Chapter 142 Eating Barbecue and Singing

On the green forest path, a group of convoys, like business travelers, were moving forward slowly.

The well-equipped mercenaries all looked serious and were escorting around, as if they were protecting something extremely important cargo.

However, on the contrary, in the noble carriage leading the carriage, there were frequent sounds of laughter and laughter. If you sniffed your nose again, you could still smell the aroma of barbecue coming from inside.

Indeed, at this moment, the carriage was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Many servants were smiling, complimenting and flattering a high-spirited young man in the carriage.

"Master Trite, there is a short journey ahead, and we will be able to reach Shidian City. When we arrive in the city and take up our post, the young master will be an executive officer among thousands of people!"

"Young master has become an executive officer at a young age. Looking at the entire Sorcerous Kingdom, he is definitely second to none! The future is bright!"

"More than that! The young master is doing something for the eldest prince this time. Maybe he will be appreciated by the eldest prince, and that will be a step to the sky!"

"Can you speak? What does it mean that you can't speak well? With the young master's talent and potential, the eldest prince has to beg the young master to join!"

"Yes, yes! Hey! Look at my stupid mouth! Even the eldest prince must be polite in front of our young master."

cough cough cough.

Although Trite enjoyed the flattery of these servants, it was a bit outrageous later on. Other flatteries didn't matter, but as for the eldest prince, these couldn't be said. If the news really got out, he might have to move his head that night.

His appointment as a new official was a happy event, but Trite didn't want it to turn into a funeral.

He coughed, then glared at the servants who were talking about the train, then waved his hand and told the servants to do their business and continue to grill him.

Trite himself picked up the wine glass, turned his head, and saluted another warrior-looking man in the carriage.

"Centurion Alban, thanks to your escort along the way, thank you very much."

"Haha, Master Trite, why are you so polite? We are the Burning Hand mercenary group, and we will have to rely on Master Trite in the future. Oh no, it's Executive Officer Trite who takes care of you!"

"Of course. To be honest, when I heard that there was a riot in the Syndicate next door and many villains ran out, I almost canceled the trip directly. It was you, Burning Hand, who accepted the escort commission. It gave me confidence, so this time I can take on the role of executive officer. If I really want to say it, it is definitely due to your mercenary group."

"Thugs from the Syndicate? Haha, Master Treat, don't worry. Even if you do encounter them, they will just serve as food and drinks for our Burning Hands. They are just a bunch of fish. Master Treat, don't worry about them."

"Hahaha, leader, come here, have a taste of this champagne. I spent a lot of money to buy this champagne. It's just for celebration. Ask the other brothers to come in and have a drink. You all have worked hard escorting us all the way."

"That's not necessary. After all, there is still a short distance to go. Don't be careless."

"That's right. The leader is being cautious. Let's have a few drinks and entertain the brothers after we enter the city."

"Okay, then I would like to congratulate Master Trite on his appointment as executive officer!"

"Same joy and joy!"

The barbecue is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the juices overflow when you bite into it. You can drink champagne and look out from the car window at the beautiful environment in the forest. It is so pleasant.

We have good food, wine, and beautiful scenery, but unfortunately, we just lack a beauty.

But it doesn't matter. After he takes over as executive officer, he won't be able to play with any beauties.

Just like this, he was immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future, listening to the singing and laughter of the servants in the carriage. Gradually, maybe due to the alcohol, Trite's vision began to blur, and his consciousness became a little dizzy.

A heavy feeling of sleepiness surged over him, and the young master soon fell asleep in the carriage.

When he wakes up again
In front of him, one, no, two beauties really appeared!One of them has hair like the silver moon, rose-red eyes like amber, and a pure and flawless face, making him look like an elf and fairy coming out of the forest.

The other one has short pink hair that reaches her ears. Her appearance is like the two extremes of the previous one. She is full of charm, especially her plump figure. Her whole body exudes seductive charm. It seems that if you look at it a few more times, you will be attracted by it. Immersed in it, unable to extricate myself.

Now Trite was so fascinated that he thought he was still dreaming.

It wasn't until Elena, with a face full of disgust and disgust, raised her foot and kicked the human in the face that Trite woke up.

The burning pain of being stepped on came from his face. As a young master, Trite had never suffered such a crime. He just wanted to speak out, but found that his mouth was covered by a seal.

When he came back to his senses, Trite realized that not only was his mouth sealed, but his whole body was now tied up.

His convoy had already been stopped on the forest path, and the Burning Hand mercenaries whom he had placed high hopes on were all staggering in a pool of blood, without any breath.

As for the mercenary leader, Centurion Alban, who had sworn to him in the last memory scene of Trite to ensure safety, his head was now being kicked like a ball by a little girl next to the carriage.

"Uh! Uh-huh!? Uh-huh!!!"

Trite, who was whimpering with his eyes widened in fear, soon saw a young man stepping down from his carriage.

Liao Yu came to Cuite with a certificate of "appointment" that he had collected from the carriage.


"Woo! Uh-huh!" In order not to be killed by the thugs and robbers, Cuite was very cooperative with Liao Yu and immediately nodded, indicating that he was the new executive on the "certificate of employment".

"What does your convoy do?"


As soon as Liao Yu raised his hand, the sealing spell on Trite's mouth was lifted. He could then speak and said quickly:
"Sending supplies! Send supplies to Knox Wall. Everything is in the box over there!"

The Wall of Knox is the psychic wall surrounding the Empire.

However, Liao Yu had already sent the demons to open the box that Trite mentioned. Although it seemed to be sealed tightly, the box actually contained only pearls, agate and other items.

Although it is also very expensive, it is obviously different from what he is looking for.

The current convoy is exactly the information that the second prince gave him earlier. The transport team will provide "energy" for the psychic wall, but what is in the box now has nothing to do with "energy".

Liao Yu didn't need to say more. The thorn whip in Elena's hand had been summoned, and she was about to whip it on Trite. This time, Trite was completely frightened and no longer dared to be clever.

"Sir! Here! The real goods are all in the storage ring on my body! But, this ring was given to me by the eldest prince's administrator. It has an absolute forbidden spell secret lock on it. It must be obtained in the city to activate it. "

Trite hadn't finished what he was trying to explain. Unexpectedly, the sealing technique on this encrypted ring was like a toy. It was instantly disintegrated by the young man opposite.

Ignoring Trite's shock, Liao Yu consciously explored the storage ring and quickly took out the props like "tokens" inside.

This doesn't look like energy at all.

On the contrary, it looked very much like a prop in a certain system that Liao Yu knew.

The bonding system.

(End of this chapter)

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