Chapter 131 Holy Sword of Oath
In fact, it wasn't just the apostles who were a little confused.

Liao Yu himself was actually a little surprised.

Especially the battle records show that the Seventh Prince suffered the terrifying tens of millions of oath-breaking backlash injuries.

Breaking oaths is easy to understand.

It is a violation of the code of the sword of the oath.

Liao Yu said before that this sword is the most "selfless" among his five holy swords. It is not merciful at all. It is really fierce when it is fierce, but sometimes it can be really irritating. Limitations There are really many.

Among them, as the holy sword "fighting for human beings", the target of the Holy Slash cannot be human beings.

If you just use the "Holy Slash" to attack human beings, it will not lead to "broken oath", but if this attack is still from an evil standpoint, it will be different.

This forest is the fourth level of the Magic Tower.

And he is the master of the magic tower.

From the time the Seventh Prince broke into this place, the dangerous "oath-breaking" act of "breaking into a private house" had already been included.

Later, the reason why Liao Yu asked the goblin to kill Alba made the seventh prince feel happy. It seemed that it was an act of giving away the head, but in fact it was just to give the head to Alba.

Liao Yu felt that just breaking into private houses was not enough and was not safe.

If you not only break into a house privately, but also kill all the guards protecting the house, then this is an added crime, and it is simply a heinous crime.

So the moment the Seventh Prince attacked him, the outcome was doomed and he would definitely "break his oath".

This lesson has taught Liao Yu countless times when he used the "Sword of Oath" in the game and made complaints about it.

However, what really surprised Liao Yu was that in the subsequent judgment, his "noble character" actually increased the damage of breaking the oath.

The sword of oath in the game does have this punishment mechanism. The more venerable people the player attacks with this sword, the stronger the backlash will be.

But the problem is
【Evil value: 103693807】

Liao Yu stared at his panel, the hundreds of millions of sin points, and fell into deep thought.

He remembered that when he pulled out the "Sword of Dawn" on the top of a foreign tower in Illinois, he had a similar reminder. The holy sword showed that it was consistent with his lofty morals and directly reached the level of proficiency.

At that time, Liao Yu thought that it was Sword of Dawn, an old friend, who opened the back door for him.

But now it seems.
Is it possible that in the eyes of these holy swords, I really have high moral standards?

Not an irony?

Extremes must be reversed, right?

Is it possible to become a saint if you are extremely sinful?

I don't quite understand.

You should continue to pay more attention to this aspect in the future.

all in all.

Liao Yu retracted his thoughts and looked at the holy sword of oath that was stuck in the ground in front of him. After the death of the Seventh Prince, it lost its luster and turned back into the Masterless Sword. He stepped forward and pulled it out.

At the same time, all kinds of crazy reminder boxes also jumped out in front of Liao Yu's eyes.

[The sword of the oath is in the process of "recognizing the master" of you]

[Your title "Heinous" was successfully judged]

[Judgment result. Big success! 】

[You become the "only" owner of the "Sword of Oath". During this period, anyone other than you who touches the weapon will suffer strong backlash from the Sword of Oath. You cannot trade the weapon in any way. Transfer】【Your lofty morals have been absolutely recognized by the "Sword of Oath", and your compatibility with the Holy Sword has been increased to 100% (Max)】

[When equipping "Sword of Oath", you gain the following temporary abilities: ]

[Oath of Dedication (Passive) - All your actions must not go against your heart, all purposes are to protect mankind, and your firm dedication makes you immune to all negative effects]

[Oath of Revenge (Passive) - You hate monsters with hatred and kill them all. You can do whatever it takes when necessary. The Fire of Revenge allows you to deal 300% additional damage when facing "monster" type enemies]

[Broken oath (passive) - when your behavior violates your oath, you will be punished by "broken oath", and the punishment coefficient will be judged according to your criminal behavior]

Good guy.

Liao Yu felt that he had been slapped in the face.

No, what about the sword that you promised to be the most "selfless" and "disown its master"?
How come after thousands of years have passed, even you have changed?
Liao Yu looked at the "sole owner" in the first article and was a little speechless. This was even more outrageous than the previous owner of the "Sword of Dawn". Seeing that, he couldn't even hand over the sword. As long as the sword was touched by others, If you don't, you will strongly resist.

The Sword of Chastity, right?

The reason why Liao Yu complained was actually that he had a new idea in his heart.

That's right, it was directly inspired by the seventh prince who received tens of millions of oath-breaking injuries.

Is there a possibility that I deliberately gave the sword of oath to enemies who would be troublesome for me to deal with in the future, and then induced the enemy to hit me with the sword, thereby triggering the "broken oath" judgment and being instantly killed? .

After all, the damage of more than 1000 million is simply stronger than "instant death". Even instant death can be exempted, but the real damage of tens of millions is real, and you can't kill someone immediately upon meeting.

As a result, this evil plan failed before it even started. The Sword of Oath forcibly bound him and could not be handed over at all. Liao Yu could only put away his thoughts.

It doesn't matter.

Liao Yu continued to look down, the powerful skills bestowed by the sword of oath, with these, there is no need to engage in those bells and whistles.

Although after thousands of years of wear and tear, the skills of the Holy Sword have indeed shrunk significantly, and there are only three of them, but all of them still have a simple and unpretentious beauty of strength.

[Holy Martial Lv10 - After activating this state, you will obtain an additional temporary new life track "Holy Martial". All damage types you deal with "monster" type enemies will be converted into unavoidable true damage. At the same time, this state The "monster" type enemies you kill will provide you with an additional 300% experience value]

[Holy Slash Level 10 - Your attack will be judged. If the judgment is successful, you will cause a damage based on the percentage of the enemy's maximum health. The damage coefficient is (50% fixed value + judgment coefficient + the good and evil values ​​of both parties). If the judgment is successful, the value cannot be lower than 50%]

[Enemy's Oath LV10 - Select a unit and judge the unit. If the unit's sin value is greater than 150, any subsequent actions you take against the unit in this battle will not be regarded as "breaking the oath." "Broken the contract, and at the same time, according to the sin value of the unit, its basic attributes will be increased proportionally. The higher the sin value of the unit, the higher the improvement coefficient, and the maximum cannot exceed 500%]

The sword of oath is the most restrictive among the five holy swords, and it also has backlash.

What can be exchanged is also the strength skills of all supermodels to explode.

Holy Martial Arts, when dealing with monsters, all damage is converted into real damage. It is simple and crude. What makes Liao Yu even more interested is that after killing the monster, he will get three additional experience points!
It is indeed the same as the positioning of this sword. In the mid-term, it is simply an artifact, specially used for him as a brave man to level up crazily.

As for the Holy Slash, I won't go into details. The percentage of maximum health is already very abnormal. It doesn't take away from the user's basic attributes at all. If combined with the passive of a "Holy Martial", it will directly change qualitatively and become unpretentiously powerful.

As for the last.
In the first week of the game, Liao Yu actually relied on its "sacred weapon" to level up this sword. Whoever uses it will know how cool it is with three times the experience.

However, this sword was used in the later stage, and was left in the warehouse by Liao Yu. Because equipping this sword, he had to always be on guard against "breaking oaths" and breaking the contract, which was too troublesome and restricted his flexible moral performance as a player.

Although there is the "Oath of the Enemy", which seems to be immune to breaking the oath, but it can only target a single target, and the limit is too high.

What is the concept of a crime value of 150? It is basically a top criminal with a five-star wanted list. For ordinary murderers and robbers, the crime value is only [-] or [-]. It is difficult to meet one.

As for the unit-based sin value-increasing power, it looks very good. If it is full, the attribute value can be doubled by five times. But in fact, Liao Yu has tested that even for the big devil, the game can The unit with the highest sin value encountered only increased by about 270%.

And this increase is actually similar to the effect of Hercule's "Malicious Bloom" field. It can be seen that the design concept of this holy sword in the game is actually to help players fight against the strongest demon clan. The apostle of combat power assists players in passing levels.

As for taking advantage of the 500% effect, it's simply impossible in the game. It's basically just a decoration.

but now.
Liao Yu carefully studied the skill "Oath of Enemy", and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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