Chapter 137 Protoss
According to the marked position on the map, Liao Yu immediately summoned the apostles to explore the underground of the Syndicate.

Although Liao Yu's level has soared to level 72, his principle of caution has not changed. For such an unknown area, it is definitely the safest to call the apostles together.

The magic spell formed the formation, and under the influence of the "digging technique", a large area of ​​​​the desert automatically separated to both sides, revealing a passage to the depths for Liao Yu and others.

However, after going a hundred meters underground, the digging technique no longer worked, and the effect became weaker and weaker. The reason was that in the deep soil layer in front, traces of crystal light seeped out, as if blocking the technique. Law.

There is no way, the spell won't work and the effect will become worse, then you can only use brute force.

The great demon Hercule immediately acted as a demonic meat excavator. The demon clan's strongest combat power was unstoppable. Under the great power of the great demon, a new passage was quickly opened up, assisting Liao Yu to continue to move forward. Down.

In this way, they probably dived to a thousand meters. The crystal light seeping out of the soil became brighter and brighter, which also meant that they were very close to their destination.

The strong fluctuations of magic power made several apostles unable to adapt to it for a while.

Finally, with the last claw of the big devil, Hercule opened the tunnel, and underneath the tunnel was the hollow space under the desert that Liao Yu saw on the map.

This space, as far as the eye can see, is exactly the same fluorescence that penetrated the sand before.

The source of fluorescence is the crystals condensed in underground caves like stalactites, each one emitting dreamlike light.

It is these clear crystals that make the magic here extremely pure, as if it does not contain any impurities.

It is precisely because the concentration of magic power here is so viscous that it forms a blocking net, making it difficult to release the previous digging technique.

Regarding such crystals, the magic demons and wisdom demons in front of them had some vague guesses.

But now, when the true form of the crystal was revealed, the faces of these two people showed an unparalleled look of surprise.

Being able to make the apostles lose their composure is enough to show how precious these crystals are.

When Liao Yu reached out and touched the crystal ore, an introduction also popped up on the panel.

【Star Spirit Crystal】

[After being nourished by the breath of the star spirit for a long time, the assimilated crystal ore is produced. It has the same pure magic power as the star spirit. It can be used in any situation where magic power is needed. It is the most perfect resource product]

Another new race.

In the game, Liao Yu is out of reach and is a blind spot. However, because Liao Yu has inherited the destiny of the Demon King and absorbed the inheritance of the Demon Race, many images of the Star Spirits immediately appeared in his mind.

Obviously, the protoss was once one of the races conquered by the demons.

They are different from elves and orcs. To put it simply, protoss is a creature whose whole body is almost composed of magic power. It is somewhat similar to elemental life. To use the native name of protoss, it does not contain any impurities. , pure and incomparable magic, called spiritual energy.

They hardly use magic.

Their pure magic, both psychic and spiritual, is their best weapon.

Of course, the protoss in the past were similar to the elves. They all claimed to be the most powerful race. The protoss was even more arrogant. For a long time, they called themselves the gods.

But the ending makes no difference.

After the demons arrived, they were completely defeated, and only a few star ships were left to flee in a hurry.

After absorbing the information related to the stars, probably from the memories inherited from the demon clan, Liao Yu came back to his senses and focused on reality.


In fact, Liao Yu was somewhat used to it, so he was not surprised by another new race.

After all, it’s understandable if you think about it.

The demons have overturned so many worlds and races before.

It's almost like a cancer of the universe. No, the demons don't farm and expand. They only reproduce themselves to prepare for war and plunder the next world.

So if we really want to compare the universe to the body, the demons are more like white blood cells.In short, the demon clan that has destroyed countless worlds like this has overturned in the human world, and in turn has been overthrown. After the races in other worlds learn this news, Liao Yu himself will definitely have to go to the human world. The world is on this side.

Therefore, Liao Yu felt that it was normal for so many new foreigners to appear here in "Erzhoumu".

And now Liao Yu understood the reason why the Magic Demon and the Intelligent Demon were so ecstatic after understanding the Xingling.

【Star Spirit Crystal】

It is these dreamy crystals in the cave in front of Liao Yu under the desert of Syndicate.

After the demons have conquered many worlds, they are still the most perfect of all the resources they have ever seen.

Just a piece of crystal can support the cultivation of a high-level great demon, seven high-level other demon species, or dozens of mid-level demon soldiers in the demon's "delivery room".

And now there are thousands of sparkling crystals in the mines here. In the eyes of the wise demons, they are not crystals, they are simply the prototype of the demon army!
After mining all these [Star Spirit Crystals], transport them to the Demon Clan's delivery room, and cooperate with the Demon Cultivation Apostle Ulala, the Demon Clan will not take long, half a year?Three months?It may even be shorter, and their troop strength level will skyrocket by several levels.

It is even said that it is not impossible to surpass the peak strength of the demon clan during the original war between humans and demons.

How could Zhimo not be excited about such a prospect.

From these star spirit crystals, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out. It may have sensed the arrival of Liao Yu and other demons, or it may be that a certain existence that has been waiting for a long time gradually revived and formed a spiritual shadow. Floating in the air.

It was noted in the previous introduction to the Protoss Crystal.

The crystal is formed by being infected by the breath of the stars.

As for the protoss that can condense such a huge crystal mine, it can be imagined that its class in the protoss race is definitely not low, and only the extremely high-level can do it.

However, the high-level star spirit that appeared showed no hostility towards the demons who had once invaded and destroyed their homeland.

He turned his psychic body, glanced at the demon apostles present, and finally focused on Liao Yu.

As if something is certain.

After that, the star spirit turned its eyes away and turned towards the demon apostles present, uttering intermittent ethereal sounds unique to star spirits:

"No amount of troops can get you over that wall."

That wall?
What's the meaning.

This doubt followed the next moment, and spiritual energy surged in the body of this high-level star spirit. It connected Liao Yu and the apostles present mentally, and could share certain consciousness images. This is the specialty of the star spirit family. .

Relying on the spiritual link, a huge canyon appeared in Liao Yu's vision.

This was exactly what he had seen on the map before, the canyon that he described as protecting the empire like the "Great Wall".

But as the scene zoomed in, Liao Yu realized with the help of the Star Spirit's consciousness that this "canyon" was just a disguise. Its real internal structure was condensed by magic power, a psychic wall.

psychic wall
The denser the object, the harder it is to destroy, and the psychic wall composed of pure magic power can be said to be the most impregnable wall in the world.

The wise demon Leon frowned. He noticed something was wrong. This wall was too long. You know, the empire occupies one-third of the world. It is possible to use such a huge empire as a border wall. Wall, the amount of psychic energy required is simply astronomical.

Even the original Star Spirit World itself couldn't do this. The Star Spirits could only surround Wang Cheng at most, unlike the current empire that built a wall for the entire country.

But the next star spirit gave the answer.

".A relic of the combination of stars and spirits"

"Infinite humanity is linked to the wall."

The other apostles were still confused, but Liao Yu immediately grasped something. Based on these keywords, he quickly thought of another system in his game.

Formation system.

(End of this chapter)

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