Chapter 133 Insect Demon
As she spoke, Alice gritted her teeth and threw the dolls in her hands to the ground. The dolls immediately turned into the big centipede before, but now this big centipede was a little scared, because Alice had another big centipede. With one hand, he had already raised the butcher knife.

Looking at it, it was as if she had to bear the pain, chop up this giant centipede, which was made up of various corpses, and throw it into her "seafood soup" to make ingredients for Liao Yu.

In addition, Alice also displayed weapons and ingredients like a magic display. She took out something that was thousands of years old, big eyeballs dripping with blood from the beholder, rotten seaweed from the deep sea that smelled too bad, and was Chen The caviar has been brewing for an unknown number of days, and the caviar is still bubbling as if it has suppurated, and the purple-black octopus tentacles with dense suckers are squirming.
This series of dark ingredients, as can be seen from Alice's reluctant eyes, are definitely the rot demon's collection, and they are delicacies that even Alice herself is reluctant to eat.

Now I am cruel and want to take it all out to give the devil a big boost.

Liao Yu saw this.
Stop it immediately!

After some comfort, Alice gave up the idea of ​​using her family's money to make her own "seafood soup" to replenish her health.

As for Hill's.
Say something else, say something else.

All in all, Liao Yu immediately explained to the apostles that in fact, this little bit of holy light had no impact on him, so there was no need to worry so much.

And in fact.

I can't say "it has no impact", I can only say that it is, Liao Yu himself didn't feel any pain at all.

The reason is also very simple.

The Holy Light is indeed poison to the races of the evil camp.

But the problem is
He is not a demon.

He is human.

Not only did Liao Yu not feel any stinging or burning, but his whole body felt warm. It seemed that every meridians were being warmed and nourished by the holy light, which felt very comfortable.

After appeasing the apostles, Liao Yu first tested the effect of the Oath of Enemy.

The first is the "broken oath" issue that Liao Yu is most worried about, and it is also the biggest reason for him to give up the sword of oath in the game.

When he carried the holy sword and came to the remaining hunters of the Seventh Prince's army, these empire hunters were already frightened out of their wits.

One by one, they knelt down and begged for mercy. One woman hunted them down and even offered her body right away, begging Liao Yu to let them go.

If it is in the game, as the "human side" enemy begs for mercy, then if the player still kills hard, there will be a probability of "breaking the oath", because the oath has a stipulation of mercy, as if the point is over.

Now, when Liao Yu hunted these few people and had murderous thoughts, the Sword of Oath in his hand also sent a faint prompt. Although the prompt fluctuated not much, it meant that this behavior was indeed not within the scope of its approval.

Liao Yu directly used another small spell, which he learned from the wise demon Leon, the command spell.

Command - attack.

After giving the "command" to attack the three hunters, no matter how much they resisted, they could only raise their weapons in horror and look like they were about to attack.

And it was also at this moment that the previous discomfort from the Sword of Oath disappeared. Liao Yu immediately swung the sword and displayed an ordinary one-hit level A. With five times the attribute blessing, even without the Holy Sword, three times A fifth-level hunter was also instantly killed.

After killing three people, Liao Yu showed no signs of breaking his oath, and everything remained as usual.

At this point, Liao Yu nodded with satisfaction, having figured out the rules.

The Oath of Enemy released on oneself cannot ignore all the rules of breaking the oath as stated in the skill description, but it can greatly lower the threshold for "breaking the oath".

As long as it's "just" in name only.

For example, Liao Yu's "legitimate defense" priority was raised just now, which does not count as a broken oath.Quite interestingly, the previous Sword of Oath was that if a good person does a bad thing, he will be punished.

But now, you are already a heinous villain. Whenever you do an ordinary and normal thing, you should be encouraged. How can you punish it?

good good.

Liao Yu likes such a flexible moral bottom line.

It's just a pity.
These three hunts were all humans, not monsters, so they couldn't get the most powerful auxiliary function of the Sword of Oath, which is three times the experience value for killing monsters.

Although monsters can be produced in his own homeland, these are friendly units. Although they can be killed, they will lose the favorability of the homeland. Liao Yu does not want to do this unless it is absolutely necessary.

Then here comes the problem.

Looking at this world that is restricted by the empire and has almost regressed to "low demons", how can there be so many monsters for you to farm and level up?
The answers were given to Liao Yu from the corpses of the hunters who had just been killed by Liao Yu.

I saw that the vague flesh and blood of these dead prey began to squirm, and then, a strange insect crawled out of their flesh and blood.

Those are insect eggs!

These bugs seemed different from other parasites. After the death of their host, they did not rush to find the next host. Instead, they seemed to be liberated.

They do not have sharp limbs or strange bodies. Instead, they look very simple, like giant flesh maggot tadpoles.

After crawling out, these tadpoles stood upright on the corpse and seemed to glance in Liao Yu's direction.

Immediately afterwards, they immediately opened their mouths wide, pointed their heads towards the sky, and seemed to be shouting, emitting some kind of unique sound waves that normal creatures such as Liao Yu could not hear at all.

Issuing such a sonic command seemed to squeeze out all the vitality of these tadpoles, and their fleshy sac-like bodies immediately shrank, shriveling into insect skins in just a few seconds.

But the counterpart is.
"Uh ah ah ah."

"Why is the body like this?"

"What's on my mind? No. Wait."


I saw these imperial elites that Olba had brought into the maze. Under the sound waves of a few special bugs, these soldiers suddenly began to twitch all over, with expressions of pain on their faces, as if something was about to come out of their bodies. .

This is true.

In the next blink of an eye, the bodies of the imperial soldiers who were still wailing burst into blood mist, and all the blood vessels in their bodies seemed to burst.

Their bodies began to be rapidly transformed by alienation, and some of them turned into carrion insect-men similar to rot demons, with skin ulcers and sarcomas growing crazily.

Some turned into big demons, giant bugs, their hands turned into claws, and bug wings grew from their backs. Some hands turned into blades like mantises, obviously imitating the sword demon, and some grew out, similar to demons and bugs. Combinations, plural worm's eyes.

Although their appearances are different, without exception, half of the parasite's body crawled out of their brains. The whole person was completely eaten by the parasites, and the body was taken over, and they became...
【Insect Demon】

[Race determination: Zerg (monster), Demon]

(End of this chapter)

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