Chapter 121 Orcs will never be slaves
no doubt.

Humans do not grow snow-white fluffy tails.

When the characteristics of beasts also appear in humans, usually such creatures have another exclusive name. Orc.

No wonder.

From the strange name of the "Animal Gang", to Lisa's description of the strange powers from an outsider's perspective, and finally to the various manifestations of the not-so-smart mind, Liao Yu actually had a vague feeling when these elements were combined.

At this moment, the white-haired woman who "shows her tail as a fox" is undoubtedly finalizing this conclusion.

So after the elves, the next new race to "come" to this world is the orcs?
In the first week of the game, there are only two races in the world, humans and demons.

Now in the "Er Zhoumu" after a thousand years, good guy, Liao Yuman has already appeared in less than two months, and two foreigners have appeared.

No, it shouldn't be said that orcs are next after elves.

On the contrary, it seems that the appearance of orcs should actually "come" earlier than elves.

Liao Yu now quietly observes the white-haired woman's reaction.

I saw that after being surprised by her own tail, she immediately showed joy, as if she was happy after being lost, but soon, the white-haired woman seemed to realize something, and she immediately became serious and a little nervous On the ground, he looked towards himself and Welsh, the two "human beings" present.

Many members of the Animal Gang in the dungeon also reacted and immediately made the same move. Their slightly savage and rough faces are now full of vigilance and vigilance. Even going deeper, Liao Yu can still Saw a few wipes, lingering fear.

This fear, of course, is not for the two of them now.

After all, in the eyes of the Animal Gang members, they are just passers-by who need help.

If you think about it this way, what this group of orcs are afraid of should be the fear of "exposing" their identities.

Combined with Liao Yu, the original black iron rings on the necks of each member of the Animal Gang, and the suppressing power of the "prison lamp" brought out by the Bloody Hand Gang in front of them, seem to be able to draw some new speculations.

Liao Yu is in the state of mind of a high-ranking person observing, but on Ahu's side, he is so anxious that he is dying, and it is not so easy.

Because Ah Hu knows.

Every orc in the Animal Gang knows it too.

After the defeat in the war 500 years ago, their family was labeled as a "heretic" and imprisoned in the deepest underground of the trial court, the endless still water prison.

For the death row prisoners in Stillwater Prison, the Tribunal will not kill them directly, but will gather all the death row prisoners at the time of death and let them participate in the Red Moon Trial, a battle royale where they slaughter each other.

In the Red Moon Trial, only one death row inmate can win in the end and receive a "suspended death" reward. He returns to Jingshui Prison, waiting to continue to participate in the next round of the Red Moon Trial, and so on.

And her mother has the highest winning streak in the Red Moon Trial, and has become the last survivor of the Red Moon Trial for 42 consecutive sessions. Therefore, she is also the longest-lived death row prisoner in Jingshui Prison.

With a long time, her mother successfully discovered the weak points of Stillwater Prison. During the No. 40 Third Red Moon Trial, three months ago, she sacrificed herself in exchange for their orcs and successfully escaped from Stillwater Prison. Escape and complete this impossible miracle.

And she, Ahu, as the mother's only daughter, is also the last hope of the orc tribe, the chief who has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the tribe. In order to avoid the possible pursuit of the court, she chose to go to a chaotic place like the Syndicate to hide her eyes and concentrate on her development.

It is also thanks to the black rings around their necks from the still water prison. Although they curb their orc brutality, they also help them to curb the "beastization" on their bodies, making them indistinguishable from humans in appearance. difference.

result now
How to do!
If these two humans spread out, the Tribunal will immediately dispatch the "Punisher" after discovering the heresy. Once they are captured, the efforts of the mother and other orc ancestors will be in vain.

Think of a way!

The white-haired woman's brain was spinning rapidly, trying to think about how to explain to Liao Yu and how to conceal her identity.

But when it reaches the mouth.
"That, this tail is...that"

Looking at the stuttering white-haired woman, Liao Yu also withdrew his speculative thoughts, a little surprised.

He could see that the orc identity seemed to be a taboo for these people, it was really important and could not be revealed.

But for such an important matter, the white-haired girl was only thinking about it, trying to explain and try to fabricate lies. Liao Yu didn't see the idea of ​​"killing her" from Ahu's eyes at all.

Liao Yu didn't make things difficult for Ah Hu anymore. He said naturally: "Miss Ah Hu, is your tail a curse from the underground city?"

"Huh? Dungeon Curse?"

Liao Yu nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, in fact, I am also a professional dungeon scholar. The stronger the dungeon, the more various curses will be imposed on the adventurers who enter it, and with the number of layers explored, As it progresses, the effect of the curse may become stronger."

"I was lucky enough to study a dungeon named "Abyss" in the past. In that dungeon, dizziness will occur on the first floor, nausea and vomiting will occur on the second floor, and auditory hallucinations will occur later on. The powerful curse in the depths can alienate the flesh."

"So I think, the strange condition on Miss Ahu's body now may be the same."

Liao Yu gave this step, and even gave examples as an argument. For the orcs from the Animal Gang, they may not understand Liao Yu's explanation, but Liao Yu speaks elegantly and speaks many words, so just listen to him.

"Yes! That's right! It should be that one, er, yes! Curse! Damn it! It's still careless!"

"Then Miss Ahu, why don't we retreat quickly."

Liao Yu pretended to raise his mouth a little, but the white-haired woman immediately waved her hands.

After having the excellent excuse of "the curse of the dungeon" and disguising his identity as an orc, Ahu and the members of the animal gang were completely relieved and no longer nervous. The joy and joy that had been suppressed before were all gone came up.

Ahu waved her big hand, and the snow-white fox tail behind her buttocks was also shaking excitedly. She patted her proud chest at Liao Yu, and said with a reassuring expression:

"It doesn't matter! This bit of curse is not a problem for me. Since we said we would help you, leave the next dungeon to us!"

Although Ahu doesn't understand why the "curse" of the dungeon can help her get rid of the oppression of the "black ring" around her neck, I'll think about it later. Now she is like a broken leg, lying on the bed for a long time As a result, his legs suddenly healed, and Ahu just wanted to run to his heart's content. In the current scene, he had a big fight and was eager to fight.

At this moment, the bone rubbing sound of "click, click" also sounded at the entrance of the maze in the dungeon.

The monsters arranged by Liao Yu, a group of skeleton soldiers, climbed up from the dank labyrinth room, and began to attack the group of adventurers from the Animal Gang, roaring.

Why are there undead creatures here?
The white-haired woman, who was in high spirits and full of fighting spirit, seemed to ignore this doubt. Her whole body was slightly arched, her feet were slightly bent, and the next moment she was like an arrow from the string, heading towards the three or four gatekeepers designed by Liao Yu. The skeleton shot away directly.

Obviously judging from the appearance of the white-haired woman, she should be of the fox clan.

But now Liao Yu looks at Ah Hu's fighting style, punching a skeleton directly, which doesn't look like a delicate little fox.

After liberating the blood of the orcs, Ahu's strength is much more fierce than that in the previous battle of the Bloody Hand Gang. The little skeletons of more than ten levels can't catch her punch at all, like glass, and it will be smashed when Ahu touches it. broken.

The whole process took less than ten seconds. The group of appetizer skeletons in front of the entrance of the maze were now reduced to broken skeletons on the ground.

After the monster is eliminated, there will naturally be a corresponding treasure chest.

In this way, rewarding timely feedback can attract "adventurers" to continue to explore step by step.

As a dungeon designer, Liao Yu certainly followed the tradition.

There was a light shining on the ground, a slightly crude, small wooden box appeared in place of the corpses of the monsters, Ahu, who was still not satisfied, stepped forward to open it curiously, and found that it was a bottle of red water.

This is good.

After the battle, there is still water to drink, which is really good.

Ah Hu didn't think much, he just opened it and finished the whole bottle in a gulp. He even licked the corner of his mouth as if he was enjoying it. Obviously, he didn't regard this as the treasure that should be given to Liao Yu.


Liao Yu also deliberately chose to put the really high-concentration, completely "red" [healing potion] at the beginning, thinking of giving the Syndicate a little shock.

After all, thousands of years later, the common [healing potion] on the market has turned blue, and the concentration may not even be 10%, which is so inferior that it cannot be inferior.

Forget it, orcs, it's understandable.

Although Ahu didn't realize the preciousness of "red water", it didn't hinder her enthusiasm for the next in-depth exploration, and many members of the Animal Gang were eager to try and geared up.

Although they didn't change so much like Ahu, but more or less, the suppressing power of the black ring has weakened, and they all have a little bit of signs of returning to the beastman.

Ahu took the lead and headed towards the depths of the dungeon. The animal gang and orcs followed their eldest sister and began to attack the dungeon layer by layer with almost brute force.

The simplest skeleton soldiers are in front of them, and they can't put any pressure on them. They don't need Ahu to make a move. For ordinary members of the animal gang, a single orc can basically defeat four or five small skeletons without any problem.

The Animal Gang marched forward all the way, even entering the "ghoul" area, the pace did not slow down at all.

Ghouls, as mid-level undead around level [-], are already comparable in strength to human warriors of level [-]. However, their sharp claws and fangs seem to be useless at this moment, even the orc's Even the rough skin can't be broken.

The left and right arms of Ahu in front should be the second and third in command of the Animal Gang. The dog-faced man and the crocodile head are now fighting more fiercely than the ghoul. They grabbed the ghoul's leg with their big hands and froze. It's a ghoul that weighs as much as a lion, and now it's turning around like a sandbag.

Under the hands of the orcs, the ghoul was smashed heavily on the ground one after another, almost dizzy, as if he was in a daze, and his head was chopped off by an ax behind him, and his death was extremely tragic and violent.

Liao Yu, who has been observing silently, nodded in his heart. The power of this group of orcs is at least much stronger than the elves in front.

The black rings on their necks have not been completely removed, but they have already shown up, at least thirty or forty levels.

As a continuation of the test, Liao Yu operated in a dark box and released the "Rampaging Ghoul" as an elite monster in advance.

As soon as this red-covered ghoul appeared, at first the orcs of the animal gang didn't realize that it was special, and they still followed the original fighting style and wanted to solve it violently.

But this time, the furious ghoul's paw was not afraid of the orcs at all, and it directly slapped it, and immediately flipped several orcs away.

The berserk ghoul that pursues the victory, the scarlet color of the whole body is more intense. As a special force, the muscles of the dead body bulge all over its body. Bite away.

At this time, another white figure rushed in from the other side, kicked the ghouls flying in the air, and saved several orcs.

Then, the orcs finally realized that this larger, red ghoul was not easy to mess with, but they were not afraid, instead, they spontaneously began to encircle and assume a hunting posture .

The orcs are not brainless, on the contrary, their brains are all added to the battle, and they have a strong talent for comprehension and insight in battle.

There is no need for Ahu, who is the leader, to make a move. These orcs, after testing the raging ghoul for a few times, are keenly aware of the weakness of the raging ghoul. "Rage" will have a short window period.

Therefore, the orcs immediately had a clear division of labor, some pretending to lure, some accumulating power secretly, and some counting the time. After successfully deceiving the ghoul's berserk, taking advantage of the empty window, the next moment the orcs swarmed up, Soon the body was successfully dismembered and the elite monster was eliminated.

This performance made their evaluation rise a lot in Liao Yu's eyes.

Similarly, from the surprised expression of Versie next to Liao Yu, it was enough to see that even the elves had to marvel at the fighting talent of the orcs.

After all, the Violent Ghoul is a monster that has reached level 35, and it is also specialized. If this one is released, if it is switched to Illinois, Liao Yu will probably kill all the Royal Knights of Illinois. , and the kind that has no power to fight back.

Welsh also thought about it in her heart. Their elf guards, on the premise that the Great Elder didn't take action, would have to pay a lot of money to kill this berserk ghoul with just ordinary elf fighters. ,
But now, with the superb cooperation between three or five orcs, such a high-level ghoul was easily killed.
Thinking of Versy, she looked at the professor next to her.

From Liao Yu's admiring expression now, Welsh has already understood what Liao Yu is thinking.

That's right.

Such an easy-to-use war force, since he discovered it, there is no reason not to take it back under his command.

Now the demons and elves have the same problem.

The power is concentrated in the top head, and there are some cliff-like vacancies in the middle and lower layers.

Liao Yu used the "illustrated book" to create natural monsters, which can be regarded as a little bit to fill in this aspect, but monsters are monsters after all, and he still needs to have a group of formal battle formations to replace the "dark side" demons and carry out various military operations. Activity.

What Liao Yu thought before was to cultivate a group of his own elite legion forces among human beings.

But now it seems.
Isn't this ready-made in front of you?

The brave orcs are undoubtedly the most suitable for this position.

Then go to a more far-reaching layout to consider.

If that traitor really has been guarding against the demons.

He stole the various powers and weapons he once had as a "brave". Each of them was extremely targeted at the demons. The most recent example is the "Holy Sword". As long as the target is the demons, it will There are special bonuses.

So from then on, Liao Yu had this idea when he swung the holy sword on the king's tower.

Against the demons?

The demons are naturally suppressed in the face of the "brave"?

It's ok.

Can the "brave" also target other races at the same time?

Elves want it, orcs want it, and if there are other races in the future, Liao Yu wants it too!

Demons conquer the world.

Why do we need demons?
Liao Yu, who was firm in his thoughts after this "Full Race Illustrated Book", now looked at Ahu, the leader of the orc chief, the woman with white hair and white tail, and the rest of the animal gang, his eyes changed.

Wilsey, who was next to her, recognized the professor's look.

It was exactly the same as when he abducted her.

Is it possible that the professor has to fabricate his identity again, and then approach, and then go.
No, no.

Instead, Liao Yu shook his head at Welsh.

After all, orcs are not as pretentious and busy as elves.

"Wilsey, do you know that there has always been a classic saying about orcs."

"Orcs will never be slaves, unless they have food and shelter."

Liao Yu lightly moved towards the dark part of the dungeon, and made a gesture. The sorcerers responsible for assisting in monitoring the dungeon immediately understood that a dazzling golden light appeared on the corpse of the violent ghoul, and the animal The attention of the orcs was immediately attracted.

After the light faded, it was a completely different from the previous wooden boxes, copper boxes, etc., a gleaming, extremely luxurious, glittering golden treasure box with complex and profound patterns.

Just looking at this golden box seems to be infinitely attractive. In the cracks of the slightly half-opened box, there is a strong fluctuation of magic power. Through the cracks, you can faintly see the signs of a weapon. Those gorgeous halos, It seems to be coming from this powerful weapon.

Liao Yu not only includes food and lodging.

If you take out an epic weapon again, how will you deal with it?

 5k words, no separate development, the company has been working overtime recently, and I can only code when I go home very late every day, sorry for the delay in the update time

(End of this chapter)

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