Chapter 125 Goblins

Goblin, a green-skinned goblin-like monster.

There were also common monsters in the original human world. In the game, Liao Yu remembered that he had killed some in the early stages of the game, but because these monsters were too weak, they were only in the single digits and gave him little experience. It was so pitiful that it was soon forgotten.

However, Goblins in different worlds seem to have great differences.

Liao Yu looked at the goblin crypt built according to the "beastman" race tree in his home. The diameter of the cave was more than ten meters, and the periphery was full of sharp bone spurs. Made of sharp bones.

At the entrance of the crypt, you can still see the fangs of some giant beasts strung together, like tribal totem-like decorations.

Just from the appearance of the crypt buildings, it seems that the goblins in the orc world are not like the thin and weak green-skinned cannon fodder in the human land.

The production of monsters relies on the input of starlight. After Liao Yu's operation, there was an immediate reaction in the crypt. One after another, dark green spores swelled from the depths of the crypt. The outline of the embryo can be seen from the translucent spores. .

After about ten seconds passed, the embryo rapidly developed into a mature human form, the cyst was squeezed out, and from the ruptured juice, a green-skinned creature with pointed head, thin cheeks, and ugly face stood up.

【Savage Goblin】

【Level: 23】

Judging from the height, this goblin is about the same as the ones in the human native world, both of which are much shorter than adults, only about the size of a child.

But the difference is that the goblins in the orc world seem to have inherited the beastly fighting blood. They are covered with bulging muscles. Although their limbs are short, they are well developed and powerful. Their arms can lift boulders with ease, and their legs are even stronger. It has an amazing jumping ability, and it is difficult for the prey they stare at to escape.

Just such a goblin, if one-on-one, Liao Yu felt that, let alone ordinary human soldiers, even those elf soldiers might overturn if they were careless.

What's more, Goblins are still a kind of social creature. Although they belong to the monster category, they are completely considered to be half intelligent creatures.

I saw that the ten goblins produced by Liao Yu from the "crypt" started to sniff the air with their noses after they walked out of the "crypt". With their narrow eyes, they immediately looked around , like quickly familiarizing yourself with the environment.

And soon, the attention of these goblins was all focused on the elves who are also on the fourth floor of the magic tower, not far away, they are the neighbors next door, especially the elves of the opposite sex. The beauty of the elves is undoubtedly the most seductive attraction to the goblins, and they began to make restless squeaky voices.

No matter which world the Goblin race is in, there are no females. Their reproduction can only rely on mating with other alien races and borrowing their reproductive abilities. Therefore, in the eyes of Goblins, foreign females are born Resources, and the more advanced the opposite sex is, the more they are no different from golden treasures.

However, before the goblins became restless for a few seconds, a thick and huge vine burst out from under their feet, knocking several goblins away and falling to the ground. Many goblins were dazed. The frightened ones paled in fright and panicked.

After the icy-faced Versie took back the vines, the group of goblins who had been taught a lesson all settled down honestly. They were honest with Versey, and even more so with the energy elves. Liao Yu, who came to conquer this terrifying female, was extremely respectful and obedient.

Monsters like Goblins are born in the chaotic evil camp. They are annoying just by their appearance, and their personalities are similar to those of evil spirits. They typically bully the weak and fear the strong.

Liao Yu later tried to produce other types of goblins, such as the Goblin Shaman who holds a bone staff and wears animal skins. He is equivalent to the little chief among the Goblin tribe. His level is around level 50 and he is proficient in it. The fourth-level spell can also provide an inspiring aura, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of other goblins.

For example, a goblin hero holding a double ax can only be born once in every hundred goblins. Although it is about level 50, it has a small boss template. Picking undead warriors is not a problem.

In the future, there will be golden goblins, goblin kings, etc., which are not necessary. The higher the level of goblins, the more they like to dance, and they obviously think more carefully.

Liao Yu just tried it, and wiped them out with a wave of his hand. He has absolute control in his homeland, and the units produced by starlight can return some starlight after being wiped out.

Those low-level goblins, such as the priests, were even more frightened by Liao Yu's scene. They all fell to the ground, shivering, and even had to be careful when breathing.

The bad nature of the goblin race is doomed, they will not be selected by Liao Yu as members of the demon army, but they can still be used as cannon fodder.

Now Liao Yu just took these goblins to test, to see how effective they would be after the adventurers from the Syndicate came in, and how much the pass rate of the adventurers could be maintained.

In addition to the goblins, the other slime farm looks much more comfortable.

It was a large pond. Slime was generally a slime-shaped monster, composed of pure magic power. Most of its attacks were swallowing, wrapping the enemy in slime slime.

And the slime in normal state is just like the jelly curled up in Liao Yu's hands now, it feels good and is very elastic.

Being a scavenger is good.

Slime eats everything, which naturally includes garbage. Liao Yu put this batch of slimes into the dungeon maze, just enough to solve the waste caused by the influx of a large number of adventurers. .

it is good!
Liao Yu didn't know if it was because he became a devil, but now he seems to be more interested in studying monsters, and this experience is indeed fresh.

After all, in the previous game, he, as the protagonist, was all about killing monsters and breaking into dungeons. Now it's his turn to be the boss. Liao Yu is looking forward to it. Next, everyone in the Syndicate can bring him more. How to continue Experience data for making copies.

The news that the dungeon ruins had opened a new area spread throughout the Syndicate within a few hours.

The "air wall" that prevented the major forces from exploring the deep dungeon at the beginning disappeared.

Instead, there is another new teleportation array.

This time, the deep area teleportation array blocked many excited adventurers. Only then did people realize that entering the next level of space is no longer just casual, but requires a "ticket". .The tickets that can activate the teleportation array are naturally slate fragments.

At this time, many syndicate forces turned their attention to the slate fragments.

Most of them only know that these slate fragments are the sacred objects believed by the first batch of natives in the early days of the Syndicate.

But as time went by, the slate fragments were scattered everywhere, and the original Syndicate natives had long been driven away and occupied by outsiders like them. Therefore, no one paid attention to the slate fragments. At most, they were used as antique collections.

As a result, the remains of the current dungeon actually required these shards of stone slabs. This time, it added a sense of mystery and eternity to the dungeon.

Many Syndicates have speculated that the history of the dungeon may be longer than they imagined. It is very likely that it dates back to a thousand years ago. It may be true as the myths and legends in ancient history. There are all kinds of epic treasures, whoever can explore more here can get the power of those myths thousands of years ago.

At this moment, all the Syndicate members began to frantically search for slate fragments. Some of the slate fragments that they had seen by chance were sold at sky-high prices on the black market.

After all, the stone slab fragments have changed from an antique ornament to a precious dungeon ticket overnight. Everyone is rushing to find new fragments, and everyone is eager for the opportunity to get rich.

This is exactly what Liao Yu wanted. He needed to collect 104 units of stone slab fragments. This does not mean 104 pieces. After all, each piece provides different units according to the volume ratio.

Rather than collecting fragments, it is more like collecting the energy in the fragments. After reaching the target, the map system can be unlocked.

However, it took only half a day for the new area to open, and Liao Yu looked at the progress bar, and he had already reached the collection rate of 53/104, almost half of it.

Therefore, Liao Yu speculated that there may be far more than 104 units of slate fragments scattered in the Syndicate, and there are probably many, many more, but he only needs so much energy to unlock them, and there is no need to collect them all.

According to this momentum, it stands to reason that it should end soon.

But only on the second day, Liao Yu discovered that the progress of collecting slate fragments had slowed down. After further investigation, he found that the entrance to his ruins dungeon had been blocked by others.

Many small and medium-sized forces are not allowed to enter, and even the slate fragments in their hands have to be snatched away and plundered, forcing them not to enter deeper areas.

Only the two remaining forces of the Syndicate can carry out such a domineering "copy grabbing" behavior.

"Don't be fooled by evil anymore, the shadows protect you and me, go back."

The nuns of the Shadow Tribe held their hands at the entrance.

Whenever adventurers from other forces wanted to enter the next floor with shards of slate, they would stop them and give them training.

It's not enough if you just turn around and walk away.

The Shadow Sisters will still stop the opponent, and will only let him go after handing over the slate fragments.

And if the other party is unwilling and wants to resist.
Now the nuns have chains in their hands, just like the leashes of pet dogs. On the other side of the ropes are those who tried to resist the nuns, and were finally caught and became the "shadow disciples" in the hands of the nuns.

These are basically all men, their clothes shaved off, and the surface of their naked skin is covered with shackles and curses that have been corroded by the nuns' shadow energy. Although they are called shadow disciples, they are actually treated as slaves and allowed to do whatever they want. Sisters sent.

Of course, the nuns don't think so. Men are all a collection of filth. They do this without any psychological burden, just to purify them, let them atone for their sins, and become shadow disciples who can get rid of "Slaanesh".

As the alliance's accuser, he was amazed.

It has to be that these nuns can play.

To be able to say that taking slaves is so noble is to be called a disciple.

But they didn't stop them. After all, this is the way the nuns fight. The more "shadow disciples" in their hands, the more help they will have when they go to explore the deep ruins.


They collected so many stone slab fragments not only to monopolize the dungeon and ensure that they can get the artifact brought by the first kill, but also to allow them to bring as many people in as possible.

After all, the teleportation at the entrance is based on the number of people to collect stone shards.

After collecting enough fragments of stone slabs, more than 30 pieces in total, they were put into the teleportation array. Sure enough, the brilliance of the teleportation array swelled a lot and became incomparably huge.

In this way, all the 150 Death Tellers, plus the [-] nuns from the Shadow Tribe, and the two to three hundred male slaves captured by this last group of nuns can all step into the teleportation array.

The two major forces joined forces to form a mighty team of explorers with hundreds of people.

This battle and momentum alone completely overwhelmed other forces.

With such a large number of people, it undoubtedly gave the nuns and members of the Death Apostles full confidence that they would be able to gain a lot. With such impatient anticipation, the figure was gradually swallowed up by the light of the teleportation array, and successfully entered the underground. A new area deep in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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