Chapter 124 The Shadow Nun and the Death Accuser
The Animal Gang, who returned with a full load from the "remains", became a catfish that Liao Yu put into Syndicate.

There was no need for guidance from his "Second Master". After a full harvest and a huge increase in strength, the animals helped everyone. They said they had no intention of recuperating and making a fortune, so they immediately set off to find blood the next day. The gang fights, and Ah Hu wants to get back to where he was last time.

The orcs in front of them who were dressed in rags could kill others all the way to their lair. This time the shotguns were replaced with orcs with new and sophisticated equipment.

Especially the Desert Death God and the Desert Butcher who were holding enchanted weapons. These two orc leaders were like two gods of killing. They scared the blood of the Blood Hand Gang. They were completely confused about what happened and why these animals The strength of the gang members suddenly surged, and it was so terrifying. Where did the shining high-end equipment in their hands come from?

Even if the leader at the back, the frightened "Bloody Hand" wants to use the Warden's Lamp, a prop from the "Still Water Prison", to suppress the Animal Gang, Ahu, who has gained a lot of wisdom from a pit, Immediately opened the distance, exited the range of the lamp, and then mustered up all the strength to throw the "orb" in his hand away.

The Soul Calming Lamp, which can increase the "black ring", was immediately smashed to pieces by the orb in Ah Hu's hand. There are also differences between weapons. Obviously, the orb in Ah Hu's hand is of higher quality than the Warden's Lamp. Much more advanced.

There is nothing more to say about the subsequent battles.

The Bloody Hands gang scurried away, and the leader "Bloody Hands" fled in panic, abandoning all his men.

So, in just one night, the Bloody Hand Gang, a long-established powerful force in the syndicate, was completely wiped out by the orcs, and was removed from the syndicate from then on.

After this battle, the entire Syndicate was shocked.

The various forces that were still competing for territory due to the continuous disappearance of oases have stopped one after another, and the attention of all Syndicate people has shifted to the Animal Gang.

what's the situation?
Why did these stupid savages suddenly explode?

Killed the Bloody Hand Gang overnight! ?

For a time, countless people began to frantically inquire for information. In addition, the orcs of the Animal Gang had no intention of hiding anything, and Liao Yu deliberately spread some information.

So soon, all kinds of gossip were flying all over the sky in the folks of the Syndicate within a few hours.

"Hey, did you hear that the Animal Gang wiped out the Bloody Hand Gang with less than 300 people?"

"More than that, my brother and the others happened to be at the scene at the time. The second leader of the Animal Gang, holding the "Holy Separator" was killing all directions in the Blood Hand Gang. I heard that one of the deputy leaders of the Blood Hand Gang wanted to If you try to stop him, your head will be smashed into watermelons with an axe."

"God the Holy Separator, what is that?"

"You don't even know this? Now the Syndicate has gone crazy. It's one of the artifacts that the Animal Gang brought out from the "Ruins"!"

"God, artifact!?"

"Otherwise, what do you think the Animal Gang relied on to destroy the Bloody Hand Gang? Let me tell you, there are more than this one artifact. It is said that in addition to the ax of the "Holy Separator" held by Lord Sangou Outside the stick, the third leader of the Animal Gang, the predator also has a half-moon warblade called "Azzinoth"!"

"Hush! What three dogs and predators, you don't want to die. Now they have changed their names, and they will be called Desert Reaper and Desert Butcher in the future! Otherwise, the Animal Gang will hear about it, and they may make trouble for you!"

"Yes, yes, you have to pay more attention in the future."

"It's strange. I remember that the people in the Animal Gang were all not very smart. Where did they get so many complicated names, those ruins, and those weapons? Where did they come from? ?”

"I do have some information about this. It is said that the Animal Gang recruited a professor from outside. He is very knowledgeable and proficient in all kinds of ancient history. Even the Animal Gang seems to have relied on that professor to find the ruins."

"Okay, don't be envious of others. With this skill, it's better to study the ruins more. It is said that there are many good things in that underground city. I saw a few people from small tribes go in to try their luck. As a result, they really brought out several scrolls, and I think there are even Tier [-] scrolls among them!"

"What! Tier [-] scroll!? This can be sold for hundreds of gold coins in those big countries! This, this is not a relic, this is clearly a gold mine!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's quickly organize our people, and we can't let others snatch all the good things in the ruins!"





These words quickly swept through the Syndicate, and everyone knew that the sudden surge in strength of the Animal Gang came from a mysterious ruins dungeon that suddenly appeared in the Syndicate.

The Syndicate was originally a watershed, and those who would come here were either criminals or outlaws. In their eyes, the Relics Dungeon was undoubtedly the biggest oasis, a place full of opportunities and opportunities to get rich.

Groups of small and medium-sized forces took action directly and swarmed towards the ruins dungeon. Everyone wanted to take a bite of the soup from the ruins, obtain priceless treasures, and even say, become the next animal. help.

of course.

Compared with the brainless follow-up and fanaticism of these small and medium-sized forces.

The remaining two forces of the Syndicate should be much more cautious.

Dune Temple.

This was originally the place where the three major forces of the Syndicate negotiated with each other.

Before the arrival of the Animal Gang, the Blood Hand Gang, the Shadow Tribe and the Death Hunters were three pillars. Basically, all matters of the Syndicate and the division of interests were decided by these three parties here.

Of course, now there are only two parties left.

One of them, the members who came to the meeting, all wearing gray-brown robes and holding staffs that looked like they were made of various dead trees, were the Death Tellers.

The Death Tellers were originally magicians from the Sorcerous Kingdom, one of the other three most powerful kingdoms in the world under the Empire. They were expelled because they practiced black magic, and finally gathered in Syndicate and became The organization of "Death Tellers".

Using their super high magic skills, they were able to become one of the three syndicate forces.

Sitting across from the Accuser, the other side is naturally the Shadow Tribe.

Almost all of these members are women.

As for the reason, we can know from the uniform and uniform nun clothes on their bodies now.

The Shadow Tribe originated from the Glorious Theocracy among the "Three Great Kingdoms".

The original bodies were the nuns of the Radiance Church.

But they claimed to have been betrayed and abandoned by the Holy Light.

So he took the initiative to leave the Theocracy.

No longer believe in brilliance.

Instead, he fell into the arms of the "shadow".

This can also be seen from their now completely "black" nun uniforms.

There is also a black ribbon in the eyes of each shadow nun, which symbolizes that their eyes no longer yearn for light, and all they see is shadow.

Now the two major forces are gathered here for nothing else but to exchange information with each other, which can be said to make the Syndicate agitated, the information about the mysterious ruins dungeon.

The leader of the death complainers, a short old man who was as skinny as a stick, with wrinkled skin all over his body and looked very scary, was the first to speak.

"We have preliminary investigations into the cause of the formation of the ruins. It is most likely caused by sandstorms."

"Earlier, we observed a strong wave of magic power in the direction of Ghost Town. Its magic power peak was so high that even I had never heard of it. Even when I was training in the Sorcerous Kingdom, I had never seen it before. , it is very likely to be a devastating sandstorm that is much stronger than hurricane level."

"I speculate that it is precisely because of this powerful sandstorm that triggered some chain reactions that the ruins of the dungeon that was originally hidden under the Syndicate's desert appeared."

The unprecedentedly strong magic power fluctuations observed by the Death Reporters were actually the Chimera that Liao Yu was riding on at the time.

However, they did not believe that such magic power could be emitted by a certain person or thing, so they attributed it to natural phenomena. The only natural phenomenon of the Syndicate that could cause such fluctuations was sandstorms.

After hearing the information from the disciples, among the nuns of the Shadow Tribe, as the leader, the Shadow Bishop with a cross hanging on his chest, nodded his head to express his approval.

They also don't think that there must be a reason for the relics dungeon to emerge out of thin air, and the observations of the dead disciples undoubtedly proved this point, which made them feel at ease.

Later, in exchange, the bishop and the nuns also spoke up and shared the information they had discovered about the ruins.

"The ruins are more like a different space. People who enter the ruins cannot be found from the outside world. They can only return to reality by exiting from the teleportation point in the ruins."

"And after our detection, the different space in the ruins is full of evil atmosphere. I am afraid that the predecessor of this dungeon is not a normal area. It is very likely to be a burial ground where corpses are concentrated, or a massacre. The palace of subjugation that destroys the country." After hearing the words of the protagonist nun, the old man leader who sued the dead disciples was not happy.

He squinted his eyes and stared at the nun and bishop who was covered in black veil. In the corner of his grinning mouth, he could see the incomplete yellow teeth. He was very dissatisfied and said:

"Miss Natal, any fool can see what you are saying. Our people are not blind. How can there be undead souls in normal ruins? Even the legendary ghouls have appeared. "

"We sued the Death Apostles, but we came with full sincerity to seek cooperation, but you, the Shadow Tribe, are just using this to fool us?"

Many shadow nuns immediately became dissatisfied with the old man's words and frowned.

The older nun, who was still a bishop, raised her hand to stop the other nuns. After thinking for a while, she probably felt that the previous information was not enough, so she added another one.

"The ruins have hidden conditions similar to "first kill". For example, the artifacts obtained by the Animal Gang can only be obtained by the explorer who is the first to kill the elite monsters in the dungeon. Subsequent explorers will be killed even if they are killed again. Even if you kill the same monster, you won’t be able to get the artifact.”


The old leader who informed the Death Apostles immediately became energetic. This information was indeed important to them.

Only the first kill can get the artifact! ?
No wonder!
They notified the Death Apostles and secretly sent people to participate in several explorations of the ruins dungeon. They got a lot of treasures, but the really big ones were none of the enchanted weapons.

Is this the problem?

Although the old man agreed with this statement in his heart, in fact, he could probably vaguely guess it, but he was very curious as to how these nuns found out.

Regarding the old man's questioning expression, the archbishop of the Shadow Tribe, the nun put her hands together, showing a devout prayer appearance, she said lightly:
"The shadows guide us at all times."


The old man pouted.

Seeing this scene, many of his followers also showed contempt.

What to pretend.

She looked like a dignified and holy nun.

But actually.

The contempt in the eyes of the accusers quickly turned into lust, and their eyes were undisguised, and they set their eyes on the exaggerated figures of the shadow nuns on the opposite side.

Yes, these shadow nuns, wrapped in black nun clothes, have a round figure with a protruding front and back.

Such a figure is obviously not suitable for a nun.

And the people who sue the dead are also very clear about how this group of nuns got their smooth skin, white complexion, and plump figure. They specialize in hunting those married women, thinking that all love is "Slaanesh" Temptation is the origin of the fall.

How many couples of young men and women who were in love with each other, and happy families, were brutally murdered by them.

Those women who lost their "virginity" were killed by them in the name of purification, absorbing the vitality of their bodies, and in exchange for it, now they, the shadow nuns, are eternally youthful and beautiful.

Sooner or later, these prudish nuns will have to be severely crushed!

This is actually the dream of many Syndicates.

The old man suppressed the heat in his body and returned to the topic. These shadow nuns are still indispensable teammates for their death disciples.

"Miss Natal, since there is a "first kill" rule in the dungeon, we can no longer wait and see."

"When the next new dungeon area opens, I hope that the Death Apostles can join forces with the nuns from the Shadow Tribe to get the artifacts in the next area into our hands before the Animal Gang does."

The Shadow Sisters are very misogynistic.

Normally, they would never join forces with this group of death accusers who were equally despised and disgusted by them.

but now.
The bloody example of the Bloody Hand Gang is still in sight.

The power of the artifact is huge.

Once the Animal Gang gets a few more pieces, the snowball will get bigger and bigger. By then, their Shadow Tribe may not be able to protect themselves.

"Okay, just this time, I will do it myself. At that time, I hope... Evan, as the "devil king", you can also go to the ruins with us. "

The "devil king" that the archbishop and the nun referred to refers to the old man in front, the leader of the dead disciples.

Although this short old man looks unattractive and looks very old, he is actually a solid fourth-level magician. There are even rumors that he has already touched the threshold of the fifth level, the legendary "magister".

Because of this, he was able to become the leader of the group of black magicians known as the Death Tellers, and he also had the powerful title of King of Magic, or "Demon King" for short.

The old man chuckled, clasping his hands behind his back, and naturally agreed.

As it was related to the artifact, he was worried about other people's subordinates, so he must do it himself.

Moreover, he has already made complete preparations for this.

The monsters in the ruins are currently the undead of the undead, and the field of their black art masters also happens to cover necromancer magic.

Therefore, in Evan's view, the ruins of the dungeon this time were simply a gift specially given to the disciples who wanted to die. It was no different from giving it to them for free.

Evan thought that in terms of necromancer magic, there should be few in the entire Sorcerous Kingdom, who could be more powerful than him, the strongest black magician. For the ruins of this dungeon full of undead, it is no different from going home.

The reason why he is still pretending to form an alliance with the nuns from the Shadow Tribe is to guard against those damn animal gangs who pretend to be lucky and get the artifact first.

The second of course is.
Evan watched the nuns in black leave. The old man's eyes flashed coldly, cooperation?Divide the artifact?What a joke!
Now the Bloody Hands are gone.

As long as the Shadow Tribe is wiped out, they will only be left to sue the Dead and dominate the Syndicate.

As for the Animal Gang.

They are just a bunch of brainless idiots, no matter how much power you give them, they cannot be feared.


Evan had to admit that he had indeed coveted the bodies of those nuns for a long time. Those damn waves were so majestic that it was difficult for any man to refuse them.

When the new area of ​​the ruins opens next time, it will be the time for them to rise up.

of course.

It will also be a time for these nuns to have a good taste of "decadence"!

Just when Evan and many other Syndicates are looking forward to the new area of ​​​​the ruins, Liao Yu, who is behind the scenes, naturally cannot let down the enthusiasm of the "players".

Seeing the ruins dungeon, after getting enough attention and attracting attention in Syndicate, Liao Yu felt that it was time to put down the dinner a little bit.

The novice level seems to be a bit simple.

Next, there was a formal dungeon area that required a fee for "slate fragments". Liao Yu decided that in addition to adding random teleportation rooms, crypt traps, treasure monsters, and poisonous miasma, there must be some additional monsters.

Just right.

By contacting the orcs again and successfully gaining their favor and trust, Liao Yu's "Picture Book" and "Home" also unlocked new buildings and monster units.

Among them were two "monster" buildings exclusive to orcs, which successfully attracted Liao Yu's attention.

they are, respectively.
Goblin Crypt.

as well as.

Slime farm.

(End of this chapter)

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