Chapter 146 Sacred relics connect each of us
From Trite's popular science about himself, we can see that although the executive officer is regarded as a big shot by the nobles in the House of Commons, in reality, in the higher-power House of Lords, the executive officer is equivalent to a local wage earner.

The task of the executive officer is to collect qualified children from various places and hand over the majority of the money and water harvested.

As for the deeper secrets, they have no right to know.

They don't even know where to deliver the goods or how to find their superior, "Archon" Trite.

Because according to convention, only the Archon can contact them one-way.

Therefore, although there is only one word difference between "Consul" and "Executive Officer", their status is very different. The secret of "Wall" that Liao Yu wants to get in touch with has to be found from the Consul.

The Shadow Demon sent out by Liao Yu found the secret teleportation array in a temple in Shidian City.

Now Elena leads the team and has surrounded the place with the demons.

Luxuries like temples cannot be built in small countries or regions, so Liao Yu was rarely seen in Illinois and Syndicate before.

As one of the three major kingdoms, the Sorcerous Kingdom has built many temples for the "wisdom and harmony" destiny path it believes in. This is also common in the three major kingdoms. According to different destiny paths, there are also Glory Temple and Judgment Temple.

Now in the secret room of this temple, there is a star crystal inserted in the central teleportation circle. However, judging from the color and texture of the crystal, it is much simpler than those underground in the Syndicate Desert.

Of course, it is more than enough to maintain a teleportation circle.

Elena didn't let Elena wait too much. She saw that the crystal quickly emitted light and turned into a portal that looked like a black hole. After a few seconds, several figures walked out of the black hole. The leader among them looked like Extraordinary attention.

He was covered in armor, and even his face was completely covered by a helmet. His appearance could not be seen clearly from the outside. There was only a dark golden mask as a symbol of his status as a "consul".

In addition to the consul and the seven or eight men he brought with him, there were also several iron cages that were teleported. From the cages, you could see several children wrapped in chains and unconscious on the ground.

It seems that this consul must have just "received goods" from another city and is now coming to Shidian City to continue.

From this we can also see the basic operation of this system.

Each executive is responsible for each single city, and a region consisting of several cities is coordinated and summarized by an archon. Finally, it is the archon who sends all the sources of goods in the area to the core of the psychic wall.

Transporting goods with him seems to be a heavy load on this Archon. This is also common sense in teleportation magic. The greater the load, the more magic power is consumed.

But now the consul's condition seemed to be even worse. He was shaking a little and was forced to hold the wall with one hand.

Hill cast a questioning look at Elena at this time.

Now is undoubtedly the best opportunity for a sneak attack.

But the succubus shook her head, indicating that she was not in a hurry and continued to read more.

I could only see the bottom. After a few seconds of relief, the Archon seemed to have barely recovered.

When the followers behind him saw this, they couldn't help but stepped forward and asked with concern: "Lord Archon, it is the devouring power of the core matrix. Has it intensified again?"

The consul did not speak, but raised his hand to make a gesture to the followers. The servants understood immediately and hurriedly handed it to the consul from a box they kept close to him.

The box is also dark gold, and Elena can also feel the fluctuations of the star crystal from above.

From its material, you can tell how precious this box is, and people can't help but wonder what kind of things are inside that are worth using such precious Star Spirit Crystals to contain.

As the box opened, the consul carefully picked up his fingers and took out a strip of gold silk satin inside the box.

In fact, it cannot be called an earthworm. Although the appearance is similar, this earthworm is completely transparent, and there seems to be spiritual energy flowing from the "celestial spirit" inside. Its wriggling trunk is exuding the brilliance of spiritual energy.

It is obviously a high-level spiritual power, but it appears on this ugly earthworm-like insect. The combination of the two gives people a very strange feeling.

After taking out this precious psychic earthworm, the Archon moved quickly and quickly came to the three iron cages that he had teleported with him.

The consul later opened one of them, and the sound of the iron cage door woke up a child who was unconscious inside.

After seeing the Archon, the child showed a frightened expression. Especially when he saw the earthworm in the Archon's hand, he was even more frightened and huddled in a corner desperately.

But it was of no avail. The Archon roughly pulled him out, and with the help of his servants, he fixed the struggling child, and then aimed the twisted and wriggling psychic earthworm in his hand at the child's head. Place it on the eye socket.

The earthworm that followed seemed to have found the soil and immediately burrowed into the little boy's eyes. It did not say that it destroyed the eyeballs, but just regarded it as an entrance, the entrance closest to the brain.

After the psychic earthworm crawled all the way into the little boy's brain along the eye socket, the boy's body began to twitch violently, and his limbs twisted irregularly. After a few minutes, he calmed down.

When the boy looked up again at this time, although his appearance was the same, his eyes were empty, and he was no longer afraid of the Archon. He was like a puppet on strings.

After passing this step, it seems that the little boy has been completely transformed from a human being into an energy source.

Relying on the psychic earthworm in front, there was a vague thread between the Archon and the little boy.

"He will remember your dedication, and under the great relic, we will all unite our thoughts and become one."

The Archon seemed to be reciting a prayer.

Afterwards, it can be seen that the little boy's body begins to wither quickly like a plant, and his flesh and blood are transformed into essence.Half of these psychic powers were transferred to the Archon, and the other half seemed to have been intercepted and snatched away by another powerful being somewhere far away.

The Archons don't care, or that's just the process.

After absorbing his half of the little boy's psychic energy, the Archon recovered most of his previous sluggishness, showing an expression of intoxication and enjoyment, but also feeling a little pity for the lost other half.

He sighed, and then said to the servants: "The mother's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. If we don't satisfy her, we will become nutrients for the "wall". Then we will issue orders to the executive officers below. The amount of energy needs to be doubled.”

"Yes, my lord."

"Okay, let's get the share of Shidian City first."

The administrator and his entourage were about to walk out of the temple. Suddenly, the administrator, who had recovered his body by absorbing the spiritual energy just now, seemed to notice something.

He frowned slightly and subconsciously stopped before going out. However, the other followers who were accompanying him did not react and continued to move forward. The result was the next moment.

Poof!Poof!Poof!These servants had just taken half a step out of the temple when several thorns of shadows, camouflaged by the night, stabbed towards their chests.

Before the servants could react, a light blue barrier flashed around their bodies.

That's a psychic shield.

It's a pity that these passively triggered shields couldn't save them. In front of Hill's Shadow Thorn, the huge power gap made the psychic shield break like tissue paper at a touch.

Before they could even scream, the shadow thorn pierced their hearts, and after several "plop-plop" sounds, they fell to the soles of Hill's feet.

As for the Archon who had previously relied on his senses to escape, although he was now wearing a mask and could not see his expression clearly, it could still be seen from his nervous retreat that the current Archon was also facing a formidable enemy against Hill. , extremely horrified.

Indeed, although the servants he brought were far inferior to him, they were all fourth-level ascetics, known for their physical fitness and reflexes, and it could be seen from the psychic shield in front that they also accepted The person who has become an "earthworm" is connected to the "mother body".

Taken together, it is not difficult for these servants to fight against a fifth-level magister. But now, they were all killed in an instant by this petite-looking mysterious cloaked man in front of them?

"You are."

Before the Archon finished saying the last "who", he discovered that the mysterious man opposite him had disappeared. The hairs all over his body suddenly stood up. He had concentrated all his attention just now, but in the end he failed to catch the other party's movements.

By the time he realized that he needed to defend himself, it was already too late. Hill had already appeared behind him, and a shadow sickle swung down directly towards his neck from the side.


The Shadow Scythe directly ignored the consul's sophisticated armor. When it touched the armor, the scythe was in a "shadow" state. After passing through the armor, it instantly transformed from "shadow" into a physical entity. This is Hill's shadow power.

Although the armor could not stop the Shadow Scythe, the same psychic shield still erupted from the Archon's body.

The psychic shield belonging to the Archon is obviously much stronger than the servants in front.

Even Hill's full blow was slowed down by a full 0.35 seconds before it penetrated the psychic shield and tore the Archon's body apart.

Hill had no intention of surviving.

Because Liao Yu gave them the order to kill them directly.

Things like torture are not necessary for Liao Yu. Just bring the corpse over and use the "Dead Dialogue" of the evil demon tribe.

After Liao Yu relied on the "experience baby" of the Seventh Prince to reach the seventh level, many spells that could not be cast before were unlocked, including the spells of the evil demon clan.

Although evil spirits are very hateful, Liao Yu has to admit that some of the magic spells are really useful. Other demons cannot learn them due to racial issues. For Liao Yu who has a "Devil King" destiny, let alone evil magic spells, Guanghui He can still learn the technique without worrying about its impact.

With a stabbing blow from the level 90 apostle, the Archon was undoubtedly killed on the spot.


Just when Hill thought the mission was over, the Archon's body in the pool of blood actually started to squirm, and his dark golden mask flashed with psychic energy fluctuations. The faint thin line began to give the Archon The organ transports energy.

The injuries on the Archon's body were quickly repaired, and the vitality that had been completely lost has now returned quickly.

Hill frowned slightly. Of course she would not just do it. Without giving the Archon a chance to "resurrection", Hill immediately made a last strike. This time, he did not use a sickle, but turned his shadow into a giant palm, pointing downwards. The consul just slapped him down.

This shot, unlike the Shadow Scythe just now, only damaged the vital points, but completely turned the Archon's body into mud.

Just when Hill thought there should be no problem.

"Haha. It's useless. The infidels can't kill us." The intermittent voice still came from the armor.

If the little boy before was a puppet, then the same is true for the current Archon.

They are all connected by "lines".

As long as the line continues.
"We have dedicated our souls to the relics. The sacred relics connect each of us. We are a whole. The mother body will continuously send power to me. We have long been integrated into one, and we will live forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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