology), Starlight*10
Lv2: Huntress (level 25-27) - need to build the ancient tree of knowledge, Lv1 world tree, hunter proficiency (technology), starlight *15
Lv3: Elf Blood Mage (Level 30-35) - Requires Ancient Tree of Building Knowledge, Lv3 World Tree, Mastery of Natural Magic (Technology), Starlight*25
The original home system was only used to place partners and improve their abilities, but now it is combined with their own illustration system, and it seems that some subtle chemical reactions have been produced.

Liao Yu had a whim, now that he owns these buildings that meet the production conditions of arms, and the recipe of the illustrated book, can he just use the home system as an arsenal?
Liao Yu, who was a little excited, immediately started the experiment.

It is a pity.

Liao Yu targeted the lowest Lv1 unit "Elf Archer" and came to the Hunter's Hall. When he tried to produce troops by operating the illustrated book, the building did not respond to him.

Later, Liao Yu thought about it carefully. Indeed.

After all, this is the real world, not a game anymore. If he is really that simple and can produce an elf shooter, wouldn't that mean that he can create elves out of thin air?

and many more.

An elf with independent intelligence and consciousness cannot be produced out of thin air, but just like the previous magic that can summon bone dragons and liches, these units that belong to the "monster" category in the game, whether they can...
Liao Yu immediately continued the experiment.

He flipped through the illustration book, skipped the elf units, and came to the "monsters" of the natural department that were related to the elves.

Liao Yu chose an open space in the Emerald Forest, used the starlight to place the special building "Elf Pool", and then ordered an elf to come over and enter the pool.

I saw that the next elf pool water, under the action of the illustrated book, actually had a reaction. The body of the elf in the pool began to transform rapidly. From a light group, it turned into a "silkworm" in the water. look.

A few seconds later, there was a gap in the silkworm, as if it had been reborn, a claw came out from the gap, breaking free all the bound silkworms, and when the new "elf" showed his full view again, how was it? Beautiful and dreamy body like a butterfly.

Liao Yu compared it again and looked at the portrait of the monster with the word "Fairy Dragon" on the "Picture Book" in his hand. The two could not be said to be exactly the same, but there was no difference.

It worked!
Elf Dragon - a monster in the Lv5 series, with an average level fluctuating around level 30-37. The key elements required are an elf pool, an elf, and some starlight.

The movement on Liao Yu's side, in fact, many elves are quietly watching.

After several days of close contact with Liao Yu, the demon king, the elves' stereotypes of the demon king, such as terror, cruelty, bloodthirsty, etc., have all disappeared. Liao Yu is more like a close friend to them. elder.

This is of course brought about by the "home system" and the subtly improved favorability map, but what's more, Liao Yu's head-to-head killings for them time and time again, as well as the creations created time and time again, seem incredible in the eyes of their elves. Miracle.

as now.

The elves didn't understand at first, but when the dreamy and beautiful elf dragon walked out of the pool gracefully, the emotions of the elves instantly turned into shock.

"That's a dragon?"

"No, no, I clearly saw just now that Lord Demon King let the little elf in, how could it happen now?"

"Wait, do you still remember the legend told by the elders that elves can also cultivate, cross the boundary in the spring water, and become a dragon!"

"I remember! In the story, it seems to be a sign of auspiciousness. Whenever such a fairy dragon appears, it means that the next hundred years of our family will be smooth and stable!"

"Could it be that even those legends are true, or is it that the Lord Demon King can even the legendary "natural creatures"?"

"Quick! We have to go and tell the Great Elder Xi about such a big matter!"

Although the fairy dragon has the word dragon, it has nothing to do with the real dragon.

From the words of the surrounding elves, Liao Yu can probably understand that to them, the elf dragon is somewhat similar to the "koi" in humans.

Since there are "koi", there must also be heresy beasts.

The success of the Fairy Dragon was just the beginning for Liao Yu. Next, he directed four or five little elves to go deeper into another cave called "Raptor's Nest".

Several elves in the nest began to fuse with each other, forming an egg with a pattern on it. Under the temperature of the stars invested by Liao Yu, the egg hatched very quickly, and soon began to shake, accompanied by cracks in the spider web. , a deer hoof stretched out.

That's right, the newly formed deer is exactly a fawn, to be precise, it is a half-deer man with the head of a deer and the body of a deer.

She was blue all over, probably because she was still unsteady when she was born, but after she got used to it a little, she was able to jump up and down, jumping around, and came to Liao Yu's side just like the elf dragon before.

However, unlike the elf dragon, the elves are very afraid of this little deer.

"The forest demon. It's the forest demon!"

"It is said that this monster is highly poisonous. Once attacked by it, there is almost no cure."

"Look at the spear in the forest demon's hand. This is it. It is said that it is her staff. It can cast charm. Every midnight, the demon will sing in the forest, luring the elves attracted by the singing!"

Sen Yao, a monster unit of the LV6 series.

It is similar to the description of the elves now. It has the two abilities of [Very Poison] and [Charm]. It is a long-range attack. It also has high magic resistance and super high speed mobility.

In the raptor's nest, not only the forest monster, but soon, under Liao Yu's practice, another high-level monster of the LV7 series in the illustrated book was also successfully produced.

Corresponding to the "Lich" of the undead tribe, the top of the pyramid of the natural system is called - Druid
This is a powerful creature between elves and monsters. It is divided into human form and beast form. When in human form, it can release powerful natural spells of various systems and has the power of sacrifice. In beast form, they will turn into the most powerful creatures. The ferocious giant bear can reach a height of five or six meters when standing up.

As a test, Liao Yu found the big demon clan represented by the strength value among the demon clan to conduct experiments. The sharp claw druid in the form of a giant bear slapped the big devil with a bear paw, forcing the big devil A few steps back, enough to see its terrifying strength.

Of course, if you really want to fully wrestle later, the big demon can still easily suppress the claw druid.

The level of the Claw Druid is about level 53-57. Such monsters are already terrifying, but Liao Yu is not enough. He looked at the peak of the monster series in the illustrated book, which exists like a totem. biology.

There is only one LV9 monster, the Chimera.

A huge totem like a thousand-year-old tree rises from the ground. The totem is painted with patterns of various birds. Directly above the totem, like a tree crown, there is a huge nest.

This time, Liao Yu used more than a dozen elves and up to 3500 points, which is equivalent to seven ten-draw starlight.

Soon, the totem in front of him reacted. This time, even the sky on the fourth floor of the magic tower seemed to be affected. Layers of thick dark clouds and thunder drifted over, and thunder and lightning began to thunder above the totem.

Such a strange image made many elves tremble, especially, amidst the thunder and lightning, a ferocious aura was rapidly gathering, as if there was some extremely terrifying monster at the top of the totem, in the thunderstorm Conceived and born.

At this time, it was already beyond the cognitive range of ordinary elves, but the Great Elder who had rushed over at this moment, as well as Wilhelm who followed him, were aware of it.

"Great Elder, that, that shouldn't be."

"That's right, according to the historical records, the evil beast that once destroyed half of No.30's seventh-generation elf dynasty and forced the queen to take action before killing it. A catastrophe, that's a Chimera."

"The professor now wants to."

Upon hearing Chimera's vicious deeds, Versie couldn't help clenching her hands, but Naxi, as the great elder, was much calmer. She shook her head, but was a little eager to watch it.

Finally, the thunderstorm in the sky subsided, and after the dark clouds dispersed, a huge figure appeared on the towering totem perch.

It has three heads, two at the front and one at the tail. It has a blue-purple body. After flapping its wings and flying high, it roars upwards. The first head emits a raging fire, and the second one emits a icy cold wind. , the third is like summoning thunder and lightning.

Three completely different abilities appeared on this vicious giant bird at the same time. The powerful sense of oppression brought the feeling to the elves below. It seemed that as long as the figure in the sky thought about it, it would be nothing more than to destroy everything they had now. is a breeze.

And the Chimera hovering in the air with a wingspan of tens of meters seems to enjoy it very much. It comes from the fear and fear of the elves below. After all, it is the evil spirit in the history of the elves.
Before Chimera was too long, a plain voice made him alert.

"Come down."

Liao Yu is a little dissatisfied, why are the other monsters honest and content, knowing that they come to find him, and they will be scooped up when it comes to your Chimera?
Although the sound was not loud, it was deafening to Chimera.

It quickly flapped its wings and landed quickly. When it reached Liao Yu's side, its wings were sandwiched, and all three heads were lowered. From the previous three-headed world-destroying beast, it became the current shrunken ostrich.

Indeed, from the perspective of the relationship between the two parties, Liao Yu is its master.

And for the elves, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did they realize, yes, no matter how fierce the monster is, can it still be more fierce than the demons?In front of the Lord Demon King, isn't he just like a baby bird?
This kind of refreshing feeling is not only for different elves, but also for Elder Naxi.

"Cough cough!"

At this time, the Great Elder, she brought Wilhelm quickly approaching Liao Yu, coughed twice on purpose, and then stared at the chimera beside Liao Yu with fiery and eager eyes.

Look at the meaning, it is already obvious.

Now that we’ve finished eating the princess, we have to give some more gifts, such as giving this chimera to their elves, it’s not too much!

It's really not too much.

Even too little.

The above are just Liao Yu's experiments.

As the devil himself, it is reasonable that the devil's tower can only produce "monster" units.

Then next
A chimera costs 3500 stars, which is definitely a huge sum of money in the game. You must know that [starlight] is a precious card-drawing currency, and it can only be obtained by [daily tasks]. Buying 50 Starlight is equivalent to spending 70 days in the game to get a Chimera.

That's not counting, the "Chimera Roost" alone costs 5000 starlight for the construction costs that are the "preconditions".

Liao Yu looked again, his "starlight" balance.

【Starlight: 65480】

no way.

As the biggest villain BOSS, a demon king who can earn 5000 stars a day with a hundred times the reward, it is reasonable to do as he pleases a little bit.

how to say.

Let's start with ten heads.

With a wave of Liao Yu's big hand, Chimera's perch totem began to flicker wildly, and amidst lightning and thunder, one after another, epic creatures up to level 70, Chimera began to descend with a bang, coming out of the thundercloud .

Just a big meal is not enough.

The other monster arms also have to come.

Sen Yao, let's have 50 heads.

Claw Druids, let's get 100 of them.

Others like Hippogriff, Mountain Giant, Centaur Watcher, etc., all come in twenty or thirty heads.

Fairy dragon, the level is a bit lower, but since it is a koi, a dozen or so are also symbolic.

So in less than an hour, in the emerald forest that seemed a little empty in front, the densely packed monster army was neatly lined up in front of Great Elder Naxi.

Yes, Liao Yu delegated the sub-management rights of these monster arms to Naxi and the other elders of the elves.

It can be regarded as a reinforcement for the elves.

After all, Wilsey is an apostle now.

The status of the elves has also risen accordingly, replacing the demons and becoming the sixth apostle race of the demons.

And relying on the elves themselves, it is estimated that it will take a long, long time to develop to catch up with the other apostle races. Now Liao Yu's speed up, at least let the elves have the fighting power they need.

It's just that in the eyes of Elder Naxi on the opposite side, these are just
"Hiss. Ssssss"

Naxi has changed now, not only seeing Liao Yu's enthusiastic eyes, but also looking at Versy with eager eyes. It seems to say, Versy, the future of the elves depends entirely on you. Why don't you try harder tonight?
It's really not that she sells the younger generation.

It's really that the demon king gave too many betrothal gifts, too many, too many!
(End of this chapter)

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