Chapter 136
The Relics Rebellion of the Syndicate finally ended with Liao Yu's "Light Beam Sword" spanning a kilometer.

The leap in level was an unexpected surprise. It would have taken him several months to reach level 72 in the game, but now he had achieved it in less than two months.

It can be said that the seventh prince really gave him a big gift this time. Not only did he send a genuine holy sword, but also the massive experience of [-] insect demons.

However, for Liao Yu, equipment and experience are secondary. He believes that the biggest gain is...
In the distant empire, there must be someone secretly helping him.

Liao Yu has no doubt about this.

And judging from the "worm eggs", this person is likely to have been planning a big game for a long time.

Liao Yu and the demons were actually confused before as to why there were genes belonging to the demons in the insect eggs.

The wise demons at that time speculated that it might be the Zerg who were picking things up. After all, after the war between humans and demons, too many demon corpses were left everywhere. The Zerg absorbed these and then re-emerged. Therefore, some demons were infected. Genetic bloodline.

But now it seems.
Liao Yu prefers that this is not an accident of the Zerg.

More like.
Guided by "human beings".

This time the "Insect Demon" is the best example, as if the other party is sending a message to him.

As long as you think about it, then all humans who have accepted the parasites of "worm eggs", such creatures that meet the dual judgments of "monster" and "demon" at the same time, are the best food for rapid growth that you, the "brave", need.

In the eyes of outsiders, the human world that seems to be infiltrated by the Zerg is the pasture of the "Queen", but in fact, how could it not be her own "super experience pool"?

This seems like a conspiracy.

Liao Yu could tell from the expressions of the other apostles now that the apostles were completely unaware of this.

Even the wise demon Leon believed that the previous "insect demon army" was most likely just a means by the seventh prince to defeat the enemy. However, because the seventh prince was killed, the insect demon lost control.

In order not to expose the demons, he, the demon king, ordered the other apostles not to intervene and use the power of the "holy sword" alone to destroy the insect demon army.

After all, only his friends who are closest to him and have grown up with him as a "brave" will know about abilities like "experience points".

To improve the strength of a brave man, practicing alone is only a very small part.

Constant fighting, especially obtaining some kind of "soul energy" from enemies killed by one's own hands, is the main reason why a brave man can make such rapid progress.

Such tacit familiarity is the best encryption method.

However, in this way, Liao Yu's doubts in his heart actually increased a lot.

Since this "partner" had the ability to contact the evil spirit in the first place, why didn't he come to contact me?
Do you have to use this hidden method to help yourself?
The reason that Liao Yu could think of could only be the same reason why the "ghost" couldn't tell him the name of the "traitor".

An unspeakable curse.

As a sensitive person, even if you just talk about related topics, you will be noticed.

So contact with yourself is taboo?

Following this constraint, Liao Yu tried to put himself into that "secret ally". What would he do if he were him?

The answer soon surfaced.

Since there is no way to talk, leaving clues and hints is undoubtedly the best way.

Clues that only the "brave" can read.

And are there any such clues in the syndicate now?

of course.

Liao Yu called up the panel prompt that had popped up earlier.

【The Moment of the Earth (Fragment)】

[Collect all fragments to activate the "map" function]

[Currently collected: 137/104] (can be activated)
The original goal of creating the "Dungeon Maze" was to collect the slate fragments scattered throughout the Syndicate.

When the Shadow Tribe and the Death Hunters entered the ruins, the slate fragments they handed over were actually enough.

However, at that time, I was attracted by the news about the Seventh Prince from Leon, so I put this matter aside for the time being.

Liao Yu stretched out his hand, and the many fragments he collected were now floating in the sky above Liao Yu's palm, wrapped in mysterious energy and spinning constantly.

Under Liao Yu's synthetic thoughts, the rotating and flying slate fragments began to collide with each other rapidly. The smaller fragments were continuously swallowed by the larger ones, and the larger ones collided with each other, became entangled with each other, and merged with each other.

This process was very fast. In just ten seconds, in front of Liao Yu, the fragments of stone slabs that were originally different sizes and scattered in various directions now formed a uniform and complete earth stone tablet.

The stele exudes a long-lasting atmosphere, as if it has recorded endless years. When Liao Yu reaches out to touch it, the pattern on the surface of the stele changes immediately, and finally turns into a huge world map in front of Liao Yu.

The various functions of the world map are exactly the same as those in the game, and Liao Yu is still familiar with them. The map first shows Liao Yu a general world pattern.

First, the world seems to be "cut" in the middle.

Is there what looks like a long, huge "canyon"?
This "canyon" divides the world into two parts: "north" and "south".

Located in the north, also at the top of the map, is the "Black Goat" flag that occupies almost one-third of the world. That is the Empire, Knox.

The Empire alone occupies the upper half of the canyon.

Looking at it this way, this canyon does indeed surround and protect the empire very well. It gives Liao Yu the feeling of the Great Wall?
Then further down in the "Great Wall Canyon" are other countries in the world.

The largest among them is the three major countries under the Empire mentioned in the Syndicate investigation.

Glorious Holy Kingdom.


And the Sorcerous Kingdom.

These three major countries divide almost [-]% of the remaining two-thirds of the world.

As for the remaining [-]%, they are small countries such as "Illinois", among which survival exists.

After taking an overview of the world structure.

If Liao Yu wanted to zoom in closer to the map and see each country or region in detail, just like in the game, a large "fog of war" would cover it.

The areas that he has not yet reached or explored are all covered by the "fog of war". Among the vast black fog, only three places are lit.

One is a chaotic rift that is outside the world map and separates a separate area.

The second one is Illinois.

The last third one is the Syndicate where he is now located at the junction of the three major countries.

Because syndicates don’t count as countries.

It's considered a region.

In addition, these slate fragments themselves are scattered throughout the syndicate, so after Liao Yu zoomed in on the map and placed it on the syndicate, the "fog" in the entire area was lit up, and Liao Yu could see clearly Syndicate in its entirety.

It is precisely because of this that Liao Yu was able to immediately discover the real secret of the Syndicate.

What was shown on the map was a huge hollow area beneath the desert beneath his feet.

There, you can see densely packed

If you click on the prompt icon on the map again, such a panel will pop up.

【Star Spirit Crystal】

(End of this chapter)

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