Chapter 130 Olba suffered 10928632 points of real damage

Not all holy swords are as close to their master as Liao Yu like the previous "Sword of Dawn".

Holy swords also have their own personalities. Like the one held by Prince Olba, if you anthropomorphize it a little bit and let Liao Yu evaluate it, it will be the most "iron and selfless" among the five holy swords.

The Sword of Oath in the game doesn't care who its user is.

It only cares about whether its "oath agreement" can be implemented. As long as it faces monsters, as long as it punishes evil and promotes good, as long as it fights for mankind, no matter whether it is a brave man or a vagabond, it can defeat it. Lift it up and promote the way of the "paladin".

The dazzling holy sword currently in the hands of the seventh prince is the best proof.

This is not to say that Holy Sword responded to Alba.

Instead, he summoned himself. These claw druids, dryads, shadow leopards, hill stone giants and other monsters that surrounded the seventh prince stimulated the Sword of Oath. The holy sword judged the current environment and actively inspired it. gained strength.

After clarifying this point, Liao Yu was not in a hurry to recover the holy sword.

Different holy swords have different recycling methods.

Like the "Sword of Dawn" above, the one that has been with you the longest and has the deepest affection can be pulled out directly.

For something like the "Sword of Oath", you have to use a slightly different approach.

Liao Yu took over the control of the scene. Facing the seventh prince with the blessing of the holy sword, Liao Yu still ordered the monsters to rush forward and attack.

Of course, the monsters here are not the ones on the elf side in front.

"Hey! Wow!!"

Groups of green-skinned humanoid monsters, shouting slogans, rushed out of the woods on both sides.

The goblins were now flushed and very excited.

After attacking the nuns in the maze before, it was obvious that the group of green-skinned monsters had tasted the sweetness and realized that the humans here seemed to be very weak.

Like the demons, they bullied the weak and feared the strong. Now that they saw the Seventh Prince's troops and discovered that they were humans again, the familiar feeling came over them and they were extremely happy.

In addition to being interested in females, Goblins were also very interested in the various exquisite decorations shining on the seventh prince's body and the various sophisticated equipment of the imperial troops.

So under Liao Yu's instructions, they didn't hesitate at all, picked up the mallets and iron swords in their hands, and rushed towards the seventh prince's position.

The gleaming holy sword in Olba's hand did not pay much attention to the goblins. There were many humans before who made a lot of noise, but the actual power was not worth mentioning.

In particular, the Goblin did not feel any threat from the Holy Sword at all. Apart from the special light effect, it was nothing.

So they naturally classified the Seventh Prince's Holy Sword as a "human trick".


Alba took a deep breath and tried to communicate his spiritual will with the Holy Sword, emptying his mind and trying to cater to the Holy Sword. When the Seventh Prince opened his eyes again, his eyes also turned golden, as if they were shining with the Holy Sword. Light.

At this moment, the thoughts in the Seventh Prince's mind have been completely filled with the oath of the Holy Sword.

One of the oaths is to protect humanity.

The nearest few goblins had already leaped high, showing grim smiles on their ugly and treacherous faces, and with all their strength, they raised the clubs in their hands over the top of their heads, and then slammed them on the Seventh Prince's head.

Previously in the maze, they had killed countless humans with this move, and no one could resist. They seemed to be able to see that this gorgeously dressed human with an extraordinary appearance would be just like everyone else the next moment. , the head turns into a watermelon.

But what answered them was Alba's incredibly fast movements.

Before the goblins in the air could react, the holy sword in the hands of the Seventh Prince had already activated itself. In the blink of an eye, it slashed out several sword qi and turned into a sword net. Penetrated the bodies of these goblins.

The holy light flashed at the joint between the goblin's limbs, which was the sword light that had not receded. The next moment, their bodies disintegrated in the air and fell into pieces.

scare! ?

This scene made many goblins tremble.

Some of those who were about to rush in front of the Seventh Prince suddenly stopped.

What, what's the situation?
That "light saber" in the human's hand is not a trick! ?

Killed five or six of their clansmen in one blow! ? ?

The goblin was scared, but it was too late to turn back. The sword of oath in Olba's hand seemed to have not fulfilled the oath as heartily as it did now for a long time.

So next, it was as if the Sword of Oath began to actively control the Seventh Prince, causing Alba's body to move and kill these green-skinned monsters that threatened mankind.

The second oath is to hate monsters as much as they hate them and kill them all!
The Seventh Prince jumped into the group of goblins and started a glorious sword dance. The Holy Light Sword Network was like a meat grinder and ruthlessly began to slaughter these green-skinned monsters.

These goblins are actually not weak, each of them has more than 20 levels, and a small number of them have been promoted to goblin elites after the previous maze battle, and even went up to level [-].

However, under the hands of the Seventh Prince, or to be precise, under the Sword of Oath, they still had no room for resistance. They were really like chopping melons and vegetables, being killed from beginning to end.

In the end, the defeated goblins screamed in terror and ran towards their base camp, the high priest at the rear.

Goblin sacrifice.

That's right, it was the powerful being who scared away the "Demon King", the leader of the Death Tellers, thinking it was the Lord of the Labyrinth.

A fifth-rank magister goblin.

The current Goblin Priest has long lost the majesty and confidence he had before. Looking at the Sword of Oath coming to kill him, he panicked now and quickly used his most powerful defense to summon the ice. The power formed a series of ice crystal barriers in front of him, and any physical attack would be greatly weakened.

Unfortunately, the Seventh Prince's Sweeping Sword of Oath ignored the layers of ice barriers in front of the Goblin Priest as if they were nothing, and the radiant slashes landed completely on the head of the Priest.

It is actually the same type as the Holy Light Sword Qi that killed those goblins before, and it is also the most powerful ability bestowed by the Sword of Oath
Holy Cut!
For monster-type creatures, it has devastating lethality. If you are still on the side of "justice", its power will be even higher.

The Sword of Oath made an excited sword cry, and with the power of the Holy Slash, the powerful fifth-level Goblin Sacrifice was cut into two pieces, and even the unreasonable one was killed instantly.

In just a few minutes, all the goblins were slaughtered by the Seventh Prince.

But this did not make Alba feel tired. On the contrary, it seemed that his whole body was filled with new strength, and he even had a lot of insights in his heart, and he felt like he was going to break through the boundaries.

Olba, who was infatuated with this kind of pleasure, immediately pointed the edge of the holy sword towards the druids, dryads, and even the huge hill giants that seemed to be more powerful. He was not timid and dared to fight with them.

Under this scene, many demon apostles who had been observing the Seventh Prince from the rear had serious expressions on their faces.

"Alice hates that sword." The Rotten muttered, holding the doll tightly in his hand.

The two demon commanders, the great demon Hercule and the sword demon Arpad, who also came here, now have equally serious expressions.

"I didn't expect that the relics of the brave could retain such power even after a thousand years." "The power of the Holy Sword has always been a mystery. I suggest you continue to observe and collect data, and to be on the safe side, I think you can keep releasing monsters." , until the human body is exhausted before taking action."

The magician Dadaya is more cautious. It can be seen that even he is full of fear of the sword of oath. He adopts the most conservative strategy of avoiding its sharp edge and lets the seventh prince kill. Anyway, there are many monsters. When the user has no strength, No matter how powerful the holy sword is, it is useless.

But in this case, the number of casualties would probably be huge. The holy sword can obviously kill enemies while replenishing the user's physical strength?
The demon apostles also don’t know the specific working principle of the holy sword.

So in order to prevent this from being a bottomless pit, Hercule, who is the most powerful fighter, immediately asked Liao Yu: "King, hand over that human to me."

At this time, another projection, Leon the Smart Demon, also spoke out.

The true form of Zhimo was lurking below as a back-up, and his projection came here to discuss tactics. Leon had obviously expected the current situation, and he still said calmly:
"Alice, Arpad, Hercule, after I detonate the plague toxin in the Seventh Prince's body, the three of you will attack together to attract attention from the front, while Hill and I will look for opportunities to complete the assassination from behind. "

Leon's lurking in front of the Seventh Prince was not for nothing. Poisons and other poisons were also arranged, and even the Shadow Demon was called.

Liao Yu looked at the apostles as if they were facing a big enemy. They were sneak attacking, group attacking, poisoning, and backstabbing. Very deep shadow.

A holy sword is a bit ptsd.

It was him who raised his hand and asked all the apostles to sit down. There was no need to go to such trouble.

"Let me do it."

In just three words, Liao Yu left in a flash, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the Seventh Prince.

As long as he is within the confines of his home, he has the ability to teleport instantly.

The appearance of Liao Yu made Prince Olba, who was currently in the limelight, holding the holy sword and just sweeping away the goblins, stunned for a moment.

Who is this?
Soon, the seventh prince's doubts were cleared.

Not that Liao Yu opened his mouth to answer.

That's a shame.

The owl bears around them immediately crouched down as Liao Yu appeared, and the half-deer human forest monsters also bent their hooves one after another, kneeling in the direction of Liao Yu.

If this is not intuitive yet, after a loud "bang", the huge mountain giants also knelt on their knees and lowered their big heads towards Liao Yu.

Under this scene, if Olba still doesn't understand Liao Yu's identity, then he can go and see his mind.

Do you even have to ask?


The king of monsters in this dungeon!

That's it?

I thought it was a monster with many demons.

The result looks like that.

Olba, who was seriously affected by the Sword of Oath, was now thinking about killing monsters, and the hearty slaughter of goblins just now made him full of confidence and inflated.

So what about the King of Monsters! ?


As long as it is a monster, in front of this holy sword in his hand, which comes from thousands of years ago and has the power of ancient legends, no matter how powerful the monster is, it is just a matter of one sword.

The rich power of brilliance reappeared, and the familiar starting position was the most unpretentious and powerful ability of the Sword of Oath.

Holy Cut!
Olba took the initiative to attack, with the glorious momentum of the Holy Warrior and the dazzling light of the Holy Slash, and in an instant, he was in front of Liao Yu.

Why can't the goblins in the front feel the pressure of the holy sword?

Because "Holy Slash" is actually a very special attack.

It will have a pre-determination of the attack.

If the judgment is successful, it will indeed suffer devastating and fatal injuries like the goblin before.

If it can be judged to have failed.
Even when the Seventh Prince came towards Liao Yu, a prompt sounded in Liao Yu's mind.

[You suffered the Holy Slash from Alba]

[Attack hit determination]

[End, you are immune to the Holy Slash, reason: The Holy Slash cannot be released on "humans"]

[Judging oath-breaking]

[End, Alba suffered the backlash of "Broken Oath", reason: breaking into a private house, killing servants, and attacking the owner of the house]

[Backlash damage is being determined]

[End, Alba suffered 10928632 points of real damage, reason: Your noble morals have given a bonus to the oath-breaking backlash]

10928632 What is the concept of real damage?
The concept is that Olba's body exploded into a blood mist in the air, not even flesh and blood, but directly turned into a blood mist, and every part of his body seemed to be instantly annihilated.

At last.


Only the Sword of Oath was left from mid-air. Because it lost its user, the light immediately dimmed, fell down, and was finally stuck diagonally on the ground.

The whole process happened very quickly.

It can be said that it is just a few seconds.

The apostles who were still in the projection screen were so heart-wrenching to watch that they almost rushed to support the Demon King, including the wise demon Leon, all looked confused.

Look at that expression as if to say.

what happened?
How did Alba die?
Why did the holy sword suddenly go out?

What did the devil do?

What happened? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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