Chapter 112 How Much?


Candice Oasis area.

ghost town.

In the dark night, Hill was like a fish in water. When the Shadow Demon Apostle, who had sneaked into the shadows all the way, arrived at the Syndicate and found the location of the intelligence map, Hill, who was suspended in the sky, looked towards the human town below.

This small town is now filled with screams and cries.

Swaths of burning houses already illustrate the precariousness of the town.

I saw that under the firelight, the human militiamen, wearing plain linen shirts and using simple knives, guns and sticks, are now much better equipped than the other group, with iron knee pads and wrists, and armor protection on key parts. Also more well-trained humans are killing each other.

In fact, it can't be called fighting.

There is basically no comparison between these two forces. Those human beings with scars on their faces and the smell of blood in the latter are wantonly massacring the militiamen in the town.

The defense line of the militia barely held on for a few times, and soon collapsed. These looked like invaders, and they should be the ones mentioned in Wang's intelligence. Humans from the "Blood Hands Gang" broke into the town one after another.

They started burning, killing and looting from house to house, and one by one the villagers who were hiding in the town were pulled out of their houses by them.

For those male villagers who were still trying to resist, members of the Bloody Hand Gang mercilessly slammed their axes down, leaving behind blood gushing headless villager corpses, which fell limply to the ground. They screamed in terror.

As for most of the female villagers, they were treated as resources and escorted away in batches.

A small number of good-looking people may reproduce on the spot. They don't seem to care. They are looking at the expressions of these bloody hands to help humans, but they still enjoy this feeling of bullying in person.

Hill looked coldly at the scene of the humans below.

Indeed, as Leon said, what humans are best at is killing each other.

She didn't mean to say anything at all.

Hill was carrying out the tasks assigned to her by Liao Yu most faithfully. The shadow demon under the night activated its power, and the entire town was instantly under Hill's perception.

When she opened her eyes again, she had found her target.

"Miss Lisa, I don't think we need to have such an unpleasant fight with each other, what do you think?"

The most elite militiamen in Ghost Town are here, forming a circle to protect the girl inside. Directly opposite them, who just made a frivolous sound, is a man with a purple belt on his arm sleeve.

Now the elite militiamen have the advantage in numbers, but they are extremely nervous. Some of them are just holding on, their legs are weakening. This kind of pressure, obviously, all comes from the man with the purple cuff.

In the Blood Hand Gang, the cuffs are used as the grade, and purple is second only to red, which undoubtedly shows the identity of the opponent, one of the deputy leaders of the Blood Hand Gang.

"I've said it all! We don't even know what a magic oil mine is! There is no such vein in this desert! Even if you ask me ten thousand times, you will still get this answer!"

"Oh, Miss Lisa was joking. Everyone in the Syndicate knows that your ghost tribe knows this desert best and is the most proficient in mining. How about cooperating in the mining of magic oil mines, and when the imperial army arrives soon, I can recommend you to the empire? Is it enough sincerity?"

"This! Here! At all! Just! No! Magic Oil Mine!"

Seeing Lisa screaming like this, the purple-sleeved man shook his head regretfully. He moved his fingers, and suddenly six or seven elite members of the Bloody Hand Gang with blue sleeves appeared from behind.

They pressed towards Lisa step by step, and the militia guards immediately stepped forward to stop them, but unfortunately they didn't even meet each other, and died tragically due to the collapse of the Bloody Hands.

"Uncle Di! You guys!"

Seeing the deaths of the guards one by one, Lisa was angry and wanted to join the fight. It could be seen that Lisa must have had experience as an adventurer and was more capable than other villagers.

But this amount of strength was still far from enough. After just a few rounds, Lisa, the leader of Ghost Town, was crushed hard to the ground by three or five members of the Blue Sleeve Blood Hand Gang, unable to move at all.

Some of them, even with smirks, reached out to touch the face of the rebellious female leader, full of humiliation.

But it was the next moment.


The sound of several lines of flesh being pierced was heard, and before the deputy leader of Zixiu came back to his senses, those members of the elite Blood Hand Gang who were pressing down on Lisa looked down at them one by one with confused expressions on their faces. The big hole in the chest finally collapsed backward.

Such a sudden change shocked the deputy leader of the Blood Hand Gang, and he immediately went back several steps because everything happened so suddenly and there was no one else around. It could only be Lisa.

"Okay, okay, it seems that I really underestimated you, but hehe, remember Miss Lisa, tonight is just a warning, no matter what kind of backup you have, the big troops of the Bloody Hand Gang will come tomorrow, arrive The ghost tribe at that time was not as simple as being robbed."

"I advise you to think again, Miss Lisa."

The first basic element for a person who can reach a high position in a chaotic place like Syndicate is to have a keen sense of danger.

The purple-sleeved man now feels a little creepy all over his body. He always feels that, in the darkness and shadows, there seems to be a terrifying monster staring at him, with strong signs of crisis radiating from his whole body.

So after leaving these harsh words, the deputy leader of the Black Hand Gang was really decisive, and immediately retreated with the rest of the Blood Hand Gang members.

And it is retreating rapidly, as far as it can go.

Lisa, who finally fell to the ground, struggled to get up in confusion. She didn't know what happened, but at least they should be safe, temporarily.

"Who? Can you come out?"

Lisa was surrounded by darkness all around. In fact, she was only asking tentatively. As a result, when Lisa turned her head, she was startled immediately. At some point, she saw a girl in a cloak all over her body?Standing behind her, he seemed to be staring straight at himself.

"Yes, did you save me? Thank you! Thank you!"

"But I, can I know you are...?"

"You don't look like a Syndicate, you, are you from outside?"

Lisa asked several questions in succession, but of course Hill, who was cold and cold, did not reply even a word to the human being.

At this time, another figure running from a distance broke the deadlock.


"You're okay, great, great! Those members of the Bloody Hand Gang left suddenly. Yes, did my sister successfully negotiate with them?"

The boy who ran over suddenly was somewhat similar to Lisa. He was fifteen or sixteen years old. His face was full of excitement and anticipation, but his smile gradually faded away when he found the dead bodies of the bloody hand gang elite in that place. , into a frown.

"Sister, there is this one"

"Let's go back to the town first and call everyone over." Lisa shook her head.

Seeing Hill, the mysterious man ignoring her, Lisa couldn't force it and could only give up. Her sense of crisis was not relieved at all, and her mind was still full of words. If the deputy leader of the Bloody Hand Gang put down just now, tomorrow, tomorrow will be the official attack.

Now Lisa is in a hurry to get the core members of the ghost tribe who have just survived the looting, so that they can't care about counting the losses. The most important thing now is
"Go! We must go!"

The only way to save their ghost tribe now is to run, even if it means abandoning their ancestral oasis that has been passed down for many generations. In order to survive, they must evacuate.

Many tribal members looked gloomy and unwilling, full of humiliation, but indeed, what else could they do, they had no other choice.

Lisa's younger brother, on the other hand, was a little anxious when he heard that his sister was going to transfer the tribe overnight, and seemed to be trying to find some reason to dissuade her.

But at this moment, a cold voice that no one expected sounded in the room.

"do not leave."

"Ghost, Constance, Illinois reinforcements, arriving tomorrow."

It wasn't until Hill spoke that many tribe members were surprised to find Hill's existence.

But compared to this extra stranger, they care more about what Hill said just now.

"Illinois reinforcements!?"

Do they have reinforcements! ?
Lisa, the leader, was also confused. She probably understood what Hill meant, saying that a member of the ghost tribe named Constance had asked for reinforcements from Illinois for them, and they would arrive tomorrow? "

But the problem is
Constant?Who is Constant?Lisa didn't remember that this person existed in the ghost tribe.

But just as Lisa was about to speak, she was pulled and stopped by her clever brother next to her.

The younger brother immediately said to Hill: "Constance! Oh my God! He really succeeded! So you are from Illinois, my lord! No wonder! No matter what the gangsters of the Bloody Hand Gang did not dare Provoke a country!"

"So, my lord, can you tell me how many reinforcements from Illinois have arrived?"

Although Lisa felt that what her brother did was very wrong.

It should not be a lie.

But after all, this matter is related to the entire ghost tribe, and it is the inheritance of many of her ancestors. Lisa didn't want to fold it in her own hands, so she pursed her lips and didn't make a sound. With Hill.

Although Illinois is not a big country, they have heard of it before, how could it have tens of thousands of troops?Even if it is lower, a few thousand knights are enough!
Hill thought silently, this time the main force is the elves, and Wilsey mobilized a total of 80 claw druids, 40 dryad half-deer men, ten mountain giants, including hippogriffs, elves The words of the archer and the huntress, and the eight-headed chimera

Hill finally spat out the number.

And this time, the expressions on the faces of the other members of the ghost tribe who were filled with joy and thought they were finally saved froze in place.

"Many, how many reinforcements?" They suspected that there was something wrong with their ears, and asked again anxiously.

It's a pity that the result still makes them desperate.


(End of this chapter)

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