Chapter 144 They still have to thank us
"Isa, come here quickly."

In the selection hall, the Lord of Shidian City now greeted a little girl and led her to Liao Yu.

At the gate of the city, Liao Yu refused. The city lord also wanted to give him a banquet to "receive the wind and wash away the dust", so he got straight to the point.

In the current hall, there are the children and descendants of the upper classes in Shidian City. As long as they are younger than ten years old, almost every family will find a way to send them over, even if it is to try their luck.

After all, even if they are not selected by Liao Yu, the "executive officer" of the House of Lords, getting a blessing or recognition will be of great benefit to them, as it will be their future talking points and gold-plated capital.

Just like right now.

As a city lord, taking advantage of his power, he must first consider his youngest daughter as the first candidate.

The slim little girl stood in front of Liao Yu. She was wearing an aristocratic plaid skirt, a butterfly tie, and shiny little leather shoes under her white stockings. She had obviously been carefully dressed. Just standing there, her well-behaved appearance made her look so cute at first glance. It can make people feel good.

Even from then on, under the hint of the city lord's eyes, Isha called Liao Yu sweetly "executive officer". Her eyes full of respect and admiration made it difficult for Liao Yu not to doubt that this was probably all Trained beforehand.

"Executor, this child Isa has shown a special interest in magic since she was a child. Girls from other families want dolls and stuffed bears, but Isa is better. She spends all day immersed in my study. , her mother called her several times and refused to come out to eat, but we were so worried."

The city lord pretended to be chatting and complaining to Liao Yu, but in fact he was reflecting his daughter's talent in magic. The city lord who followed him then turned to his daughter and said:

"Isa, haven't you learned a new technique recently? You always say there is something you don't understand. The executive officer is here now, so why not take the opportunity to demonstrate it quickly?"

The little girl immediately understood what her father meant and came to the "test" place in the main hall. There were many wooden stakes here specifically for demonstrating spells.

Afterwards, Isa closed her eyes and entered a meditative state, as if concentrating her mental power. Then she quickly took out her staff and chanted to one of the scarecrow stakes.

".Ignis (*spell)!" Suddenly a burning flame rose from the girl's magic weapon. Following the girl's instructions, it flew towards the scarecrow not far away. Although the flame was not considered It was violent, but the moment it hit the wooden stake, it seemed to be strengthened a lot, and it suddenly ignited the entire scarecrow and started a fire.

Not to mention how good this technique was, at least it worked on the surface, attracting exclamations and envy from other nobles and children around.

And just when everyone was attracted by the "Flame Arrow", the city lord took the opportunity to get close to Cuite, Liao Yu's assistant.

He touched it quietly and pushed a large gold ingot from his cuff to Treat.

Trite just glanced at it, but he was very skilled in his business. He kept silent very professionally and quickly accepted it. The expression on his face did not change after that, as if nothing happened.

When the city lord saw this, he seemed to be relieved, and his face once again filled with an even happier smile.

After all, there are indeed some "strict" executives who do not accept bribes, but fortunately, the new guy in Shidian City, just by looking at the behavior of his apprentices, you can tell that he will definitely not take less money.

Flame Arrow is the most classic basic spell in the first level, but it is still a great thing to be able to release it from the hands of a little girl who is only seven or eight years old. If it is true, then this little girl’s spell talent , definitely has the potential to become a magister in the future.

It's a pity that Liao Yu's magic perception exposed this little trick at a glance. The flame arrow actually had nothing to do with the little girl. It relied entirely on the magic weapon, which was temporarily enchanted with the ritual rune of the flame arrow. That’s all.

As for the scarecrow's wooden stake, some flammable substance had probably been added to it a long time ago, and it was just caught on. It seems that the power of the spell is relatively strong.

However, Liao Yu did not expose it, and left the next process steps to Cuite, the actual "genuine" executive.

It will also take time for the demons to prepare for "all-out war".

Therefore, Liao Yu is not very anxious about the "main mission" of "disintegrating the psychic wall".

You might as well use your current identity as an "executive officer" to observe more and first understand the mutual working relationship between the Sorcerous Kingdom and the Psychic Wall.

I saw that Trite stood up first and praised Isa in front of many celebrities in Shidian City. He praised the little girl for her outstanding talent and that she would definitely achieve success in magic and so on.

Although the city lord was a little regretful, after all, it was not Liao Yu, the executive officer, who came forward in person, but just his apprentice, but he was actually satisfied.

His main purpose is this, so that if he speaks out in the future, his daughter will be recognized by the executive officer of the House of Lords, which will bring unlimited advantages to his daughter in the future.

Next, Trite took out a token, which was a tool that could search for children with real magical talents.

He tested it on Isa, and needless to say, the token didn't react. Isa and the city lord's little tricks were okay to fool the others, but the token, which was modified from a relic, would definitely not be able to survive.Of course, after all, Trite had received money from others and would not reveal it to his face. For this kind of person, in order to save face, he would always give him a lot of trouble on the grounds that he was not selected because of lack of luck.

After passing the greatest privilege of being the daughter of the city lord.

Next it was the turn of the nobles.

Wave after wave of officials and celebrities from all walks of life in Shidian City began to crowd over and bring their children for testing by Trite.

There are also many people like the city lord who prepare some tricks for their children to fool others. After pretending to perform some tricks, they take the opportunity to give money to Treat.

What they wanted was for Trite to praise his child in person like he did to the city lord's daughter.

As for Liao Yu, they didn't dare to contact him.

After all, even the daughter of the city lord is just the apprentice of the executive officer to deal with. Those of them with lower status will certainly not be able to compete with Liao Yu, the real executive officer.

After some research, there are quite a few people who can make the token react, a total of more than a dozen.

But under Trite's micro-management, only three of them were selected and given quotas as "chosen children". The rest of the children, even if their tokens responded, were all rejected.

Liao Yu observed that the families of these three children basically did not belong to the top aristocracy, and even belonged to the second and third tier in Shidian City. They could barely squeeze into the middle class of the aristocracy.

When everything was over, Trite, who had been surrounded by nobles and even city lords in the selection hall before, returned to Liao Yu in private, and his role changed quite quickly.

Trite quickly put away his previously magnificent appearance in the main hall, and even without Liao Yu boasting, he took the initiative to explain the details inside to Liao Yu, the "replacement".

Cuite saw Liao Yu's doubts about the selection, and this was the first thing to explain.

"Sir, you also know that the children we selected are not going to the House of Lords at all, but are being sent to the Psychic Wall to be used as energy sources, so basically they cannot come back."

"Even if we can come back, we will basically be a completely different person. So when we choose people, we are asked by our superiors to try not to choose those who are powerful. Otherwise, after a few years, we will find that something is wrong with our children, and they will be in trouble. .”

"So you see, we are going to pick these middle-class people who have just gotten close to the nobility. Although this group of people has achieved some success, their background is not good. They all worked their way up from the bottom. To put it bluntly, they have no power, so they are special I hope to climb up and attach great importance to our selection."

"It's not."

Trite obediently handed over all the bribes he collected this time, including various jewelry, jewelry, precious metals, or the most straightforward checks, to Liao Yu.

In other words, in just half a day, they produced oil and water worth nearly hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

And almost half of them come from middle-class parents with three children.

When their children were chosen, they almost fainted with happiness. They were all in ecstasy, and they kept trying to give Trite money, saying that they wanted Trite to take good care of their children.

In Trite's words.
"Sir, did you see that they still have to thank us?"

The nobles are the ones who make the most money, and the money Trite used to buy "executive officers" can basically be repaid by this wave of harvest.

But money has been made, but the task targets still have to be completed.

We have to find fifty children who can make the token react with "white light", send them to the eldest prince's governor, and then transport them to the core of the psychic wall. If there are children with "blue light" quality, the indicator can be appropriately reduced. quantity.

These children who are destined to be "sacrificially sacrificed" have to be found among the civilians. After all, it doesn't matter whether the children of civilian families are dead or out of touch. If they really notice that something is wrong, it will be difficult for them to stir up trouble. What waves.

And just like the nobles.

The parents of the civilian children with magical potential who were searched for by Treat using tokens, when faced with Treat, behaved even more exaggeratedly than the nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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