Chapter 111 Syndicate


royal palace.

Queen Yuffie at the desk, after sorting out several pieces of information, turned to her empty back and asked for instructions.

The shadow hidden there suddenly shook. Every high-level human being in Illinois was assigned a shadow demon inspection, and the queen was certainly no exception.

But after all, Yuffie is the human being that "King" focuses on cultivating, so the shadow demon is more in fact, and it still plays the role of facilitating the transmission of information for Yuffie and the demons.

Five or six seconds later, a teleportation burst of light flashed from the study room, and the first to walk out was the succubus Elena.

As a secretary, the succubus summoned a Demon King's Seat in the queen's study with the scroll of props that he had prepared long ago, and then respectfully invited Liao Yu, who came out of the teleportation, to take his seat.

While Liao Yu was building the magic tower and supporting the elves, he also gave additional tasks to the new Queen of Illinois who was supported by the demons in the real world.

Yuffie handed a stack of information in her hand to Elena, and then the succubus handed it to Liao Yu on the throne. These information were the information about the "Syndicate" that Yuffie had collected by relying on Illinois' national resources. recent information.

Because the Syndicate is a mixed bag of criminals and refugees, and it is located in a desert basin, there will be sandstorms covering the entire area from time to time, completely isolating the Syndicate from the outside world, which can take as short as a few days, or as long as several weeks.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find out the information there.

What Liao Yu has now is because Yuffie happened to have the channel to find a group of businessmen who had just returned from the Syndicate business not long ago, and got it from them.

Liao Yu lowered his head and read carefully.

Judging from the report, these businessmen don't seem to be optimistic about Syndicate.

A large area is a syndicate in the sand sea. The reason why it can still develop is all due to the fact that the oases in the desert provide habitat for the people there.

Therefore, the characteristic forces of the Syndicate, each "tribe" and "gang" are also formed around the oasis, and the competition between them is all to obtain more oasis territory.

However, in recent years, the disputes within the Syndicate have intensified, and the level of chaos has become more severe year by year. The fundamental reason is.
Oases in the desert are disappearing.

The oasis is not an ordinary resource, it is the source of survival for the Syndicate people. The shrinking of the oasis is tantamount to shaking the foundation of the entire Syndicate.

No wonder the merchants in the report are pessimistic about the future of Syndicate, and they no longer plan to take this business route.

Even the locals of the Syndicate seem to have a tendency to flee. Long before Illinois, it was reported that the surrounding small countries were attacked by thugs from the Syndicate.

The reduction of survival resources has led to more intense and cruel competition. Some small gangs and tribes that used to live in remote corners are now forced to join the ranks of big fish eating small fish.

Among them, the point that attracted Liao Yu's attention the most was that
"Professor, in Syndicate, there is indeed a tribal name called ghost."

In human society, Liao Yu still needs others to maintain the original "professor" to call himself.

For Yuffie's current information, Liao Yu suddenly raised his spirits.

The fundamental purpose of going to the Syndicate is for the ghosts. Those partners or descendants of Zhoumu who lived thousands of years ago are also clues for him to find the truth of the world. Liao Yu didn't expect that it was so simple to find out?
Yuffie continued: "Ghosts are considered a medium-sized tribe. It is said that most of their members are natives of the Syndicate."


"Yes, the reason why the Syndicate is famous is because of the continuous influx of refugees and criminals from the other three major countries, but before that, there were primitive indigenous people in this desert, the first generation of locals."

"Because of this, the ghost tribe is composed of local villagers. Although the population is tens of thousands, their overall strength may not be stronger than a gang organization with thousands of people, so they try their best to avoid all wars. Not participating in any battles, sticking to their small oasis, and earning a living by digging ores in the desert and taking desert plants."

Hearing this, Elena next to her frowned first.

The ghost who was in Illinois before, although his strength has also regressed, can still summon the powerful magic of Holy Sword Barrier. If he hadn't encountered their demons, he should be at the top of the pyramid in the human world. That's the batch.

As a result, such ghosts can only rely on low-level means of livelihood such as mining and collecting medicine?
Yuffie shook her head and said, "More than that, before those merchants left, a force named "Blood Hand Gang" had already issued an ultimatum to the Ghost Tribe, asking them to hand over the oasis and carry out population consolidation, which is an annexation."

"The Bloody Hand Gang is one of the several local snake forces in the Syndicate. It controls several oasis cities, with a population of 10,000+, which is several times that of the Ghost Tribe, and its leader is said to be a heinous criminal who escaped from the "Trial Court". The strength is unfathomable, no matter from which point of view, the ghost tribe has no chance of winning, only the ending of being annexed."

"Okay, I understand, is there anything else?"

"The prosecutor of the empire left and didn't notice our disguise. Given the temperament of the empire, it shouldn't be long before they will send troops to the Syndicate. The professor needs to pay attention to this." Yuffie added after thinking about it.

After listening to Yuffie's report and returning to the auditorium on the fifth floor of the magic tower, Liao Yu summoned all the apostles to make a unified plan for the next action.

First of all, regardless of whether the ghost tribe in the information is the one you want to find, you must first protect the key figures of this tribe before you can start a follow-up investigation.

But the information from the merchants was a few days ago. It is very likely that the ghost tribe has already been attacked, and Illinois is about a week away from the Syndicate, so it is impossible to send a large force immediately, so...
Liao Yu turned to look at Hill.

"Hill, as the vanguard of our clan, you set off immediately and head to the Syndicate first, try to find this human, and try to save her life as much as possible."

Among the demons, the fastest moving one is the shadow demon.

Can jump back and forth in the shadows.

If Hill, the apostle of the Shadow Demon, rushes at full speed, he should be able to reach the Syndicate in just half a day.

Hill immediately took the order, and took a piece of information from Liao Yu. There was a portrait of a woman in her 20s, who was the leader of the ghost tribe.

After all, this is a single-person mission, so Liao Yu couldn't help but warn him: "Also, remember Hill, no matter what happens in the middle, your own safety will always be the first priority. Anything beyond the plan will wait until we arrive." Say it again."

"As you order, king."

Then Liao Yu turned to Zhimo.

"Leon, you are responsible for the follow-up investigation and monitoring of the movement of the imperial army. If possible, Syndicate would be a good place to bury him."

Liao Yu didn't intend to let go of the fish sent up like this, at least he had to take the initiative to try it. After all, the last emissary revealed to him a relic of salvation like "Picture Book". Can also burst out some gold coins.

However, the risk factor of this task is very high, so Liao Yu handed it over to the most capable Zhimo.

"As you order, king." Leon stood up and took the order.

It's not enough to patronize the Syndicate. Illinois, which belongs to its own base, also needs to keep the apostles. After thinking about it this way, it has to be
When Liao Yu looked over, Elena already understood that as a succubus, she was supposed to take care of the king's internal affairs.

"King, don't worry, Elena will guard Illinois and ensure that the king's policy of enslaving humans is strictly implemented."

After Liao Yu nodded, he should know what to say next. This time it was another apostle, the newcomer Welsh who spoke up.

"Teacher King, for this syndicate mission, Wilsey begged the king to hand over the main position to the elves. We accepted the king's gift and hope to contribute our strength to the king. The elves will never disappoint the king."

The other apostles acquiesced to Velxi's words, even Elena did not say anything more. The elves really needed solid achievements to show their worth and loyalty.

Liao Yu naturally knew this too, nodded and agreed to Vercy.

As for the rest of the apostles, there is no need to go to war. Arpad and Hercule continue to train the army in the magic tower. To Syndicate.

Hill has already set off first.

Liao Yu and Welsh couldn't wait for the speed of the magic tower. As the second batch of teams, they led a small number of elves and a large army of monsters to set foot on the back of Chimera.

The blue-purple three-headed giant bird fluttered its wings and rushed into the clouds, carrying the elven army on its back, and with bursts of whistling and piercing sound, it flew straight to the remote desert basin—Syndicate.

(End of this chapter)

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