Chapter 116 The Ultimate Dungeon of the Syndicate Area——The Devil's Dungeon, under preparation
"Okay, thank you Miss Lisa for your cooperation. Apart from this, is there no more desert folk history?"

In the hall of the leader of Ghost Town, Lisa gave all the information she could collect to Liao Yu, the envoy of God.

Yes, in the eyes of the desert people, Liao Yu and Welsh, etc., have terrifying monsters and can easily withstand hurricanes and sandstorms. They must be His messengers from the Sand Sea, and it is He who gave them the salvation of these desert peoples.

Liao Yu didn't bother to correct his address, what's more, it really helped him quickly gain the trust of the desert people.

The purpose of my coming to Ghost Town is not the desert people, but ghosts. Liao Yu first heard the information from Hill that the people of these ghost tribes seem to have coincident names. I didn't give up, I thought of many possibilities.

After all, the real "ghosts" I want to find are my partners or their descendants from thousands of years ago, and moreover, they are also the troubles that the "traitor" has been trying to find and get rid of.

Therefore, if he found it so easily and instantly, Liao Yu still didn't believe it.

One of the possibilities that Liao Yu thought of was that Lisa and these desert people were just an external cover, and only real companions could see through the hidden information behind.

That's why Liao Yu stayed behind and asked Lisa about many things in detail, and also made insinuations, but unfortunately, he found nothing, and there was no clue about his partner from a thousand years ago.

Even if he looked through the collected books in Ghost Town, he seemed to be unable to find any useful information about the past of the desert people.

Apart from
Liao Yu finally sorted it out, and the only thing that was related to "a thousand years ago" was
"Miss Lisa, can you show me your leader's token?"


According to the legend of the desert people, a millennium fell from the sky, guiding their ancestors to find the first stone slab of the oasis.

It was also because even after the desert people fell, they never forgot it and even regarded it as a token of leadership.

Without hesitation, Lisa quickly handed the necklace of slab fragments to Liao Yu from her chest.

However, during the process, Lisa still had a gloomy expression, not because of Liao Yu, but because there was still some blood on the slab fragments, which came from her younger brother.

So if Lia Yu wanted this fragment of the slate, Lisa would not be reluctant, and she would give it up completely, because to her, it seemed that Liao Yu helped her get rid of a painful memory.

Lisa was right.

Liao Yu really didn't intend to return the slate.

You can't call it back, if an item belongs to you.

When the slate fragments approached Liao Yu, there was no obvious reaction like the scroll of the "Home System".

It wasn't until Liao Yu touched the fragment that it flickered on and off, and finally some faint light flickered.

Lisa was not surprised by this.

She also regarded Liao Yu as an envoy, and the fragments would respond to Liao Yu, which only proved it more.

But Liao Yu's side
【The Moment of the Earth (Fragment)】

[Collect all fragments to activate the "map" function]

【Currently required 5/104】

The prompts that appeared in front of him proved Liao Yu's guess.

Sure enough, it was another relic of salvation.

And the category is not a prop like a holy sword, but a "system".

How does Liao Yu feel that Zhoumu's own game character is like being exploded with gold coins, and the system is scattered all over the place.

The previous "home system" is like this.

The current "map" function looks even worse. It's completely broken into pieces. The piece in my hand is only [-]/[-] of a slate?

This time I ran through the Syndicate with great effort, and finally my trip was not in vain.

Map functionality is common in almost all games.

In "Falling Devil", Liao Yu thought about it a little bit, and put aside the most basic and simple "leading" ability, the map system should also bring him two major conveniences.

The first is the teleportation anchor point.

Players in the game can run around the world, relying on the sub-function of the map system, the teleportation anchor point. With this, the player can complete the most perfect instant teleportation without any back-swing and singing.

Of course, some restricted special scenes and regions are excluded, but these are basically a very small number. Most of the time, the teleportation anchor point can be said to be Liao Yu, and the most frequently used system capabilities are not excessive.

In particular, in addition to the official anchor points in the game, players can also spend "starlight" to make their own teleportation anchor points, but it is a bit expensive. With the shortage of starlight in the game, Liao Yu is reluctant to do it, but it is different now. If the whole world is plugged into the anchor points he made, will his transfer ability still need to be like it is now? He has to fly as a Chimera for a whole day to go to a syndicate.

In addition to the teleportation anchor point, the second thing Liao Yu values ​​is the "exploration and display" ability of the map.

As the name suggests.

Many games also do this, marking on the map where there may be treasure chests, ruins, dungeon caves, special areas, etc.

Although it is the real world now, there should be no such thing as treasure chests everywhere, but searching for relics and caves, etc., Liao Yu thinks that he is still looking forward to it. This is likely to become his best compass.

In any case, all the slate fragments must be collected!

After confirming the goal, the next step is how to implement it.

This difficulty is not small.

"Lisa, when did this stone slab break?"

"At least three or four hundred years ago."

"So the slate fragments have been circulating among your various tribes and gangs for the past three to four hundred years?"

"Yes, some black market merchants will use it as currency, and some tribal leaders I know use these as collectibles. There are still many fragments that may have been scattered everywhere, lost and abandoned in corners."

Lisa's words made Wilsey, who was listening, frown a little.

She saw that this slate was probably an item that would be extremely helpful to the professor.

But now.
It is equivalent to fragments of slate, scattered throughout the Syndicate, and has been lost for hundreds of years. It is not just held by a few big forces, it is likely that ordinary people will pick it up.

If they really wanted to find them one by one, such a workload would probably take up most of the strength of the Animating Demon Clan.

But the sand sea environment and the highly exposed sun can be said to be the most annoying environment for Shadow Demon, which further reduces the efficiency.

What's more, Shadow Fiend still has to take care of Illinois, so what will happen to Illinois if they really come to Syndicate.

After letting Lisa back down, Liao Yu was meditating alone at the table, playing with shards of slate in his hands.


If you want to act discreetly and low-key, you can only choose to take the path of Shadow Demon.

But the efficiency is too poor.

And there is a risk of losing sight of the other. Illinois has just been under their control, so they cannot mobilize the Shadow Demon at this time.

After rejecting Shadow Demon's plan.

What is left is to invade the Syndicate on a large scale, conquer the entire Syndicate, subdue every tribe and gang, and then mobilize them to find for themselves and let them hand in the stone fragments.

This method is feasible and feasible.

But the truth is the next step.

The Syndicate is surrounded by the three major powers next to the Empire. The Holy Kingdom of Glory, the Inquisition, and the Sorcerous Kingdom correspond to the fates of the three major factions in the game that are absolutely "magnificent and righteous" in the camp of the protagonist. ——Brightness, Judgment, Wisdom

These three countries are not the same as Illinois.

Their national strength, now Liao Yu has to put a question mark, and the Syndicate is at the junction. The three major countries did not care about the Syndicate before, not only because the Syndicate is a desert sand sea, but also because the Syndicate itself is chaotic and disorderly.

But if a powerful new force suddenly appeared in the syndicate and integrated all the tribal gangs with a sweeping force, then Liao Yu didn't think that the three major congresses would sit idly by, and at that time he might lose the big because of the small loss. The biggest advantage of being in the dark.

It looks like this.

It does seem to be a bit tricky.

Is there really no way to achieve both concealment and efficiency, the best of both worlds?
Of course there are.

Liao Yu stopped spinning the slate fragments in his hand.

He let out a long breath, the frown that was frowned before was gone long ago, replaced by a kind of eager anticipation.

Seeing Liao Yu like this, Wilsey knew that the professor must have a solution.

The elf curiously asked: "Professor, so you intend to."

"Wilxi, have you ever played a dungeon, or a dungeon, that is, you call your friends together, work hard to conquer, operate step by step, try repeatedly, refer to the strategy, and finally defeat the boss after a lot of hardships, and get the dungeon in the dungeon." Treasure chest treasure."

Facing Liao Yu's rhetorical question, a big question mark rose above the elf's head.

Seeing this, Liao Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's a pity for Versie. In addition, thinking about it this way, the demons also have dungeons in other games. They use attractive treasures to attract and lure all kinds of adventurers and braves to come in. It is full of All kinds of slimes, goblins, tentacle monsters, etc., and then kill all the men and women"

Liao Yu muttered in a low voice, although there are demons in the first episode of "Falling Demon", the focus is all on the battle between humans and demons, but there is no such thing as the most classic dungeon gameplay.

Then you have to give this world a good supplement.

Coincidentally, the sixth floor of the magic tower is still empty.

Just as well as an experiment.

Magic tower security assessment.

I kindly invited all the clans and gangs of the Syndicate to experience such a classic game content. It is not too much to pay attention to the entrance ticket. A piece of slate comes in once. Compared with the infinite treasures in it, it is absolutely cheap.

Welsh can almost understand Liao Yu's meaning, probably using the magic tower to create a relic-like area to attract Syndicates and need stone slabs to enter.

In this way, there is no need for them to look for them, but the Syndicate will take the initiative to rush to send the stone slabs, and in order to get more treasures in it, they will spontaneously help them find the stone slabs on a large scale.

With the accumulation of demons, it should not be a problem to tempt humans. Just the various magic props, scrolls, and weapons made by the magicians on the third floor, even their elves are tempted, let alone the syndicate humans here. .


As expected of a professor!
But Wilhelm still has a problem.
"Professor, is it wise to let them enter the Magic Tower, in case they leak our information after they get out?"

Liao Yu shook his head about the simple elf's question.

As a player, he hates two types of people the most in the game.

One is the one who designed a disgusting replica to disgust him.

The other one is to prevent him from disgusting other players by designing disgusting copies.

From the Demon King's dungeon, do you still want to get out alive?

Who do you look down on!
(End of this chapter)

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