Chapter 138 Psychic Wall
In order to better convey information.

The next star spirit, through telepathy, directly mapped a certain scene into the minds of the demons.

A flag that combines a magic wand and a book.

This is the symbol of the "Sorcerous Kingdom".

From the perspective of the Star Spirit, Liao Yu and the apostles could see densely packed light spots flashing one after another in the huge territory of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

Looking further down, these light spots are the people living in the Sorcerous Kingdom.

Among them are vendors hawking, adventurers who have traveled a lot, tailors weaving cloth, chefs baking bread, guards holding iron swords, and even nobles in gorgeous clothes and magician councilors in robes. .
The size of the light spot is different for everyone.

For those such as traders, tailors, servants or chefs, the light spots are relatively weak, almost the size of a grain of rice, while for adventurers, guards and nobles, the light spots expand in a circle.

And the ones that shimmer the most, with the largest and brightest spots of light, are the magicians of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

From this, it is not difficult to see that what these light spots represent is the level of magic power in these human beings.

Although the size and brightness of the light spots vary, what is common to everyone is that almost everyone in the Sorcerous Kingdom is pulled and connected by a faint thin thread at the ends of these light spots.

And at the other end of the filament, they all finally converge to a unified source and end point.

Psychic wall.

It seems that this wall is woven from millions of filaments, creating such an indestructible and magnificent wall that covers the entire empire.

This is just the beginning.

Under the thoughts of the star spirit, on the opposite side of this psychic wall, demons began to appear in the illusory scene.

In the blink of an eye, an army of millions of demons had already arrived at the city.

As for the leaders, the nine demon apostles were floating in the air.

It is worth mentioning that the sixth apostle here is still the evil demon Grodan, not Velxi.

The succubus apostle was not Elena, but another person that Liao Yu didn't recognize.

Obviously, the high-level star spirits here were transformed into these demons based on his original memories of the demons. Velxi must not have existed at that time. As for the succubi.
Every time the demons come to invade a new world, they need to summon a new demon king. Correspondingly, the old succubus apostles will die together with the old demon king.

The new succubus born from the combination of the two parties will inherit the apostle's seat to assist the next new demon king, and the cycle continues.

These are things that players could not understand in the first round of the game. Now that Liao Yu has inherited the inheritance of the Demon King, he is familiar with more of the internal operating rules of the Demon Clan.

I saw that in the next scene, the star spirit directly asked the demon Dadaya to start chanting.

Powerful magic power that could destroy the world was rapidly condensing on the demon's scepter, and even the sky changed color, casting a red shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the red sky was torn apart, and countless meteorites burning with raging flames began to fall to the earth, hitting the psychic wall.

Super level magic-meteor and fire shower.

Each hot burning meteorite is equivalent to the impact of a seventh-level magic. Just the scattering of meteorite fragments can create deep craters one after another on the ground, which shows how powerful the impact is.

Finally, the two sides collided, and strong magic fluctuations erupted on the psychic wall. The entire wall trembled under the super-level magic, and the sky-high fire engulfed and covered the entire wall at once.


As the effects of the super-level magic gradually faded and the light of the flames dissipated, what was revealed was still the intact psychic wall, with not even a single trace of damage visible on the wall.

Everything has a price.

Liao Yu turned the screen again and moved his sight from the psychic wall to the Sorcerous Kingdom. He could see that the large flashing light spots in the Sorcerous Kingdom were obviously dim in a small part. .

The filaments connected to the wall broke one after another, and the light spots at the other end in the residents' bodies seemed to have finished delivering the magic power to the psychic wall and were completely drained.

The bodies of these people who lost their "light spots" began to deteriorate rapidly. For ordinary people, although magic power cannot be used and used as magic, it is still a kind of vitality and a necessity to maintain life.

Although they do not show any injuries on the outside, the flesh and blood in their bodies have shrunk and lost their vitality due to the loss of magic power. In less than half an hour, they have transformed from a healthy person to a healthy person. A walking corpse like a vegetative state.

Jumo's super magic just now turned about three towns into dead towns, with no living person left.

But in return, the current psychic wall is still crystal clear, continuing to protect the empire behind it and blocking all the demonic armies.

In fact, if you look at the rate of return alone, it is undoubtedly very profitable.

After all, it is not a problem for a super magic to destroy a city. But now, relying on the connection, unification and concentrated power of these "thin threads", it only cost three towns to offset the super magic.

No wonder the star spirit in front told the demon apostles that it was impossible to break through the psychic wall.

After seeing that super magic had no effect, the demon army on the simulated battlefield chose to attack violently. Countless demons began to use various means to destroy the psychic wall.

Among them are the fierce attacks from the big demons, various corrosive slimes from the rot demons, the spell-breaking blades from the sword demons, and the bites and claw attacks from more low-level demons.
However, no matter how much the demon army tried to destroy the psychic wall, the wall still stood, and not even a single gap could be broken.

The reason is still those tens of millions of filaments, which are equivalent to turning the wall into a whole. There is no weakness. Every attack on the wall is spread evenly to all the walls.In addition, there is a steady supply of energy, and on the other side of the thin line, tens of millions of people in the entire Sorcerous Kingdom are the reserve magic power of the psychic wall.

At first, the people at the bottom of the Sorcerous Kingdom began to have a large number of "vegetative people". This was a civilian who was drained of magic power and turned into a walking corpse in order to resist the demon attack on the wall.

Next, there are those who have a slightly higher social status and whose bodies are better cultivated or maintained, such as adventurers, guards, soldiers, etc.

The magic power in their bodies began to be expropriated and mobilized as each demon destroyed the psychic wall.

Just go up step by step.

As long as the demons continue to attack the psychic wall, no one in the Sorcerous Kingdom, not even the nobles and magician councillors, can escape.

They just have a lower priority in requisitioning, but as the demons attack fiercely, the psychic wall requires more and more magic power, and they will be affected to some extent, and there is a risk of turning into a "vegetative state".

And when this catastrophe involves everyone, whether they are dignitaries or civilians, they are forced to work together and do everything possible to drive back the demons and protect this psychic wall.

Further back, you can still see the psychic cannon that was carried out and mounted on the wall.

Every psychic beam it emits consumes tens of thousands of civilians' magic power, but in exchange, it is also extremely terrifying. With one cannonball fired, even high-level demons cannot withstand it and are annihilated in the beam. .

It seems like a lot of sacrifices, but if you calculate the conversion efficiency a little, you will know that this battle is definitely a big disadvantage for the demons.

After all, not to mention tens of thousands of civilians, tens of thousands of well-equipped and well-trained imperial troops may not be able to eliminate a high-level demon, and there is still a risk of being counterattacked.

This principle is just like a chopstick that is easy to break, but when ten, hundreds, or thousands of chopsticks are tied together, the power of integration into "one" is reflected.

Explain this truth to the demons.

Let the demons understand why the "Psychic Wall" cannot be attacked by force.

The scene of the simulated war gradually disappeared. What the high-level star spirit mapped to the demons was what he mentioned at the beginning.

Several demon apostles actually also had this puzzlement. How did the empire manage to "bind" an entire country's people to the wall?

The answer is a flag.

One of the relics of the brave, it is called the Flag of Command by the empire.

The wise demon grasped something first. He carefully recalled the series of battles with the brave people thousands of years ago.

Indeed, especially in the early and mid-term, the Brave's partners can perfectly execute the Brave's orders, even if they sacrifice their lives sometimes, without hesitation.

It would be understandable if it was just the companions who were like this, but the same was true for the soldiers under the brave man behind them. Each of them seemed to be extremely sincere to the brave man. As long as they entered the battle, they would carry out the brave man's instructions without hesitation.

No matter how many armies the brave man leads later, he seems to be able to do so with ease, as if the entire army is one.

What Leon described here is actually quite right.

Now Liao Yu has completely confirmed that the key relic that the star spirit said dominates the "Psychic Wall" is actually the formation system that is commonly used by players in the game.

To put it bluntly, just use the mouse to pull the box, and all the selected units in the box can be mobilized by the player to execute unified instructions, saving the player the trouble of returning points one by one.

Liao Yu in the game actually didn't think this function was useful at all.

But now that I think about it carefully, if this function were restored to reality, it would be even more terrifying than the will of the swarm.

However, it can be seen from the simulated images of the protoss that the humans of the Sorcerous Kingdom who are "connected" will also show emotions such as fear, resistance, struggle, etc.

This is enough to show that, like other relics, the Empire cannot exert its full power, and may only use a certain part of the functions of the relic.

After all, if they really have the ability to "form up", the will of these humans should be completely integrated with the controller, and there will never be any resistance.

This seems to explain what role the Protoss race plays here.

"Demon. Cross the wall."

".The relic must be destroyed to rescue the king."

The protoss exited the telepathic state.

All the demon apostles and Liao Yu broke away from the illusion, and the scene in front of them returned to the underground cave full of star crystals.

In addition to the "psionic power" of the protoss, the "telepathy" just mentioned is also a characteristic of the protoss race.

Humans, demons, elves and other races all use language to communicate, but the stars and spirits rely on the communication of consciousness just now to achieve the most perfect 100% information exchange rate.

Star spirits are accustomed to communicating with consciousness. The higher the mind, the greater the flow of consciousness it can endure.

Therefore, as long as the King of Star Spirits is used as the carrier of the "relic", it can assist the relic in carrying such a large number of humans. At the same time, it can also restrain all humans kidnapped by the relic. Even if their consciousness resists, they still cannot escape. relic.

In the words of the game, these units are forced to become "green" friendly forces that are controllable and formable and cannot become "red-named" enemy units.

(End of this chapter)

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