The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 123 From now on, the professor will be the second head of our animal gang!

Chapter 123 From now on, the professor will be the second head of our animal gang!
Maybe it's because I heard his voice.

Even on the corpse of the violent ghoul that had just been killed by the three dogs, golden light soon shone, and then the appearance of a treasure chest began to emerge.

The experienced animal gang orcs were just stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that they ran over one by one at a speed that was as fast as the cafeteria serving.

The orcs were breathing heavily when facing the treasure box, because according to the previous rule, there would be an "axe and staff" weapon in this treasure box! ?

open it!open it!

Almost every clan member had these three words written on their faces, and Ah Hu actually felt a little hot inside. Especially after seeing San Gou just holding a weapon, he was like a different person, with his combat power soaring. This made Ah Hu, who had always aimed to be "number one in the world", ready to take action.

But Ahu doesn’t like axes and sticks, they’re too ugly, she’s looking forward to something in the treasure chest, a weapon that fits her aesthetics, then, uh, well, let her use it for a while, it’s good to enjoy it !

Still the same.

When Ahu walked in, the treasure box automatically burst into light and opened itself. After the halo receded, as expected, the same weapon emitting light was suspended on the treasure box.

After the fiery eyes of all the orcs looked over, they found that it was a knife.

Like the waning moon, the half-curved blade.

It is neither a knife nor a sword, nor is it the ax in front of it.

The current battle blade is more like a modified bow, replacing both ends of the bow with sharp blades.

Then the user holds the middle position, and uses the semi-curved blades at both ends to attack.

The whole body of the war blade turned dark red.

It seems to be flowing, the bloodthirsty halo is like a slaughter weapon, and the blood runes on it are eager to fight and kill one after another.

"Professor, this one"

Although the weapon is good, it is obviously not Ah Hu's dish, so she still handed it over to Liao Yu to distribute it.

In fact, there is no good score.

Seeing that the crocodile head, who was the third in command, was blushing anxiously, Liao Yu smiled slightly and indicated to the crocodile head that he was the best user.

"Thank you, Professor." The crocodile head was obviously not as eloquent as the dog-faced man in front of him.

He is quite naive and has a stupid mouth, so he only thanks Liao Yu like this.

But from his sincere eyes, it can be seen that he almost regards Liao Yu as his own brother.

The crocodile head did not immediately try the knife like the dog-faced man before him after getting the dark red war blade. Instead, he stood in front of Liao Yu naively, scratching his head, looking expectant Continue to look at Liao Yu.

What do you mean?
Liao Yu didn't understand at first.

Waiting later, the crocodile head became a little anxious when he saw that Liao Yu had been silent for a long time. He took the initiative to ask Liao Yu: "Professor, yes, is there any allusion?"



Now Liao Yu understood.

With the crocodile head, he is also waiting for me to give him a name similar to "Desert Death".


This is simple.

"Sorry, there are no similar legends, but... I think it is really necessary to give such a powerful weapon and hero a corresponding name, I think about it."

Liao Yu pretended to be contemplative, and after pretending to think for a few seconds, he said, "In my opinion, it's better to call him the Desert Butcher."

Desert Butcher!

Although it sounds less domineering than his good brother, Sangou's "Desert Death", there is no doubt that it is definitely better than the "predator" that the eldest sister Ahu called her.

The crocodile head holding the war blade immediately smiled at Liao Yu, lowered his head to show respect, and thanked him repeatedly: "The crocodile likes the good name, professor and cultural person, amazing! The crocodile admires it!"

Crocodile head is happy.

But some people are even more unhappy.

Ahu's little mouth is pouted very high now.

I can see that it is very boring.

What do you mean!
Is that why you don't like the name she gave her?
Three dogs, predators, what's wrong?
Is it hard to hear?

That is an important bond between them orcs!How can you say that it has been changed!
She is so angry!
The angry white-haired woman chose to show off, but in fact now, with the two generals "Desert Reaper" and "Desert Butcher", it doesn't matter whether Ahu makes a move or not.

The crocodile head of the dark red war blade can kill seven in and seven out in a group of ghouls. When the waning moon shape of the war blade rotates around the body, how many ghouls are smashed into pieces.

The "novice level" designed by Liao Yu is obviously much less difficult than the Animal Gang. Even the undead warrior who is the final boss, under the double siege of the desert god of death and the desert butcher, only survived for less than 10 minutes , it completely fell apart and fell to the ground.

It can also be seen from this that after the orcs have sophisticated equipment, the power they can unleash is terrifying. They are simply a natural fighting race.

After the undead warrior fell, as the guardian BOSS, he naturally had to explode a larger additional treasure chest.

The orcs still don't care at all as usual, those potions, scrolls, rare materials, props and so on.

All they expected was the golden box that could "open" the weapon.

And this time.
The box was actually colorful, as if it was more advanced, and that was indeed the case. Suspended from the box was a colorful orb and jade that exuded a mysterious aura.No girl can refuse shiny things.

The same goes for orcs.

Ah Hu's eyes were immediately attracted by this colorful orb. Her mouth grew bigger and her eyes were full of love.

Baozhu also seems to like Ah Hu as his master.

It actually floated over on its own initiative, landed in Ahu's hands, and spun quietly. The layers of dreamlike radiance were like putting colorful gauze on Ahu, combined with Ahu's white With a white tail, it seems that there is a little more fairy energy in an instant.

Needless to say, Ahu immediately and temporarily occupied the right to use this weapon.

As a chief, neither the orcs dared to say anything.

Of course, because of Ah Hu's fighting style, he didn't use the orb to cast spells. Instead, he regarded it as a ball with magical power and threw it towards the enemy with all his strength.

And the next orb, after Ahu attacked the enemy, was able to intelligently turn around quickly by itself, just like a boomerang, which surprised Ahu so much that he couldn't put it down.



Ah Hu, who had obtained a new weapon, also came to Liao Yu.

This time, there is no need for the coy white-haired woman to say anything. Liao Yu, who has already understood it, immediately gave Ahu, the orc female chief, a new name.

"In our hometown, there is a legend that there is an extremely beautiful fox. It can grow a tail every 100 years of cultivation. After 9 years, it can become a powerful being like a peacock spreading its tail, capable of turning the world upside down and picking up the sun and the moon. Ah Miss Fox's current appearance reminds me of this legend, so why not call Miss Fox the Nine-tailed Demon Fox from now on."

"Nine-tailed demon fox. Good, good! I like this! Professor, next time you have a chance, tell me more about the nine-tailed story in your hometown!"

"Of course." Liao Yu nodded to the happy Ahu.

According to the procedure, Ah Hu has obtained a new weapon and a new name. The next step is to happily and excitedly try it out.


The fall of the undead warrior and the disappearance of the BOSS symbolize the end of this dungeon.

When the impatient Ah Hu wanted to continue, they were blocked by an "air wall" constructed by magic, and they could no longer move forward.

At the same time, every adventurer who comes here will hear a prompt similar to "Let's explore the area ahead later" according to Liao Yu's design.

The orcs of the Animal Gang felt uncomfortable. Although they didn't get such good weapons, the crude weapons in the treasure box were many times better than what they usually used.

And the "Desert Reaper" and "Desert Butcher" who really got good things must be even more uncomfortable, because the dungeon seems to be gone, so after they go out, won't they
As for the "Nine-Tailed Demon Fox", that is simply the most uncomfortable.

The two generals in the front were happy with their weapons anyway, but she didn't feel good about it when she just got it, and she was about to disappear.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone from the Animal Gang has helped me explore a lot of dungeons, and I have gained a lot. These treasures are just my thank you gifts for you. I have no use holding them. Why don't I give them to more suitable people?" I think, these weapons must also hope that they are not left in the warehouse to eat ashes, but have suitable users."

Every word that Liao Yu said seemed to be so reasonable to the ears of the orcs from the Animal Gang. It was so right!

What a professor!

This is the professor!
Although the orcs of the Animal Gang wish they could obey Liao Yu, after all, their chief is still Sister Ah Hu. If Ah Hu doesn't let go, they will have to change back honestly no matter how reluctant they are.

And Ahu.

One yard owned by a yard!
They can't break their promises!
Mother said that orcs value contracts the most, and if you promise something to someone else, you can't go back on your word!
Ah Hu also really likes the orb in his hand.

Similarly, she can also feel the people's reluctance to give up these weapons and treasures, and this is indeed, it can significantly improve their orc clan, help her fulfill her mother's last wish, and lead the orcs to " The goal of being the strongest in the world is getting closer.

How to do!
What can I do!Ahu was struggling and hesitating, and the other second in command and third in command, Sangou and Dacrocodile were never the same.

The two looked at each other and thought of a way.

How about letting that human professor be Mrs. Yazhai!
In this way, isn't the professor a member of their animal gang?

The professor's weapons are also their weapons!

This is not a breach of promise!
good idea!
However, the crocodile head shook his head.

The professor is a good man, and he gave him a nice name. They can't harm the professor.

Just take the professor's small human body, if he really becomes the spouse of the elder sister, he will be tossed to death by the elder sister within one night, no, no, no.

Sangou recalled that when the father of Sister Ahu gave up his life to repay the kindness, the tragic situation at that time almost made him die. He really trembled all over and shook his head, yes, the professor cannot be harmed.

In that case, there is only one way left.

They also went all out, and they were demoted to one level, and they were no longer the second or third in command.

Give up the position to the professor.

Apparently Ahu also thought of this.

"Professor! We, the Animal Gang, never owe anyone anything. Since we have taken the benefits from the professor, we have to pay them back!"

"Okay, that's the decision. From now on, the professor will be the new second head of our Animal Gang!" Ahu clapped his hands, the Animal Gang's power decision is so simple.

"The matter of teaching you in the future is the business of our animal gang! Whoever dares to provoke you will be against us and my desert death!" The dog-faced man immediately stood up and agreed.

Not to be outdone, the crocodile head waved the dark red war blade, showing a ferocious face, and said, "There is also the enemy of Professor Desert Butcher. It is the fish on the chopping board!"

(End of this chapter)

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