Chapter 110 How to lose?
While Liao Yu was taking care of the Demon King's Tower and supporting the elves, the outside world was also changing rapidly.

The death of the imperial envoy was not a trivial matter. It was impossible to just listen to Illinois's unilateral statement. Although the empire did not directly send troops, it also deployed a lot of manpower to investigate.

And the results of the investigation.

imperial capital.

The seventh prince's residence.

The investigators returning from Illinois are reporting to the brown-haired man who is embracing a beautiful woman on the opposite side with a carved "lion head".

"So, are all the royal families and nobles in Illinois really dead?" The seventh prince asked with interest as he tapped the gold-plated armrest with his fingers.

"Yes, Your Highness, even the old king's funeral was held on the same day."


After smacking his lips, the seventh prince stood up from his lion throne. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for the beauties and dancers beside him to step back. After pacing around the room for a while, he asked again:

"So, Illinois is not lying. The unlucky envoy was really killed by a passing Syndicate thug?"

"The current conclusion is that it is indeed like this, after all." The investigating intelligence officer hesitated to speak.

But the seventh prince understood what he meant.

Being able to slaughter a whole family, including her own father and younger sister, that Yuffie who is the older sister's eldest princess shouldn't be acting like that.


If it were to be acted out, then how ruthless and sinister this Princess Yuffie must be to do such a thing.

The Seventh Prince didn't think that a princess from a small country in Illinois could have such means and courage.

What's more, being selected as an imperial envoy is not for nothing. With the strength of those low-level countries, it is unknown whether they can kill or hurt their imperial people.

So, obviously.

Or the latter, the theory of being invaded by syndicate thugs is more convincing.

Although the seventh prince has always firmly believed that the power of the imperial people is supreme.

But in the desert basin, which is constantly at war and full of crime, it is undeniable that there are many powerful guys in the Syndicate, some of which even give him a headache as the prince of the empire.

It's not surprising that Lingshi can be killed.

Moreover, he casually massacred the royal family and the royal family of a small and innocent country, which was indeed in line with his impression of the Syndicate's brutality and bloodthirsty.

The seventh prince's lips curled up into a smile.

For him, this sudden accident in the empire was like being hit by a golden egg. With his keen sense of smell, he immediately realized the opportunity behind this incident.

After the death of the empire's envoy, it is impossible to give up and take action. Otherwise, where is the majesty of their empire?

Therefore, the Empire will definitely form an army to go to the Syndicate.

If you think about it according to this logic, the opportunity is hidden in it.

"I have applied to the Great Sage. This crusade will be led by me, Alba Flo, personally. We will go to the Syndicate to capture the murderer and give him a shock."

When the subordinate on the other side heard this, he was a little surprised and said: "Your Highness, why do you, the noble one, do this yourself?"

"Oh, idiot, do you think I really just went to avenge the envoy and find the murderer? Are you kidding me? I'm just an envoy, but I'm worthy of it?"

The seventh prince's face was filled with contempt.

He quickly changed his voice and said: "My real purpose is Syndicate's magic oil mine."

"Magic Oil Mine!?"

The subordinate murmured to himself as if he understood something. He immediately widened his eyes and said, "Your Highness, is that rumor true?"

The Syndicate has always been a desert, so other big forces will not touch this kind of ghost place if they can not touch it.

However, in recent days, there are always some rumors that, in fact, under the desert of the Syndicate, there are large areas of magic oil mines that can bring huge energy.

These oil mines, which contain rich magic power, are simply the best catalyst for spells, with an unparalleled promotion effect, and can be used in many occasions, bringing inestimable huge benefits.

If only it could be mined.
"This news was told to me by the "Great Sage" personally. There is no falsehood. I also gave him a guarantee that I will hand over half of the oil field's profits to him in the future. Even so, this is my battle for the throne." A great opportunity, understand?"

"Understood, Your Highness! Once we really find the magic oil mine and take it for ourselves, with such wealth, we will definitely help you gain a transcendent advantage in the competition with other princes!"

The subordinates nodded with great excitement. For those servants who had already stood in line, it was natural that the more promising their master was, the more they could follow the rising tide.

No wonder.

No wonder His Highness said that this was an opportunity. With the death of his envoy, His Highness could not only legitimately commandeer the empire's public army for his own use, but he could also hide it from others and punish the villains so that other princes would not be suspicious.

Your Highness's hand is really wonderful.

The Seventh Prince enjoys the adoring eyes of his subordinates, but he will not be careless because of this. This operation is of great importance, and he must be fully prepared.

Although Olba didn't think that a mere syndicate could resist under the iron cavalry of the imperial army, but in the end it was still better to be prepared, and it was always right to be more prepared.

"Come out, Golo." The Seventh Prince said calmly to the back room.


Could it be that adult?
To the astonishment of his subordinates, a female figure slowly appeared behind the Seventh Prince's backstage. She has a gorgeous appearance and revealing clothes. She seems to have various trinkets hanging all over her body, such as skulls, fangs, and witch dolls.
The femme fatale sat on the seventh prince's lap, put her hands around his neck, and stared at her trembling men with a smile, not daring to look directly at her.

after all
That's the hunter-killer on the empire's list!
#73 Hunted, Voodoo - Golo!
Legend has it that this hunter knew all kinds of natural poison strains and was especially proficient in poison techniques. She once single-handedly caused tens of thousands of residents in a small city in a neighboring country to suffer from plague, causing countless deaths and injuries.

With this seventh prince helping him in hunting, they were sure.
The excitement in the hearts of his subordinates was not over yet, the Seventh Prince clapped his hands again, and three figures walked out one after another.

"Poison Granny, I advise you to stay away from our Highness. If the poison in your body harms His Highness, who will pay us?"

"Syndicate is it, the hometown that Jie Jie Jie misses so much, I don't know how those old friends are doing now, Jie Jie"

The first strong man with a rough voice and a strong back, ranked 71 on the hunting list, the king of all beasts-Tedino!

Legend has it that this hunter can talk to birds of prey, and even ferocious beasts are like cats in front of him, and can fight for him. At the same time, Tedino himself can call the power of the wild and become infinitely powerful.

The second one had a hoarse voice and laughed "Jiejie". Of course, the Seventh Prince's subordinates also recognized him. Even though he looked bad and skinny, he was actually ranked 63rd on the empire's hunting list!
Bone King - Pastor
Legend has it that he is the top necromancer who was once sent by the empire to punish a disobedient small country. As a result, the hunter directly used the whole king city of that small country as a blood sacrifice material to summon a sixth-level undead monarch !

Not a hunter.

But three, three top [-] hunters! ?

The current subordinates, just being in the same room with them, are already sweating profusely, their legs are weak, and they can't even stand steadily.

It seems that the Seventh Prince really spent a lot of money this time.

With such a luxurious lineup, coupled with the [-] invincible cavalry army assigned by the empire, even the infamous Syndicate has to stand down obediently.

How to lose?
There is no way to lose!
It is what a superior should do to give his subordinates the confidence to win. The Seventh Prince was very satisfied with the current appearance of his subordinates. He finally ordered:

"Go ahead and check the final preparations, we will be tomorrow morning"

"Go to war immediately!"

The last seventh prince returned to his Lion-Hearted Throne and quietly touched the hilt of a sword beside the throne. It seemed dusty and inconspicuous, but in fact, this was what he had told no one. , belongs to his biggest hole card.

Given to him by the "Great Sage", in order to ensure the success of this operation.
Holy Sword!

(End of this chapter)

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