Chapter 117 Instance Construction
Of course.

Although Liao Yu said this, the initial copy was definitely not directly difficult.

That's too discouraging.

All the adventurers in the Syndicate are dead inside, so who will spread the word and improve his reputation, and who will dare to enter his dungeon again.

Just like a casino wants to kill customers, it must let the customers win a few "lucky" first, and after they feel "what, I'm not very good", wait for the other party to be overwhelmed and full of greed, Show your real fangs again.

In order to create a copy of the "Novice Level" for Syndicate tribes and gangs to lower the difficulty, Liao Yu did not plan to put demon soldiers into it.

I have to find some monster NPCs with lower strength and higher output, and another key point is that even if I give it to adventurers to kill for nothing, I don't feel sorry for the monster NPC.

After thinking about it, Liao Yu found that the most suitable candidate for the monster had to be an undead.

Skeleton undead!

The undead had already proven their obedience and usefulness during the previous chaos in the Illinois palace.

And another major feature of the skeletons is that they are strictly classified.

It just so happens that each level has its corresponding undead.

For example, the lowest level of "undead soldiers" is around ten levels. For the syndicate's gang, it should be in a comfortable zone, which is neither too aggressive nor impossible to kill.

And when they go up to another level, the "undead warriors" whose average level is around level [-] can just be regarded as elites, and it takes an average of five or six people to besiege them together to defeat them.

Now that there are mobs and elites, it’s time to defeat the boss.

It's up to you, undead warrior.

Although the undead warrior is an old friend, on Liao Yu's side, he feels overwhelmed and crazy, and he is completely a rookie.

But don't forget, for outsiders, take the fourth-level undead warrior of the Five Flowers Alliance as an example, but with his own strength, he killed the A-level horned eagle mercenary group indiscriminately,
Liao Yu still thought that after all, the Syndicate were all desperadoes, homeless criminals, and wild people, unlike Illinois who grew up in a greenhouse.

He believed that the Syndicate's fighting prowess would prevent them from being wiped out by the Undead Warriors. At least they would still be able to escape if they couldn't defeat them.

After the monster categories were finalized, Liao Yu just did what he said.

Another great advantage of the undead is that the output is very simple, as long as you understand the corresponding necromantic magic, you don't need any complicated and cumbersome materials, as long as you have a "corpse" is enough.

It's garbage recycling.

It just so happens that the corpses of the more than 3000 Bloody Hands who were killed are still not cool yet. It should be more than enough to use these to summon the undead creatures.

Liao Yu didn't intend to bother the magician about this matter.

He also thought of a hand addiction himself.

It has been more than half a month since he traveled back in time. Relying on the time he spent resting in Illinois, Liao Yu has accumulated a lot of experience points through daily tasks.

Although in fact, he has only done one daily task, which is the time to find a cat for the perverted lady.

But after taking down Illinois, the local Adventurer's Association naturally belonged to him. Liao Yu's pattern was opened, and with a little operation, such as issuing tasks for himself, relying on small bugs like cards, he has basically done this. It's the passive income of "laying down and harvesting vegetables".

Otherwise, if I am a demon king and have so many things to do every day, how can I have the time to do it every day?

The last time he was at the top of the King's Tower, wielding a lightsaber, he was level 29.

But now, more than ten days later, with 42000 experience points in one day, Liao Yu saved a full 50 experience points, soaring directly from level 29 to level 41 before stopping.

At this time, he finally had enough magic power to use many of the skills he had learned through the "Perfect Learning" ability of "Star Sculpt II".

Just like.
Five Stages of Necromancy - 【Great Tomb】

No need to sing, Liao Yu, who walked out, raised his right hand high, and the ghostly shadow of a blue skull condensed in his palm. The next moment, the ground trembled, as if there was a huge vortex, and the blood of the members of the Blood Hand Gang The corpses were devoured entirely.

After collecting a large number of corpses, a deep and secluded tomb was built underground. Liao Yu had a thought, and the underworld fire suddenly emerged from the mouth of the large tomb. Then, as he planned, first the rows of skeleton soldiers with the largest number came from Crawled out of the tomb, and then, as an elite undead warrior, piercing the soil with a bone blade in his hand, also climbed out and stood up straight.

In the end, Liao Yu shaped the undead warrior, who was responsible for the final boss' accusation, into an image of three or four meters high, holding a heavy hammer, leading in front of all the skeletons.

It feels a bit worse.

Indeed, even if it is a novice level, the original intention is to give it away, but Liao Yu thinks that the types of monsters should not be too single, and there should be more, so as to bring a good game experience to the "players".

[The Great Tomb] can summon many undead, not just skeleton undead, such as
Liao Yu waved his hand again, and immediately another brand new claw broke out from the sand on the big tomb.

This time it's not a pure skeleton, but a monster with a little bit of flesh on it that's not completely faded. It crawls on all fours, resembling a dog with a human face - a ghoul.
For this group of undead puppies, the power of ghouls is about 25, which is between skeleton soldiers and warriors.

There are actually subdivided varieties of ghouls.

The poisonous attribute is strengthened, and the poisonous ghoul with a miserable green body is also strengthened with strength, and the violent ghoul with a red body.

Liao Yu has been engaged in these two for the time being, as the elite of the ghoul series monsters, giving adventurers a new experience.

As for the boss creature of this series, the Ghoul King, Liao Yu thought about it and still didn't let it go.

After all, the strength of this thing is close to the fifth level, and it will consume hundreds of corpses. If it is really released, a large number of novice players will die. Liao Yu, as a kind planner, will definitely not do this Discourage the "players".

Now there are monsters.

The venue is also simple.

The Demon King's Tower that floated over from Illinois is now suspended in the sky above Ghost Town.

Liao Yu took out part of the space on the sixth floor of the magic tower that was still empty, and made a simple arrangement to transform it into a maze. This is too easy for an ashes player of rpg like Liao Yu. It's just a sample picture of several copies of the maze.

Of course, in order not to dissuade the "players", Liao Yu relented.

There are no traps at all, random teleportation points, hidden BOSS rooms, plot kills, etc. The lewd H-cg house is just a pure maze, a bit devious.

These "wonderful content" have to be saved for later.

After the copy is built, there is still one last element, the reward.

Liao Yu immediately set off to the third floor of the magic tower, the magic hall. The magicians here had prepared a large number of second- and third-level props and scrolls in accordance with Liao Yu's requirements.

These are actually by-products of magic experiments, or even scrapped products.

However, garbage in the eyes of magicians can be put on the human side. From the "Lanchi Prop Shop" in Illinois, it is enough to see that even the most inferior recovery potions can be regarded as gold medals. High-level scrolls can become the blockbuster finale of the auction, attracting countless nobles and adventurers to compete for the auction.

not to mention.
Liao Yu picked up a weapon on the experimental table of the magicians.

It seems to be the most ordinary and low-level iron sword, but after Liao Yu swung it, the lines of spells flashed on the hilt. Liao Yu suddenly felt that the iron sword seemed to become lighter, and his own strength was amplified, making it stronger. s attack.

Then he turned around and took another bow. There was no arrow. Liao Yu just pulled the bow string, and spell fluctuations appeared on the bow. Then, a cold arrow with ice elements was automatically generated.

There are many similar ones, such as shields with rock elements added, flaming hammers with fire attacks, running boots with wind elements, etc.
These are all magicians, relying on the weapon "enchantment" technology that they learned by studying the holy sword that night in Illinois.

Nowadays, this large number of newly released magical weapons just needed to be tested for performance, so Liao Yu put them in the treasure box as "first-class prizes".

After all, these enchanted magic weapons, compared to the ones they use now, are like a leap from the Stone Age to the Age of Guns.

Liao Yu believes that it will definitely make the Syndicate completely crazy.

Everything is ready.

What is missing now is the first batch of adventurers.

Liao Yu returned to Ghost Town again, found Lisa, and asked her, an aborigine, about the latest power distribution of the Syndicate in detail, so that he could decide for himself which power to choose as the first guinea pig.

"Master Liao Yu, the syndicate's power composition is actually closely related to the three major powers. People who have been exiled from the same country and region are more likely to form tribes and gangs."

"Just like the Bloody Hand Gang before, most of them are prisoners of the Tribunal and have a close relationship with the Tribunal."

"In contrast, the Shadow Tribe formed by the refugees from the Theocracy of Radiance is also an outstanding group in the Syndicate."

"In the end, they were expelled from the Sorcerous Kingdom, the "Death Apostles" established by those black art masters."

Lisa and Liao Yu counted down the syndicate's three largest power organizations, but in the end, she hesitated and mentioned another name.

"Originally, the Blood Hand Gang, the Shadow Tribe, and the Death Accuser have been syndicated for a long time, but just recently, another new force from outside has also joined in. They claim to be called..."

"Animal Gang."

(End of this chapter)

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