The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 132: Everyone is a demon, why is the demon king covered in holy light?

Chapter 132: Everyone is a demon, why is the demon king covered in holy light?
If you want the "Oath of Enemy" to be most effective, you have to find a villain with a higher sin value, the better, and it is best that this person can be with you at all times, so that you can use it whenever you want. .

There are indeed people who can satisfy these two conditions at the same time.

Isn't that just yourself?
Liao Yu immediately tried. He closed his eyes, clenched the sword of oath in his hand, and activated the guidance of "Oath of Enemy". The surrounding scene was suddenly shrouded in black mist, and then flashed red light spots one by one.

Those red light spots come from other demons and monsters around them. Depending on the sin value of the object, you can see that the size of the light spots is different.

The monsters generally only emit a reddish color, but for several demon apostles, the red color condensed into light groups. Among them, the light group of the great demon Hercule was the darkest, turning into brownish red.

Obviously, the Oath of the Enemy was asking him to choose one of these targets, but Liao Yu just swept his mind over without making any movements. He continued to concentrate his mental power. This time, he did not focus on others around him, but focused on On oneself.

The "Oath of Enemy" guided by the Holy Sword was obviously a meal, as if he was a little confused.

However, under the control of Liao Yu's mind, the technique still forcibly included Liao Yu himself as an "optional target".

It doesn't matter if this is not generalized. After Liao Yu also became a target, the red dots and red light groups of other monsters or demons were instantly eclipsed by the detection of the holy sword.

I saw a beam of light rising from the sky, its scarlet color even dyed the entire black mist world red, and condensed into a blood moon in the sky, as if it could cover the earth.

That was Liao Yu himself.

After that, Liao Yu did not hesitate and continued to focus all his attention on his scarlet light pillar, the blood moon in the sky.

The oath on the holy sword is also very powerful. It does not say at all that it is afraid of the terrifying evil value. Instead, it seems to be stimulated. It must eradicate such "evil" and seal the blood moon in the sky.

From the eyes of the demon apostles waiting outside, it was the demon king who closed his eyes, as if fighting the will within the holy sword.

Immediately afterwards, I saw endless oaths suddenly pouring out from the holy sword. These oaths shone with dazzling light, and then they all began to spin crazily around the Demon King, as if they were desperately trying to mark the Demon King's monstrous sins.

The following oaths returned to the Holy Sword. At the moment they returned, the Holy Sword rose with a divine radiance that was even brighter than when the Seventh Prince held it just now.

This is like the exciting holy light in the daytime. The skin of the demon apostles will feel a faint tingling just when they are exposed to the holy light. If they look at it forcefully, there will be a strong burning sensation, and they have to retreat slightly and force Look away yourself.

Of course, the strange behavior of the Holy Sword did not last long, and the brilliance quickly dissipated, but the scene that followed actually shocked and surprised the demon apostles.

Because I only saw that the previous brilliance did not dissipate to be precise, but
The devil loomed over them! ?

I saw that Liao Yu's body surface was now covered by a layer of holy light. The crystal clear brilliance contained extremely rich divine power, making Liao Yu's whole body seem hazy, like a sage.


Everyone is a demon, why is the Demon King covered in holy light! ?
Liao Yu is in a complicated mood now.

The good news is that Oath of Enemy has been successful, and it can really target itself, and looking at the bonus on the attribute panel now, it is directly full of 500% of the effect.

Bad news, Liao Yu didn't expect that this thing would have such a big change in appearance after it fully took effect. Good guy, he just let himself be bathed in the holy light, like a child of light, especially in front of all his subordinates. In front of the demon apostle.

Just when Liao Yu still had a headache and wondered how to explain the situation to the apostles.
It doesn't matter.

Leon will take action.

The wise demons were shocked, puzzled, and surprised, and even doubted whether the devil was controlled by the holy sword "Seize the Body". Among the apostles who wanted to attack and destroy the holy sword and rescue the devil, the one who came to his senses the fastest.

Leon had felt it in his heart since he was selected by the Holy Sword as a potential target of the "Oath of Enemy". In fact, all the apostles, more or less, had palpitations when they were swept by the Holy Sword. Feel.

So Leon quickly made a guess and judgment that this should be some kind of ability of the Holy Sword. After all, it is a human Holy Sword. How could it be possible for it to succumb to the demons? It must be that they want to target them and attack them.

Later, the reason why they felt that they were being targeted by the Holy Sword disappeared because the Demon King forcibly pulled back the Holy Sword so that the Holy Sword would not be hostile to them. Even the Demon King, in order to protect them, chose to sacrifice himself and step forward. , let the Holy Sword select the Demon King himself as the target.

Therefore, Leon never believed that the Demon King with such a will would be controlled by the Holy Sword.

But now, the holy light all over Liao Yu's body is not fake, so how to explain it?
With Leon's wisdom, he immediately thought of another possibility.

The Holy Sword of Oath is different from other Holy Swords. It is the most just one. Even as a demon, he knows this.

So as long as the user takes it to kill demons and monsters, then it doesn't care about the user's identity, whether he is a hero or a demon king!The Lord Demon King must have been keenly aware of this flaw in the Holy Sword, so he mastered the Holy Sword. As a demon, he became the new master of the Holy Sword and achieved this absolutely impossible miracle.

As for the contract oath between the Demon King and the Holy Sword, the demon to be killed is none other than the Demon King himself!
In this way, because the king is the leader of the demon clan, he can perfectly attract all the hatred of the holy sword to the king and prevent the holy sword from harming other fellow demon clan members.

And under this oath, as long as the king is alive, the mission of "purification" of the holy sword will not disappear for a day, and the king can become the master of this holy sword forever, and no other human being can use this sword again!

The more Leon analyzed, the more excited he became.

In this way, it is not only equivalent to abolishing a very threatening weapon on the human side, but it even adds powerful combat power to our own side.

Not only Leon, but many other wise demons who came over looked at Liao Yu, who was now covered in holy light. His hands and feet were trembling a little, and the admiration for Liao Yu and the demon king in his eyes reached the extreme.

After all, this is a path that the demons have never thought of in thousands of years.

It was enough to make them, as "intelligent demons", ashamed and ashamed. If they could have thought of such a wonderful plan thousands of years ago, the outcome of the war between humans and demons might have been different.

Leon did not allow it. The other demons were still half-informed about the king's great grand plan and could not understand the king's wisdom. He also did not allow the king's sacrifice to be misunderstood by the other apostles.

After this "analysis" by the wise demon, the other apostles all showed signs of sudden enlightenment.

Was this the original method used?
As expected of a king!

After suddenly realizing it, military commander-type apostles such as Hercule and Arpad showed stronger respect for Liao Yu, who was now covered in holy light.

the reason is simple.

Leon explained that they understood Wang's approach and indeed created a miracle, but at what cost?
It was the king who shouldered all this alone.

Every moment, he has to endure the torture of the holy sword, which also explains why the king is now covered in holy light. That is not the blessing of the holy sword, on the contrary.

The king is both the user of the Holy Sword and the mortal enemy of the Holy Sword.

As long as the king holds the holy sword for one day, the holy sword will continue to release such holy light in an attempt to "purify" and kill the king.

And they have all tasted the power of this holy light just now.

Just looking at it makes your eyes sting, and even the slightest contact with the holy light will cause a strong burning sensation on your skin. This is the power of the holy sword, their old enemy.

Therefore, the current Great Demon, Sword Demon, and even the other apostles can hardly imagine what kind of pain the king, who is completely wrapped in the holy light, is enduring.

Faced with this, he may feel pain like being cut by a knife all over his body, but the current king can still remain calm and even look calm. Such strong willpower impressed them from the bottom of their hearts.

The great demon Hercule, as a warrior, immediately dragged his fierce demon body and half-knelt towards Liao Yu. The towering devil horns on his head were now lowered, as if to show respect among warriors to Liao Yu.

"The king's will is beyond my reach."

Sword Demon Arpad also immediately inserted the two blades in his hands into the ground and admired Liao Yu: "No matter how sharp the blade is, it will be eclipsed in front of the king."

"I will do my best to find a way to relieve the Holy Light for the king!" The somewhat fanatical Leon and a group of wise demons directly regarded relieving Liao Yu's pain as the demon clan's top priority.

As the king's guard, Hill said nothing and just took off the hood of his cloak.

Petite Hill, with her firm eyes, stared in the direction of Liao Yu without moving at all. Even if she looked directly at the Holy Light, her eyes stung and she felt uncomfortable all over, but Hill still never turned her gaze away from Liao Yu. Move your body half a minute.

It seems that in this way, she is conveying to Liao Yu that she does not want Wang to bear it alone, and wants to help Liao Yu and bear this pain together. Even if Wang is wrapped in holy light, she, Hill, as the king's guard, will never I won't leave until I step back even half a minute.

As proof, she would sleep with the king at night and let the king hold her. Even if necessary, even if the holy light entered her body, Hill firmly believed that she was not afraid!
And the last rot demon Alice is clumsy and not very good at talking.

She could only express her concern for Liao Yu through the distressed expression on her face, and at the same time she volunteered:

"Alice will make seafood soup for Wang tonight! Wang will not feel any pain after drinking the soup! Alice will put all the most precious ingredients into the soup. It will be a great boost!"

(End of this chapter)

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