Chapter 114 What are you waiting for?
"Brother Babu, I hope you can bring me good news this time. You know, I was just trying to cooperate with your bastard plan of forcing your sister to reveal the truth, but I suffered heavy losses as a result."

"Five! Five elite brothers of the Bloody Hand Gang were all killed by that bitch of yours who was as hard as a stinky stone——sister."

It can be seen that the deputy leader of the Bloody Hand Gang is in a very bad mood now.

As soon as Babu opened the door and came in, he was stared at fiercely and cursed.

"Your sister didn't kill those five people. I know Lisa well. She has no hidden tricks at all."

"Who is that? What? Could it be that he died for no reason!?"

"A warlock from Illinois."

Upon hearing Babu's words, the deputy leader immediately sat up and frowned.

"Wait, what did you say, Illinois? Why does this involve other countries!?"

"Is such that."

Next, Babu briefly recounted Hill's story to the deputy leader. After listening, the deputy leader breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down.

"You sister is really unlucky. This kind of thing can happen to you. But are you sure that even if Illinois' reinforcements come by mistake, they will only be about 200 people, right?"

"Yeah, and my sister finally made things clear like a fool and told the sorcerer the truth, so don't worry, those reinforcements won't come."

"Hahaha, actually it doesn't matter if you're here, it's just to kill two hundred more useless soldiers from small countries. It's good to come and add to the fun."

The deputy leader was taken aback at first, because he thought that there would be tens of thousands of regular troops coming from Illinois, so they couldn't afford to provoke the Bloody Hand Gang, so they had to run away.

If an army of several thousand comes, depending on the type of the opponent, if they are all ordinary infantry, then they can fight, but it is estimated that their own family will suffer heavy losses and be severely damaged. I really need to think about it again.

But if it is a team of 200 people
Isn't this a food delivery? It's not even enough to fill the gaps between teeth. If these pampered royal troops don't rely on their numerical advantage, why should they compare with Syndicates like them who have to fight every day?
Do you have the nerve to call for reinforcements?

If all of these 200 people were "hunters" of the empire, then he thought it would be pretty much the same.

"Okay, let's get to the point, Babu, did your sister tell you where the magic oil mine is?"

Babu shook his head and asked: "Brien, are you really sure there is a magic oil mine? I have tested my sister many times, but to no avail. Lisa doesn't look like she is lying."

"Hmph, your elder sister is the leader, even if you are siblings, you will definitely keep it from you."

"No, just now, my sister passed on the position to me, can you believe it now?"

As Babu spoke, he took out the "slate fragment" from his arms and placed it in front of the deputy leader of the Bloody Hand Gang.

Brian also recognized the slate fragments. After all, although the desert people had declined, their culture still influenced outsiders like them, including the slate fragments.

But of course, these slate fragments were scattered during the war, and they were usually collected by black market dealers or other sentimental gang leaders as souvenirs.

That's why the desert people are so persistent. I heard that they even use this as a ceremonial part of handing over the leader.

Babu sighed at this. In fact, he was disgusted with this bad habit. After thinking about it, he finally didn't throw away the broken stone and put it away again. After all, he would still be the leader in the future.

Seeing that Babu was passed on by his sister, Brian was a little confused, but he quickly shook his head and said firmly: "The magic oil mine definitely exists. If you don't believe me, don't you still believe in the empire?"

"Let me tell you the truth, this news is from the great sage of the empire, what kind of existence is the great sage, do you still need me to tell you?"

Since the influx of outsiders into the Syndicate, desert people like them have naturally learned about the outside world, so of course they know about the "Great Sage" Babu. The five great sages not only hold high positions in the empire, but are second only to the Under the title of "Emperor", they are all famous spell masters, who can even cast legendary seventh-level spells.

If that alone wasn't enough.

The next sentence of the deputy leader of the Blood Hand Gang shocked Bardu a lot.

"The reason why I am so anxious is that the Seventh Prince of the Empire, His Royal Highness Fei Luo has already set off in person and is on his way to our Syndicate. If it is fast, it may arrive this week."

"At that time, if we can directly donate the magic oil mine to the prince, from now on, you and I can join the empire and become the followers of the seventh prince! By then, there is no need for us to stay in the Syndicate. In this hellish place, we will no longer breathe in a mouth full of sand, but embrace the fresh air of the empire and enjoy the richest resources in the world, can you understand!!"

Following the deputy leader's words, Babu's eyes became a little hot, and his breathing quickened a bit.

Such a beautiful future should be what people all over the world dream of.

That's right, what's so good about deserts.

What love for the desert is bullshit!

Since you are so passionate about the desert and syndicate
Babu's eyes gradually turned cold.

"It doesn't matter, even if my sister really doesn't know the location, these desert people of the ghost tribe are all high-quality resources that His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince needs."

"After the Seventh Prince finds the magic oil mine, a large number of workers will definitely be needed to mine it, and those desert people are not good at it. Mining is their specialty. In addition, they are also familiar with the environment and their bodies are adapted to working in the desert. They will be the best coolies for His Highness."

"Tsk, tsk, that's good, brother Babu. I admire this about you. You are a person who can do great things."

Upon hearing this, the deputy leader nodded frequently. It can indeed be used as an alternative, it can provide a large amount of high-quality labor, and it can also become a bargaining chip for them to claim credit from the prince.

"Don't delay any longer. My sister is planning to let the desert people escape overnight. You can prepare a little and surround Ghost Town in half an hour."

"Hehe, your sister is also quite ruthless, and she is really willing to give up the oasis. I know, it won't take half an hour, you can go back now, delay a little longer, and the members of the Bloody Hand Gang will arrive in Ghost Town in a quarter of an hour. "

Under Lisa's arrangement, the desert people in Ghost Town, young children and the elderly, were the first to retreat.

No matter how reluctant they were to leave their hometown, they could only stagger away with their bags on their backs and leave in the middle of the night.

However, even this last right, the right to live, is now being taken away.

Bundles of torches, as if they had been waiting for a long time, lit up quickly outside the Ghost Town, followed closely by the vicious-looking members of the Bloody Hand Gang.

Before Lisa and the other desert residents of Ghost Town could react, the old people and children who had just walked out were surrounded by members of the Bloody Hand Gang with weapons.

It's not a fight at all.

It was a bloody massacre, the old people had no power to resist, and fell one by one in a pool of blood, and the cruel thugs, these bloody gangsters who were originally criminals, even children were never spared.

After all, the boss said it.

Ordinary desert people can't kill them too much. After all, these are the labor force in the future, and killing them would be a waste of their wealth.

Naturally, this desire to kill can only be satisfied by these old and young people who are not considered a labor force.

"no no!"

"Come back! Come back quickly!!"

Lisa was heartbroken under this scene. She wanted to lead other equally sad and angry desert people out to rescue these children, but when they arrived, there was no one left in the team of hundreds of people, old and young. Live mouth.

At this point, no amount of words is useless.

All the desert people want to do now is to take revenge and kill these beasts of the Blood Hand Gang.

Lisa's body exuded strong fluctuations in spells.

The grains of sand on the surrounding ground seemed to tremble with Lisa's emotions, and began to fly and circle around Lisa.

The destiny that the deserters of the Syndicate believe in is just like their name - "Sand Sea"

Therefore, their power is also related to "sand".

Unfortunately, the decline of the desert people is actually inseparable from the decline of the "Sand Sea". In other words, the Sand Sea has not responded to them for a long time.

However, at this moment, maybe seeing the people being slaughtered, or Lisa's furious emotions really touched something, at this moment Lisa's "Sand Sea" fate really flickered again, Star Plastic The strength of Lisa began to climb up Lisa's strength.

In just an instant, Lisa's body was filled with Tier [-] power. If you counted the home battle, her strength was comparable to that of Tier [-]. This time, she attracted the attention of the Bloody Hand Gang.

Especially Brian, as the deputy leader, immediately gave someone a look.


A scream suddenly sounded from beside Lisa, and her brother, Babu, now had a large wound on his abdomen. He was knocked several meters away and was vomiting blood from his mouth.

The source of the attack is

what! ?

Such a sudden turn of events shocked everyone present. Just when Lisa thought that Hill was an undercover agent of the Blood Hand Gang, she was extremely angry and wanted to turn around and vent her anger on Hill first.
Because Babu's was blown away, the poisoned dagger, which was hidden in his younger brother's hand, came out of his hand and fell to the ground.

"This this!?"

Now Lisa's mind was completely blank, and she was stunned. Until Babu, who had regained her composure a little, and her younger brother, whom she regarded as her heir, shouted for help to the Blood Hand Gang, Lisa at this moment Only then did Sha realize and react to everything.

On the other side, Brian frowned even more. He didn't even see Hill's attack just now, and Bob, who was hinted by him to attack his sister, was sent flying.


Why do accidents always happen!
"Come on, I will kill these unrepentant desert people and that stupid magician from Illinois. There is no need to keep them anymore!"

Even if Lisa awakens before the battle, even if the cloaked sorceress still seems to want to help the desert people, so what?
Can you beat one, can you beat ten?What about a hundred?How about a thousand?
He brought a full 3000 people this time.

This is already his limit as deputy leader.

Even if a fifth-level magician comes today, Brian must lie down for him!

The premise of wheel battle is.

There must be real consumption.

For Lisa, this really worked. She could control the sand for the first few elites of the Blood Hand Gang to force them back, but after five or six more, Lisa couldn't do what she wanted and began to pant.

There is a game called bubble popping.

This can almost be used to describe Hill's current battle situation.

Those murderous, grinning members of the Bloody Hand Gang were pierced by shadow thorns one by one before they were within five meters of Hill. It was not too simple.

This was so bad that the members of the Bloody Hand Gang behind were frightened.

No one has ever seen such a weird "spell".

But to their relief, Hill didn't seem to take the initiative to attack them. As long as they didn't attack or get close to the other party and Lisa, the female leader, Hill wouldn't move or make a sound.

Seeing that many of the elite members of the Blood Hand Gang were thinking of retreating, the deputy leader Brian became anxious. He was very smart and he would definitely not make it. He loudly shouted to other members who were retreating:
"Don't be afraid! You all f*ck forward! Think carefully! If that sorcerer was really that capable, she would have come to kill us long ago. Why is she still standing there defensively? What is she waiting for! ?”

Hearing the words of the deputy leader.

Many members of the Bloody Hand Gang are ready to take action again.


If he was really strong, he wouldn't be able to defend himself all the time.

Still have to wait for them to attack before fighting back?
There must be a problem in the middle!
However, for the sake of safety, they waited a little. Anyway, in their opinion, Hill could not run away or take the initiative to attack, so it would not be better for them to call in more main forces at this time.

There was a stalemate, and soon, more and more members of the Bloody Hand Gang came over, completely surrounding Hill and Lisa.

The deputy leader here in the distance also breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived here, and looked at Hill in the encirclement with a foolish expression.

How about waiting?
He was waiting for his large force of thousands of Blood Hands to be assembled.

what are you waiting for?
Not taking advantage of the time they were caught off guard to break through, now?It is simply a fantasy to break through.

After waiting for a long time, I thought there was some trick.

Now it seems
What about waiting to die?
Compared to the arrogant and confident deputy leader of the Blood Hand Gang, Lisa next to Hill was actually more anxious. She didn't know what this powerful magician was waiting for.

Hill was indeed waiting.

Because she kept in mind Liao Yu's advice to her.

If you encounter an unexpected situation, be sure to wait until they arrive.

Now this is obviously an accident.

Therefore, Hill's first rule is to protect the target mission first, and the second rule is to protect herself, not to make too much publicity, and wait for the arrival of the king.

If the Bloody Hand Gang of thousands of people were to swarm in, it would be a matter of flipping for Hill to wipe out these humans, but according to the king, Hill was more inclined to take Lisa away.

This is true. Liao Yu said to every apostle that the use of demon force should be reduced as much as possible. In front of unknown enemies, hiding is the best protection.

But there is actually a loophole.

Use less "demonic" force.

The elves are naturally excluded.

In the distant night sky, there seemed to be some rumbling thunder faintly.

That's not an illusion.

Daylight lightning that seemed to illuminate the night began to flash frequently from the distant horizon.

The thunder in my ears grew louder and louder.

As if approaching.

The tearing lightning full of destructive aura was like a flickering night light, as if in a horror movie, in the dark corridor of an old building late at night, it was flashing rapidly, step by step, from far away to the ceiling light tube in front of you.

What the hell! ?
If you were from another area, you might not have made such a fuss.

But Syndicate is different.

This is a desert, a sea of ​​sand!
The Syndicate people were sure that there was no storm at all, no thunder and lightning.

So, what exactly is that?
at last.

When the thunder and lightning finally reached the sky above the people underground, the Xuehou Gang people, feeling strange and frightened, looked up and finally saw clearly.

I can see it clearly, under the lightning of the night above the head, that flashed by, a giant blue-purple bird with two heads, not a tail, and three heads.

The thunder clouds and lightning that filled the sky seemed to be summoned from the tail and head of this monster.

and many more.

Could it be that the other two heads also have some special abilities?

The people of the Bloody Hand Gang had such a sudden thought in their hearts for no apparent reason.

As a reward for correct answers.

In the high sky, the two heads of the blue-purple sky-covering giant bird shone with two lights, one blue and one red.

After a short period of concentration and accumulation.
boom!The biting and freezing breath swept across the Bloody Hand Gang below.

And then.

The other red and blazing fireball, with its rolling heat waves, seemed to be like the falling sun. It quickly enlarged in the eyes of the deputy leader of the Blood Hand Gang, who was so frightened that he had a big mouth.

this moment.

Especially when they saw the Cold Breath and the Falling Sun Fireball, they seemed to have eyes, avoiding Ghost Town, and even avoiding Hill and Lisa who were very close to them.

At this moment, Brian seemed to finally understand what the sorceress Hill was waiting for.

(End of this chapter)

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