Chapter 143 Executive Officer

"Is this what you said, supplies?"

"Yes, sir, we can rely on these to find the important energy needed to maintain the Knox Wall. I really didn't lie to you. My mission as executive officer is to rely on these relics to find energy and then send it to the eldest prince. The administrator’s place!”

"Relic? You mean the hero's relic?"

Trite was shocked. He didn't expect that these robbers even knew about the relics of the brave men. He didn't dare to fool him anymore. He quickly said honestly:

"Yes, these are all imitated by the eldest prince based on the relics of a certain brave man. You can find energy suitable for the "Wall of Knox". But sir, I really did not lie to you before. It is useless for you to ask for these, because those energy sources are only Only the "wall" can be used, and it won't help you at all. If you want treasure, the goods in front are more valuable!"

Trite was a little on the verge of tears, but he really wasn't lying. He thought that Liao Yu and other villains were just trying to steal money and goods, so the things in this storage ring were really useless.

"People! The energy needed for the wall is actually people, children! The only purpose of these relic tokens is to find those young children with magical talents!"

Trite's final explanation is consistent with Liao Yu's own judgment.

It seems that although the traitor in the "Bidding System" didn't get it, he tried to imitate and transform it into something similar. These tokens are equivalent to his own "card drawing" ability.

However, when Liao Yu felt it carefully, he found that the "bonding" atmosphere inside was actually very weak, and it was a poor and incomplete imitation. Corresponding to the effect, he could only draw white and blue quality cards.

Of course, this is just what Liao Yu is used to calling in the game.

In reality, after Liao Yu picked up one of the tokens, the token immediately turned into a stream of light. After circling in front of him, he opened an illusory map and marked a blue light on it. point.

This light spot is the position of the "young child" with magical talent that Trite mentioned earlier.

A human being with a potential of about three stars.


Liao Yu felt that he should have thought of it earlier.

Since the psychic wall operates with "human beings" as batteries, the corresponding "energy source" should also be humans.

But how exactly does it work?
And why was it specially modified to search only for young children?
The answers behind these are obviously not achieved by plundering or destroying them alone.

Liao Yu didn't intend to claim that he had snatched these at first.

Otherwise, he wouldn't still have Trite as a person.

"This appointment certificate says that you are a fifth-level magician?" Liao Yu changed the subject.

Seeing that Liao Yu didn't seem to have that strong murderous intention, Trite's nervousness relaxed a little. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Sir, my lord, actually, I got this position through my connections."

"Bought through connections?"

"Yes, my family has met a noble man recently, and I finally fought for this opportunity. Sir, please, please let me go. I have an elder in my family."

Liao Yu's glance made Trite, who still wanted to show off, immediately shut up and didn't dare to say anything more.

Liao Yu guessed that the official who was bought was most likely the result of the Second Prince's trick. This Cuite was actually just a chess piece that was kept in the dark.

This also explains why the second prince can guide the transportation team in such detail.

However, this also gave Liao Yu a chance.

"Does anyone who is in contact with you in the city have any information about you?"

Cui Te was a little confused and didn't quite understand why Liao Yu asked this, but he quickly said: "No, no, relationship channels like ours rely on unilateral proof. People over there only need to see the proof." Just..." After saying this, Cuite seemed to suddenly understand what Liao Yu was going to do, and his eyes widened.

As a result, the next moment, he only saw that with a flick of his wrist, Liao Yu's executive officer information on his "certificate of appointment" was written with new magic words.

Now, in terms of the certificate of "Executive Officer", there is no trace of him, Cuite, and the person to take office has completely changed to the young man opposite - Liao Yu.

Treat was frightened and frightened now.

What's shocking is that the villain's origins can be modified and erased without authorization even from the "House of Lords" magic proof.

The House of Lords is the highest authority in the Sorcerous Kingdom, and is controlled by the First Prince behind the scenes.

What's scary is that he has far underestimated this villain. The other party's purpose seems to be far more than just stealing money. From now on, the other party not only wants wealth, but also seems to want power!
"Do you understand what this means?"

Liao Yu placed the revised new "appointment" certificate in front of Trite.

Trite is also very clever, especially in this life-and-death situation, he has shown extraordinary understanding.

"Understood! Lord Liao Yu! I understand that from now on, you, you are the executive officer of Shidian City! I am your assistant! Apprentice!"

Not bad.

Liao Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then let someone untie Trite's restraints.

After the trembling Trite stood up, Liao Yu patted his shoulder and said, "What are you waiting for? Let's continue on the road and enter the city. Many of the subsequent processes will depend on your assistant, Trite."

"Ming, I understand, Mr. Executive Officer, let's go, let's set off now!"

The convoy is very close to Shidian City.

In less than a quarter of an hour, you can see the gate of the city from a distance.

Unlike a small country like Illinois, although Shidian City is only a second-tier city of the Sorcerous Kingdom, rows of soldiers are now lined up neatly at the gate of the city. Magical beasts with the characteristics of the Sorcerous Kingdom are also under the control of the cavalry. They bowed their heads at the city gate, as if they were welcoming their new executive who was coming.

After seeing Liao Yu's motorcade approaching, a middle-aged man walked out first from the welcoming queue at the city gate. He was the lord of Shidian City.

Even the city lord, in front of Liao Yu, the executive officer, had no airs at all. Instead, he seemed to be trying to please and compliment him, shouting at the executive officer one after another.

This is thanks to the institutional division of the Sorcerous Kingdom. As mentioned before, the "House of Lords" is the highest authority in the Sorcerous Kingdom, and all its members are composed of magicians.

But most magicians are obsessed with research and have no intention of getting involved in trivial matters like running the country, so the House of Commons came into being naturally. The members of the House of Commons are basically nobles. Although they are not very accomplished in magic, they are good at management and can run the country. .

Now Shi Diancheng is the city leader who sticks his butt out, nods and bows to Liao Yu, and even to Cuite, who is Liao Yu's "assistant". It is the latter.

It can be seen that, unlike the aristocratic supremacy of Illinois, in the Sorcerous Kingdom, the status of magicians is above all else. Naturally, the new executive officer from the House of Lords, although on the surface, his status is not as high as that of the city lord, but in actual power, No matter what Liao Yu does, the city lord must cooperate unconditionally.

Just like.
"Executive Officer, I have found a group of the best children in our city. Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time. Do you think we should go over and review them now?"

The city lord asked cautiously.

Trite also explained this to Liao Yu on the way. Although they came to capture the children and use them as energy for the psychic wall, they were nominally used on the grounds of "Heavenly Chosen". The children they select will be sent to the House of Lords for training, and will be accepted as apprentices or even successors by those powerful magicians, who will teach them spells, learn magic knowledge, and become masters.

Therefore, what the city lord said now, from the nobles to the common people in Shidian City, is looking forward to the arrival of the executive officer. It is true. Everyone regards this as a great opportunity. Everyone is eager for their children to be Liao Yu, the executive officer, was selected.

(End of this chapter)

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