Chapter 119 Heresy
"Damn it! These crazy dogs from the Animal Gang!"

There are a total of three deputy leaders of the Bloody Hands Gang, except for the one who performed the task of Ghost Town, the remaining two are sweating profusely, gnashing their teeth and staring fiercely. The white-haired woman who entered the land of no one.

Most of the members of the Bloody Hand Gang come from one of the tribunals of the Three Kingdoms.

And the Judgment Chamber is one of the few countries in the whole world that does not advocate and pursue magic arts, but instead pays attention to physical strength and hones physical fitness.

Therefore, the Bloody Hand Gang has always been in the Syndicate, focusing on close combat and various fighting skills and martial arts.

But now it is their strength in hand-to-hand combat, but they are ruthlessly crushed. One after another, members of the Bloody Hand Gang are thrown out by the strangely powerful white-haired woman like a sandbag.

The rest of the Animal Gang members, following closely around the white-haired woman, seemed like bulldozers for a moment, continuing to penetrate deep into the Bloody Hand Gang's hinterland, no amount of people could stop them.

The deputy leader under this scene finally couldn't help but said angrily: "What the hell are you mad dogs trying to do! Are you going to start a full-scale war with us!"

The white-haired woman replied: "When your people withdraw from Ghost Town, we will leave!"

"Bastard! What does Ghost Town have to do with you!" Hearing that the reason for the white-haired woman's call was this, the deputy leader almost didn't recite it in one breath.

"It's okay, but I just can't stand what you're doing. What's wrong? If you don't accept it, come down and have a fight. What's the point of just talking on top?"

The white-haired woman looked up at the deputy leader, who was furious, but still huddled on the high platform and dared not come out, showing a contemptuous expression of contempt.

Seeing this, the two deputy chiefs were furious, but none of them dared to take it seriously, because the last one, who was a top third-tier fighter, was directly trampled to death by the other party. The picture is still vivid.

But soon, before the farce lasted too long, the sound of steady footsteps sounded from behind.

The two deputy leaders turned around in a hurry, and a man in a black robe was walking towards him. His eyes were cold and his face was full of wrinkles, but it didn't make him look old, but made him look more majestic. The most eye-catching thing is still hidden under his black robe, looming, the right arm shining with blood-red light.

"Master Bloody Hand!" Seeing the man, the deputy leaders immediately shouted respectfully and bowed their heads deeply.

It can also be seen from the name that the Bloody Hand Gang was initiated by him, and it was named after his personal name.

The appearance of the bloody hand finally put pressure on the white-haired woman below.

Ahu threw the unlucky gang member who was held up by her like a chicken, and threw it aside, looking at the bloody hand, with a serious expression, but more of a fighting spirit.

"Old man, after being beaten to the door of the house, he finally came out. Don't you hide? Hmph, I don't think there is much difference between you and your two cowards."

"Now I give you two choices, either, take the initiative to fight with me, I think you are quite old, and you can still keep your bones intact, but if you wait for me to fight to find you, when the time comes, hum"

The bloody hand ignored Ahu's arrogant shouting below.

All the members of the Animal Gang have strange powers, but their brains are not very good, and their dispositions are like children. This is recognized by the major forces of the Syndicate. If they really compete with them, they will lose.

What's more, it's not that he has never fought Ahu before. Although the opponent's strength is a little weaker than him, he can win, but he can go one step further. He can't do it if he wants to completely subdue the opponent. The white-haired woman can't beat him and really wants to run away Well, he really can't stop it, this is also the disgusting place of the Animal Gang, they go to other people's houses to play games, and they can always get out of it.

There was a cold flash in the bloody hand's eyes.

At other times, he might have endured it, but this time, it is related to the future of their Blood Hand Gang. After the Syndicate falls behind, whether they can rely on the important action of the big tree of the God Empire.

He can't tolerate the slightest mistake.

For this reason, Bloody Hand took a small dark green lamp that he had prepared a long time ago, and it seemed that many suppressed evil souls could be seen in the light.

The bloody hand directed the small lamp towards the animals below, and after gently swaying it, the situation on the battlefield immediately reversed.

I saw that many members of the Animal Gang seemed to have reacted to the green light with the black rings around their necks, as if they began to tighten up, making their expressions painful and unable to exert their strength.

And it seems that the stronger the person, the tighter the black ring around the neck binds. The white-haired woman who was majestic just now also gritted her teeth and was forced to stop in place as if resisting and trying to suppress the black ring around her neck.

At this time, on Xueshou's face, there was an expression of "as expected".

Immediately afterwards, he jumped down from the high platform again, and that blood-red arm immediately turned into claws and grabbed Ahu's neck.

Although the white-haired girl tried her best to dodge, it was obvious that she still wanted to resist, but she was suppressed by the black ring on her neck and lost most of her strength. Then he punched out and flew out directly.

Many members of the Bloody Hands cheered, but the leader still had to take action. For these suppressed animal gangs, the Bloody Hands were going to return and hand them over to their subordinates, telling them not to kill them, but to capture them alive.

Seeing that the Bloody Hand Gang was about to surround them again, Wilsey, who was not far away in the dark, immediately asked Liao Yu for instructions.

"Professor, we"

"Let's save them."

After giving the order, Liao Yu continued to stare at the members of the Animal Gang, to be precise, the black rings around their necks, his eyes thoughtful.

At first, Liao Yu thought that those hoops were just a gang decoration for the Animal Gang, so he didn't think much about it.

but now.
Liao Yu recognized the green light that the bloody hand took out just now.

That is a classic prop in the "Judgment" track, the Warden's Lamp.

The purpose of "judgment" in human society represents order and rules.

Any heresy will be judged.

In the game, once the player commits a lot of evil, it attracts the pursuit of the glorious saint, and the person who assists the saint is the "judgment".

If the player loses, he will be sent to the still water prison of "Judgment", where he will serve as a prisoner and undergo labor reform until his crime value is emptied before being released.

Because Liao Yu had never defeated a saint, he lacked this game experience instead, so when he first saw the iron ring of the Animal Gang, he didn't react.

Until now, when the bloody hand took out the warden's "soul lamp", Liao Yu thought about it together. It seems that in Jingshui prison, when the trial controls those criminals who are extremely vicious and heinous, the same is true, relying on the black ring on the neck , suppress the prisoner with the black ring.

Combined with the strange behavior and suspicious appearance of these animal gangs, Liao Yu couldn't help but make a bold guess in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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