Chapter 134 Demon King, Level Leap

The three people who hunted the bugs on their bodies before, like the leaders of the swarm, can directly activate the parasite eggs in these imperial soldiers, allowing them to transform into their current, half-insect, half-demon form.

The Imperial soldiers in this form have completely broken away from the category of humans. It can be seen from the panel that the human entries have completely disappeared.

The ability to completely change life forms like this is difficult for even the demons to achieve. Only the Zerg, assimilation and alienation are the characteristics of their race.

From previous investigations in Illinois, Liao Yu and the demons knew about this parasitic phenomenon that is common in the human world.

But this is the first time that Liao Yu, the "Insect Demon" who completely controls the host and has such a high degree of completion, has seen the alienation method suddenly, quickly and simply?
Just the sound of a few bugs changed?

So here it is.
The seventh prince's back-up plan?


Soon new information made Liao Yu feel that it was not that simple.

The imperial soldiers that are now "insect demonized" are not the only ones that Olba brought into the ruins.

The shadow demons who were responsible for monitoring the real Imperial Army troops who were left behind by the Seventh Prince outside the ruins sent intelligence reports one after another. Humans in all the armies also experienced similar alienation phenomena.

That's right.

A total of [-] troops are turning into "insect demons" at an extremely fast speed.

Apparently, the cries of the insects that were hunted earlier could penetrate the barrier of the home and affect the outside?

When Liao Yu came outside, it could be seen that the imperial army that originally surrounded and "cleared" the ruins had now completely completed its transformation.

All over the place were armors that had been squeezed out by insect shells, or iron swords that had been thrown away.

As for the imperial "Black Goat" flag that was originally regarded as an honor, it is now like rags, trampled to pieces by the insect-demonized soldiers.

It can be seen that the insect demons seem to be unorganized.

Just following instinct.

They used their own war horses as their first attack targets. Each bloody horse corpse was surrounded by a large number of insect demons, swarming away at the flesh and blood.

After eating their own war horses, the insect demons began to wander unconsciously.

This is thanks to the previous clearing of the area by the Imperial Army, which kept other humans away from the ruins. Otherwise, judging from the appearance of these insect demons, it is very likely that they will treat all other creatures in sight as food, just like zombies and locusts.

But this balance will soon be broken, visible to the naked eye.

Some insect demons in the fringe area have already smelled the adventurers, residents, gangs and tribes in the syndicate on the outside.

The [-] insect demon army transformed by the imperial army began to regroup and gather together, with a faint tendency to move.

If such fifty thousand insect demons are left alone, I am afraid that within a few days, this wave of insect demons will wipe out the entire Syndicate. The combat effectiveness of the soldiers after being transformed into insect demons is higher than that of ordinary imperial soldiers. Take out a lot.

Such a sudden "disaster of alienation" made Leon frown.

The demon clan's next plans were completely disrupted.

Do you want to intervene?
How to intervene?

Could this be a trap? What is the purpose of the seventh prince leaving this back-up man? Or is there another hidden reason behind this?
What Leon was frowning and thinking about was actually what Liao Yu was hesitating about now.

Another point that Zhi Mo failed to consider was that although this incident was an accident for Liao Yu himself, it was not an unexpected trouble, but more like a surprise?

I just got the Holy Sword from the Seventh Prince that can spawn monsters with three times the experience value. As a result, all of Olba's Imperial Army were transformed into monsters?

It felt like I was about to doze off, but someone else brought me a pillow.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, something like this has happened before.

That's right.

It was this line between the imperial emissary and the evil demon Grodan when they were in Illinois.Looking back now, when he was thinking about how to get rid of the evil demon, he took the initiative to send an "envoy" from the empire to find the evil demon. In this way, he seized the opportunity. Not only did he Successfully eradicated Ancient Rodan, and even harvested the relic "Picture Book".

It could be a coincidence once, but twice in a row, Liao Yu is now very sure that in the empire, the high-ranking person who has had contact with the devil seems to be helping him intentionally.

He even knows a lot about the "heroes" of the past.

Even the demons don't know that the Sword of Oath can gain high experience points and increase strength by killing monsters. That person seems to know very well, otherwise he wouldn't have transformed fifty thousand insect demons.

This also explains why the previous bugs were able to break through the barrier of home and affect the sound waves to the outside world. It shows that the people who cultivated these bugs must have had some knowledge of "home", and even... Stay inside.

Liao Yu thought further along this path...

In the past, when the demons, including the wise demon Leon, analyzed these "parasite eggs", they were always thinking about the worst, and were worried that these eggs would turn humans into breeding grounds to provide an unlimited supply of certain parasites hidden among them. The "Queen" exists.

At that time, I was also led away by this idea.

But now.
Liao Yu felt the extremely excited emotions coming from the sword of oath in his hand. Especially when facing the black insect demon army below, which was like a swarm of locusts, and the blade of the holy sword, even Liao Yu couldn't control his madness. The sound of the sword seemed to be urging Liao Yu to drive away these monsters.

Not only that.

Liao Yu turned up his other hand again, and instantly another holy sword was what he had obtained from the "ghost" in the King's Tower. The spirit body of the Sword of Dawn was summoned by Liao Yu and floated in the sky. in the air.

At this moment, the Sword of Dawn also reacted strongly to the army of insect demons below. As long as the target of this sword is a demon, it can directly give Liao Yu a fixed bonus of thousands of basic attribute values.

When Liao Yu held the two holy swords at the same time, a special effect similar to that of stepping on the right foot with his left foot was produced instantly, like a bug.

The Brilliant Sword Spirit of the Sword of Dawn can not only receive a five-fold attribute value bonus from the "Oath of the Enemy", but also because the insect demon also satisfies the "monster" judgment, so all attacks are converted into real damage.

Liao Yu, who holds two holy swords, can perfectly capture all the BUFFs when the enemy target is an insect demon.

Now Liao Yu's status bar is densely packed with various holy sword buffs.

It's almost as if such a monster was specially created for "braves".

There is no need for other demons to take action.

In the eyes of Liao Yu, who now wields two holy swords, such a disaster of alienation is just a matter of one move.

The "real injury" sword spirit amplified by the Sword of Oath is now like a statue, standing tall behind Liao Yu.

As Liao Yu raised the holy sword high, the dazzling light on the holy sword turned directly into a pillar of light reaching into the sky.

The blazing beam of light seemed to be able to split the sky and split the earth. As Liao Yu swung downwards, the terrifying radiant power was like a waterfall falling from the sky, directly sweeping through the entire insect demon group.

This torrent of holy light covered several kilometers in radius, and the power of the sword left deep sword marks on the ground that spanned thousands of meters.

As for the original [-] insect demon army in the center of the sword mark, it has long been annihilated under the holy light. The combination of Huanghuang Sword Spirit and Holy Slash is simply devastating to a unit that satisfies both demons and monsters. The sky and the earth were destroyed in an instant.

And at the same time.

Liao Yu also remembered the crazy notification sound in his mind.

[Your attack "Holy Slash" destroyed the insect demon and gained 106 experience points. The weapon's passive "Holy Martial" judgment was successful, and you gained 106*300% additional experience points]

[Your attack "Sword of Dawn" destroyed the insect demon*17 and gained 7268 experience points]

[Your. Killed the insect demon*164 and gained 81016 experience points]

[Your. Killed the insect demon*9273 and gained 5278195 experience points]


[Your level has been upgraded to Lv33→Lv71]

(End of this chapter)

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