Chapter 128 Bone King?The mole!
While waiting for his entourage to return, the seventh prince couldn't help but have memories of Teacher Leon flashing in his eyes.

That was on their way from the Empire to the Syndicate.

When passing through a small country, a plague disease was breaking out there.

At first, he didn't take it seriously. He and the imperial army had all received the "Glory" blessing. The most difficult and painful plague disasters for civilians and other countries were basically most of them. All are immune.

Therefore, at that time, he did not order the army to bypass the country, but continued to advance along the original route.

As a result, unexpectedly, he began to feel unwell not long after passing by. Other soldiers of the Imperial Army even suffered from vicious vomiting, and even fell into a coma due to severe symptoms, with brown markings appearing all over their bodies.

This frightened Alba at the time. What kind of horrific plague was this? It could penetrate even the "blessings" on their bodies and infect them with the disease.

Olba immediately garrisoned troops and stopped advancing. The Syndicate's magic oil mine was important, but his own health and safety was obviously more important.

Later, the seventh prince called in military doctors and priests and tried various means to cure the plague. However, no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to do anything, and instead they became increasingly weak.

Alba became more and more anxious. Just when the Seventh Prince gritted his teeth and prepared to turn back in despair no matter how embarrassed he was, and to show off the damn strange plague on his body before returning to the empire, they accidentally found out that there was a disease in this small country. A doctor who had been doing good deeds to cure the plague, so the seventh prince immediately sent someone to find this doctor with the attitude of giving it a try.

That's right, it is his current teacher Leon.

This Leon doctor, with his superb medical skills, solved the plague that had plagued them for several days in just two or three hours, allowing the entire Imperial Army to recover and regain health.

The seventh prince was sure at that time that Leon was anything but simple.

Afterwards, he tentatively communicated with Leon more, and then he discovered that this man was not just a doctor, he was simply knowledgeable and seemed to be extremely proficient in various fields.

Alba felt that he had benefited a lot from just two or three sentences in the chat, and some of the bottlenecks in the technique seemed to be suddenly clear and showing signs of being loosened.

So he immediately extended an olive branch to Leon, and even directly stated his noble status as the seventh prince of the empire later on. However, Leon still rejected him and was unwilling to participate in the dispute.

Instead of being angry with Leon, Alba was even more attracted and moved by Leon's indifference to fame and wealth.

After all, he has met so many people that they all want to join the empire. How many so-called experts wish they could immediately turn into a tail-wagging dog after hearing about his identity as a prince.

But he didn't notice any of this from Leon. This couldn't be disguised. Alba was very confident in his vision of people, and he became more and more determined about Leon's identity as a hidden sage.

For a true sage, Alba immediately chose to put down his identity, even ignoring the dissuasion of other entourages, and continued to stay in the army, visiting Mr. Leon's "thatched house" over and over again, just to invite the sage to come out, hoping that Leon can join his team.

After visiting him three times like this, Leon seemed to be finally moved by his persistence and sincerity, and agreed to become his teacher and help him on his future journey.

The sound of approaching horse hooves came from outside the chariot, pulling Alba back from his thoughts. The seventh prince straightened his appearance a little. Then, the door of the chariot was pushed open, and a well-dressed man with a very elegant temperament walked in. of men.

"Mr. Leon, I'm sorry to disturb you." Olba got off his seat immediately, and specially went to pick Leon into the chariot to show his prince's respect for Leon.

After inviting Leon to take a seat, Alba personally told Mr. Leon the information about the "ruins" and "dungeons" that appeared in the Syndicate that Bloody Hand had mentioned before, and then showed an inquiring look.

"Teacher Leon, what do you think of this ruins? Could it be the magic oil mine we are looking for?"

Without answering directly, Leon paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand to explore the air to the side. The space there was suddenly slightly distorted, forming a dimensional pocket for storage. Leon took out a map from it and laid it out to seven. In front of the prince.

Leon hasn't said anything yet. Just the space magic stored in this hand has already made Alba and the three imperial hunters in the tank secretly frightened. Space magic is extremely rare. There are probably only a handful of them that can be used in the empire.

"Prince, from the map, although the Syndicate is all desert, there are still many possibilities in the underground space. We may have ignored the deeper knowledge of the Syndicate because of the yellow sand on the surface. Dig and explore."

"In recent times, the syndicate's oases have been disappearing. Perhaps it is because the geology is undergoing some kind of change, and the movement of the land mass has caused some things that were originally deep underground to emerge. I think, whether it is ruins The underground city and the magic oil mine that the prince is looking for should all follow this principle."

After listening to Leon's explanation, the seventh prince kept nodding. It was indeed reasonable and well-founded. In this way, everything was explained. He was worthy of being a sage. Just relying on the map and some information, he was able to explain everything in one go. The essence of the event is restored.

In this case, Olba had nothing to hesitate and immediately ordered the troops to change direction and move towards the location of the ruins at full speed.

The fast-moving Imperial Army had arrived at the entrance to the ruins in less than half a day.

Those members of the Shadow Tribe and the Deadmen who stayed outside, waiting for their leader to come out of the ruins, did not hesitate at all when they saw the imperial flag from a distance, and immediately gave up the entrance, thinking of retreating to the second line, Waiting for their leader.

But what Olba wanted was obviously not this. The [-] imperial cavalry directly began to expel everyone and completely block the ruins.

Whether it was a big gang or those small and medium-sized syndicate tribes who wanted to drink some soup, they were all driven away a few kilometers away. Even the aborigines who lived nearby, everyone in every town had to give way to the empire immediately.

In fact, the seventh prince here is still concerned about making a good impression in front of Leon, a sage teacher.

Otherwise, according to the empire's consistent style, why would it be so troublesome to use "expulsion"? It should be simpler to "clean up".

However, people do not need to be killed, but the benefits they get from the ruins must be spit out.

"Give it back to me! That's ours, why."

"You're crazy, that's the empire! Sorry, sorry, these, these are all, let's go, let's go!"

"No more, really no more! No, those were not brought from the ruins, let go, let go quickly!"


Under the looting and plundering of the imperial cavalry, the things that the adventurers, tribes and gangs took with their lives to bring out from the ruins were now put into Olba's pockets and concentrated in a large warehouse. The Imperial Army was also used to it, collecting some extra in the process as their own reward.

When the seventh prince came to the warehouse and looked at the many treasures inside, he truly realized how precious the ruins of the underground city were.

The "perfect grade" red healing potion that even the empire's top alchemists had trouble mixing seemed to be in ruins in the ruins.

And even he had to save his time and use one less high-level magic scroll. Surprisingly, he can also find it on a large scale here, including fireball, ice arrows, ground thorns, and even the fifth-level "flame spear". This magician's scroll was an eye-opener for the Seventh Prince.

Now even if they don't find the magic oil mine, the value of this ruins is enough to make his trip worthwhile.

What are you waiting for.

Set out to raid the dungeon immediately!
The seventh prince, who was passionate in his heart, quickly gathered a group of elites, plus three powerful hunters. With such a luxurious lineup, in Olba's view, any treasure in the ruins would be within easy reach.

As a result, before they even entered the ruins, they were stopped at the first level.

To enter the deep ruins, you need "slate fragments" as tickets.

The previous fragments of the slate have been collected by several major gangs. As outsiders, they have no fragments at all.

As a result, the troops, who were full of momentum, were stuck at the entrance of the dungeon.

"Let me try, Prince."

Under the helpless imperial army, Leon had to step out. He used magic power in his hands, and complex seals began to be drawn in the void. Then, the teleportation array that many imperial mages in the army could not understand, and the radiance blocked above, It started to flicker, and then started to work again without using any slate fragments.

In this scene, the Seventh Prince once again lamented how wise his decision was. Even if it delayed the trip, being able to get help from such a great sage would undoubtedly help them save more time.

After successfully entering the dungeon, consistent with the information they had previously investigated from the Syndicate, this was a huge ruins maze filled with a large number of undead creatures.At this time, as one of the three hunters under the Seventh Prince, Pastor took the initiative to stand up.

Facing the skeletons in the maze that had discovered them and started to "click-click" and stand up from the ground, Pastor volunteered and came to the front.

"Your Highness Alba, leave these monsters to me."

The Seventh Prince nodded.

As No. 60 on the empire's hunting list, Pastor is the top necromancer. Any undead creature is like a toy in front of Pastor.

Because of this, Pastor’s hunting name is the Bone King.

King of Bones.

Pastor concentrated, this was a good time for him to show off in front of the Seventh Prince.

Because of Leon's arrival, they all felt anxious when hunting, especially seeing that Leon could play a powerful role in everything. They, who were also the Seventh Prince's staff, immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Pastor calmed down, and the magic power began to surge all over his body. He raised his dry fingers and murmured in a low voice at the beginning, and gradually his voice became louder and louder. The spells became more obscure and difficult to understand, as if full of The mystery.

As Pastor sang, the gray-blue necromancy magic began to hover around him. At this moment, he indeed became extremely mysterious and tall in the eyes of everyone, and the necromancy magic condensed under his feet. A pile of bones, Pastor stood on the pile of bones, as if he really was, just like his hunting title, the king of all the undead.


Finally, Pastor's momentum on the pile of bones reached its peak. He suddenly opened his eyes, opened his arms, and chanted the accumulated surging necromantic magic power, amplifying his voice infinitely and turning it into a command spell. With the help of sound waves, it began to spread layer by layer, sweeping through the large maze directly in front at extremely fast speeds.

This move made a lot of noise, and the effect was naturally very significant. Originally, maybe only a dozen skeletons in the maze discovered them and attacked them.

After Pastor's chant, he wanted to show his authority as the "Bone King" in front of the Seventh Prince and easily make these low-level skeleton monsters "obey" him.
Click!Click!Click, click, click!

The sound of bones being spliced ​​came from every corner of the maze, as if they were awakened by Pastor's sound waves. Then, a few seconds later, a dense sea of ​​skeletons began to appear from all directions in the maze. They all emerged at the entrance and exit.

And the targets of all these skeletons are locked on Pastor and the imperial army behind the "Bone King".

The Seventh Prince was a little surprised at first.

I feel that the Bone King is really capable, and he can actually summon so many skeletons in the maze to become their troops.

However, only Pastor himself on the pile of bones knew it.

What about contact?
What about the response?
Why didn't these skeletons establish an undead contract with him at all?You clearly gave the order to obey, but you didn't pay attention to yourself at all?
The Bone King began to sweat on his forehead, and Pastor quickly concentrated his undead magic power again, shouting spells in an attempt to control it, but the result was that more skeletons were attracted to kill in their direction.

Until this time, the seventh prince also realized that something was wrong. These skeletons were not here to surrender to them. The dark fire beating in the deep eye sockets was clearly full of murderous intent towards them.

"Stop that damn spell of yours! Pastor!"

Alba was immediately furious.

But he didn't have time to scold the hunter anymore. He quickly ordered the rest of the imperial army to form a formation immediately, preparing to face this numb sea of ​​skeletons.

After a bloody and difficult battle.


The remaining panting elite elites of the Imperial Army finally breathed a sigh of relief looking at the skeletons everywhere, and sat down on the cold floor, panting heavily.

They resisted for half an hour in total and killed probably hundreds of skeletons before they finally came to an end.

Although the Skeleton Sea was over, they also paid a heavy price.

Almost half of the 42 elite imperial warriors brought by Orba are now dead.

In fact, if you advance the maze normally and slowly, the combat effectiveness of the elite warriors of the empire is indeed much stronger than that of any Syndicate adventurer. The skeletons in the maze can achieve zero casualty rate with a reasonable battle layout.

It's a pity that through the hands of the "Bone King", all the skeletons in the maze were "gathered" and faced with hundreds of skeletons at once, which led to the current tragedy.


The Seventh Prince, who felt extremely sorry for these elites, immediately ordered Pastor to be arrested. The Bone King now looked like a spy.

As for Pastor, who was tied up by Wuhua Daodao, instead of feeling aggrieved, his heart is still full of puzzlement and confusion.

Is he obviously a high-level necromancer?
Why wouldn't these low level skeletons listen to him.

Pastor has never been in this situation.

But according to the rules of necromancy, unless
Here, is there another undead creature that is far more powerful than his rank? ?
Only with this possibility can low-level skeletons be exempted from the control of their own necromancy magic.

But the problem is that Pastor's most brilliant achievement was when he summoned even the sixth-level "Undead Lord".

Which undead are stronger than the "Undead Lord"?
Wait, could it be.
Pastor's eyes widened and he realized that there was indeed an absolute king above the Undead King, an existence that he regarded as absolutely impossible.

Skeleton King.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Pastor struggled wildly, trying to send this information out.

After all, if there really is a Skeleton King in this maze, they must leave immediately. Even the Seventh Prince has no chance of surviving under the legendary Skeleton King.

It's a pity that the current "Bone King" has been regarded as a mole by the imperial army. The Seventh Prince strictly ordered that the soldiers must seal Pastor's mouth and must not let him make any more noise, in case it attracts him again. A sea of ​​skeletons would be too much for them.

In addition, at this time, Leon glanced in Pastor's direction, intentionally or unintentionally.

The "Bone King" immediately fell into the abyss. His eyes widened in horror, as if he had seen the most terrifying monster in the world. The next moment, he started bleeding from all his orifices, lost consciousness and passed out.

The Seventh Prince, who was originally attracted by Pastor's movement, just glanced at it, ignored the fainted Pastor, and continued to advance with his troops.

It has to be said that although they encountered the sea of ​​skeletons, it also accelerated their exploration of the maze. The monsters were basically killed by them in one wave. The next road seemed to be smooth, with only a few sporadic ghouls.

Soon they arrived at the next teleportation point.

After stepping in, everyone quickly disappeared. When they opened their eyes again, all the imperial troops in the maze were stunned.

Because the only thing I can see now is that they are still in the dark and winding maze.

Sunshine, fresh air, wide blue skies and endless views
big forest! ?

(End of this chapter)

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