Chapter 118

Animal gang?
Such a strange name.

Lisa's words after that seemed to explain even more that the Animal Gang is different.

"No one knows where the people from the Animal Gang come from. They don't seem to be from the three major countries. Although there are only a few hundred people from the Animal Gang, every one of them, even the children, has innate strange powers."

Liao Yu: "Strange power?"

"Yes, a child from the Animal Gang who is only a few years old can lift a stone of [-] to [-] kilograms. At first, I thought it was a rumor, until one time, I visited them and saw the child from the Animal Gang with my own eyes. , when I helped move the stones for building the house, I believed it."

Lisa's eyes showed memories, as if she still finds it inconceivable.

"Relying on the strong strength and this strange force, the Animal Gang quickly became the fourth faction of the Syndicate in just a month or two. They are still actively fighting, so some syndicates call them the Crazy Gang, and their brains are not normal."

"Because other tribes and gangs fight for resources, for oasis, or for population, but animal gangs fight, none of the above, they seem to fight for the sake of fighting."

"And they also have a principle, which is to only fight the top ones. Whichever gang tribe in the Syndicate has been the most popular recently, they will specifically pick which gang tribe to fight, even if there is no grudge between the two sides, and for those weak and weak ones, the Animal Gang Instead of attacking them, sometimes they even do the opposite, helping them resist the attacks of other powerful tribes."

From Lisa's appearance, it is not difficult to see that the previous Animal Gang should have helped them in Ghost Town, which also explained that when Lisa said that she was lucky enough to go to the Animal Help, it should be when she went to thank them.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

After letting Lisa back down, Liao Yu's eyes flickered with interest.

This animal gang.

These key words can be summarized from Lisa's description.

My origin is mysterious and does not belong to the three major kingdoms.

Everyone is born with strange powers.

Not keen on development.

All I can think about is fighting.

In addition, I don't know if it's because of his martial arts virtues, or because he is just a hobby, but he only picks the strong to fight.

The initial impression that Animal Gang gave to Liao Yu was that he was muscular and green.

This is good!

Liao Yu's favorite is Lengtouqing.

Next to Silly Baitian, she is the second easiest person to fool.

Wilsey: "."

Regardless of the resentful little eyes of the elves, Liao Yu immediately took Versie and set off towards the station where Lisa told himself that the Animal Gang was located.

After walking out of the oasis of Ghost Town, there was a large sea of ​​sand, but this was not a problem for Velxi, the apostle of flowers. Soon a sand boat woven from plants appeared under the silver-haired elf's bare feet, carrying The two of them moved forward at high speed in the sea of ​​sand.

After a while, according to the direction on the map, they came to the oasis where the Animal Gang was based - the tribal oasis.

Yes, it is to name the oasis simply and rudely as the word "tribe".

At the entrance of the oasis, you can see it from a long distance. Two large totems are erected. On the totems, various animals such as wolves, lions, tigers, cows, scorpions, crocodiles, etc. are depicted. Of course, the gentler ones Also, Liao Yu also saw cats, rabbits, foxes, etc. on the totem.

It can be seen that the totem is not just a powerful beast to symbolize power.

But the people here seem to admire and purely like these things.

No wonder it's called Animal Gang.

Just when Liao Yu and Welsh approached the door, a group of Animal Gang members suddenly surrounded them from all directions. Among them, the leading man, with an exaggerated aquiline nose, was staring at them with sharp eyes.

The hooked-nosed man gave his subordinates a color, and immediately another member of the Animal Gang, who was all black and had a face like a gorilla, stepped forward to question him.

"You two, what did you do here?"

Liao Yu looked at the male chimpanzee in front of him, questioning him, combined with the hook-nosed man in front of him, and then looked around to see the members of the Animal Gang surrounding him.

It seems that the name "Animal Gang" has another meaning.

These members are indeed
Some of them look like pigs' heads and are still "snorting", some have faces like nervous domestic dogs, and some have a bull ring on their noses.

Even the most exaggerated, one member's hair is so thick that it is actually a blond afro hairstyle. At first glance, it looks exactly like a lion's mane.

The members of the Animal Gang not only have different skin colors, but also have different hair colors. No wonder no one can tell where they come from.

Their only common feature, as if.
Each of them is human-like and a little bit unlike human beings, and the corresponding characteristics of "some kind" of animals can always be found in each of them.

There is a black iron ring around their necks.

"I have important information to inform your boss." Liao Yu said concisely.

Although the people of these animal gangs are ugly.

But their hearts seem to be very pure and pure.

Hearing what Liao Yu said, he didn't even ask. The leader of the man with a hooked nose immediately waved his hand and said to Liao Yu: "Then you came at the wrong time. Our eldest sister went out to fight. Come back another day."

"Fight? Who is it with this time?"

"Huh, of course it's those bastards from the Bloody Hand Gang. The eldest sister said that she can't bear them bullying the younger. The other ghost tribes are honest and do nothing. They are going to annex them. The eldest sister has already rushed to the rescue. gone."

rescue?Hearing that the eldest sister of the Animal Gang was looking for trouble with the Bloody Hand Gang, Liao Yu was quite surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, Lisa said before, should the Animal Gang turn to find out the big power in the limelight.

The fact that the Bloody Hand Gang went to annex Ghost Town must be considered big news in the Syndicate.

As a result, after listening to it later, the healing was strange. I didn’t see the animal gang’s rescue in Ghost Town, right?
"Did your eldest sister go to Ghost Town?"

"Ghost town? Haha, you underestimate the wisdom of our elder sister Ahu. The elder sister said that this time she will surround, surround..." The hooked nose held it in for a long time and seemed to have forgotten the words.

He hastily poked another female companion with a cat-like beard beside him, and seemed to be saying, what did you come here.

"It's about collecting blood to save Youyou." the female member of Catwhisker added.

"Yes! Surrounding Blood and Rescuing You, the meaning of this word is that Boss Ahu went to besiege the base camp of the Blood Hand Gang, so that those members of the Blood Hand Gang who were going to bully Ghost Town can only be forced to return to defense. In this way, It deftly resolved the crisis in Ghost Town!"

The hooked-nosed man held his head high and held his chest high. He didn't know whether he was proud of his "Ahu" boss's plans, or to show off his own education level.

But when he came back to his senses, Liao Yu and Welsh had long since disappeared, and were already on their way to the Bloody Hand Gang's lair.

Liao Yu now found out that the members of the Animal Gang are indeed not very smart.

The oasis area occupied by the Blood Hand Gang is very large, but even at the entrance, obvious traces of fierce fighting can be seen. Many members of the Blood Hand Gang were wailing and huddled on the ground, their bodies arched, It seems that everyone has suffered some kind of gravity blow.

Liao and Yu easily entered the Bloody Hand Gang's camp without any hindrance. Following the traces of fighting along the way, the chaotic sounds in front soon became closer and closer.

Wilhelm summoned a huge plant and lifted the two of them into the sky. Liao Yu looked over and finally found out that they had already gone deep into the lair and surrounded by countless members of the Blood Hand Gang. There were only a few dozen members of the Animal Gang member.

However, even though they were deep inside the Blood Hand Gang and surrounded at all levels, these Animal Gang members seemed not to be afraid at all. Instead, they continued to fight more and more bravely.

Especially the one at the head, the white-haired woman who killed all directions in the crowd of Blood Hands.

It is different from the silver hair of the elf next to him.

That's true, short snow-white hair like the first snow, but if you look closely, you can still see touches of vermilion at the end of the white hair.

From the appearance alone, it seems that people can recognize her identity at a glance, Ahu
(End of this chapter)

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