Chapter 113 Desert People

The number of reinforcements obtained from Hill disillusioned the members of the Ghost Tribe.

Lisa's younger brother seems to want to ask Hill again, what is two hundred?

After all, there is still a big gap between two hundred infantry and two hundred cavalry.

But before the younger brother could speak, Lisa stopped him.


The young female leader of the tribe shook her head.

They should have realized that for the Syndicate, there has never been anything to get help from the outside world.

The outside world gave Syndicate nothing but chaos.

"Notify everyone to pack up immediately. Except for the necessities and supplies, everything else is left here. Give it to them. Evacuate this oasis as quickly as possible, and then... leave Syndicate."

At the end, Lisa clenched her fists.

The same is true for some of the other old members of the tribe, especially Lisa's last sentence, leaving the Syndicate.

The Syndicate back then was located at the central junction of the Radiant Theocracy, the Inquisition and the Sorcerous Kingdom, the three super kingdoms in the world second only to the Empire.

But because it is all desert, with large sand seas and perennial sandstorms, no one of the major countries is interested in Syndicate.

Because of this, the Syndicate at that time had only the purest desert people, their ancestors who truly loved the desert.

In the eyes of outsiders, the desolate and barren desert is actually the ancestral land that has nurtured them for hundreds of years. It is a shelter that helps them isolate themselves from the outside world and protect them from the strife of the outside world.

Every deserter has a strong feeling for this place.

Even if they are forced by outsiders, they are unwilling to leave the sandy sea, even if they live in a small oasis and survive.

But now, it is obvious that they will be deprived of even this last right.

Thinking of a tribe member here, with red eyes, he hammered the table angrily.

"A bunch of bastards!"

"Why did we take in these bastards in the first place? We should have watched them die in the desert! Eaten by sandworms!"

The old member's words made Lisa lower her head.

She apologized: "I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, Lisa, this has nothing to do with you. I, we didn't mean it." When several desert people saw Lisa's appearance, they immediately reacted and explained quickly.

But Lisa shook her head. Even if others didn't think so, she knew that Syndicate would become what it is today. As desert people, they were forced to leave their homes because of her, her ancestors.

As the previous tribe member said

About 500 years ago, the number of criminals and refugees in the three major countries suddenly increased several times. This led to some people who wanted to try their luck, or who were desperate and chose to flee to the desert.

But obviously, they knew nothing about the sand sea and struggled in the Syndicate. Within a few weeks, they fell dying on the sand sea.

At that time, her great-grandfather, who was the leader of the desert people for many generations, finally couldn't bear it anymore and fished these outsiders out of the sea of ​​sand, rescued them, and gave them food and water.

These outsiders who were pulled back from the brink of death then begged her ancestors, hoping to take them homeless people. At that time, the kind ancestors generously accepted them without thinking too much.

Not only accepted, but also took the initiative to teach them how to become desert people, how to find oases, how to plant arable land in oases, how to identify directions in the desert, how to resist sandstorms, and how to fight sand beasts.

The first generation of outsiders, after absorbing the inherited knowledge of their ancestors, began to expand rapidly in the Syndicate, and thus attracted, the next batch, the next batch, more and more criminals and refugees from the outside world They regarded the Syndicate as their new world and flocked to it.

By the time her ancestors came to their senses, it was already too late. Their greatest advantage, the familiarity and knowledge of Shahai, was gone, but the outsiders, these refugees and criminals, had armed forces from the three major powers. Power, various advanced techniques, scroll props, these vicious gangsters finally stopped hiding their original appearance, and started the infinite disputes in the Syndicate.

As the leader of the desert people, her ancestors and grandfathers had tried to regain order.

But it was the desert people who suffered the most severe injuries that time. Countless people were slaughtered. In front of the ferocious refugees and heinous thugs, they were no match at all.

In the end, in order to survive, they had no choice but to remain anonymous and use "ghosts" to keep vigilant against their clansmen all the time, not to participate in the competition of those outsiders in the Syndicate, to give up a large oasis, to be an invisible ghost, and just curl up in a corner to survive .

However, with the sudden deterioration of the syndicate's environment in recent years, the sand sea has inexplicably swallowed one oasis after another, and the living space of outsiders has also been seriously threatened, so they can't even do this little ghost.

Lisa had already considered this ending, and she was prepared for it.

She will repay the mistakes made by her predecessors back then.

"Evacuation alone is not enough. The Bloody Hand Gang has wiped out all other tribes. Even if they get our oasis, they will probably catch up. So at that time, I will stay in charge of the end and buy time for everyone."

"No! Lisa! You are still young! No matter how you say this kind of thing, we are the ones who deserve it."

As soon as Lisa said this, a middle-aged deserter became anxious and refuted aloud, and many other members in the room also echoed.

It can be seen that although the leader Lisa is young, she still has a lot of trust and status in everyone's hearts.

In fact, the desert people never hated Lisa's grandfathers, they only hated those ungrateful outsiders.

Shaking her head, Lisa actually thought about it, and she explained: "The Bloody Hand Gang seems to be sure that there are large areas of magic oil mines under the desert that can be mined. If I provide them with information about the magic oil mines, they will definitely Attracted attention, give up hunting."

As soon as the elder sister said these words, the eyes of the younger brother next to him lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked:
"So sister, could it be, could it be that the rumors about the magic oil mine are true!?
"Bab, what are you thinking? Those outsiders are stupid and can't distinguish rumors. As desert people, don't we understand that there is nothing under this sea of ​​sand, and there is no magic oil mine at all!"

Lisa was a little angry.

This was the first time she had lost such a temper with her brother.

Not only is my younger brother paying so much attention to the rumors, but also because...
"Bab! In the future, you will take over my position, and you will continue to guide everyone. With you like this, how can you make me rest assured that I will hand over the tribe to you!"

"Lisa is fine, Barb is still young."

"Yes, we will also help Babu. With us here, Babu will become an excellent leader."

The dissuasion of other desert people, coupled with the fact that her younger brother was also trained to bow her head deeply, Lisa became angry again, and now her heart softened quickly, especially, they will part after tonight, and they may never see each other again for the rest of their lives .

"Babu, here, take it."

Lisa finally handed a fragment of the slate into her brother's hands.

The fragments were unremarkable, and they looked weather-beaten, with some vague traces on them, like some kind of map, but they had been severely weathered and worn away so much that nothing could be seen clearly.

This is said to be traced back to the origin of the desert people thousands of years ago. In the boundless sand sea, the first generation of desert people also knew nothing. The mysterious stone slab gave them guidance, and the desert people discovered the first oasis according to the marked position on the slate, so that the subsequent civilization inheritance could be derived.

But of course, the past like this thousands of years ago is basically regarded as a kind of legend allusion to the present.

In addition, the slate was as early as Lisa’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Lisa. It seemed to be seriously aged and shattered by itself, so no one believed it. It was like a god in the story. In the hearts of the people, it is more symbolic and ritual.

So now many desert people in the room, under this scene, are extremely awe-inspiring.

When Lisa handed the slate fragment symbolizing the origin to Babu, it also meant that she also gave the position of tribal leader to her brother. From this moment on, Babu will replace her sister and become their new leader. Guide them on their way.

Babu felt everyone's eyes of trust on him, and his sister's eyes of hope and sustenance. He nodded seriously and carefully put the slate fragments into his arms, as if to express to everyone that he would take on this heavy responsibility.

It is worth mentioning that Lisa finally apologized to Hill on behalf of her brother, telling Hill that she might have found the wrong person. She did not know Constant at all, and she never said she had anything to do with Illinois. We have asked for reinforcements. If there are reinforcements, let them return quickly. The lives of 200 people are lives. There is no need to die.

After that, everyone in the room left one after another, preparing for the evacuation and escape.

And Bob.
He did not go to help other desert people like his sister. Instead, he found an excuse to leave temporarily, turned around, and blended into the shadow of the night.

A few minutes later, when Babu reappeared, he had already arrived, not far from their ghost tribe, in a secret resident of the Blood Hand Gang.

The members of the Bloody Hand Gang here seem to have known Babu for a long time. When they saw this person coming, they didn't say much. They let the other party pass by and came all the way. It was the one who had previously dumped people and ransacked Ghost Town and killed many desert people. , the room of the deputy leader of Zixiu.

(End of this chapter)

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