Chapter 115 I am responsible for sending them to see Him
Ice and fire breath, it can be regarded as the level A of Chimera beast.

In an instant, the severe cold wave turned hundreds of members of the Blood Hand Gang into ice sculptures. On their ice sculpture faces, they still maintained terrified expressions, and the movements of the ice sculptures were still desperately running outward.

But don't worry.

The next moment, the huge fireball of the flaming breath hit the ground, and the raging sea of ​​fire swallowed everything in an instant.

The ice sculptures sublimate into energy directly under the scalding heat wave.

The other members of the Blood Hand Gang who were lucky enough to escape the ice breath were even more miserable. The skin all over their bodies spontaneously ignited, and the intense burning sensation made them scream. Most of them were even affected by the heat wave when the fireball approached. None of them survived, and only a very few, such as the powerful deputy leader, could enjoy the real burning in the fire and be reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​fire.

The attack of Vercy's control of the Chimera alone wiped out thousands of Bloody Hands, reducing the number of Bloody Hands that were still densely packed on the ground by one-third directly. more.

This surprised Liao Yu, who was also on Chimera's back and next to the elf.

He thought that Wilsey would hold back. After all, elves have always been the most "just" and "merciful", but now it seems that his previous worry that the elves cannot adapt to the fighting style of the demons seems to be a bit much. Considered.

I saw that Chimeramon's draw was enough to scare the remaining 2000 Blood Hand Gang members out of their wits. Not to mention their will to fight, they no longer even had the courage to escape. Throwing all their weapons away, they all knelt down and begged towards the giant blue-purple crow that looked like some mythical beast at the other end of the thunderstorm in the sky.

Seeing that the members of the Bloody Hand Gang gave up resistance and surrendered, Versey did stop the Chimera, and the elves controlled it to fall.

Many members of the Blood Hand Gang were overjoyed at this scene, and kowtowed to Chimera even more vigorously, treating her as a god and thanking the god for not killing him.

But soon, the escaped expressions on their faces began to quickly change, and turned into that kind of fear and horror again.

Because as the Chimera landed, the Blood Hand Gang members could finally see clearly that there were many figures flashing on the back of this huge bird.

Among them is a strange creature with the beautiful appearance of a human woman, but the lower body is a deer. There is also a terrifying giant bear whose head is bigger than two carriages stacked together. Leopard.
These. These! ?

No, no!

It seems that I don't want to.
Before the Bloody Hand Gang could react, the Chimera carrying these "war beasts", a beast they considered a god, lowered its head, letting them see a female figure standing on the Chimera. The head looked down at them coldly.

She has moon-like silver-gray long hair, captivating rose red eyes, and under her beautiful face, she exists like a goddess.

It's a pity that the next command from the silver-haired goddess brought them back to reality.

"Not a single one."

Versie saw with her own eyes how this group of Bloody Hands slaughtered those young and old. If it was her before, she might still suppress her anger, and would bring them to justice first, hand them over to a fair judge for judgment, and give them their due punishment.

but now.
After getting Wilcy's bright elf army, he took action immediately. The forest demon deer raised the spear in his hand, pointed it at the members of the Blood Hand Gang, and threw it accurately.

Despite the forest demon's slender arms, the spears in their hands were like arrows leaving the strings, whizzing towards them with a sound of breaking through the air. They stabbed four or five members of the Bloody Hand Gang into human skewers in a row, and the magic spear gradually gradually Disappeared, re-condensed in the hands of Mori Yao.

At the same time, a burst of dark green miasma began to fill the path of the spear. Any Blood Hand member who touched it would have his lips turn purple within a few breaths, and his whole body would be paralyzed by the poison. After another two or three seconds, Completely turned into a stiff corpse.

If the destructive power of the Forest Demon Fawn is not enough, then the Claw Druid leaping into the crowd from the back of the Chimera, the giant brown bear is definitely the most violent meat grinder.

The druid stood up, as tall as a banyan tree, and swept down with its thick paw, directly turning the fan-shaped area within a few meters in front of it into a vacuum zone, where the members of the blood hand gang became the members of the druid. Yi grabbed the minced meat sauce.

Looking at the unsuspicious battle below, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a bloody massacre. Liao Yu deliberately asked the girl next to him from the side:
"Miss Wilsey, do you really not need to hand them over to the judge?"

"Professor, I am sending them to see the judge." The silver-haired elf answered neatly.


"For the most evil people, I believe that only He, Mother Earth, can judge them, so Professor, I am sending them to see the judge."

Welsh nodded to Liao Yu confidently.

Although the current elf has red pupils, the eyes still maintain the clarity and integrity of the past. It can be seen that the elf has never felt that it violates her principles.

Liao Yu was very pleased.

"Yes, it seems that you have indeed learned a lot."

"No, it's all the professors who teach well."

The [-]-strong Bloody Hand Gang were not even able to squeeze through the gaps between their teeth under the elves' Warcraft Legion. In less than a few minutes, the whole army was wiped out. The Warcraft Legion loyally carried out their queen's "leave no one behind." instruction.

At this point, it seems that the crisis in Ghost Town has been resolved. Many desert people, including Lisa, are trembling with fear and trembling in fear of the terrifying Warcraft Legion, but at least they can tell that these "monsters" are to help them.

But at this time, Hill beside Lisa frowned slightly and controlled the hand of shadow to form a protective shield to wrap Lisa.

"My lord, you...?" While Lisa was still confused, many desert people on the edge had already exclaimed.

"Look over there."

"The yellow sand is flying, yes, it's a sandstorm! The sandstorm is coming!"

"How could it be! It's obviously been less than a week since the last sandstorm, why, why did it happen again!"

"The size of this sandstorm is, after all, hurricane level!?"

Following the panicked eyes of the deserters, I saw that a few kilometers away from Ghost Town, a huge cyclone formed in the sky, driving the bottom, and countless yellow sand was rolled up, forming a sandstorm.

Every time the cyclone rotates, more and more yellow sand is adsorbed and carried up. It may have been a small tornado with a width of more than ten meters at the moment, but it has turned into a large sandstorm vortex of tens of meters in the next moment, and it is still expanding.

Such a destructive scene was no worse than the scene of Chimera's arrival before, and it was even more grand.

This made many desert people in Ghost Town completely despair and no longer take any chances. Some people even expressed repentance because of this.

"The last time a hurricane-level dust devil appeared was hundreds of years ago. This is a divine punishment."

"He, His wrath has come, the Syndicate is over and He will devour the Oasis and take back all the gifts, retribution, all retribution."

"From the time those outsiders trampled on the sand sea and polluted the oasis wantonly, everything was doomed."

With Chimera on his back, Liao Yu also carried the hurricane sandstorm that was getting bigger and bigger and approaching them.

Even Chimeramon is now facing a formidable enemy, its three heads shaking uneasily.

That's it
Is the source of Syndicate's shrinking oasis the result of frequent sandstorms?

From the sandstorm, Liao Yu could indeed feel a trace of unusual power. It was by no means an ordinary natural phenomenon. Natural phenomena alone would never reach this level.

If Liao Yu had to describe the mysterious power in the sandstorm, it might be similar to the power of the chaotic outer universe that belonged to the "Fate Track" that he felt when his consciousness sneaked into the "Fate Track" to activate the star sculpture. Or should we say it belongs to "His" world?

In fact, from the beginning of the sandstorm, Wilsey should have noticed it too.

This should be why she suddenly asked the Chimera to stop and land, and replaced the Warcraft Legion to destroy the Blood Hand Gang.

The current appearance of such a huge sandstorm seems to be due to Chimera's breath. I wonder if its magic power fluctuations cause some reaction in the sand sea, or is it some other characteristic of Chimera?
The hurricane and sandstorm had already formed and could not be stopped. Now, of course, they had no problem moving. With the flying speed of the Chimera, ten sandstorms could chase many of them, but there was no way to move the oasis of Ghost Town below. If these residents are also protected
Liao Yu thought for a while, if he was replaced by a few other apostles, it seems that there is really no good way, that is, the magician, should be able to temporarily build a large teleportation array, but with the physical fitness of the villagers, it is still a question of whether they can bear it. unknown.

This also reflects from the side that the demons are indeed a bit extreme. All the power points are focused on the "offensive" aspect, and they are indeed weak in the "protective" aspect.

As long as there is an apostle of the guardian type, the demon king in the first eye, it should not be so easy to be killed by himself.

So, in the second week.
"Professor, take everyone to the town first."

"Don't you need my help?"

Facing Liao Yu's concern, Versie smiled. She stared at the sandstorm in the distance, and the elf gradually floated into the air, leaving only Liao Yu's back and a confident tone.

"The forest is the most feared natural enemy of sand and dust."

The emerald green fluorescence flickered on Versy's body. The strong vitality condensed in the elf's hands, absorbing the apostle's core. After accepting this power, Versy was no longer the little princess of the fourth rank.

When she cut down the demon with the magic sword of flowers, she broke through herself and comprehended her own powerful domain skills—the poetry of flowers
Liao Yu, who owns the Welch panel, knows it very well.

Welsh's domain skills can be said to be different from all other apostles, it is the only domain that focuses on protection and recovery abilities.

The songs in the Elvish language echoed from high in the sky, not as sounds, but as if they were transmitted to the soul, making people feel as if their whole body was rejuvenated, bathing in the natural fresh air, surrounded by the fragrant and sweet fragrance of flowers.

But in Ghost Town in reality, this small oasis in the desert, not only human beings, but plants also heard Vercy's singing, they moved and began to grow crazily.

Even the desert cannot stop the spread of plants. The young shoots turn into twigs, and the twigs grow into saplings, and finally form one strong towering tree after another.

Thick vines wrapped around the big tree, and then the treetops continued to rise into the sky. The entire oasis of Ghost Town was soon wrapped and shrouded in the woods, and those criss-crossing vines were entangled in the air, not only seeming to connect the woods It became one body and formed an oval-shaped natural barrier, enveloping the entire oasis town.

Many desert people among them were dumbfounded by this scene. Vegetation is an extremely scarce resource for deserts and oases. They may have never seen much vegetation in their lives, let alone like it now. It was like being in a big forest cover that blocked out the sky and the sun.

The townspeople, who originally thought they would die without a doubt, were desperate for the sandstorm, but now they regained some confidence and waited nervously for the next sandstorm to come, praying that the forest cover would be more supportive.

But they closed their eyes and prayed, prayed, and prayed for a long time, but there was no movement. When they opened their eyes again in doubt, they found that their oasis had returned to its original appearance, and those crazy large vegetation had disappeared.

The night sky beneath the surrounding sea of ​​sand was peaceful and quiet.

It seems that after the sandstorm swept through, it was blocked by the forest, and the sand that escaped the net accumulated a little in high places such as the eaves and roofs, which can prove the traces of the sandstorm.

Just...that's it, it's over?
When Wilsey, who took back the domain, landed again, before she returned to Liao Yu's side, she was taken aback. It turned out that the desert people spontaneously regarded the elves as the daughters of the desert, and began to He knelt down and bowed to Vercy, calling out miracles.

(End of this chapter)

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