Chapter 135 Great Sage

Inside the antique room.


A man in plain clothes sits on a futon with his eyes closed. If you ignore the flesh bugs crawling on his legs, this scene is still very poetic.

thump. thump.
A cautious knock on the door came from outside.

The originally quiet room seemed to be disturbed, and the room was filled with drifting smoke, which instantly stopped it.

It was then discovered that these "white mist" were not gas at all, but another type of even smaller bugs, which caused the illusion of smoke because of their dense numbers.

Now these bugs are beginning to become restless, causing the "smoke" to quickly gather in the direction of the door.

Fortunately, the man sitting on the futon in the center opened his eyes and murmured softly. The insects in the room suddenly quieted down and returned to the dull smoky atmosphere at the beginning.

The meat insect that was originally sitting on the man's lap stood upright and jumped up. It looked like a clumsy body, but it had amazing jumping power.

It was several meters away from the door handle, and it jumped over with a few easy leaps. Finally, the fat insect body opened like a suction cup, wrapping the door handle as if opening the door lock.

The female attendant who then pushed the door into the room seemed to be used to the scene in the room. She quickly came to the man in plain clothes in the center and respectfully reported:

"Your Highness Dan Ye, the seventh prince's twin demon insects have been confirmed dead."

The female attendant who spoke handed over an ancient lamp in her hand. The ancient lamp shone with subtle fluorescence, and a bug could be seen inside the lampshade.

But now this insect has long lost its vitality and turned into a shriveled insect skin.

After the man in plain clothes nodded and took the lantern, he murmured a few words to the lantern, and then there was movement at the wick of the lantern.

It turns out that what maintains the wick is not a source of fire, but the same group of self-luminous bugs, similar to fireflies.

Now the fireflies in the lantern, after accepting the order of the man in plain clothes, immediately started to fly in the lantern. Relying on their light and shadow, the man restored the complete death process of the "Twin Demonic Insects" in the lantern.

The process is simple.

The two demonic insects that were originally lying down suddenly stood upright, which represented that the host was in crisis. Then, the twin demonic insects began to swim excitedly, expressing that the host was in a fight, but was still very confident.

It's been pretty normal up to this point.

The next moment.

This twin demonic insect suddenly exploded with blood mist all over its body without any warning. All flesh and blood seemed to be annihilated in an instant, and finally evolved into what it is now, leaving only a shriveled insect skin.

Seeing the Danye here, a bit of surprise finally appeared on his expression.

He knew the strength of his younger brother.

Especially when my brother still has that holy sword.

The result is still
"Were you crushed by the enemy in an instant?"

Danye shook his head with regret.

The most the twin demon insects can do is monitor the status of the host at the other end. Like now, demonstrating the cause of death is already the limit. No matter how much information is gained, this demon insect alone cannot get it.

But the female attendant next to her was a little excited now. She happily said to the man in plain clothes:

"Your Highness Danye, the great sage's insect skills are really powerful! Just by implanting insects into those three hunters, they were able to give them the power to destroy the Seventh Prince. Now, Your Highness Danye, do you want to compete?" There is one less opponent for the throne! Great!"

The female attendant looks young and has a simple mind.However, Danye, the second prince of the empire, didn't seem to mind, and affirmed with a smile: "Of course, the great sage Kazar is the founder of the insect eggs, and he is also the one who introduced the Zerg from the outside world into our world. And combined with the remains of the former demons, we have the insect demon technology that is now the foundation of our empire."

This period of history is obviously a secret that few people know. The female attendant's eyes widened in surprise. From the second prince's words, she gained a new understanding of the great sage's power.

Being able to integrate two alien races from outside the territory, how terrifying is such a existence? Is it really still a human being?
Looking at the bewildered expression on his female attendant's face, Danye seemed to like her very much and didn't mind telling her more about the past history.

"Do you still remember what I told you before, the battle between humans and demons that overturned the world a thousand years ago?"

"Remember! The sacred artifacts given to His Highness Danye and several other princes by the Emperor are relics from the brave man thousands of years ago!"

Stars twinkled in the eyes of the female attendants, which was the yearning for the ancients. The heroic spirits whose stars twinkled thousands of years ago were the pinnacle of human power. Unfortunately, today, they have lost the inheritance of the heroic spirits and can only rely on, The relics that remain.

Until the second prince’s next words.

"The Great Sage Kazar came from a thousand years ago. He was the brave man's partner and the brave man's senior brother."

what! ?

Brave companion?
The ancients and heroic spirits from thousands of years ago! ?
Brother! ?
The female attendant remembered that although the brave had many teachers, the one His Highness was referring to here must be the one who was the pioneer of human magic and the "Great Guardian" who is still the most outstanding and unsurpassed to this day. ——Melvin
wait wait wait.


The female attendant soon reacted, with a look of confusion on her face, because the second prince said that the brave is the strongest human being, so why, the brave did not survive, but Kazar can survive until now.

And, what about the rest of the brave friends?

What's more, if the great sage Kazar is really a heroic spirit, he should hate the demons very much. But what His Highness just said is that the great sage took the initiative to add the blood of the demons into the insect egg's spell fabrication. , this, this is completely contradictory.

Regarding the doubts that emerged from the waitress, Danye shook his head this time and just touched the head of the waitress without further explanation.

In other words, a different way of explanation.

He suddenly changed the subject.

"Lan, actually you made a mistake in one place before. Olba was not killed by those three people who were hunting with Zerg. They didn't have the ability. What's more, the holy sword in my brother's hand is useless to the Zerg. It has special effects.”

"Who the hell is that?"

"He is a friend of the great sage, at least a former friend, but according to what our empire calls them, they should be, well, remnants of the old days, right?"

Remnants of the past! ?
The waitress had a vague impression of this word.

This group of people seems to be the traitors who betrayed mankind and took refuge with the demons thousands of years ago. Even though the demons were destroyed, they are still lurking, trying to contact other alien races from outside the territory and bring destruction to the world.

They are the greatest threat to the Empire. Even when the Seventh Emperor ascended the throne, they suddenly organized resistance armies around the world, almost allowing them to successfully overthrow the Empire.

But now.
Regarding the confused female attendant, the second prince, who was dressed in plain clothes, touched her head again and stood up from the futon at the same time.

"The Great Sage has done us such a great favor, it's time for us to fulfill our agreement."

"Lan, please help me change my clothes. It's not okay to wear this plain clothes to meet our future allies."


Is this what His Highness Dan Ye is referring to?
The second prince had a habitual smile on his face and said softly: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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