Chapter 140 The Emperor’s Chosen People
"I'm sorry that I can only meet you in this way, this friend from the past."

The well-dressed and elegant man entered the world of consciousness through the gate of the stars.

After meeting Liao Yu, the man smiled and first greeted Liao Yu very politely to express his friendliness.

"Since you opened the Great Sage's box and summoned me, it means that you accepted cooperation. Although I know that you knew my identity when you opened the box, but..."

"Danye Yi, the second in line prince of the Knox Empire, looks forward to forming an alliance with you in the future."

After briefly introducing himself again, the second prince reached out to Liao Yu.

However, Liao Yu did not shake hands.

He didn't follow the example of the second prince and introduce himself.

He was a little curious now.

"Whether it's your name or your appearance, you look very different from your brother."

The seventh prince who was killed by the sword of oath was named Alba Ferro. Even if the princes looked different, the surname at the end of their names should at least be the same.

On the opposite side, the second prince withdrew his hand and did not mind Liao Yu's lack of cooperation. Regarding Liao Yu's new question, he continued to smile and patiently answered:
"This is a common misconception among the world. You are right. In fact, we sons of the Emperor are not related by blood to each other. We never grew up together. We received different educations. We come from different regions, and even before we became ‘princes’, we had never met and didn’t know each other.”

"Compared to what outsiders call a prince, we are actually more accustomed to calling ourselves voters."

"It was the Emperor who promoted us from among the tens of millions of voters in the empire. It was also through our own efforts that we were recognized by the Emperor and were honored to become His Highness's children."


The second prince paused, then bowed slightly to Liao Yu, put one hand on his chest and carried his luggage in greeting.

"I hope you don't misunderstand. I deeply regret Alba's death. I regret not being able to witness my brother's exit. At the same time, I am also very grateful. Thank you for helping me get rid of a troublesome competitor."

"After all, there can be many princes, but there can only be one emperor. What surrounds the throne is not flowers, but blood."

"So in return, this is also our first cooperation deal. I hope you can hand over this "result" to me. In order to avoid misunderstandings, I will explain in detail everything you get from Alba, such as That relic still belongs to you. Of course, this is what you deserve and the result I want."

"It means that I will declare to the outside world that I am responsible for Alba's death, that's all."

At first glance, the second prince's proposal seemed like a free gift.


After Olba's death, this is different from the last "envoy". This is the prince of the empire. The empire will never give up. It may attract the empire's great attention and send a large number of troops and elites to investigate.

At that time, it will not be that simple for the demons to hide in the dark. It is very likely that the second all-out war between humans and demons will begin in advance.

This was by no means what Liao Yu wanted to see, especially after he learned that the empire had such a method as the "Psychic Wall".

Think further.

The psychic wall is just one of them. Will there be more "relics" brought about by the methods of the demons? It would be a bad idea to directly launch a war without investigating the information clearly.

Therefore, if the second prince wanted to be responsible for Alba's death, Liao Yu would certainly be happy to do so.

But he didn't say anything to thank the second prince.

After all, it would be trouble for Olba to die in the hands of outsiders like them, but it would be another matter to die in the hands of Dan Ye, who was also from the empire and even a "prince".

It can be heard from Dan Ye's previous words that it seems that for the empire, fighting between successive princes has become normal, even the default rule.

The fact that the second prince could kill his younger brother was undoubtedly a manifestation of his ability.

He can also take the opportunity to directly annex Alba's power and resources. The benefits these bring to the second prince are far greater than a "Holy Sword" that in their opinion cannot exert much power at all. many.but.

After nodding his head and agreeing to the second prince's proposal, Liao Yu still asked about this kind of competition, which was the same as raising gu:

"Won't the Emperor stop you?"

Failure to designate a successor and allowing infighting among the princes will inevitably lead to the fragmentation of the empire's power.

From a macro perspective, this is not conducive to the development of the country at all, and the civilians at the bottom will definitely be implicated because of it. Just like when gods fight, mortals will suffer.

In this regard, Danye did not answer directly, but simply said:

"Your Majesty's love is never for the weak."

The weak eat the strong.

The Empire strictly abides by the Law of the Jungle, and apparently so does the Emperor.

The first round of pleasant cooperation seemed to satisfy the second prince.

He wanted to follow this momentum and continue to make new proposals to Liao Yu:

"I know that the goal of these "old days" is to revenge against the empire, and I want to kill other competitors. I think our areas of interest overlap greatly, don't we?"

"In that battle 500 years ago, you should understand that in the empire protected by the psychic wall, you didn't even have the chance to send troops into the empire. But now, I can help you."

"The source of the psychic wall comes from the relic given to my brother by His Majesty, the Flag of Command. If the eldest prince wants to maintain the relic, he must transport batches of "energy" from the outside to the core every once in a while. "

"I already know the delivery time and route of a certain batch of "energy". At that time, you only need to ambush on the route to destroy this batch of "energy" in one fell swoop. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can Help you operate secretly and open a temporary small gap for you in the psychic wall."

"Although it's called a small gap, it's enough to help you sneak tens of thousands of troops over the wall and successfully sneak into the empire. By then, I don't think we need to have such empty conversations anymore. I will make arrangements We cordially invite you to the most sumptuous banquet."

"We can face each other and continue to discuss future countermeasures, such as how to kill the eldest prince and lift the psychic wall so that your army can completely complete the full-scale attack on the empire, just like it did 500 years ago."

"Or, after I sit on His Majesty's throne, I will help you restore the truth from thousands of years ago and clean up the slandered history of the "brave" you believe in. Isn't this the revenge you have always wanted against the empire? ? It’s also the reason why the great sage will connect us, isn’t it?”

It can be seen from the previous history that the "brave" himself was labeled a traitor.

It is precisely by taking all this reputation and fame as its own that the empire has reached its current position step by step.

But for the real senior officials in the empire, it was obvious that they knew the truth back then.

That's why the second prince proposed such an "attractive" return.

Later, the second prince even handed a scroll directly to Liao Yu.

After Liao Yu opened it, he found that the magic on the scroll had been transformed into encrypted text. The information written on it was just as Danye said just now, the secret convoy that transported "energy" to the psychic wall from the outside.

The information contains detailed time, location, and route. It can be said that with this information, it is not difficult to successfully ambush.

Liao Yu first took the scroll down without ceremony.

After some thought, he accepted the cooperation and put forward additional conditions to the second prince: "Use your resources to annex Olba to support the Syndicate."

"No problem. From now on, the Syndicate will have access to the empire's trade routes. I will sell a large amount of materials needed for construction to the Syndicate at a low price to help this area that has been in chaos for too long develop again."

The second prince agreed immediately, and even expressed one more sentence: "No matter how much materials we use, as long as we can get the support of the "old days", it will be an honor for my alchemy industry."

(End of this chapter)

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