Chapter 127 Are there any masters?Imperial troops arrive

As the supervisor of the dungeon labyrinth appointed by Liao Yu, Ju Mo is now calmly watching the scenes coming from the Ju Magic image.

That female human with fairly good strength should be a shadow archbishop of around fourth level. Under the siege of goblins, she could still lead the remaining nuns and continue to hold on.

The extremely corrosive shadow energy forms a barrier that makes it impossible for the Goblins to defeat them for a while. This trick was also used by the Radiant Cult thousands of years ago, and is called the Radiant Shield.

But the Radiant Shield burns one's own magical power, but the current shadow barrier is obvious. It can be seen from the painful expressions of the male slaves under the nuns that the source of the magic power is the vitality of these slaves.

This is obviously contrary to the teachings of "radiance".

After that, Dardaya continued to observe. Every spell used by this group of shadow nuns, the magic demon could be seen on it. When he saw the shadow of the radiant spell, the effect was almost exactly the same, except that the color of the magic power changed.

From this, it seems that the "shadow" that these nuns believe in is not a brand new destiny.

More like "brilliant"

Dadaya was thoughtful.

Under the leadership of Archbishop Natal, the nuns who struggled to support themselves in the maze finally came to an end with the action of the goblin priest.

The Goblin Priest seemed a little angry when he saw that he was unable to attack the barrier. After letting out a sharp scream, he raised the bone staff in his hand. The fire element in the air began to condense rapidly, forming the shape of a flaming spear.

Under this scene, Archbishop Natal immediately showed a look of horror, and her eyes under the dark purple eye shadow could no longer pretend to be calm anymore, they were already full of panic.

这 是
Flame Spear Technique! ?

Fifth level fire spell! ?
The goblin wearing the animal bone mask turned out to be a fifth-level magician, a mage! ?
At this time, Natal finally understood why the gang who sued the dead disciples betrayed them and ran so cleanly.

The demon king Evan obviously discovered that there was such a terrifying leader among the goblins, so he sold them directly without any intention of fighting.

The blazing flame spear technique directly penetrated Natal's shadow barrier with devastating force. In front of the fifth-level spell, her barrier was like tissue paper.

The barrier was forcibly shattered. As the archbishop of the spell, Natal's body was immediately shaken and she could no longer hang in the air. The nun fell from the middle of the maze, and the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth stained her pure black nun dress red. .

The nuns who lost the protection of her archbishop's barrier were now completely exposed to the goblins. They had been blocked by the barrier for a long time. The very annoyed and agitated goblins were now more like wolves among sheep. The crowd swarmed towards the nuns with red eyes.


Natal saw that there was nothing she could do to save herself. The nuns under her command were dragged away as trophies by the goblins amidst the cries. As an archbishop, she could never accept that she would end up like that.

As soon as she was cruel, she took out the dagger, made a gesture of prayer, and then stabbed at the neck. She would rather kill herself than be insulted by the monster.

However, Natal never expected that it was not the goblins that blocked her, but the slaves she enslaved. Now that Natal was seriously injured and her control over these slaves weakened, the slaves finally broke out. , They snatched the dagger that Natal wanted to commit suicide, and wanted to hold Natal's body tightly.

These slaves had long been tortured by the Shadow Sisters to the point of death, but now they were no longer afraid of the Goblin monsters. They gave up on escaping. The only thing they wanted to do was to get Natal, the culprit, to The vicious leader of the nuns suffered an even more tragic fate. They would never let Natal die so easily. Throwing the archbishop alive into the lair of those ugly and insignificant green-skinned monsters was the revenge they longed for most.

Jumo shook his head at the scene in the video.

No matter how hard Natal, the archbishop, was struggling, her limbs were tightly hugged and bound by the slaves. She could only watch helplessly as those excited goblins drooling at her plump body quickly approached.

There were even some anxious goblins. As soon as they got close, they couldn't wait to tear the nun's uniform violently and roughly, and bit into her fair skin. The skin she had carefully maintained and cared for had now become a goblin. Lin's most delicious meat feast.

Seeing that if this situation continued, the archbishop would really be destroyed by the goblins, Dadaya's figure flashed and disappeared from the place.

When he reappeared, he was already in the sky above the goblin crypt.

With the advent of the magic spell, the originally chaotic scene seemed to have been pressed on the pause button for an instant. The goblins who were so excited about the nuns felt like they were being poured down by ice water. The demonic figure put down everything in his hands and crouched on the ground, trembling and not daring to make any more moves.

At this time, although the nuns did not recognize the magic demon, they could all see that the figure in the sky was the source of fear for the goblins and could make these terrifying monsters afraid. Therefore, driven by the desire to survive, they They used their hands and feet to crawl and run towards Dadaya's position.

Unfortunately, Dadaya is not the hero who rescues them.

The demon appeared just to take Archbishop Natal away. As for the other human nuns who were begging and crying, Dadaya didn't take a second look and faithfully carried out Liao Yu's plan. No one could leave the demon alive. tower.

After Dadaya left, the goblins waited for a while longer before becoming agitated again and continued to pounce on the screaming nuns. The outcome of these maze explorers remained unchanged.

Natal, who was taken away by the magician and flew in the air, thought she was rescued from the devil's cave, but soon, Dardaya took the archbishop to a pond.

When Natal was about to ask something, Dadaya had no intention of talking to her, and there was no need to say anything about the specimen. The magician directly threw the archbishop into the blue pond where the food was served.

As soon as Natal entered the pond, she instinctively wanted to struggle, but she found that the "pool water" here seemed different. It didn't look like water, but more like something that was moving, sticky, and even alive. Conscious water! ?
The water in the pond immediately reacted to the archbishop nun dropped by Dadaya. From a high altitude, the squirming liquid was quickly approaching in the direction of Natal.

These fluids were initially used to repair Natal's flesh and blood bitten by the goblin, wrapping it with mucus, giving Natal a somewhat itchy feeling, which seemed to be very comfortable and warm.

But soon the nun realized something was wrong. After repairing her damage, the viscous liquid continued to wrap around her, like a capsule of jelly, trying to seal her away.

Natal instinctively warned of danger, and she began to struggle desperately in the "pool water", but the slime did not give her a chance. The nun's skin came into contact with the slime, and the magic power in her body was crazily devoured. Natal became more and more The more you struggle, the faster it engulfs you.

In less than ten seconds, the Shadow Archbishop had no strength left in his body. He could only let Slime start to inject a "preservation" liquid into her body. Slime was Mu is wrapped into a sphere, and finally.
It became a specimen whose consciousness still existed, but only the eyes could move in the body, keeping the body "fresh" at all times, and was sealed in the "amber" of slime.

Slime has the functions of preservation and sealing. After it was developed by Liao Yu, Shu Mo immediately applied for permission from Liao Yu to seal some valuable human beings for research.

speak up.
In addition to this Shadow Archbishop, there should be another high-level human being.

Dadaya was referring to the escaped leader of the death-tellers.

However, after Shu Mo sensed it for a while, he immediately shook his head helplessly.

I saw the image of the switching spell. When Dardaya tracked the group of death accusers in the maze, they discovered that the leader of the death accusers whom he wanted to make another specimen of. Now the head of the old human man was being taken by Ali. Silk is being used as a ball.

When Dada was teleported, a group of death seekers seemed to have been frightened. In front of Alice in the form of a little girl, their legs were trembling and they were so frightened that their breathing was disordered.

There was nothing they could do, their boss was twirling his head back and forth right at the feet of the little girl with his eyes closed.

"Hey Dadaya brother. Look at the new toy Alice found!"

When Alice saw the magician coming, she immediately seemed very happy and showed off to the magician the head of Evan at her feet.

Dadaya, who didn't understand what was going on at first, sighed a little and said: "Alice, didn't the king tell you that, except for me as a supervisor, there is no need for the other apostles to take action. Moreover, based on the value of this human being, let him die." It’s such a waste.”

Upon hearing the magician's words, Alice pursed her lips, showing a very aggrieved expression.

"Alice didn't want to kill him. She wanted to play with everyone and make friends. Everyone exchanged names, but he was."

Alice's voice seemed to bring the group of death seekers below back to the horrific memory of a few minutes ago.

At that time, they had just escaped from the Goblin Crypt, but within a few steps, they met a sickly, weak-looking little girl in the maze.

This kind of weird scene, you can tell with your feet, this girl is definitely not as simple as she looks, she may be some kind of monster, so they don't dare to show it. As the leader, Mr. Evan, he carefully cooperates with the little girl's words Those who clamor to play games.

As a result, the game hadn’t even started yet. The other party had just reported her name, which was Alice, and asked Mr. Evan to also say his name. As soon as Evan opened his mouth and said the words "Devil King", the face of the little girl opposite suddenly changed. .

The next scene will be unforgettable for this group of death-defenders.

The movement was too fast to be seen clearly. The sick little girl suddenly stretched out her hand and heard a "bang" sound. When she came to her senses again, Lord Evan's head had been twisted off by the little girl.

Now Evan's head and face still show the confused expression he had before his death. Apparently, he still doesn't understand what happened until his death.

The devil?
After listening to Alice's explanation, Jumo nodded and took the initiative to apologize to Alice. Indeed, humans who dare to use these two words as a title are not even qualified to be specimens.

Any apostle would have done the same thing as Alice.

In this case, Dadaya could only do the next best thing, pack up the remaining disciples and throw them into the previous slime pool to make secondary specimens.The reason why Dadaya attaches so much importance to them and must make them into specimens is because the magic demon has a vague premonition in his heart.

Next, he will have a high probability of researching and digging out a secret that he has already suspected from these "expelled" Syndicate humans.

That's a bigger secret.

About the secret of "destiny track".

However, compared to the higher-level research and exploration of magic demons, the rot demon Alice is more vulgar. She pulled down Daya's clothes, blinked her big confused eyes and said:

"Brother Dadaya, where is the king? Alice. I want to hug the king."

The magician estimated the time and explained to Alice: "There is news from Leon. The current king should go to deal with the affairs of the imperial army."

At the beginning, Liao Yu divided the demon soldiers into three groups, Elena guarded Illinois, and the other apostles went to the Syndicate with him, while Leon was responsible for tracking and investigating, and possibly the Imperial Army going to the Syndicate.

After Alice reacted for a moment, she quickly blinked her big eyes in anticipation.

"Imperial Army! Imperial Army! Hee hee."

She really liked Wang the most, and Alice hoped that the new friends Wang brought this time would make her "playable" for a while longer.

Outside of Syndicate.

A cloud of yellow sand rolled up from afar. When I got closer, I realized that it was not a sandstorm, but a mighty army.

Fifty thousand mighty cavalry were flying into the dust. In the center of the army, a flag was erected high. The heraldic pattern of "Black Goat" on it showed their unparalleled noble status to the outside world.

Any country that sees this Black Goat flag must immediately give way and open all channels. If necessary, no matter how powerful they are in the country, they must surrender and kneel under this "Black Goat" flag and obey everything. Order arrangement.

For no other reason.

Just because it symbolizes the Empire, Knox, which occupies nearly one-third of the world's territory and is the only superpower, is enough.

In the center of the empire's cavalry, there was a luxurious chariot surrounded by people and extremely supportive. The flag there changed from black goat to scarlet, symbolizing the empire's royal blood.

Sitting in the chariot was none other than His Highness Olba, the seventh prince of the empire, who had come to defeat the villains of the Syndicate.

The space inside the luxury chariot is huge.

It can be regarded as a small room.

And now His Highness Alba is holding a temporary emergency meeting inside.

"So you mean that a few days ago, the Syndicate discovered a new mysterious ruins with infinite treasures inside?"

The person who knelt down opposite the Seventh Prince was the leader of the Bloody Hand Gang who had been killed earlier.

The escaped leader finally got the seventh prince to come.

As soon as possible, he hurried over to report the information, hoping to get rewards and support from the seventh prince.

"That's right, Your Highness! All of us in the Blood Hand Gang are loyally investigating the "Magic Oil Mine" for His Highness. We think it is very possible that the Magic Oil Mine that His Highness wants is inside the ruins, so we thought, in Before His Highness arrives, explore the ruins more and get more information for His Highness, but, who would have thought?"

Bloody Hand showed hatred in his eyes, and used clever words to describe the Animal Gang in front of the Seventh Prince, as a hostile force that hindered their exploration of intelligence and hindered the great cause of the empire.

The seventh prince didn't care about the destruction of the Blood Hand Gang. After all, in his eyes, these were just chess pieces. What he was more interested in were the artifacts that could bring powerful power.

In particular, to prove it, Bloody Hand took out a few bottles of [Healing Potion] from the ruins and dedicated it to the Seventh Prince. The purity of such a pure red potion really surprised Olba.

It seems that the next direction is there.


Seeing the prince's expression of interest, Xue Shou was of course happy, but he hesitated and still had to remind the seventh prince.

"Your Highness, I always feel that this ruins is weird. You must be careful. The legendary undead have already appeared in it. I suggest you communicate with the empire?"


Bloody Hand's suggestion is the safest. Send the information about the ruins back to the empire, call in more powerful manpower, or directly call in the army, and surround the ruins first. This way, you will definitely not be able to escape, and you will have everything in your pocket.

The seventh prince smiled disdainfully.

The empire hasn't paid attention to the Syndicate for too long, but now it's causing trouble. It seems that these Syndicate people still can't recognize their identities?

Can the Syndicate's garbage be compared to the Empire?
Forget about syndicates.

Under the strict "extraordinary blockade" implemented by the "Emperor" all over the world, except the Empire, everyone under the Empire is a group of ants, a group of garbage who regard even the fifth level as the ceiling, pursue their whole life, and cannot even touch it. , are you still worried about him?
Xue Shou's well-intentioned advice, unexpectedly, turned into a humiliation for the Seventh Prince.

It's like an imbecile who is actually worried that as a top student, he will fail the exam?
"Thank you for the information, you can go."

After finishing speaking, the Seventh Prince raised his hand and struck out with a sword before the Bloody Hands could react. Then, the leader of the Bloody Hands Gang, who was also a big shot in the Syndicate and a fourth-level warrior, didn't even have time to react. He was directly killed by the Seventh Prince on the spot.

It seems that this is explaining the gap between the two sides.

The biggest leader of the Syndicate?
In front of the empire, he is just a little insect that can be crushed easily.

Also in the chariot, several hunters who were the Seventh Prince's staff were actually a little surprised in their hearts. They did not expect that His Highness was so powerful.

For them, although it would be easy to kill the Blood Hand, it might still be a bit difficult to kill him with such a swift blow.

Olba's move was tantamount to a show of force, causing many hunters to begin to speculate on his strength, which suddenly became unfathomable.

But in fact, only Alba himself knows.

The key to his sword just now is not in him, but in the seemingly ordinary long sword in his hand now.

The seventh prince took out his handkerchief and wiped the treasure in his hand very elegantly and like a mysophobic.

This handle may seem inconspicuous on the outside, but it is actually his biggest trump card and confidence.
Holy Sword!

Having such a treasure in hand is Alba's greatest confidence. No matter how many monsters there are in the ruins dungeon, his holy sword, coincidentally, is designed to kill monsters.

not to mention.

In addition to the Holy Sword, he also had another big surprise that he inadvertently gained while marching to the Syndicate.

Thinking of this, Alba calmed down his arrogant expression a little. Even his aura as the seventh prince was consciously suppressed, and he seemed to become a little more humble.

As for the reason for this gesture.
Next, he wants to invite someone.

A hermit and strong man he met on the road was definitely comparable to a great sage.

The Seventh Prince waved his hand and finally ordered a follower: "Go and see what Teacher Leon is doing now."

"If Teacher Leon is free, ask the teacher to come over and say that there is something urgent and you need the teacher's help to make a decision. If the teacher is busy or meditating."

Olba's expression was serious, and His Highness warned him in particular: "Remember, you must not disturb the teacher. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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