Chapter 120 The Fox Shows His Tail

The members of the Bloody Hand Gang, who were pressing every step of the way, now had their roles reversed. When they saw the Animal Gang suppressed by the black ring, they seemed to be able to finally express their anger, and wanted to get back all the grievances they had suffered before.

Although the Bloody Hand boss said that they cannot be killed and must be captured alive, it is definitely inevitable that there will be more revengeful behaviors mixed with grudges during the process.

They held the blades and slashed at the Animal Gang. They had to open some holes and draw blood, especially the arrogant white-haired woman in front.

Although the white-haired woman is full of strange strength and has infinite strength, she does not look like other members of the Animal Gang, who are five big and three thick, and all of them are crooked and cracked. Instead, she has slender legs and feet, thin skin and tender flesh. Her "animal characteristics" Those are the long eyelashes like velvet, and the short snow-white hair.

This not only makes her not look like a heretic, but also gives her a different kind of beauty.

Of course, the members of the Bloody Hand Gang who have gained power to counterattack now want to kill the white-haired woman. A few knives on her pretty face can relieve their hatred that has been suppressed by the other party all along.

And the Animal Gang, apart from anything else, is now very painfully suppressed by the black ring, unable to use any strength, but still desperately protecting the white-haired woman in their center, as if no matter what they say, they must never let the white-haired woman get hurt.

Especially the two generals beside the white-haired woman.

"Three dogs, predators, you take everyone and leave quickly. Don't worry about me. I can do something myself. I have hidden power that I haven't activated yet. I have to wait for you to leave. Leave me alone. Don't get in my way. OK!"

Ahu resisted the suppression of the black ring, and wanted to let others break through first, and use her as a bait to attract other members of the Blood Hand Gang, but this attracted angry rebuttals from the two people around her.

"Eldest sister! Every time you tell a lie, your tail can't stop moving. How can you hide your power! We must walk together, and we will never leave elder sister behind!"

The man named Sangou, just like his name, looks like a big yellow dog that loyally protects his master.

Although Ahu's heart sounded very warm, he was also very angry at the same time.

"Fart! Where did I get my tail now! I really didn't lie to you, I'm about to make a big move, you go, I, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it for a while and hurt you!"

"Even if you don't have the right tail, ears! Eldest sister, your ears move, it means the same thing! Anyway, we won't leave! Even if we are accidentally injured by the eldest sister, I'm happy. Besides, we are rarely injured by the eldest sister!"

"Three dogs are right. We will always fight side by side with my eldest sister." Another general with a head shaped like a crocodile made a firm voice although it was not smooth.


Seeing all the members of the Animal Gang, no one said they wanted to run away first. At this time, Ah Hu finally stopped trying to trick him and stopped thinking about sacrificing himself to cover the retreat of others.

"Okay! When I brought you out back then, I said that we must restore our glory, not only to revive, but also to make us number one in the world! To become the strongest, how can we fail in such a place!"

Ahu's eyes burned with infinite faith, as if she could follow the passionate words to drive her emotions and gain more power. For a moment, some abilities that had been sleeping in her body seemed to be awakened to help her overcome the black ring on her neck. There is really a hint of a breakthrough.

But at this moment, without giving Ahu a chance to explode, Wilsey's support had already arrived on the battlefield one step ahead.


A loud noise was heard, and the ground suddenly trembled. The Bloody Hands, who originally thought the situation was settled, were startled. Many members of the Bloody Hands Gang present could no longer stand still, and their bodies were swaying.

what! ?

Before anyone could react, cracks opened up from the trembling earth. Countless green vegetation emerged from the cracks in the earth. Thick vines grew wildly and turned into flying whips in the blink of an eye. , pulling towards the position of the Bloody Hand Gang.

"Grow plants!?"

"Willow hit, hit someone, what, wait!"

"Go away! Go away from these bushes, can't see clearly, can't see anything clearly"

"Fire, hurry up and burn these crazy mutated plants!"

"What the hell are you, you forgot that this is our base! You want to burn the whole house down!"

Versy, who summoned a large number of plants, successfully plunged the Bloody Hands into chaos, and there was no time to say that she was still in charge of the Animal Gang, but the equally bewildered Animal Gang reacted quickly after a short period of distraction.

"Sister, you, you really have hidden power!" The big yellow dog man from before opened his mouth wide.

"It's rare that I'm not lying, sister." Another man with a crocodile head said naively.

But as the person involved, Ahu was confused. She was just lying to others. There was no hidden power, but the vegetation that obviously helped them was
do not care!
Run away first!
"Come on!"

The siege of the Bloody Hand Gang had exposed loopholes under the crazy plants. Ah Hu led the Animal Gang to successfully break through the encirclement easily and quickly escaped into the distance.

After seeing Ah Hu and the others running away, Wilsey stopped the natural spell and ended the crazy growth of the plants. Together with Liao Yu, they chased after them from the same position as the Super Animal Gang.

"Phew! What a dangerous situation just now! That human was able to take out the lamp of the "Tribunal", damn! He almost succeeded."

"But eldest sister is still amazing. She can actually communicate with plants! Sister, please tell us what that trick is. Did eldest sister successfully break through the restrictions of the black ring and regain the shaman's ability!?"

Faced with the admiration and inquiries from her subordinates, Ahu scratched her head and felt a little confused. She shook her head honestly and said:

"No, that's not my power. You all know the black ring around our necks. It's not so easy to break through. What's more, when my mother taught me the shaman ability, I...I didn't learn it at all. Forgot all about it."

"Eldest sister's ears didn't move, it's the truth!"

"Then why."

The big yellow dog man and the crocodile head were strange, and Ahu was actually very puzzled. She thought hard for a while, and suddenly showed excitement.

"I see!"

"It must be Xiao Lu, it's Xiao Lu who is here to repay his kindness!"

Seeing the excited white-haired woman, Sangou and Crocodile were very surprised and couldn't help asking: "Who is Xiaolu? Is there such a person in the Animal Gang?"

"Little Green is not a person! It's a plant! It's a little cactus that I keep in my room! I water her every day, she must be repaying her kindness!"

Three dogs, predators: "."

Seeing that her two subordinates didn't believe it, the white-haired woman put her hands on her hips a little annoyed and argued with reason:

"That's how good people get good rewards. My mother was like this back then. After saving an injured fox on the side of the road, after more than ten years passed, my father came to repay my mother. That's how I was born!"

"So Xiaolu must be like this too. When I dug her out of the desert, didn't it mean I saved her? Now she is here to repay us!"

"Yes, but eldest sister, didn't your cactus die because you poured wine as water?"

Fox: "."

"I don't care! Anyway, Xiaolu is here to save us! This is the best proof!"

"Besides, you two idiots! You have to see the essence of things through things. I want to educate you about this. In the future, you must be like me and do more good deeds! Only in this way can you be rewarded when you encounter difficulties! Do you understand? Understand!"

Ahu pointed at the noses of the two subordinates and gave them an angry reprimand. The reprimand alone was not enough. After all, their clan's code of conduct presumably trumped their words. She looked around and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"You two, you have to cultivate your habit of doing good deeds now. Nuo, did you see that the two people in the distance look like they are in need of help. Go over and ask them what they need and what difficulties they have."

"Good people can be rewarded with good things. This is what my mother taught me. In case I'm not around next time, you should do good deeds so that someone will help you in times of crisis. Go!"

The white-haired girl went straight to her feet as she spoke, and kicked the two little brothers who were still a bit reluctant, urging them to perform good deeds.

There is no way, who calls Ahu their boss and the female chief.

So just like that, Sangou and Crocodile, along with a large group of animals, quickly surrounded the two people who were slightly out of place in the desert. For those who don't know, they thought they were some murderous desert robbers. Woolen cloth.

That seems to be the case?
"Both of you, stop! Don't leave! Hmph, today you are considered unlucky to meet us. Give me all your wishes and needs! Tell us!"

The big yellow dog man said to Liao Yu and Wei Erxi with a fierce look on his face.

The crocodile head who rushed over from the side also echoed:
"No one of you can leave until you tell me your wish!"

Liao Yu, Welsh: "."

It's a script I never thought of.

Seeing the silence of these two humans, Sangou and Dacrocod became a little anxious. After all, it was the practice task assigned by the eldest sister. In fact, they were also looking forward to it, in case there would be a reward later.

So the two stepped up their tone, and repeated to Liao Yu and Elf: "Don't tell us, you don't have wishes and needs, do you think we are three-year-old children?"

"I told my eldest sister that you look like someone you want to help."


The appearance of the three dogs and the crocodile seemed to make Ahu, who had no intention of intervening, look down on it.

She squeezed in helplessly, punched each of them first, and then scolded: "Are you two idiots? How can you ask others like this! What can you ask like this!"

After speaking, as if she was giving an example to the two younger brothers, this time the white-haired woman came to Liao Yu, and her words were indeed much more concise.

"Boy, either leave the difficult needs or leave your life, choose one."

Liao Yu: "."

Such an abnormal mind made Liao Yu more convinced of a guess.

Regarding Leng Tou Qing, Liao Yu couldn't use ordinary people's thinking. He abandoned all the various inducement strategies he had thought of before and spoke directly and concisely.

"The east side of Ghost Town seems to have changed the terrain after the sandstorm, revealing an ancient dungeon that had been hidden before. I want to hire you to help me explore it."

But the three leaders of the animal gang on the opposite side looked at a loss.

Ah Hu: "Dungeon? What is a dungeon?"

"It's full of relics of treasures." Liao Yu explained patiently.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the leaders of the three animal gangs lit up instantly.

They may not understand what "relics" are.

But I definitely know about the "treasure", very well.

"There is such a good place, take us there quickly!"

"Treasure. Treasure!"


As the eldest sister, Ahu punched the two younger brothers again with one punch.

"I want you to do good deeds, not to rob!"

After the education, Ahu turned his head and said to Liao Yu and Wei Erxi: "Okay, it is fate that we can meet here today, please leave this matter to our animal gang, and we said that it is to help your needs. , then we won’t ask for payment, what about you, all the treasures in the dungeon, we won’t take a cent!”

"Ah!? Big sister, but..."

The unwilling Sangou had just spoken, and when he looked at the white-haired woman's raised fist, he immediately shrank his neck and shut up.

Liao Yu didn't care much about it, it didn't matter.

The treasures were originally prepared for these outside adventurers, and they had to be taken out to let them help publicize and build momentum. Liao Yu believed that the white-haired woman could still maintain it now, but when she really saw those, the magic scrolls and props, Especially when it comes to enchanting weapons, it's definitely not as calm as it is now.

Liao Yu stared at the iron rings around their necks again. He chose the Animal Gang. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise. Maybe he could observe these people through actual combat in the dungeon?
But soon, Liao Yu discovered that there was no need for actual combat.

When he brought the Animal Gang members back to the entrance of the dungeon dungeon that he had carefully prepared near Ghost Town, these Animal Gang members were really big-hearted, and they really followed the rules without any doubts. As Liao Yu said, the figure is not as good as the portal.

After the teleportation, all the members of the Animal Gang arrived at the sixth floor of the "Magic Tower".
“Big big big big sister!!”

The man who looked like a big yellow dog was the first to speak. He was full of surprise and stared straight at Ah Hu, their boss, who was the first to teleport, and his mouth was stuttering.

In fact, all the members of the Animal Gang felt something. When they entered this dungeon space, the black rings around their necks seemed to have become less restrictive, making them feel relaxed.

And as the strongest among them, the white-haired girl is of course the one who responds the most to the changes in the black ring.

It's just that Ahu herself hasn't realized this reaction yet, and is still wondering why all her subordinates are looking at her in shock.

"Big sister, the tail is exposed!"


What tail?
Because he had been sealed by the black ring for so long, Ahu himself didn't even react for a while and was very confused.

But with her strange emotion, the back of her butt also swayed, and then Ahu saw that tuft of fur, bright and beautiful, and the body was beautiful. Just seeing it made her want to give birth to a baby. After stroking her snow-white tail, it was swaying gently behind her.

Fox: "."


(End of this chapter)

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