The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 122 Did you hear what the professor said, you are going to call me the Desert Death God outs

Chapter 122 Did you hear what the professor said, you are going to call me the Desert Death God outside!
The orcs may drink the [healing potion] as water.

Or perhaps, he simply couldn't recognize those rare magic scrolls and exquisite props, and dismissed them as useless gadgets.

However, "weapons" are different.

For those who are keen on fighting and have fighting blood flowing in their bones, weapons may be more important than their wives. They may not hold their wives to sleep every day, but they will definitely hold their most beloved weapons every day.

Every orc clan actually has clan weapons passed down from their ancestors that have been polished and fought in countless battles. These are regarded as lifeblood and heirlooms by the orcs in their respective clans. Some clans even choose the next clan leader. All rely on the recognition of weapons.

This shows the status of weapon culture in the inheritance of orcs.

It's a pity that since they were defeated in the war 500 years ago, they were thrown into the "Prison of Still Water", and all the ancestral weapons of each clan were naturally disarmed and taken away.

The later trial court, in order to completely cut off their thoughts and destroy the spirit of the prisoners, the great sage judge of the trial court, in front of the orcs, threw those clan weapons with great inheritance significance into purgatory In the furnace, everything is destroyed.

This approach is undoubtedly very successful.

It's no different from breaking the back of an orc.

Since then, the orcs have been completely devastated and slumped. Until today, how many generations have passed. Although the lingering shadows of those years have gradually faded away, the broken inheritance will never come back if it is lost. Now, the strength of the orcs, apart from being restrained by the black ring around their necks, the lack of weapons is also a key link.

After all, with the human society they can get in touch with now, the weapons forged, let alone reachable. There is not even a single one of the original clan-level ancestor weapons.

Because the orcs spend all their talent points on their strength, they have extremely high requirements for weapons. For example, the axes, rusty swords, hammers, etc. in the hands of the Animal Gang now may not be able to withstand their use for a long time before they break It's out of shape and needs to be replaced.

Even if they are the second and third leaders of the Animal Gang, the dog-faced man and the crocodile head, what they are using now are all rags.

No way, the stronger the orcs, the more they can't stand up to ordinary weapons, so in the end, there is really no weapon at hand. Instead of wasting it, it's better to use your own fists directly, just like their big sister Ahu .

But now.

Many orcs from the Animal Gang made the sound of swallowing and spitting at the same time.

Their fiery gazes all coincidentally stared at the incomparably gorgeous golden treasure box. To be precise, it was the weapon lying inside through the gap of the box.

Several of them couldn't wait to secretly stretch their necks, trying to sneak a peek inside, wondering what it was.

Look at it, it looks like a group of hungry bachelors, lucky enough to bump into a beautiful woman out of the bath, one by one scrambling to see her beauty.

Ahu, who was still the female chief, had the strongest concentration. She coughed twice, and then glared at her spineless younger brothers with her eyes, signaling them to restrain their appearance.

Although their orcs are poor, they must not be spineless!You can't be looked down upon by others!
She, Ah Hu, had said it all at the beginning. They would not ask for half of the treasures obtained from this expedition to the dungeon. They would all belong to that human being. They were just doing good deeds and doing good deeds!

However, although the weapons in the treasure box were to be returned to Liao Yu, if they opened them and took a look, there should be no problem.

In fact, Ah Hu himself felt a little itchy. They couldn't eat pork, so seeing the pigs running around would quench their thirst.

Just, just take a peek!
With this mentality in mind, the next white-haired woman quickly came to the treasure chest, but she didn't use any force at all. The treasure chest seemed to sense her, and the lid of the chest lifted itself up. At the same time, the light inside the chest Dizzy, following the big victory, Ahu was taken aback.

When the orcs of the Animal Gang came back to their senses, they saw that there was already a weapon with a flashing light floating up and hovering over the treasure chest.

Now all orcs can see it.

It was a weapon similar to an "axe stick". It had a long handle like a scepter, but at the tip, it looked like an axe, with a sharp edge.

The runes full of arcane atmosphere surround the tip of the axe, which symbolizes its uniqueness. It is a very rare enchanted weapon. Every hit of the axe can get an arcane boost, which greatly enhances its attack power.

And on the handle of the scepter, there are engraved heraldic patterns of "pyramids" that seem to be similar to the theme of the desert. Just holding the scepter, it seems to be standing on the top of the pyramid in the yellow sand, with a ruler-like appearance. Strength blessing.


If you say that just now, when this absolutely epic "axe" weapon was only half exposed in the box, the orcs of the Animal Gang just swallowed their saliva.

Now, when the real body of the "axe" is displayed, it is used as an enchanted weapon, and it is made of extremely high-grade metal at first sight. The unpretentious and heavy feeling makes the orcs drool and scream Can't stop.

Especially, the dog-faced man who is the second head of the family.

Do not know why.

When he saw this "axe" for the first time, he felt a certain kind of soul fit, as if it was tailor-made for him.

If it wasn't for the presence of Sister Ahu, who restrained them, Sangou would have liked to be able to pounce on him and hold this "axe" in his arms, and he would not let go even if he was beaten to death.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Ahu also recovered from the amazement, she still has a relatively strong willpower.

No matter how reluctant he is, no matter how much he stands against his fellow Animal Gang members, his clansmen, especially Sangou's deeply longing eyes, Ahu has to do what he says, and hand over this ax to Liao Yu .

After all, Ahu has not forgotten, mother said, beastmen are indomitable, and once they say a word, it is hard to chase!
"No, no, no, Miss Ahu, this weapon is of no use to me now. I think it's better to use it directly for the heroes of the Animal Gang."

"After all, Miss Ahu, you have also seen that as we go deeper into the dungeon, the strength of the monsters here seems to be getting stronger and stronger. In this way, one more useful weapon will also ensure our safety." Everyone’s safety increases our probability of successfully passing the level, doesn’t it?”

As soon as Liao Yu said this, Ahu hadn't said anything yet. The second in command of the Animal Gang, Sangou, was the first time, and immediately echoed Liao Yu: "Yes, yes, sister! I looked at humans and coughed, and the professor said Yes!"

"Those big dogs with corpses are stronger than skeletons, especially the big red ones. If you are not careful, you may be injured by them. Now that we have more weapons, we can better protect the professor!"

The big corpse dog in Sangou's mouth refers to the ghoul, and the red one is the elite little boss, the raging ghoul.

Ahu hesitated for a while, and felt that what Liao Yu said was indeed reasonable. If there were stronger monsters behind, it would be good for them to increase their strength. Even if they didn't, they could speed up their exploration.

"Okay, then."

"Just give it to this good man. I think this weapon is very suitable for him."

Seeing Ahu looking towards him, Liao Yu obviously let him decide the distribution of weapons, Liao Yu smiled slightly, and distributed the ax and staff to the dog-faced man, which he had prepared for him.

"As expected of a professor! You have a good eye, I, Sangou, like you!"

Seeing that Liao Yu really gave him the ax and stick, Sangou was so happy. He wished he could hug Liao Yu's face and kiss him. He didn't really like Liao Yu as a human being, he was very indifferent. His attitude immediately turned 180 degrees, and he was called professor.

Orcs are that simple, without so many complicated thoughts.

Liao Yu likes it very much.

So it may be that the interest has come, Liao Yu looked at the dog-faced man who was holding an ax and stick happily, Liao Yu deliberately sighed:

"Sure enough, after having a weapon, his temperament is different. Looking at the appearance of this hero now, he is quite similar to the legendary "Desert Death"."

"Sha, the desert god of death?"

"That's right, it comes from an ancient book. It tells about a region called "Shurima", which is also full of deserts. There is a legend there that there is a dog-headed god who can harvest souls like a god of death. Gu De's desert The name of the god of death, according to legend, that weapon is also an ax."


Harvest souls!

grim Reaper!

Sangou, who was originally very excited when he got the epic weapon, became even more excited when he heard this.

He straightened his chest and tried his best to make a majestic posture, then made a beautiful circle with the ax stick in his hand in the air, and finally moved forward heavily to make a slashing and knocking motion, and then turned around with great anticipation. The head anxiously asked Liao Yu:

"Professor, what's the matter, do my three dogs have that? What does that look like a desert god of death!"

"Exactly the same!"

Liao Yu immediately nodded in affirmation.

"Hahaha, did you hear that? From now on, don't call me Sangou. From now on, I will be called Desert Death! What a great name! It sounds so nice! As expected of a professor, being educated makes a difference!"

The more simple-minded the person, the more he likes the name and name, and the more he likes it, it sounds domineering and brave.

And obviously.

For the second-in-command of the Animal Gang, the "three dogs" that Ahu named him are obviously not as good as Liao Yu's "Desert Death".

The white-haired woman was a little unhappy.

Ah Hu pouted, although it was difficult to say anything, but she snorted to express her displeasure.

Now that he got a good weapon, and because he also got a cool new name, Sangou, who was a little carried away, quickly restrained himself.

"Three Dogs, don't forget that this weapon is only lent to you temporarily. After leaving the dungeon, you have to return it to the professor. These treasures belong to the professor, and we are not allowed to take any of them away. Do you hear me?"

"I know, I know, big sister"

"I know why you are still standing there! Hurry up and clear the way! Work more when you have weapons!"

"Yes! Big sister!"

The dog-faced man holding an ax and staff took the lead and rushed directly to the front of the team. At this moment, he was clearly fighting a turbulent battle, and he couldn't wait to take the monsters in the dungeon to try his new weapon.

When the dozen or so ghouls in front were attracted by San Gou's movement, they immediately besieged the dog-faced man, but San Gou did not retreat but advanced, with an ax in front of his chest. past.

The first ghoul that touched the end of the ax staff was smashed into a pulp under the huge force.

Although the previous Sangou also had strange powers, it hadn't reached this level. Obviously, it was the arcane runes and spell lines on the axe that strengthened Sangou's attack and made him proud of being amplified.

With such a sharp weapon, Sangou roared, and the god of war came down to earth, and the ax and staff were used by him for a round, and seven or eight ghouls were directly thrown out, and then the heavy ax smashed down, killing most of the ghouls in one blow .

The huge movement of the Three Dogs seems to have attracted a greater threat. At this time, from the dark place, a scarlet ghoul that seemed to have been hiding for a long time found a gap between the Three Dogs, suddenly burst up, and shot from the rock on the ceiling. Pounced down from the wall.

Three Dogs, who was caught off guard, had no way to retreat, so he had no choice but to use the ax as a let go, and put the stick of the scepter vertically on top of his head to resist the violent ghoul's bite.


The razor sharp teeth of the violent ghoul bit the handle of the ax at once. However, even such sharp teeth did not leave the slightest trace on the ax. With the blessing of enchantment, the indestructible ax The stick is like the strongest magic weapon, and the raging ghoul is helpless.

Seeing this, Sangou was even more surprised and excited. With both arms, he pushed the violent ghoul out, then rotated the ax and changed it to the position of the tip of the axe, and aimed at the violent ghoul with his backhand The body, chopped down.


Even the tough outer skin of the rampaging ghoul seemed to be vulnerable in front of the axe, and immediately suffered a terrible wound, which made the ghoul unable to recover.

Taking advantage of the situation, Sangou used another ax to chop the violent ghoul's head into pieces, making it completely dead.

After two or three rounds of fighting, the violent ghoul was killed by the three dogs. This caused the other animals who originally wanted to support to join the orcs, causing an uproar.

Of course they knew that the red ghoul was so powerful that the three dogs could kill it so easily, and the ax and staff weapon were absolutely indispensable.

When Sangou came back very proudly, he looked at the ax in his hand. Although it was stained with a lot of ghoul blood, the ax blade was still sharp and there was no trace of wear and tear.



I'm thirsty!
This is probably the mental activity of all the orcs in the Animal Gang.

Especially, the crocodile head as the third in command.

His strength is actually about the same as that of San Gou. Now that he is watching San Gou display his power and majesty, even if they are good brothers and members of the same clan, he is still sore to death.

He...he really wants to have such a powerful weapon!
(End of this chapter)

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