Chapter 139 The person waiting, the password is correct

Star spirits communicate with each other through consciousness.

Therefore, this race can hardly lie. After all, as long as you lie in communication, the other party whose consciousness is connected will immediately feel it.

Liao Yu and other demon apostles, from the "telepathy" that the higher star spirit actively connected with just now, in addition to the explanation scenes, they also felt the emotions from this star spirit.

That's for humanity, the Empire, and the Sorcerous Kingdom.



Although Liao Yu didn't know what happened between the Empire and the Star Spirits.

But just looking at the results, the queen of her own tribe was turned into a power girl by humans to maintain the psychic wall, and turned into a tool for operating relics. No wonder the protoss can even let go of their hatred for the demons. , or even help the demons in turn.

If the demons want to attack the empire, they cannot avoid the psychic wall.

And he wants to save the enslaved queen, but also destroys the relic.

Both parties have the same purpose.

".Relic coordinates queen position alone"

Protoss is not very vocal.

So when he spoke, he also spoke intermittently.

But the meaning conveyed is still easy to understand.

Next, he will tell the demons where the humans have hidden the relics and where their queen is imprisoned. As long as they get there and destroy it, the empire will no longer have protection, which is equivalent to being nakedly exposed to the demon army. in front of me.


He would never tell everyone this key "coordinate" like before.

Someone must come forward and communicate with him alone.

And who is this person.

it goes without saying.

The star spirit of the light group spirit body has already set its blue eyes on Liao Yu.

Leon frowned immediately. Just as Zhimo was about to say something, he was interrupted by Liao Yu raising his hand. Liao Yu nodded to the star spirit, indicating that he accepted it, a separate two-way telepathy.

After that, Liao Yu stretched out his hand to Xing Ling, and Xing Ling immediately put his hand on Liao Yu's palm. The moment the two parties came into contact, the powerful telepathy immediately pulled Liao Yu into another illusory space. .

In this space, the consciousness belongs only to the Star Spirit and him, and no one else can pry into it.

The moment Xingling pulled Liao Yu in, the first thing he did was to immediately sense Liao Yu's consciousness and emotions.

He wanted to know one thing.

Did Liao Yu come up with the second method to crack the "Psychic Wall" he just mentioned?

That's right.

The psychic wall seems indestructible, but in fact, in addition to destroying the core of the relic, there is a second way.

Destroy energy.

To put it more bluntly,
As long as everyone in the Sorcerous Kingdom is slaughtered, the psychic wall will naturally collapse even if there are relics, without the supply of civilians as "energy".

What Xingling is checking now is whether Liao Yu has this idea.

turn out.
of course.

Even the Star Spirit, through sensing Liao Yu's consciousness, discovered that the other party had only thought of this when he had just introduced the psychic wall.

In fact, the demon king's consciousness told him that he felt that it was not safe to massacre a Sorcerous Kingdom. Just in case, he would send troops to the other two countries at the same time to massacre the Glorious Theocracy and the Inquisition together.

Moreover, during the slaughter, this demon king had no intention of watching from behind. Instead, he wanted to take action himself and go into battle himself. He seemed to enjoy the pleasure of killing and wanted to plunder every corner of these three countries for any treasures. Neither the king's treasure trove nor the king's treasury can be spared.

Everywhere you go, there is nothing left to lose. Even for those good-looking members of the opposite sex, what CGs do you want to collect?

When the protoss wants to go deeper and understand what "CG" is.
It's a pity that he was forcibly interrupted, and Liao Yu's consciousness directly expelled this very rude visitor.But even so, such terrifying evil thoughts are enough to make the Star Spirits shiver all over.

Can't go wrong!

The demon king in front of him is the terrifying existence that the human "great sage" told him thousands of years ago that was enough to repel the demons!
The star spirit was trembling all over, but at the same time, there was a feeling of joy in the heart that "the password is correct."


For natural disasters like the demon clan, only more evil and more sinful natural disasters can destroy them, and only such people can help them rescue the queen.

at the same time.

Because the communication between the Star Spirits is two-way, when the Star Spirits explore Liao Yu's conscious mind, Liao Yu can also see the consciousness of the Star Spirits.

Because of this, Liao Yu finally saw the person he had always wanted to find to help him in the empire.

Great Sage.


Thousands of years ago, the same sect brother of my character in the game.

One of 42 partners.

"The great sage made a pact with you not to harm the king."

The intermittent voice of the star spirit, under the sea of ​​consciousness, turned into the most concise thoughts and passed them to Liao Yu.

The reason why he has been sleeping underground in the Syndicate is that, as Liao Yu guessed, it was a chess piece from the "Great Sage" that had been laid out long ago.

And after the great sage saved him, the remnant of the Star Spirits, he also promised him that someone would help him complete the revenge of his clan in the future.

It is also very simple to tell whether that person is the one he wants to log in to.

If you probe the other person's consciousness a little, he will understand.

Now the star spirit really understood. After feeling Liao Yu's "evil thoughts", he was really sure that Liao Yu was the one the great sage said could help him.

So the last star spirit asked Liao Yu to make a promise. He didn't care about Liao Yu massacring humans. He only cared that Liao Yu rescued his own king and didn't harm the king as well.

"Okay, I promise you."

"As long as your king does not do anything that undermines our interests, I promise you that I will not hurt her."

"This holy sword serves as a witness to the oath."

Without Xing Ling's need to say anything more, Liao Yu took the initiative to take out the Sword of Oath and immediately made a promise. After Xing Ling saw the light rising from the holy sword, indicating that he had witnessed the oath, he completely relaxed.

He learned about this holy sword from the great sage, which was one of the reasons why he agreed to the great sage. With the sword of oath as a guarantee, he was not afraid that the other party would regret his words.

The next star spirit forcibly peeled off part of his consciousness, pointed in the direction of Liao Yu, and a ball of memory light merged into Liao Yu's body.

Liao Yu is not in a hurry to sort out this memory, but he probably knows that it is the core relic and the queen's place hidden in the Magic Kingdom.

Compared with this, Liao Yu actually cares more about
"Give me your memories of the great sage."

After Liao Yu spoke, Xing Ling shook his head. Then he took the initiative to show Liao Yu a deeper memory image of the "Great Sage", and then Liao Yu could see that it was.

It was as if it had been forcibly erased by something.

"He left you another way."

"Let you meet another human being"

Xingling told Liao Yu that these memory blanks were erased by the great sage himself, and the last item in the agreement between the great sage and him was that after he and Liao Yu reached a contract, he would help Liao Yu and other people. Meet someone alone.

The current star spirit began to consume the little remaining power and wrapped Liao Yu with spiritual energy, covering Liao Yu's appearance and breath. Then he opened another telepathy door.

From the opposite side of the door, after some time, there was a fluctuation, and a new illusory figure walked out of the door.

The consciousness from the star spirit informed Liao Yu of the other party's identity in advance.

Empire, second prince.

(End of this chapter)

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