Chapter 126 Run!run!

The mottled stone walls were full of patterns they couldn't understand.

In the winding and dark corridor, only a few meters away, there is some unknown strange luminous body, shining with dim light, providing pitiful light.

From the darkness of the ceiling, there was the sound of "tick, tick" from time to time.

The cold water drops dripped from the cracks onto the necks and backs of the people below, making people feel chills all over.

On the uneven ground of the labyrinth, from time to time, fresh blood, remains of bones, and fragments of weapons can be seen, all of which seem to explain to the new intruders the tragic battle that took place here.

This scene in the dungeon is actually a little familiar to the shadow nuns and death-defendants who have just been sent in.

The dead disciples immediately chanted fire magic, and the fire lamps instantly dispelled the darkness of the passage, bringing a large area of ​​light.

of course.

The light of the flame seemed to only extend to about five meters, as if it was blocked by some kind of regular force, and could no longer advance half a point.

Farther away, there is still darkness, and in the darkness, the screams of monsters, the wriggling of bones, and the harsh sound of some kind of sharp claws rubbing against the wall can be vaguely heard.

The newly opened deep area of ​​the dungeon, both in terms of the area of ​​the passage and the scope of the monster area, is much larger than the shallow area.

Just like the current aisle, if you walk side by side, it is more than enough for more than 40 people to go at the same time.

This information comes from the adventurers on the first day.

Because of this, the two major forces chose the crowd tactics and pulled down a team of 300 people in one go.

The team under the torchlight moved forward in an orderly manner.

Soon they came to the first large fan-shaped square. In the fan-shaped area directly in front, many skeletons seemed to sense their arrival and immediately started to move, forming skeletons one by one and getting up from the ground.

Undead Undead!
This is also the same as what the adventurers said on the first day. The types of monsters in the deep area have not changed.

It's just that the number has increased.

There were more than 20 undead in front of them, and they started to kill the group of intruders with bone blades in their hands.

Facing the monsters, the Shadow Sisters were the first to take action.

They did not go up by themselves, but threw out the chains in their hands. The male slaves who were forced to join the Shadow Tribe, the moment the nuns released the chains, the shadow lines on their bodies immediately burned, making them scream. Roaring in pain.

But correspondingly, the bodies of these male slaves began to swell, their strength soared, and their minds became crazy, as if they had turned into desperate lunatics, roaring and rushing towards those skeletons.

Under the strengthening of the shadows of the nuns, these men's fighting power is not much worse than that of the skeleton soldiers. More importantly, I saw only some male slaves, even if they were pierced by bone blades in the abdomen, they did not feel any pain at all, but continued to fight. Attacking wildly, no matter how many wounds they have on their bodies, they will not slow down their movements, just like another kind of monster.

After more than ten minutes, the battle ended. More than 20 skeleton soldiers were all down now, and the nuns paid for it, more than ten male slaves. In their opinion, such a casualty ratio is undoubtedly very cost-effective.

The remaining male slaves only regained their consciousness after the battle, and all the pain from the previous injuries came back, leaving them sweating profusely and in agony.

But in the eyes of the nuns, these are just part of their practice of atonement. In other words, these male slaves were originally brought in by the nuns to provide them with consumables for trial and error.

After destroying the monster, the treasure chest will appear.

The nuns did not rush to open it, but continued to direct their disciples to force the male slaves to check.

No matter how unwilling and angry they were, because they were shackled by the shadow curse, they could not resist and could only carry out the orders of the nun master.

One of the shadow disciples, when he was approaching the treasure chest, suddenly felt weightless under his feet, and the ground actually sunk, causing him to fall directly with a cry of surprise.

And at the next moment, there was a sound of "噗嗤", and when I went to check again, only the male slave who triggered the ground stabbing trap was left, and the bloody corpse was stabbed on the ground.


The deep area has more weird traps than the shallow one, and if you are not careful, you may be buried. Many accusers in the same team were terrified under this scene, and at the same time sighed, the group of shadow tribes Sister, it really helped a lot.

After all, the most powerful thing about traps is that they are difficult to find, and they are suddenly sly, but this group of nuns brought so many slaves down, each of them is the best substitute for the dead, and can easily figure out the way forward for them.

Got a trap?Just let the slaves step on it.

Instead, human life has become the cheapest consumable here.

In this way, with the pathfinding of the shadow disciples, the team was indeed a lot easier, and it was easy to reach the farthest place that the adventurers of the small and medium forces could reach on the first day.

After that, there will be no more information, and it will be a brand new unknown area.

But now, neither the nuns nor the disciples have any intention of turning back. Instead, they are eager to try and continue exploring as soon as possible.

There is no other reason, just the deep treasure is the best stimulus for them.

The concentration of the bright red healing potion was unprecedented for them. Just taking a sip, the nuns felt as if their whole bodies were flying up, every cell was joyful, and the blue magic potion like the sea, It is the best stimulant for them, and even the bottleneck that makes them restrained shows signs of loosening.

go ahead!

Just as mice can't resist the temptation of cheese, so can humans.

Soon the exploration team came to a very special area, where new strange buildings appeared. At that time, there were crypts in the maze?

According to common sense, even if there are monsters in the crypt, when they approach, they should immediately come out to attack them, just like those skeletons or ghouls.

But now, they are all very close to the crypt, but they are still missing. There is movement in the dark crypt.

what happened?

They came here for the treasure, so such a crypt must go down to find out, maybe there is some good treasure hidden in the crypt.

However, out of prudence, the nuns still used the old method, first dispatching their shadow disciples to drive the slaves into the crypt first.

No matter how frightened the slave who compulsorily obeyed the order of the nun master, he could only step into the crypt step by step.

And that is, when their figures had just submerged into the crypt,
The heartbeats of many shadow disciples almost stopped for half a beat, because they could only see this place and could not see it from the outside. But inside the crypt, there were green monsters, which were goblins. They were all ambushing at the entrance, like Hunters wait for their prey to come to them.Moreover, what frightens the male slaves even more is that the goblins in these caves seem to be much stronger, stronger, and smarter than they thought.

The goblins seem to have discovered that these male slaves are not the rightful masters at all, they are here to test them, and they did not attack them. Instead, they stared at them with vicious eyes, as if warning them to keep quiet remind.

Audible reminder?

Ha ha.

The goblin's wisdom is still not enough.

All these male slaves, the so-called shadow disciples, don't hate nuns enough. They wish that the vicious woman died tragically, and it would be better to be tortured to death.

The shadow disciples looked at each other and immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity for revenge.

So they didn't make a sound, and pretended to enter the venue and walked out.

It seems that there is really no danger in the crypt.

The nuns under this scene did not doubt it. After all, in their view, if there was a monster, it would be impossible for the male slaves to hide it. The monster would definitely attack them first.

In this way, each of the nuns began to walk with confidence, and under the leadership of Archbishop Natal, they got closer and closer to the crypt, preparing to go deep into it to find out.

It wasn't until she was two or three meters away from the entrance of the crypt that Natal seemed to notice something. Her expression under the black eye mask changed, and she frowned slightly. When she was about to speak and remind her something, it was already too late.

The first group of nuns had already entered the crypt, and as soon as she entered, she was greeted by goblins who had been lying in wait for a long time, and several sharp thorn blades.

The knife stabbed into the nun's abdomen easily. This was not a critical injury and would not cause death, but it would immediately render the person incapable of fighting.

A large number of unsuspecting nuns were immediately attacked, but before they could scream, the goblin's big hand slapped the nun's mouth.

"Mmmmmm! Woo!"

The severe pain in the abdomen caused them to lose all their strength quickly, and they wanted to warn their companions and ask for help outside the crypt, but they were all covered by goblins, so they could only whimper.

Then, like ants, the goblins in the crypt began to quickly carry the nuns who had lost their combat power after being attacked. With their struggling and frightened expressions, they began to carry them deeper into the crypt.

The ignorant nuns who were outside saw that their companions had gone down and there was no movement, and when they wanted to check, more than half of them followed suit.

No matter how powerful they were, they could manipulate shadows, but they were helpless when they were attacked by goblins at such a close range, and they became captives.

However, among the second batch of nuns, there were still a small number of them who managed to break free. They frantically ran out of the crypt, ignoring that the nuns' uniforms on their bodies were torn to pieces by goblins. Although they did not understand why the goblins here Lin, will be so powerful, but they are very clear about the habits of goblins, what will happen if they are really dragged into the depths of the crypt.

Seeing that it had been exposed, the goblins no longer sneaked up to hide, and a large number of green-skinned monsters began to rush out of the crypt like a tide.

"Defiler, the shadows will bring divine punishment!"

As the archbishop, Sister Natal saw so many sisters and companions in such a miserable situation, she immediately became furious. She is worthy of being an archbishop. The shadow energy in her body surged rapidly, turning into dark arrows, and shot towards the gob that came out of the crypt. Lin shot away.

Their impression of goblins is still that of those vulnerable miscellaneous fish monsters on the human land.

But even these fish monsters, after forcefully eating the archbishop's shadow arrow, seemed to have only scratched their skin. After falling down, they stood up unsteadily. Instead, they seemed to be irritated, and issued a closer call. Rushing with a piercing cry.

"Demon King! I need the support of your disciples, you?!"

Seeing this, Natal finally panicked. The archbishop looked towards his ally, and this sight made her even more angry.

I saw that this group of death seekers actually left them alone and immediately ran away.

Especially the leader of the dead disciples, the dignified fourth-order peak archmage Evan, this demon king, now has a frightened expression on his face, as if he has seen something extremely terrifying.


There is a reason why Evan sells his teammates so cleanly and runs faster than a rabbit.

In his heart right now, he was terrified.

Because as a magician, Evan, who has a strong sense, saw from a distance, in the crypt, behind those goblin monsters, followed by another one coming out of the crypt, the strange goblin.

That's the Goblin Priest.

Wearing a beast bone mask and holding a sacrificial scepter.

When Evan secretly cast a "magic induction" spell on the Goblin Sacrifice, he almost startled him. The magic power fluctuations coming from the Goblin Sacrifice were simply incredible. Like the sea.

The terrifying sea of ​​magical power that Evan saw in the Sorcerous Kingdom was one of the few, one counted as one, and they were all quite big figures.

In comparison, he is like a small stream.

Demon King?

That monster Goblin with huge magical power is even more worthy of his title!
Then, what kind of monster is that!

Evan, who led the murderer from the goblin crypt area and ran out for his life, the old man was full of endless doubts.

A magister's goblin! ?

That should. No!
That is definitely, definitely the master of this dungeon!

He is the ultimate boss here.

Evan quickly came up with an answer.

It turns out that this dungeon is the lair of Goblin, a mutated and terrifying Goblin.

That kind of monster, depending on him... No, even the combined magicians of the Syndicate may not be able to beat it.


(End of this chapter)

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