Chapter 129 So, the seventh prince drew the holy sword
Liao Yu and Dadaya are now observing the imperial army through the projection, falling into the spider web step by step.

After receiving the news from Leon, Liao Yu immediately cooperated with Zhimo and prepared to eat the fat sheep that came to his door.

Introducing the Imperial Army into the ruins dungeon is the first step.

Originally, Zhimo wanted to transport them directly to the purgatory on the second floor of the magic tower, where the demons had the most powerful combat power.

Under simultaneous siege by the Sword Demon and the Great Demon, it is undoubtedly the most foolproof.

However, Liao Yu still modified Zhimo's proposal.

It was Liao Yu's idea to let the imperial army come to the elves' homeland on the fourth floor instead.

Liao Yu did this just in case.

As a brave man in the past, if the empire had obtained his many powers, most of them would be extremely special against the demons.

It doesn't even require the user to be very powerful. Just by borrowing the power of the "rules" of those brave men, it can explode with great lethality.

That's why Liao Yu chose to place the battlefield in the Fourth Emerald Forest.

Even if the seventh prince really comes up with something, its effect will definitely be greatly reduced when facing non-demon units.

But what came from the video next made Liao Yu a little surprised.


The Imperial Army was now looking around, and subconsciously began to huddle together, full of confusion and hesitation about this unknown space.

what happened?

The interior of this ruins is actually so big! ?

Where is this dungeon maze?

This, this is just like a small world! ?

Even Olba himself panicked, let alone the remaining imperial troops. They had never seen such a battle before. Fortunately, there was still a calm sage in their ranks.

Leon came forward at this time and explained to everyone the principle of relic space. For some powerful relics, there will indeed be a phenomenon of compressed space inside.

Gradually, the emotions of everyone in the imperial army calmed down. The Seventh Prince once again lamented, what is the real help? Teacher Leon's calmness and composure, even the hunters can't compare at all.

However, now that we have arrived in the forest environment, another hunter has volunteered.

"Let me lead the way for Your Highness."

A rough voice came, and the speaker was a sturdy man with a strong back and a strong waist. His hunting ranking in the empire was one place lower than the previous Bone King Pastor, only 71.

But the field he specializes in fits perfectly with the current "forest" environment.

The king of beasts, Tedino.

He can talk to raptors, and even the most ferocious beasts are like cats in front of him. The forest environment is like a fish in water to him.

I saw that Tedino squatted down very professionally, dipped his hands in the soil, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it a few times. Then he observed the outline of the tree bark and closed his eyes to meditate in the forest. He seemed to be meditating with him. Nature blends into one.

Soon Tedino's eyes lit up and he showed a happy expression.

"Your Highness, this way! Nature has already shown us the way ahead!"

Because there are previous examples of Bone King.

This time, the Seventh Prince was a little doubtful about Tedino's hunt, but there was no way, the forest was so big, they couldn't be headless flies, they could only let the imperial army follow Tedino. The king of beasts.

And then, as Tedino opened the way ahead, the thorns and vines that originally blocked the way seemed to have sensed Tedino's arrival, and they took the initiative to avoid it on both sides.

This made Tedino very proud, which undoubtedly showed that as a son of nature, he was close to the forest and was protected by it.

The originally dense trees gave way to Tedino, and a very easy forest path was opened up for the Imperial Army.

This time, no monsters appeared again. The seventh prince finally felt relieved and no longer had any doubts.

However.Alba's heart, which had just been relieved, had not been put down for a long time. Soon, at an extremely fast speed, his blood pressure was full, and he was immediately suspended.

I saw that their journey deeper into the forest was indeed smooth and there were no monsters.

But the problem is where this forest path ends.
It was a particularly strange place. It was an open plain in the forest. As soon as the seventh prince came in, he immediately felt ominous in his heart. After all, such a flat land was too abrupt to appear in the forest.

almost like
Specially used for encirclement and ambush.

Before the Seventh Prince could finish his words, a roar came from behind them, and then, an elite member of the Imperial Army in charge of the rear was thrown away amidst the screams.

Everyone turned back in horror. It was the way they came. The thorns and vines had all recovered, and a huge beast like an owlbear crawled out of the shadows of the woods. The blood on its claws undoubtedly showed that it was hostility.

An owlbear?

Soon the expression on the imperial army's face changed. From all sides of their open space, the monsters seemed to be hiding in the shadows of the forest, just waiting for them to come and fall into their own trap.

In addition to the previous clawed owlbear, there is also a centaur deer demon, a purple spider bigger than a wolfdog, a black leopard with teeth as sharp as saber teeth, the ground behind it even trembles, and a guy whose whole body is made of rock. The stone giant looked down at them coldly with its ruthless stone eyes.

Where is the exit for them?

This clearly led them to the monster's den!
Olba was so angry now that he brought three hunters in total. During the previous plague, the voodoo hunts had no effect. However, when they entered the maze, the damn "Bone King" was given to them first. They attracted a large number of skeleton seas, and now, the "King of Beasts" who had suffered a thousand cuts pushed them into danger again.

This is not obvious, is it a trap? "No! Your Highness, no, this is not me, no, no, no, why, nature clearly responded to me, it shouldn't, it shouldn't be like this, wait, don't!"

Alba didn't hesitate.

He directly swung the holy sword and killed the hunter with one blow.

Inner ghost!

They are all moles!


His brothers and sisters planted moles around him like this, and he didn't even notice.

There was no time to think about the mole anymore.

Now Alba must concentrate on solving the current predicament.

However, although the seventh prince was angry, he actually didn't have much fear in his heart.

It is the sword in his hand that is the basis of Orba's confidence and courage.

That's right.

In fact, Alba had been feeling the restlessness coming from the Holy Sword earlier. This feeling was something he had never felt since he obtained the Holy Sword.

He could feel the desire coming from the Holy Sword.

But now, he was able to kill Tedino, a fifth-level hunter, with one blow. This was inseparable from the radiant holy sword.

Wave after wave of power began to emerge from the holy sword and flow into his body.

Alba can say that he has never felt as powerful as he does now.

That's right.

This holy sword is just as the great sage told him at the beginning. Only when facing monsters can the true power of the holy sword be stimulated.

The five holy swords of the brave man thousands of years ago each perform their own duties.

The "Sword of Oath" in his hand is said to have the most powerful auxiliary ability for the brave among the holy swords. It can directly give the user a hidden profession-paladin.
In addition to being unified in that all holy swords have special destructive properties against demons, different holy swords also have different additional functions.

And the additional effect of the sword of oath on his finger is to hate the "monster" as much as he hates it.

As long as he makes an oath to the Holy Sword in his heart to kill all the monsters in front of him, and with this determination, the Holy Sword will respond to him and give him the unparalleled expansion power he has now, and he will instantly understand the secrets of many "Holy Martial Arts" Skill.

Therefore, even though Olba lost several hunts and was surrounded by monsters, he was still not afraid.

No matter how powerful the Lord of the Labyrinth is, as long as he is a monster, he is invincible in front of this holy sword!
(End of this chapter)

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