Chapter 145 The Chosen Child

Liao Yu saw several parents kneeling down to Trite and him directly in front of their home, shouting "Executive Officer" with excitement on their faces, looking grateful, as if they had won a 500 million lottery ticket.

The surrounding neighbors also cast envious and jealous looks, and several of them were annoyed and sighed at how their children were not selected.

After all, even the nobles valued the "selection" of these civilians, even more so.

It can be regarded as one of the traditions of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

Although the magic talent of common people's children is obviously much worse than that of the previous nobles, this is normal. Except for a few true talents, most of the "white" or "blue" talents rely on acquired nutrition and education. The proportion of the decision is also very large.

But no matter how low the ratio is, the number of civilian children is much larger than that of nobles. It is not difficult to recruit fifty children, so there is room for maneuver.

Now Liao Yu and Trite stopped at the door of a civilian home. The test token showed a white halo to a little girl, indicating that it met the minimum standard of "energy".

The parents of this family were also stunned at first, and then they were so surprised that even the mother cried with joy. Judging from the appearance, the father, a carpenter, was also extremely excited, and his calloused hands were trembling.

But now, the parents' faces showed sadness, because Trite told them that the little girl had passed the test, but did she want to be selected?

Although the wealth of common people is not as good as that of nobles, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are. Taking the opportunity to extract some value from these common people is also one of the oil and water components of the "executive officer".

This "bribery" money is obviously a huge amount for this not-so-rich family, as can be seen from the clenched fists of the craftsman's father.

The youngest daughter of this family seemed to have noticed her parents' difficulties. She glanced at Trite with some fear, and then whispered to her mother: "Mom, I, I don't want to leave, I want to be with my parents. "

Unexpectedly, the mother suddenly panicked. She hurriedly glanced in the direction of Liao Yu and saw the executive officer. She thought she didn't hear him, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly took her daughter to the back room.

after that.

Although the door was closed, Liao Yu could see with a little sense that the mother inside slapped her daughter and scolded her daughter for having such thoughts with an extremely angry expression.

"Do you know how rare this opportunity is!"

"If you dare to say such stupid things in the future, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"After you enter the House of Lords, obey the adults there, study hard, and strive to become a real member of the House of Lords, do you hear me!"

Maybe she was too harsh on her daughter. The mother softened a little and comforted her:

"Nana, be obedient and stop crying. Don't blame mom for being mean to you. This opportunity is truly once in a lifetime. Nana has such potential. Mom also hopes that Nana can do better, so that we can live in a big house in the future. She can eat butter bread and toys every day, and Nana can buy whatever she wants, so be good and obedient."

"Remember, when you get out, you must not say what you just said in front of the executive officer again. Did you hear me?"

Later, the mother and daughter came out, and the father also made a decision.

They planned to sell this house in the city and replace it with a small wooden house in the suburbs. In this way, the money they squeezed out could be given to Treat so that their chosen daughter could be taken away by Treat.

As for the little girl who was obviously still aggrieved, with cry marks on her face, and reluctant to leave her parents, Trite didn't care and asked his entourage to throw her into the car.

You can see that in this big carriage, there are already more than a dozen children huddled together. Some of them may be excited or curious, but in fact most of them, after all, are young and have left their parents all at once. , most of them are just like this "Nana" who are very reluctant, scared, fearful and full of confusion.

But Treat didn't care.

For these children, it doesn't matter even if they don't want to, as long as their parents have the money, and when it comes to delivery, it obviously doesn't matter whether they want the goods or not.

Later, Cuite was still "popularizing science" with Liao Yu.

Like Nana's parents just now, there are not many people who want to give their daughter to them when selling a house.When he was an executive officer before, when he inquired about his peers, he saw the most desperate parents, who even went to the black market to find organ dealers and raised money by cutting off flesh and blood, just to send their children in.

"If these common people who sell pots and sell iron knew that these "selected" children were only used to build walls, I don't know what their expressions would be. Tsk tsk."

Trite seemed to be feeling emotional, but also seemed to feel a little sad for them.

However, while feeling emotional, Cuite still secretly glanced at Liao Yu. In fact, he had been secretly observing Liao Yu, the villain who not only robbed him, but also occupied his official position.

As a result, he found that this villain did not enjoy fame and fortune, and he did not seem to be very interested in the money and wealth he had collected. It was as if he was completely aloof from the incident, giving him the feeling of a higher-level observer?
I don't understand.

In fact, Trite thinks this kind of people are the scariest, because you don't know what they want.

But according to common sense, the most important thing for a villain should be money. It may be that the money he has now has not caught the eye of this villain.

Thinking of this, Trite had to bite the bullet and explain to Liao Yu in a low voice just in case.

"Sir, we can't take all of this money. We have to keep some of it and the goods and deliver them to the consul of the eldest prince. Only in this way can we keep our official position."

"Does the Archon still want to draw money?"

"Yes, sir, let's forget about the nobles. In fact, I can't bear to accept money from those common people, but there is no way. If we don't pay enough to the consul, we will all suffer!" Trite still has to create a kind person of his own. set up.

"So how much will the Archon take?"

"Thirty-seven points." Trite said quickly.

"Thirty percent? That much?"

Trite was sweating profusely when he heard Liao Yu's words. He quickly shrank his neck and whispered to Liao Yu, the villain: "Thirty percent belongs to us, and seventy percent belongs to the Archon."

Liao Yu was happy when he heard this.

"After you put so much effort into buying an official position, is it just to collect money for others?"

Although Trite was very dissatisfied, he still had to try his best to calm down and said: "Yes, but sir, I don't know how many people are vying for this position."

The implication of Trite's words is obviously that it is [-]% good.

Of course Liao Yu didn't come here for money.

He didn't say any more to Trite. In the carriage, somewhere where Trite couldn't see, a shadow moved somewhere. The shadow demon sent out by Liao Yu earlier had brought back the information.

Earlier, Liao Yu asked Trite to remain as is and continue to perform the official's tasks. He went around looking for children. In fact, this was just to attract attention and spread the news.

And now, Hill, who is monitoring the entire Shidian City, has found the secret teleportation array established in Shidian City.

This formation should be the way to get the eldest prince's "consul" to come and receive the goods.

He should have seen Trite collecting children here, and they were almost done. Hill just sent news that the teleportation array was fluctuating, and the consul was about to come.

Liao Yu looked up and saw the sky was already darkening.

Well, just right.

(End of this chapter)

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